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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 138

Generally speaking, if a servant is summoned continuously, it will not retain the memory of the previous summons. But Artoria is a little different. She cannot be said to be a true Servant, so she retains the memory of the previous Holy Grail War.

Therefore, the moment she was summoned, she knew the identity of her master—the [child] of her master ten years ago, a successor machine with the same specifications as Irisviel.

“Will this girl eventually follow in your footsteps? Irisviel.”

Recalling the scene when she finally parted with Irisviel ten years ago, Artoria clenched her hands slightly.


“Dong dong dong~~~”

A knock on the door came from outside.

“Are you awake? Miss Saber, I am Berserker. Breakfast is ready. Please come down and eat.”


Standing up from the floor, manifesting her armor and entering a battle-ready state, Arturia came to the door and opened it. The first thing that came into view was Alexia’s face looking at her with a smile.

“I don’t need to eat, berserker. But I appreciate the offer.”

“You can’t skip eating, Saber.”

The voice of Shajo Ai Ge came from behind Ixia.

With half of his head stretched out, Shajo Aige smiled and waved his right hand engraved with a command spell: “If you don’t want to eat, then I will use a command spell to force you to eat.”


“In addition, the prince and I have something to discuss with you – about the Holy Grail War.”

Something to do with the Holy Grail War?

Artoria frowned, then nodded: “I understand…Master.”

“That’s good. An obedient Saber is the best. I like an obedient Saber very much.”

“Don’t talk about Miss Saber like a pet, Miss Aige.” Alexia persuaded, “Then let’s go down first. You should come down quickly, Miss Saber.”


After watching Alexia and Sajo Aige leave from the corridor and go down to the second floor, Artoria returned to the house, stood by the window and continued to look at Illya for a while, then turned around and prepared to go to the restaurant——

[Yes, yes, I forgot to mention it, Saber. Don’t wear armor at the dinner table. There are casual clothes in the closet, so remember to change them. 】

The voice of Shatiao’s love song suddenly sounded in his mind.

Servants and Masters can communicate through thoughts from a distance.


Looking at the wardrobe in the room, Artoria stepped forward and opened the door. What came into view were several very simple home clothes. Judging from the size, they should have belonged to Sajo Aige himself.

To be honest, Shajo Aige and Artoria are both about the same size and height, so there is no problem in wearing them.


(Do you want to disarm in front of Berserker… Now we can call him a companion, so it shouldn’t matter.)

Taking out a set of clothes from the closet, Arturia hesitated for a moment and then removed the armor. At the same time, she took off the blue dress and put on the clothes in her hands.

(It really fits well.)

Arturia looked in the mirror to make sure there was no problem with her clothing. After all, she was also the former King of Britain. When meeting important guests, she must look well and dress appropriately… .Artoria still has such habits.

“Well, no problem.”

After confirming that everything was correct, Artoria left the room and soon arrived at the restaurant on the first floor.

When Alexia, who was already sitting at the dining table, saw her coming down, she pointed to the seat next to her and motioned for Artoria to sit over.

“excuse me.”

After gathering her skirt and sitting next to Alexia, Arturia first took a sip of the coffee brewed by Sajo Aige: “So, what are you going to say? Berserker, Master.”

“Let’s get straight to the point right from the beginning. Saber is really impatient.”

As Sajo Aige spoke, she fed Aikesia a piece of fruit.

“Actually, what I want to say is very simple – Your Majesty the Prince and I are planning to destroy the Holy Grail War from beginning to end, but our manpower alone may be somewhat insufficient, so I hope you, Saber, can assist us.”


Arturia was stunned for a moment.

Destroy the Holy Grail War?


“Are you surprised? In fact, I am too.” Shajo Aige said with a smile, “When the prince explained this decision to me yesterday, I was also shocked. But since this is the prince’s decision, then I can The only thing we can do is to fully support the prince.”

“So, the prince and I will completely destroy the Holy Grail War. Can you please help us? Saber.”

30.You call this voluntary?

Destroy the Holy Grail War.

Artoria had never thought that anyone would have such an idea, not even a participant in the Holy Grail War.

“…Can you tell me the reason?”

After thinking for a while, Arturia asked.

It is impossible for these two people to want to destroy the Holy Grail for no reason. There must be some reason for this.

“Let me explain.” Ixia said, “Let’s start with my situation – for some reasons, I need an external device that can store a large amount of magic power, and the Holy Grail… In other words, the Great Holy Grail is a good target, so I answered the call and participated in the Holy Grail War.”

This is Exia’s purpose.

“But I am no longer prepared to achieve this goal through the Holy Grail War.”


“Because of the nature of the Holy Grail War.”

Artoria was stunned by Exia’s answer – what is the nature of the Holy Grail War? A large magical ceremony? A war for the Holy Grail?

No, neither.

The essence of the Holy Grail War is a complete fraud.

The function of the Holy Grail is deceptive, the existence of the Holy Grail is deceptive, and the purpose of the ritual is deceptive… From the moment the Holy Grail War was created, all magicians and All the followers were deceived.

“Do you want to destroy the Holy Grail War because you were deceived?”

“That’s part of the reason… It’s more for your original master – I heard Miss Aige say it, you should also know it, right? The function and effect of the Little Holy Grail, and how it will definitely arrive in the end ending.”


The Small Holy Grail is a device used to store the magic power and soul of a defeated Servant. It needs to withstand countless magical processes since birth and is born as a natural container.

Then, as the Holy Grail War progresses, the more Servants are defeated and die, the greater the burden placed on the Little Holy Grail.

To put it more simply, every time he absorbs a servant, the Little Holy Grail’s body will be filled with pain like a raging typhoon. In order to alleviate this pain, the personality function of the Little Holy Grail will be gradually shut down until the body finally burns to ashes and becomes a real [Holy Grail].

In other words – Illya will die.

Will definitely die.

“All lives have value, but that value is not a value defined or established by people, but a value that people live by their own will and realize with their own actions.” Aixia said, “Even if It was a Little Holy Grail that was created and had a fixed destiny, and I don’t think she should die as a Little Holy Grail.”

If this was Illya’s own will, then Exia wouldn’t say anything, but this is obviously not the case. It was the Einzbern people who instilled this will into Illya, who had no complete personality.

This is like giving a gun to a four or five-year-old child, letting him play with it as a toy, and telling him that this is right.

This is undoubtedly [evil].

“…Do you want to save your master…save Illya?” Arturia asked, “Isn’t it your master who made Illya fall into a state of half-death? berserker.”

“I just don’t want to see anyone die in vain. It doesn’t matter if I’m nosy or unnecessary. As for turning Illya into that… Miss Aige.”

“I have no real intention to kill Miss Illya.”

Shatiao Aige smiled.

“Because she will die even if we leave her alone, so I won’t do anything. I only turned her into that to facilitate research. After all, I originally wanted to use Miss Illya to deduce Einz in reverse. Belen’s technology was used to make myself into the new Great Holy Grail.”


Artoria was once again in shock—Sajou Aige wanted to become the Great Holy Grail?

“Well…actually, to be more precise, it is to replace the will in the Great Holy Grail, and replace the entire body of the Great Holy Grail with my existence, so that I can always be with the prince.”

“But I don’t allow her to do this.” Aixia added, “I am very grateful that Miss Ai Ge is willing to make such a big sacrifice for me, but I don’t want to see her do this. If this is the power that can be obtained, then I’d rather not.”

“That’s it.”

Shajo Aige smiled and spread her hands: “The prince has quite a lot of requirements, but I also like this kind of prince – therefore, [I don’t want] Miss Illya’s death to be in vain], [I don’t want me to Become the Great Holy Grail].”

“Since the prince has these two needs, the prince and I made the decision to completely destroy the Holy Grail War.”

Not to end the Holy Grail War, but to destroy the Holy Grail War, and completely destroy the Great Holy Grail Technique as its core! Eliminate the possibility of the Holy Grail War being held again in the future!

“For this, there are several conditions that need to be met, and the most important one is to [defeat all the servants].”

The only people who know the nature of the Holy Grail War are the three people sitting here now. The other Servants and Masters do not yet know the nature of the Holy Grail War and the Holy Grail. Therefore, if the Great Holy Grail is to be destroyed, the battle with other Servants should be inevitable.

Therefore, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, it is better to defeat all other servants first.

“Wait a minute, wouldn’t Illya be able to–“

Arturia questioned.

Defeating the Servant will increase Illya’s burden, which is contrary to the purpose of saving Illya that Exiya said at the beginning.

“Don’t worry, we have taken this into consideration. Don’t worry about Miss Illya’s situation. Her function as the Little Holy Grail will be released or sealed by Miss Aige later.”

With Shajo Aige’s magic skills, this kind of thing is completely possible, it just takes a little more time.

As long as the Little Holy Grail loses its effect, the souls and magic power of the defeated servants will not be captured by the Little Holy Grail, but will automatically return to the Throne of Heroes.

“But it’s still very difficult for me to deal with the remaining five Cavalry Servants in a row by myself, so I hope Miss Saber can provide assistance. You only need to help me deal with any two Cavalry.”

“…If I say I refuse, what are you going to do?”

Arturia asked.

“I am also a servant who has a need for the Holy Grail. I will assist you in destroying the Holy Grail War. I -“

“Did you forget the command spell, Saber?” Sajo Aige raised her right hand, “Of course we thought about the situation where you would refuse – but the prince said that he didn’t want to use force right away. Instead, I hope I can have a good talk with you, explain all the circumstances and reasons to you, and ask you to voluntarily provide assistance.”

“The Command Seal is just a coercive means to make you [voluntary] when you refuse. If you refuse, Saber, I will use the Command Seal here.”


It’s really respectful enough to [volunteer].

Arturia was silent for a long time, then stood up: “I need to think about it, and I will give you an answer before noon. Farewell.”

“no problem.”

Looking at Artoria who left the table and walked to the second floor, Alexia couldn’t help but sigh: “I hope she can agree.”

“It’s useless not to agree, I will make her agree – by the way, Mr. Prince, can you still eat it?” Shajo Aige asked with a smile.

“I can still eat it, what’s wrong?”

“Saber’s share, please use it.”

Shajo Aige pushed Artoria’s untouched breakfast in front of Alexia – plus what he had on hand, it was enough for almost eight people!


“Come, Prince, let me feed you, ah~~~~”

“I can eat it myself!”

31.Don’t tell the prince

Returning to her and Illya’s room, Arturia sat on the floor.

His holy green eyes stared at the little girl on the bed, and Irisviel’s figure kept appearing in his mind.

“I…what should I do now?”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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