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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 139

Arturia was a little confused.

She thinks Alexia’s idea is right. Not wanting to see people die in vain and wanting to save someone who is destined to die is really full of a sense of justice. As a knight, Arturia truly believes that Exia’s words and deeds are upright.

But, she also needs the Holy Grail.

Even if she already knows the truth about the Holy Grail, she needs to admit all at once that she has done a lot of useless work and accept the reality that she may not be able to save her motherland…

“What would you say to me at this time, Merlin.”

Subconsciously, Artoria thought of the flower magician who had always been with her.

If it were him, he should have pointed out a clear path for her at this time, just like he had guided her forward countless times.

Of course, no matter how Arturia calls, the magician will never appear in front of her again. He left her before the expedition to Rome.


In the end, all Arturia could do was to close her eyes and begin to meditate wholeheartedly. After all, only after she completely calmed down could she make the most appropriate judgment.


“I’m coming in, Saber.”

The sound of Shatiao’s love song that sounded from outside the door directly destroyed her meditative state.

After standing up and turning to look at Sajo Aige who walked in, Artoria asked: “Is there anything else? Master.”

“Well… I guess. I originally had something I wanted to tell you, and there’s nothing going on with Mr. Prince right now, so I wanted to explain it to you as soon as possible.” Shajo Aige said as he spoke. Coming to Illya’s side, “What I just said, there is actually one thing I haven’t said yet – about rescuing Miss Illya.”


Artoria frowned: “Yes…is there any other reason?”

“Actually, I was asked to do so – yesterday, I didn’t see the place where the Holy Grail descended ten years ago at the Civic Hall, but the prince seemed to have seen it.”

“——Irisviel’s remaining thoughts, or the remaining soul.”


Artoria suddenly showed an expression of incredible shock!


“How is this possible? Irisviel should have already——”

“Yes, she should have died a long time ago. But it should be said that her will before death was too strong, or the function of the Little Holy Grail caused some accidents. In short, her remaining thoughts are left in the Citizen’s Hall now.”

It is the so-called earth-bound spirit.

“And the remaining thoughts of Irisviel asked the prince to [save her child] – I think this is the reason why the prince decided to save Miss Illya.”

“…Is that so?”

Artoria whispered.

(Irisviel, you are still there…you are still there ten years later…)

Recalling her interactions with Irisviel during the Holy Grail War ten years ago, Artoria pursed her lips and said, “You once said that you are omniscient and omnipotent, Master, so please tell me one thing.”

“Your wish will not come true.”

Sajo Aige did not give Artoria a chance to ask the question, but directly gave the answer: “Britain will not come to an end in a better way. The ending you created was already beyond what could have been achieved at that time. After all, every action you take is correct, and all correctness will lead to the best ending.”


Arturia was silent.

Is that ending actually the best? That way… Camelot, which was destroyed in the civil war, and Britain, which was destroyed in the civil war, are actually the best endings?


Clenching her teeth, Artoria tried to calm herself down.

And after about half a minute passed like this——

“I understand, Master.”

Looking at Sajo Aige with a calm face, Artoria lowered her head slightly: “Since the current situation is like this, then I will provide assistance to help destroy the Holy Grail War.”

“Well, it’s great that you’re so easy to talk to, Saber.” Sajo Aige touched her command spell, “Then, it’s my turn next. Regarding what I want to do in the future, Saber, you must Keep it a secret from me—if you can’t do it, I’ll use the Command Seal to shut you up.”

“…What do you want to do, Master?”

“Become the Great Holy Grail.”

Shatiao Aige smiled.

“Although the prince said that he doesn’t want me to do this, and I don’t want to do anything against the prince’s wishes. But if you want to realize the prince’s wish and want to be with the prince forever, there is only this way. It’s over.”

Sajo Aige doesn’t want to betray Alexia, but rather than causing Alexia’s temporary unhappiness, she still wants to be with Alexia forever.

Become the Great Holy Grail, possess all the magic power of the Great Holy Grail, and become the second source of magic power that Exia needs – as long as you do this, Sandjo Aige can truly accompany Exia forever.

And in order to do this——

“Move Miss Illya, Saber, I want to take her to my magic workshop.”

“do what?”

“Research.” Sajo Aige explained, “It is not only to disable the function of the Small Holy Grail in her body, but also to conduct research on how to make me the Great Holy Grail. We must first start with how to replace the Great Holy Grail. For this, we need to Thoroughly research and analyze the magic circuits throughout Ilia’s body—this is something that cannot be known to the prince, so I can only leave it to you.”

Shajo Aige didn’t want to lie in front of Alexia.

“……I see.”

“It’s been a big help.”

Looking at Artoria who bent down to pick up Illya, Sajo Aige smiled slightly: “By the way, since I will probably be in the workshop all the time in the future, I will talk to you Saber now – —Starting from tonight, you and the Prince will deal with one servant every night.”

“The first is Archer, the Mesopotamian goddess of Venus, Ishtar.”

32. Ishtar’s Disdain

That night.

Tohsaka family.

“What a joke!”

In the living room, looking at a box of gems placed in front of him, Ishtar’s eyes burst with anger: “Use such cheap goods to deal with this goddess! I don’t know that etiquette has its limits! Do you want to die, human being? “

“Yes! I’m really sorry, Goddess Ishtar.”

In front of her, Tokiomi Tosaka, the head of the family, was now like a servant, lowering his head in extremely humble manner.

“However, this is all the gems that can be collected in one day. Higher quality gems, no matter how fast, will have to be collected tomorrow -“

“It’s you who made the request!”

Ishtar interrupted Tohsaka Tokiomi’s defense angrily.

“I have given you enough understanding and tolerance. Don’t take my kindness and consideration for granted.”

“Yes! Of course I know this!”

Tosaka Tokiomi responded bitterly.

(As expected…why do we, the Tohsaka family, always summon such hard-to-control servants?)

Regarding Ishtar’s current reaction, Tokiomi Tohsaka could not say that he had not expected it. After all, he had already expected this reaction when he received the batch of gems on the table today.

The cause of the matter is that last night, Tohsaka Rin, who was possessed by the goddess servant, felt that letting Ishtar use his body all the time was not an option, so he hoped that his father could prepare a batch of gems for him as a one-time use. Ammunition is used to replace the magic power Ishtar needs for normal battles.

Even though Tohsaka Rin’s talent is considered a genius for a magician, it is impossible for him to withstand the goddess’s mischief. As for her master’s small request, Ishtar was not incapable of understanding it. It was not easy for her to appear in the world for once, and she didn’t want to not have enough fun because of her poor health.

Besides, she also likes gems, and she can do a lot of interesting tricks using gems as ammunition.

But the gems prepared by Tokiomi Tosaka were all defective!

No, it cannot be said to be defective. According to modern standards, the quality of each gemstone is already very good, and there are several gems of the highest quality that Tosaka Tokiomi has collected for decades.

But those few pieces are all that Ishtar likes. In her eyes, everything else is inferior and worthless!

And for her, a goddess, to fight with inferior pebbles – it’s a shame Tokiomi Tokiomi and Rin Tohsaka can do it!

She is a real deity, the goddess of Venus in Sumerian mythology, the mistress of the sky!

If it weren’t for the fact that he was currently under someone else’s roof, and the Master consciousness in his body could threaten him with command spells at any time, Ishtar would have blown away the Tohsaka family!

Picking up a few pieces of Tokiomi Tokiomi’s collection from the gem box, Ishtar tossed them a few times: “These few pieces are pretty decent, throw away all the others, and bring me a batch of better quality ones!” “

“Follow your orders. I will urge the merchants to deliver the goods as soon as possible.”

That’s what I say, but according to Tosaka Tokiomi’s experience, if you want to give out gems that meet Ishtar’s standards, even if you scatter all the Tosaka family’s money, you may not be able to collect too much, and it won’t arrive until tomorrow. The quality of that batch was just better than the current ones, and it couldn’t be compared to the few Ishtar has in his hands now.

If this continues, even if Rin Tosaka can win the Holy Grail War in the end, the Tosaka family will be severely damaged after the war, and it will take who knows how many years to recover. As for Tohsaka Rin, who is the object of possession, due to Ishtar’s chaos, the magic circuit will inevitably be severely and irreversibly damaged. If it is not done correctly, it may lose its original talent, and the Tosaka family will fall. Go down.

(Is this a destined disaster for my Tohsaka family…)

Tokiomi Tosaka sighed bitterly in his heart.

“I’m sorry, Father.”

Ishtar – no, it should be said Tohsaka Rin – Tohsaka Rin, who had been changed back at some point, looked at his father apologetically: “Because my suggestion embarrassed you… .”

“It doesn’t matter, as long as you can win the Holy Grail War in the end, then all the efforts will be worth it.” Tohsaka Tokiomi said, “You can use the gems as you like. Although the goddess doesn’t like it, you can use it for self-protection. It should be enough.”

“Yes. Thank you father.”

Putting away a box of gems on the table, Tohsaka Rin felt a little uncontrollably excited.

Due to its own characteristics, gem magic is actually a fairly expensive magic, and the power and effect of the magic are basically closely related to the quality of the gems. However, high-quality gems are extremely expensive and basically have no market price.

Normally Tohsaka Rin would feel extremely distressed when using a small magic trick. After all, using it once would be like throwing away a gem, and she didn’t have that much pocket money!

But now, she is sitting on a whole box of gems!

Even if the goddess doesn’t like any of it, it is a huge wealth to her! She has never fought such a rich battle!

(If there are so many gems…even if the quality is poor, using several of them together should be able to cause a certain degree of damage to the servants. If that doesn’t work, you can also use great magic to restrict the actions of the servants.)

If she met a Servant before, Tohsaka Rin could only let Ishtar take over her body, but now that she has so many gems, she has a certain level of combat effectiveness, so she doesn’t have to be too passive when facing Servants. .

“Then father, I-“


Just when Tohsaka Rin was about to say something, the sound of something being blown away and smashed suddenly rang out from outside the window! And then, a feeling of something being touched appeared in the hearts of Tokiomi Tokiomi and Rin Tosaka at the same time!

(The barrier was triggered?)


As a magic family, it is impossible for the Tohsaka family to do nothing to the mansion where they live. In addition, it is during the Holy Grail War, so several layers of alarm barriers and special effects on spirits have been deployed around the mansion. For the enchantment, more than a dozen gems were used.

But now, all the barriers have been destroyed in one breath!

He immediately stood up and came to the window, glanced at the front door where the sound came from, Tosaka Rin pursed his lips and said: “Father, please leave through the back door now and go directly to Chancheng’s hometown – leave it to me to handle it. .”


“Yeah. And there are two.”

Looking at the two figures vaguely visible in the dark night outside the window, Tohsaka Rin’s hands trembled uncontrollably. After hearing what his daughter said, Tokiomi Tosaka was silent for a while, and then sighed helplessly.

“I see.”

In the battle between servants, the magician is of no use, especially a pure magician like him. It is impossible for him to stay to help Tohsaka Rin. If there is a master, then it is okay, but Two mounted servants… This is no longer a situation that a magician can get involved in.

Next, I can only leave it to Tohsaka Rin to handle.

33.Who told you not to fly?

At the same time, in front of Tohsaka’s house.

Looking at the door in front of her that had been kicked open by her own kick, Alexia retracted her kick and said with some hindsight: “Uh… isn’t this a bit rude? Miss Saber.”

“But you’ve already done it, berserker.”

Arturia said as she stepped through the door that was kicked out.

Now the two of them came to deal with Archer Ishtar, a servant of the Tohsaka family, according to Sajo Aika’s instructions.

Although Assassin is the weakest in terms of power, if Archer leaves it alone, the degree of integration between her and the Master will be higher, and the power she can exert will be higher. Very troublesome.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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