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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 14

Ais took a step forward – now that Alexia was getting tired, there was no need to continue fighting Goliath. It would still be difficult to kill Goliath with bare hands.

But Finn stopped her: “No, not yet, I think he is enjoying it.”

“enjoying the moment?”

“After all, it’s hard to find a hard-hitting stake like Goliath, isn’t it?”

The only way to increase your ability value is by fighting, defeating powerful monsters, or engaging in long-term battles. Both of these methods can quickly increase your ability value. For Exia, Goliath is an excellent sparring partner that can satisfy both conditions at the same time.

He won’t stop until he brushes up enough ability points on it.

As the person involved, he could clearly feel that even though his speed and strength had dropped somewhat, his overall abilities had definitely increased a lot compared to when he first started fighting Goliath!

(It’s not enough, I have to continue to improve… I have to improve on it until I can’t improve anymore——)

At this moment, there was only one thought in Exia’s mind.

Dodging Goliath’s attacks can improve dexterity and agility, withstanding its impact can improve durability, and hitting it with fists and feet can improve strength…

“I’m completely immersed in it.” Tiona looked at Exia with a smile on her face, “Although our family did treat Goliath as experience points when we met during the expedition, but a person Just go and do it alone…I almost want to say he is crazy.”

“But in your Amazon terms, a lunatic like him should be a pretty handsome type, right?”


Amazons like strong warriors, so she appreciates and likes Exia’s crazy behavior.


Goliath’s heavy punch shattered the ground again, and the burst of impact and storm instantly knocked Exia away, who was just around the corner!

Quickly removing the impact force exerted on her whole body, and adjusting her body to fall back to the ground safely, Alexia gasped rapidly: “Huha… Huha… .Huh~~~~~It’s really durable.”

The decline in strength and speed is inevitably accompanied by the loss of physical strength. If it must be said, it should be the loss of physical strength that leads to the decrease in strength and speed. In order to make up for the lack of strength and speed, more physical strength is needed. , accelerating the loss of physical strength.

This is an endless loop.

(I can’t drag it on any longer. If I drag it on any longer, it will be beyond my grasp… However, I have figured out the location of the magic stone. It’s almost time to give it a fatal blow, right?)

Looking at the disgraced Goliath whose whole body was covered with his own fist marks, Exia took a deep breath, opened her fists and feet, and showed the starting position of Cunxin Fist——


The bruised Goliath let out a desperate roar, and his huge body suddenly jumped high, and the shadow cast down instantly covered the location of Exia! And then it fell straight down like a meteorite!

It’s like a crushing blow from Mount Tai!

(Escape…well, it should be too late, but——)

Staring at the fallen giant, Exia did not move, but instead pulled her fist hard behind her.

The Cunxin Fist is modified from the Taixu Sword Form. Generally speaking, there is not much difference between the Fist and the Sword Form, but compared to the Twenty-One Sword Form, the Cunxin Fist has one or two more moves.

In order to make up for the most intuitive power gap between swords and boxing.

“Cun Jin…”

(When using this move, remember, Alexia, the fist should be punched out as if it has penetrated the opponent’s body.)

The master’s teachings echoed in his mind.

Ixia smiled and stared at the center line of the falling Goliath’s body. The moment it entered the distance that she could reach——

“——Open the sky!”

The purest punch among the Cunxin boxing techniques.

Concentrate all the strength of your body into your fists and unleash all your power in one strike!

The skill lives up to its name.

A punch that can be used to [open the sky] after mastering it – although Exia is still far from being able to do this.


The slender fist was indeed embedded in Goliath’s chest, and the impact of Exiya’s full strength was poured into Goliath’s body with this punch. The magic stone that was just in front of it was not there. I accepted the blow completely without any protection!

Originally, the magic stone had endured a lot of impact and dark energy from Exia’s countless punches, but now it was directly bearing this punch again——


A small broken sound sounded within Goliath’s body. As the magic stone shattered, Goliath’s huge body exploded on the spot without any delay! In the blink of an eye, it turned into a black mist and dissipated in the empty hall!

“Brush la la la!”

Fragments of the magic stone fell from the air in scattered pieces, like a crystal rain falling around Exia.

Standing in the distance and watching this scene, Ais couldn’t help but softly said: “Knocked down…”

With a level of lv.1, he defeated the lv.4 floor master.

Something that has never happened in Orario for thousands of years happened today.


As if stretching her body, Alexia pulled her arm hard and turned to look at the three Finns behind her: “Okay, I’ve solved it, captain.”

His tone was as relaxed as if he had knocked down a Minotaur.

Tiona quickly shouted: “No, no, no~~~ This is not something that can be solved with just “Okay, I’ve solved it”, right? Why don’t you look nervous at all?”

“I just defeated a Goliath. Do you need any tension?”

“But you are lv.1!!!!”

Tiona shouted loudly!

“Do you know how outrageous this is? Even if you told me that Orario would show up with dozens of lv. So conscious!”


Seeing Tiona’s huge reaction, Alexia couldn’t help but look at Finn and Ace: “Have I done something that requires such surprise? It’s just a Goliath, and the three of them can easily defeat it.” Bar?”

Finn said seriously: “But we are not you. At least when we were at level 1, fighting Goliath was unthinkable.”


Aisi did not speak, but stared straight at Alexia, as if she wanted to see through all the secrets in him. The intense look and gaze made Alexia tremble a few times.

(It needs to be such a surprising thing… In my opinion, it’s just a fight with tank-level Honkaimon, and it’s not even as good as tank-level Honkaimon.)

“But no matter what, it’s a good thing to win. After such an exercise, I can’t imagine how much your abilities will improve – that’s it for today. Let’s return to the family first.”

“Eh? Are you leaving now?”

Alexia frowned. “Didn’t you say you were going to stay all day?”

Finn pointed to a pile of scrap metal pieces next to him: “All your weapons and equipment are broken. I can’t go back and prepare a new one for you. What’s more, since you can defeat Goliath, then It means that your power is no different from lv.4, and it is not suitable to continue to stay at the upper level.”

“If the difference in strength is too big, the ability points obtained will be greatly reduced because there will be no training.” Tiona said with a smile, “I said to the captain, how about we take Aixia with us on the next expedition? ?”

Finn pondered for a while: “Well… I’ll discuss it with the others after we go back. Let’s go back now.”


25. Deja vu eyes

It didn’t take much time to get from the 18th floor to the surface, because they didn’t want to get entangled with the monsters on the road, so it only took about an hour for the group of four to arrive on the surface.

Judging by the height of the sun, the time seems to be around noon.

“In the end, I only stayed in there for a long time~~~~~ Well, but in just this half a day, Ixia’s improvement has already surpassed that of others for several years, right?”

“You think highly of me, Senior Tiona.” Alexia smiled, “I’m just better at basics than ordinary adventurers. If I were on the same level as other adventurers, my progress would be It’s definitely not that fast.”

“Okay, okay! Don’t be too modest!”

Tiona [Bah bang bang! ] patted Alexia on the back: “You have done something unprecedented and unprecedented. It would be too artificial to be so modest any more. Give me a little more pride and confidence!”

“Tiona is right. Although you are still only level 1, in our opinion, Exia, you are already one of the most powerful adventurers in Oraline. You can be proud of this.” Finn was also encouraged.

You must know that in Orario, although there are many adventurers, lv.1 adventurers account for the vast majority. Some adventurers even remain at lv.1 throughout their lives, while lv.2 and lv.3 It is enough to serve as the main force or even the leader in some small and medium-sized families.

Therefore, an adventurer like Ixia who can defeat Goliath single-handedly, regardless of level, is definitely considered a top-ranked adventurer in Orario. There are only a few first-level adventurers in the Loki Familia who can do this. Ranked above him.

“You are very powerful, you can be more confident.”

Even Aiz, who had always been taciturn, smiled and said to Alexia.

When the three people said this, Exia was really embarrassed to express her inner thoughts, so she could only laugh in agreement.

(I can’t say it. I’m used to dealing with such words in mock battles… And if it were Bianca, she could probably be killed with one punch, right? I’m really still far away.)

If she wants to catch up with her childhood sweetheart, Alexia still has a long way to go.


At this moment, a somewhat inappropriate voice came out.

Tiona quickly covered her stomach: “Hey, hey, I’m hungry.”

“Yes, we have been in the dungeon all morning. Although we didn’t fight much, our physical strength was exhausted – okay, let’s go have lunch.” Finn said, “But before that, let’s go get these things.” Change the magic stone to Wallis.”

Of course what Finn was talking about was the bag of magic stones he was carrying, all of which belonged to the Minotaur who was defeated by Exia. Unfortunately, Goliath’s magic stones were shattered on the ground, and there was no value in bringing them back. Otherwise, you can exchange it for a lot of money when you bring it back.


The restaurant Finn was talking about was a place called [The Hostess of Bountiful].

As a restaurant, there is nothing special. The decoration is quite simple. It is incomparable to the oversized restaurant of the Loki family. It is just a restaurant made of wood and bricks.

“Oh? Aren’t these everyone from the Loki Familia, meow?”

As soon as she entered the door, Alexia heard such a strange greeting.

The speaker was a girl dressed as a waiter, giving a very energetic impression. What caught the eye was the pair of small animal ears on her head – should I say cat ears?

(Cat person?)

Although I have already learned that there are various races of orcs in this world, and I have seen other members of the Loki Familia who are also orcs, this is the first time I have seen the cat-person girl Exia.

“Are you coming to dine too today? Are there just four of you?”

“Well, give us a seat.”

“Understanding meow!”

Under the leadership of the cat girl, the four of them finally sat at a table near the corner. After Finn finished ordering, Alexia, who had been watching, asked: “Captain, you seem to be the same as here.” Are you familiar with the waiter? Do you come here often?”

“That’s right. After all, things like today happen often. I come here when I don’t have time to go back to the family members for dinner. The taste is good and the price is fair. Especially after the expedition is over, because the expedition will take away most of the people and go back. Sometimes I just solve it outside to save time.”

In other words, the Loki Familia are regular guests here.

Alexia continued to look at other people in the restaurant—to be precise, at the waiters walking back and forth among the crowd.

(The waiters here…)

Although not as powerful as the master, Alexia’s eyesight is still a bit good. He can vaguely see that the waiters in this store all have a certain degree of fighting ability and are not weak girls with no strength.

It is simply a small family.

“Ah? Alexia, are you peeking at the waiter?”

Noticing the look in Alexia’s eyes, Tiona immediately came over with a wicked smile and grabbed his neck: “Is it possible that you have fallen in love with someone?”

”No, not really. What’s more, this is my first time here, and I haven’t fallen in love with anyone so quickly, right? ’

“That’s how we at Amazon are. If you like any man, you take him back and eat him!”

(Cannibals? You guys!)

Alexia sighed: “That’s you, Miss Tiona. I still have basic self-control – besides, to say the least, I have no intention of falling in love with anyone else now.”

“Oh haha? Does this mean you already have someone you like?” Tiona’s eyes suddenly turned sharp, “Tell me more in detail? Could it be our Aisi? Or is it someone from our family? Human? It may not be you——”


Finn suddenly interrupted Tiona’s questioning: “Don’t tell Alexia’s secret here.”

“Ah…uh…that’s right.”

Exia is a person from another world – only a few first-level adventurers in Loki’s family know about this, and Loki has given them a hush-hush order, and no one is allowed to tell anyone about it.

If you let it out, you know what other family members will do.

“Be careful in the future, Tiona.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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