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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 140

Therefore, it must be resolved as a top priority.

Of course, there was no need to worry about what happened after Archer was solved. A whole day had passed since then, and Sandjo Aige had completed the magic ritual of sealing the function of the Little Holy Grail before dinner.

Now after Ishtar is defeated, he will directly return to the Throne of Heroes and will not be detained.

“Besides, you don’t need to use honorifics to me, berserker.” Artoria added, “Although we were enemies once, we are now companions, so using honorifics is a bit too harsh.”

“Is it okay to just call you Saber?”

“Yes, just like I call you berserker.”

In other words, it can be more natural.

Alexia relaxed slightly: “I know, Saber – but one thing is that facing a serious knight king like you, it is really uncomfortable to use honorifics.”

“Is it……”

After Exia said this, Arturia also began to reflect. Because she was the king during her lifetime, it was normal for other people to say honorifics to her, so she did not consider the impact of her words and deeds on other people. Impact.

But now she is no longer the king.

(Should I be more casual from now on?)

Arturia thought so.

At the same time, looking at the Tosaka residence where no one appeared or came out, Ixia frowned: “No one came out, did we miss it? Archer and her master are not at home. ?”

“I think he is hiding it. The information given by the Master will not be wrong – just break in?”

Arturia grasped the invisible sword, ready to attack at any time.

But Alexia shook her head and pulled her back: “It’s better for me to do it. This is the enemy’s base camp after all. If you break in directly, there might be a trap. It’s better to force her out from the outside.”

“Forcing him out, how to do it?”

“Of course you do.”

As Exia spoke, she raised her right hand and grasped a giant sword of ice out of thin air. At the same time, the Sekiryuutei’s cage hand appeared on her left hand.



There is no need to accumulate too much power, four times the normal power is enough.

Before coming, Alexia had received definite news from Sajo Aige – there would not be any ordinary people around the Tohsaka house tonight, and there would be no man’s land within a radius of 300 meters.

(With this range, you don’t have to worry about the impact.)

Alexia took a breath, raised the ice sword high, and then slashed it down with all her strength!

——[Sword of Oath to Save the World (messiah·kaslana)]!


The impact of ice suddenly burst out from the ice sword! Like a cathartic torrent of frost, it rushed straight towards Tohsaka House with an overwhelming momentum that would crush everything! The spreading extreme cold storm caused the surrounding temperature to drop a lot in an instant, and a thick layer of frost formed on the ground and courtyard on the spot!



Without any suspense, the bungalow in front of me was directly blasted with a big hole that penetrated the entire house under Aixia’s blow! At first glance, it looks like a hole has been dug in the center of the room!

And under the influence of the frost impact, everything in the entire house was frozen into ice sculptures from the inside out!


Looking at the scene in front of her, Artoria didn’t know what to say for a moment.

From a tactical point of view, there was nothing wrong with what Exia did, but in this way, he directly demolished the opponent’s base camp… With such a large scope of damage, it is estimated that the headline news in Fuyuki City tomorrow will be that the Tohsaka family was destroyed. Destroy it.

This is simply not taking the secrecy of the Holy Grail War into consideration! ?

“Okay, come out.”

Alexia looked up at the sky.

And as he said——

“It’s unbelievable!”

With a small amount of power obtained by Ishtar, Rin Tosaka flew into the air with the gem box in his hand and looked down at his home, which was hit hard below.

She was originally planning to use the gem in her hand to give Exia and Artoria a hard blow! If more than twenty gems were smashed together, even the servants would not be able to escape unscathed!

But before she started to arrange it, Exia cut down her sword without being reasonable!

(How could you be so messed up! What about the anonymity of the Holy Grail War? This is considered a foul!)

【You are stupid! This is war, there are no fouls or no fouls! 】

In his mind, Ishtar’s angry voice sounded.

[Compared to this, I want to occupy your body, no problem! 】


Tohsaka Rin and Ishtar have already recognized Exia – they are both deeply impressed by the man who had dealt with them on the first night of the entire Holy Grail War, and they can also be sure that he It is not an opponent that Tohsaka Rin can deal with.

The batch of gems in her hand may be frozen by Exia before she can start using them.


The particles of light gathered on Tohsaka Rin’s body, and in just a moment, Tohsaka Rin’s clothes disappeared, replaced by the divine clothes worn by Ishtar, the goddess.

Looking down at Exia and Artoria who were looking up at him on the ground, Ishtar summoned his golden bow Maanna.

(One against two… With my current strength, it’s a little bit reluctant – well, let’s do it like this.)

After making a certain decision in her heart, Ishtar flew into the sky with Maanna under the watchful eyes of Ixia and Artoria!

Ran? !

Exia and Artoria didn’t react for a moment.

Archer ran away? !

“berserker, this…”

“I’ll catch up! – [code: flight]!”

Without any hesitation, Exia unfolded the Light Wings of Steel behind her and instantly flew high into the sky to pursue Ishtar at the highest output.

Artoria, who was left on the ground: “…”

(I can’t fly!)

34.Who underestimated whom first?

The sky over Fuyuki City.

The sky is shrouded in darkness.



In this supposedly silent space, two golden streams of light were like shooting stars, speeding through the space one after the other!

Driving the Soaring Holy Sword behind her to its maximum output, Exia stared closely at Ishtar in front of her, who showed no signs of stopping.

(So ​​fast…a little faster than me.)

The Holy Sword of Soaring didn’t have many special abilities. Apart from being able to fly, it had almost no outstanding features. Its top speed was just that, and in Axia’s opinion, it was only about the same speed as Ishtar.

(You can’t catch up like this—Ddraig, transfer the doubled power to the holy sword!)



The Cage of the Sekiryuutei on his left hand burst out with red light, and then turned into countless streams of light and poured into the light wings behind Exia!

Flying speed doubled!


The flames of light ejected behind Aikesia suddenly increased dramatically, and the speed soared to another level and sent Aikesia away in an instant!

“Chi la——————!”

There was almost a sound of something being torn apart in the space.

And the next moment, in Ishtar’s field of vision——


Alexia’s figure came in without any warning!

(Wha—we’re catching up? Although I didn’t use the highest speed, I actually caught up?!)

Ishtar, who was full of surprise, quickly braked. At the same time, two gems appeared in his hand. He aimed at Aixia, who had not fully adjusted her posture, and shot them out!

“Bang bang!”

Like detonated bombs, two balls of explosive flames suddenly exploded in the air! The waves of flames and strong winds swallowed up Aixia’s entire body in an instant!

(Did you get knocked down?)

“How is it possible? At most it can only cause a little trouble.”

Regarding Tohsaka Rin’s anxious doubts, Ishtar replied angrily, and took out two more gems from somewhere behind his back: “Don’t expect to be able to use this kind of defective product your father gave me. It’s useful, just use it as a smoke bomb.”


Hearing that the gems collected by his father were said to be defective, Tohsaka Rin couldn’t help but feel a little dissatisfied, but thinking that the speaker was a goddess who lived in the age of gods, he felt that there was no problem – the treasures of the gods were much more precious than mere gems.

And in the thick smoke——


Wielding the ice sword to sweep away the surrounding smoke, Exia looked at Ishtar: “Aren’t you finally ready to escape? Archer.”

“Ha, I never thought about running away, I just wanted to find a suitable place to deal with you.” Ishtar sneered, “But you actually dare to attack me in such an upright manner… …You are so courageous!”

The gem in his hand suddenly cracked, and Ishtar flicked the broken fragments with his fingers. Dozens of meteors suddenly shot towards Exia like machine gun fire!

However, in the face of this intensive strafing, Exia just waved the ice sword lightly, and the cold wave that spread directly froze all the gem fragments.

“Tsk, this is useless.”

(Why did you crush the gem? That one is worth 80 million yen!!!)

Tohsaka Rin inside his body immediately cried out in grief.

(Shut up, this isn’t just to take care of you! Do you want to be in so much pain that you can’t sleep afterwards?)

Ishtar suppressed Tohsaka Rin’s consciousness with some irritation.

Looking at the scattered gem fragments frozen by him in the air, Exia suddenly said: “It’s really the same as what Miss Aige said, because the reliance is not thorough enough, and coupled with the order from the master, you Will use gems to fight.”

“…….so what?”

“It’s nothing – it’s just that you still use this method at this time, are you looking down on me?”

As soon as she finished speaking, Exia vibrated her wings and approached Ishtar in one breath, and slashed her head with the ice sword!


Quickly retreating to avoid the blow, Ishtar removed two gems again, but before she could use her magic——


The giant sword of ice suddenly broke into two pieces, connected with a large number of chains in the middle, and whipped towards Ishtar like a whip!


The gem exploded, and the shattered fragments reflected light countless times, instantly forming a barrier in front of Ishtar that could barely block Ixia’s sudden blow!


Immediately after the second gem shattered, a beam of light cannon burst out from between the fragments!

She turned slightly sideways to avoid the shot, retracted the extended ice sword and swung it again!

“Bang bang bang bang bang!”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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