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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 141

This time the ice sword directly turned into countless broken blades, like a violent storm sweeping the earth, instantly bringing Ishtar and the surrounding space into the attack range!

(This guy–)

After crushing the last gem to form a barrier in front of her, Ishtar frowned and looked at Axia.

(The attack method is completely different from before… It has become a lot smarter and more precise – quite difficult to deal with!)

“Any more?”

Alexia asked for no reason.

Turning all the broken blades that were shot back into Honkai energy and collecting them back into a giant sword of ice, Ixia looked at Ishtar: “Do you have any more gems? If you still have them, I will continue to play with you. For a while, until you use up all the gems.”

“What did you say–?!”

Ishtar’s eyebrows instantly stood up, and her beautiful face was occupied by an angry look! The golden divine pupils are filled with uncontrollable rage!


This guy said he was playing?

Because she is only using gems now, so he just cooperates with her to play casually?

“Okay…you ignorant guy…look down on me, right?”

“Both of us, who is the one who underestimated the other first?” Ixia responded coldly, “Compared to this, are there any gems?”

“Chi la——————————!”

What responded to Exia was an extremely fast flash of light that shot out from Ishtar’s fingertips! The speed was so fast that the sound almost passed by Ixia’s ears before it arrived! Shot into the distant sky!

(It seems there is no more.)

Exiya then put away the cold expression on her face, held the giant sword of ice in both hands and stared at Ishtar with all her heart: “Then, the warm-up exercise is over, and then you can seriously fight with me. Right? Archer—Goddess.”


A cruel smile appeared on Ishtar’s face.

“Seeing how hard you managed to make me angry, I will shoot you through you a thousand times without mercy!”

Magic power gathered in Ma Anna’s muzzle, and in less than a blink of an eye, the arrow of light condensed and took shape!

next moment–

“Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!”

Like a barrage of cannons, the arrows of light split into infinity and pierced the night sky like a meteor shower!

35. Maeve suddenly appears

On the streets of Fuyuki City.

Just when Exia and Ishtar were officially fighting in the air.

“Buzz buzz————————!”

The sound of a motorcycle engine running at full speed broke the silence of the night street.

Riding a motorcycle temporarily borrowed from the roadside without permission, Artoria was speeding down the street while staring at the flashes of light that kept flashing in the sky!

Unlike Ishtar and Exia, she has no ability to fly and cannot transform into a spirit body. She can only use modern transportation if she wants to move quickly.

If you use magic power to strengthen and accelerate it, the speed will not be satisfactory.

[Saber, turn left on the next street]

Sajo Aige’s instructions came to mind.

The battle of the Holy Grail War is not just a battle between servants and servants, the master must also participate. Now, Sajo Aige remotely controls the situation of the entire Fuyuki City through magic in Sajo’s house, and uses it to deal with Ai Kesia and Arturia gave instructions.


The front of the car was turned sharply, almost touching the ground and turning around the corner at a rapid speed. The empty Mito River Bridge appeared in front of Artoria. As long as you cross this bridge, you can reach the new capital. Looking at the situation in the air, the chase between Exia and Ishtar is gradually moving towards the new capital.

(Master, shall I continue to the new capital?)

[No, you just wait here, and then I will ask the prince to drive Ishtar towards you. Just be ready to release the Noble Phantasm to give a fatal blow at any time]


After driving the motorcycle to the side of the bridge and stopping it, Artoria looked at the sky.

“Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!”

Even standing on the ground far away from the sky, she could hear the constant explosions and roars. It was a fierce battle that could easily be imagined.

If possible, Artoria really wants to help Exia. After all, her opponent is a genuine servant of the gods, but since she can’t fly, all she can do now is to stay here and wait for the opportunity.

(I’ll leave it all to you for now, berserker.)

[Attention, saber, rider is heading towards you]

Suddenly, a notification came from Shajo Aige.


Why is the rider here at this time?

And at this moment——

“Gulu gulu~~~~~”

A loud sound of rolling wheels reached Artoria’s ears while she was thinking about this.

(This sound of wheels…chariot?)

Arturia had heard similar sounds countless times in the past on the battlefield, the sound of rolling wheels rolling across the ground.

[We will be coming directly opposite you in ten seconds, Saber]

“I understand. I will deal with it, Master.”

Weaving armor and a battle group with magic power, holding the invisible sword in both hands, Arturia held her breath and stared at the other side of the bridge – Ishtar would be lured over by Ixia later, and she would defeat Ishtar. Shtar’s fatal blow.

Therefore, you cannot fight the rider for too long, and you must get rid of the rider as quickly as possible, otherwise it will definitely hinder the fight with Ishtar later.

Thinking of this, Artoria clenched her sword slightly.

(The moment they meet, launch a surprise attack and kill the rider with the Wind King’s hammer. If that doesn’t work, destroy the opponent’s mount.)

The strongest point of the rider is the mount and chariot. If they are destroyed, the rider’s combat effectiveness will be reduced by more than half.



The sound of wheels was getting closer and closer, and as the sound continued to get louder and louder, the full view of Rider’s chariot appeared in Artoria’s field of vision.

It was a [chariot] without a doubt.

A chariot pulled by a majestic silver-white bull and a majestic palm-colored bull can remind people of the concepts of “Fortress” and “Steel” at a glance.

However, there is something wrong with it as a chariot. Because chariots generally do not have compartments – at least not the kind of closed compartments that are completely enclosed on all sides and with a dome.

Because the commander usually sits in the tank, the commander needs to watch the situation on the battlefield with his own eyes and give command. This cannot be done if a closed carriage is added.

(However, this also means one thing – the rider is in that carriage.)

Thinking of this, Artoria no longer hesitated, she grasped the invisible sword with both hands and stabbed forward suddenly!

The wind wrapped around the holy sword instantly compressed, condensed, and converged, forming a super-compressed storm bomb. Along with Artoria’s forward stab, it turned into a storm hammer like a flood that broke a bank. The front explodes!


The surface of the bridge was instantly torn and shattered in the storm!

The Storm Hammer was like an electromagnetic gun launched, penetrating the space in front of it at an unstoppable speed! The target is the chariot running straight towards Artoria!



Almost at the moment when Arturia released the Wind King’s Hammer, the chariot pulled by the two bulls immediately turned its direction, deviating from the attack path of the Wind King’s Hammer just before being hit!


Artoria couldn’t help but be surprised.

accidental? Or a coincidence?

【No, saber】

The voice of Shajo’s love song sounded in his mind.

[Rider has multiple Noble Phantasms, one of which allows her to temporarily have future vision, which is the ability to predict the future – she knows your raid in advance, so she can react and dodge in advance]

[Get ready for a head-on battle, I will supply most of the magic power to you, no need to be stingy]


The moment Sajo Aige’s words fell, Artoria felt a magical power passing through the circuit between herself and Sajo Aige, and as soon as she received this magical power, she felt extremely clear My own strength has been greatly improved!

If Arturia could know her own ability panel, she should be able to find out that all of her current ability values ​​- except for the Noble Phantasm, are all A+.

(Okay, plenty of power – come on, rider!)

Arturia stood ready.

But just when it came to Artoria, the chariot suddenly stopped, and then a white arm stretched out from the carriage and lifted up the hanging pink curtain.

“I was still wondering who the person who attacked me was. Looking at the Noble Phantasm…it turned out to be Saber.”

Queen Maeve, wearing a white armor that looked like underwear, walked out of the chariot and looked at Saber blocking her with a smile: “This is the first time we meet, I am Rider – my real name is Maeve.”

“Please give me more advice~~~”

36. Ai Ge: Steal someone from me? Fuck her!

Tonight was an interesting night for Maeve.

She originally just stayed in Xindu at night, wandering around and passing the time while hooking up with men, but she suddenly felt a few waves of magic power erupting in the sky.

Some followers started fighting!

After realizing this, Maeve immediately threw away all the Kaizi she had hooked up with, and drove the chariot at full speed towards the direction where the magic power fluctuations continued to erupt.

If two servants fight so brazenly at night, it is entirely possible that other servants will gather together when they meet – such a fun thing happened on the second day of the Holy Grail War, and Maeve is not willing to miss it!

And now.

“The one fighting in the sky…is it Archer?”

Maeve looked at the situation in the distant sky.

Being able to fly in the sky and unleash ultra-long-range attacks without interruption – the only thing I can think of with this kind of combat method is Archer, coupled with the strong aura and power…

(Is the Archer this time a servant with a high level of divinity? Hahaha, it’s really interesting. I guess he is some great hero.)

Just by seeing it, you can tell that an Archer who can display that level of firepower cannot be some nameless Servant.

As for the other person in the sky –

(Who can have such a high-intensity confrontation with Archer?)

At least it’s definitely not Rider and Saber. After all, Maeve herself is here, and Artoria is right in front of her. As for Assassin…it doesn’t look like it.

“I said, saber, are you attracted here too?”

Maeve asked with a smile.

“Of the two people in the sky, I can tell that one of them is Archer. Do you know who the other is?”

“…I guess I have no obligation to answer you, rider.”

“It’s Queen Maeve!”

Maeve frowned and emphasized: “I really don’t like calling each other by job title. Forget about the Master. After all, he is a useless guy. But if we are both servants, we should still call each other by our real names.” It’s better to call each other by name.”

“After all, just talking about the rank gives me the feeling that the person calling is not me.”

Whether it’s rider or saber1, the rank of a servant is just a code name, a fixed title in Maeve’s eyes – Maeve hates this kind of thing, because she is not a rider, but the unique Queen Maeve. So a distinction must be made!

“But, it doesn’t matter if you don’t tell me. I will ask in person later.” Maeve glanced at the situation in the sky. “Although I only glanced at it from a distance, the servant who fought Archer should be a pretty good person.” A handsome boy, right?!”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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