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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 143

The magic circuit was forced to maintain its most extreme state, and the excess magic power caused Tohsaka Rin’s human body to scream in embarrassment.

(It hurts! It hurts, it hurts!)

Tohsaka Rin’s screams kept coming from his mind.

Even though he is a magician, he has been practicing Bajiquan since he was a child, but to withstand such a huge amount of magic power, Tohsaka Rin simply cannot bear it! Fortunately, it was not her but Ishtar who was using her body now, otherwise she would have fainted from the pain.

“Please bear with it a little longer, little Master. I will end this battle right away.”

Ishtar took a deep breath, held a spiral-shaped weapon out of thin air in his right hand, and looked like both a needle and a sword, and then threw it at the starry sky gate above his head and from there. A golden celestial sphere emerged.

Axia didn’t know that this was Ishtar’s Noble Phantasm.

The so-called Noble Phantasm can be a weapon, a mount, a certain concept, or even the embodiment of a certain myth or legend – the various great deeds performed by the servant during his lifetime, after his existence is sublimated into a heroic spirit, the great deeds It will become a Noble Phantasm for the Servant.

Ishtar’s Noble Phantasm is of this type.

In Sumerian mythology, there is a spiritual peak that even the gods fear and revere, called Mount Abif. Even the king of the gods respects this spiritual peak and dare not do anything to offend it. Lingfeng’s behavior.

However, Ishtar flattened this spiritual peak.

Just because she “didn’t like it”, she flattened the entire mountain and made the entire mountain die. In Sumerian mythology, this can be said to be the most destructive and most destructive thing Ishtar has ever committed. What a cruel act!

And Ishtar’s Noble Phantasm is the [reflection] of this myth.

Ishtar, who is the goddess of Venus in Sumerian mythology, actually has the authority to directly use the power of Venus. The essence of Maanna floating beside her is that she can carry out ultra-long distance teleportation between the earth and Venus. The teleportation ark.

However, Ishtar, who is now just a mere follower, naturally cannot do that kind of thing. In fact, the starry sky gate she unfolds now, and even the golden celestial sphere emerging from it, are essentially It’s just the embodiment of [the concept].

The golden celestial body of light is the [Concept of Venus] – Ishtar’s Noble Phantasm uses this conceptual celestial body as ammunition, loads it into Maanna’s magazine and launches it!

“Be prepared for me, bastard berserker, this is my full strength!”

“——From the boundless sky! To the vast land!——”

Ishtar loudly chanted the chant of the Noble Phantasm.

The huge shining celestial body shrank, condensed, and compressed, and the dazzling conceptual celestial body finally turned into a light arrow, filling Maanna’s magazine!


The arrow that shimmered with unparalleled brilliance took shape, and Ma Anna seemed to have really turned into a golden bow, with the bow string stretched to the maximum limit!

“I don’t care what happens next!”

Ishtar reached out and aimed at Exia below.

“Crush it!”

“——[Mountains shock, star salary (angaltakigalshe)]!!!——”

Real name liberated!

The arrow of light transformed from the conceptual celestial body fell instantly like a real meteor!

The terrifying star magic poured out at this moment!

“Rumble, rumble, rumble——————————!”

And with this strike of stars falling from the sky, the entire surrounding sky trembled and roared! In this way, the power of the goddess is displayed in modern times in the most shocking way!

If you look down now, you should be able to notice that in Fuyuki City below – whether it is Shinto or Miyama Town – almost all the citizens are looking up at this scene that is like a miracle and the end of the world!

Surprise, shock, doubt, fear… Emotions such as this emerged in the hearts of every Fuyuki City citizen. They had no understanding of the current situation and had no idea why this kind of scene appeared in the sky. It was just the most intuitive feeling. thoughts and reactions.

Of course, Exia didn’t know all of this, just as he didn’t know that this was Ishtar’s Noble Phantasm, and he had no time to care about the situation below.


Staring at the falling star arrow, Exia couldn’t help but exclaimed in wonder.

This is his most intuitive idea now.

This is the servant… No, it should be said that this is the power of the gods. Even if it is not in its full state, it can still unleash such a shocking blow! Alexia can now admit generously that in his eyes, Ishtar’s blow was an extremely gorgeous and beautiful blow!

The gate to the starry sky, the golden celestial body, Ishtar who holds it in the palm of his hand, the light arrow that penetrates heaven and earth…

It’s really awesome, so awesome that Ixia is a little envious.

Even though she has been to two different worlds, this is really the first time for Alexia to see such a powerful sight!

If possible, Exia would also like to try to see if he can release such a blow. If he can also release this kind of power, then it will definitely be a lot easier on the road to fight against Honkai, right?

But, unfortunately…

“I can’t use such a powerful move… The only move my other self taught me was [Messiah Kaslana].”

Exia clenched the ice sword in her hand.

The attack range of the Arrow of Light is too large. It is impossible to dodge and can only be intercepted. And with Exia’s method, the only way to attack is…

“Going to do it, Ddraig.”

[Well, don’t leave any strength behind, just go with all your strength, partner! 】

——Inject all your strength into the next blow, and use your full strength to catch this blow!

(All your strength, all your strength, all your strength… use all your strength!)

Repeating this thought in her heart, Ixia held the giant sword of ice hard, poured all her power into it, raised the blade high, and slashed it down with all her strength!

“————[Sword of Oath to Save the World (messiah·kaslana)]!”

Along with Ixia’s roar, the impact of ice suddenly erupted from the blade, rising into the sky like a roaring arctic dragon! He rushed straight towards the Arrow of Light!

——Star light arrows falling from the sky.

——The giant ice dragon soaring into the sky.

The distance of less than a hundred meters between the two was reduced to zero in an instant!

next moment–


A grand glorious storm instantly lit up the night sky of Fuyuki City! The shining light released by the collision of the two dyed the night sky of Fuyuki City as bright as day almost instantly!



The wrestling-like stalemate only lasted for a moment. After using all his strength to slowly push the arrow of light into the sky——

The giant ice dragon shattered in the light!

Immediately afterwards, under the gaze of Ixia’s widened eyes, the boundless light was like an overwhelming avalanche wave, swallowing up his whole body and drowning him!

39. Lend me your power

“You will die if you continue like this.”

Another voice of my own rang in my ears.

In a time that seems to have stopped, in a world that seems to be frozen.

[Exia] appeared in Exia’s eyes.

It’s like looking in a mirror.

As if there was an invisible transparent floor under her feet, [Exia] came to Exia and faced him with her back to the light that was swallowing him up.

“Is this…a realm of consciousness? Or reality?”

“It’s both sides, but it’s neither side.” [Axia] replied, “Isn’t it often said that before people die, they feel that time passes very slowly? Now in terms of our consciousness, the passage of time The speed is one-fifth of the usual speed.”

Does this mean we have entered the so-called bullet time?

“That means I will die?”

“You can’t escape if you’re half dead. If you’re lucky, you should be able to save a life.” [Exia]’s tone became calmer for a while, “You directly collided head-on with that goddess’s full blow – you really Did you do something stupid and never thought of stopping her before she launched?”

The blow released by Ishtar undoubtedly required charging, and if he had defeated her while she was charging, Alexia would not be in this situation at all.


“I won’t say anything to you this time. After all, you bumped into me directly. In a sense, it’s to my liking.”

For [Exia], who likes to crush his enemies with pure strength, he actually likes Exia’s head-on approach, which is why he is so angry now.

When he came to Aikesia, he put his hand on his chest and said, “Okay, now give me your body.”

“Do you want to fight for me?”

“Yeah. After that goddess released this blow, she no longer had the strength to fight. I’m going to get rid of her. Then there are multiple enemies around, and I will get rid of them all. Just have a good sleep.”

[Exia] will end this Holy Grail War in one night.

With his strength, this is completely unsuspicious and there is no difficulty at all.


As if sinking into the water, [Ikesia]’s hand gradually sank into Ikesia’s chest – when he is completely submerged into Ikesia’s body, this body will temporarily become his property.

Based on the current situation, it is indeed the right choice to let [Exia], who is stronger than himself, fight. Exia’s strength is not strong enough to continue to face other servants in the future.



Alexia grasped the wrist of her other self and pulled his hand out of her body.

“I will do it myself.”


The unexpected words made [Exia] stunned. For the first time, a look of astonishment appeared on her face, which had always only shown confidence and arrogance.

And after a moment of silence——

“Ha, you have become a lot more courageous.”

As if he was mocking, but also as if he was praising him, [Exia] laughed: “But, can you do it? With you who can’t even fully control your own power – and you in advance As promised, your body is in terrible shape now.”

“I will try my best to hold it in.”

“But your strength is still very weak. Will you still be able to persist in the second and third battles?”

“So, lend me your power, [Ikexia (me)].” Ixia said seriously, “I may indeed have no power now. In your opinion, I am far inferior to you, but You have strength—lend me your strength.”

Exia is [Exia].

The two of them are one with each other.

If the two of them reach a consensus, then Exia may be able to temporarily obtain the power belonging to [Exia]… No, temporarily obtain the [power of the future]!


Looking at Aikesia silently, as if trying to see through her own thoughts through the mirror, [Aikesia] was silent for a long, long time, until the scene around her began to change, and then she sighed heavily.

“Haah~~~~ I can’t stand you.”

After grabbing her white hair, [Exia] held Exia’s hand.

“Since you know that sooner or later you will encounter this kind of situation, then you should train yourself harder – just this once. I will lend you my strength just this once.”

“Yeah. Thanks, the other me.”

[Don’t forget my power, partner]

At this moment, Ddraig’s voice rang out from his left hand, and then a wisp of ocher red light turned into a ribbon of light, extending from the back of his left hand and wrapping around the entire length of Ixia’s body. left arm.

“Hey! Four-horned Lizard! Don’t get in the way! My power is enough!”

[Don’t say that, another partner. Whether it’s my strength or your strength, in the final analysis it’s all the strength of my partner, isn’t it? Our power itself does not have the right to use or not use it. This right lies in the hands of our partners. 】


Ddraig is right.

Even though they are both Exia, it is Exia who is in charge of the body now, not [Exia].

How and what power he wants to use is all up to him.

“…Lend me your power, Ddraig.”

Alexia stretched out her left hand to the empty left side.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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