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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 144

“I think it’s time to give it a try now.”

If I have mastered the power of the Sekiryuutei and the [power of the future] at the same time, then I should be able to do it, right? ——Exia thought so.

Ddraig and [Exia] also realized Exia’s thoughts at the same time.

[Really–let’s give it a try, partner! 】

There was a feeling of being held in my left hand.

The right hand is held tighter.


Time that stopped begins to flow.

The frozen world returned to its original color.


The sound of the roaring tsunami of light instantly occupied Ixia’s ears!


She used her left hand to withstand the infinite brilliance, and the impact almost crushed her arm, making Exia groan.

(It hurts… what I have to fight… is this kind of power… can I do it?)


It’s not a matter of whether it can be done or not.

But it can only be done!

(Give me your power! Ddraig! [Exia]!)


There was a burning feeling in my back instantly!


The jade on the cage’s hand bloomed with dazzling green light!

(Although I am reluctant, I will follow your wishes this time.)

[The trick is to have the will to turn the world around, partner—just shout it out]

Yep, gotta shout out.

Clenching her teeth and staring at the torrent of light that was about to overwhelm her body, Exia suddenly opened her mouth wide and roared out——



In an instant!

A roaring sound like a giant dragon erupted in the sky!

40. Sixty-four times! Demon King level!

——[Hands-forbidden (balancebreaker)]

The ultimate realm of artifacts, the final state that all artifacts will reach, has long been regarded as an unknown and taboo use.

Regarding the method to reach this realm, Exia had asked Ddraig and Azazel a long time ago.

The answers given by both of them are very similar, that is [idea].

[The artifact will use the owner’s thoughts as food to continuously change, evolve, and become stronger and stronger. And when the holder’s thoughts and wishes undergo drastic changes, and are strong enough to defy or even change the flow of the world, the artifact will reach its final state]

[That is the realm called balancebreaker]

To be honest, Ixia didn’t have the confidence to reach this level. He had never had such an idea to make his thoughts powerful enough to change the world.

After all, he has never thought about changing the world. If he had to say it, he could only “save the world”.

As for whether this idea can reach the Forbidden Hand, Exia is completely unsure.

but now–


Accompanied by a loud noise like the roar of a giant dragon, an ocher-red shining light shone like a star in the night sky! And under the illumination of this burst of light, the Noble Phantasm released by Ishtar, which could shatter the earth with one blow, was frozen at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Ishtar: “!”

(My Noble Phantasm…is frozen!?)

Ishtar has seen this scene before. Exia’s ability is freezing. She has long been sure of this. After all, her attacks have been frozen countless times before.

But now the Noble Phantasm is frozen! Her Noble Phantasm is frozen!

Is that guy so powerful? ?

(Where did he come from as a monster!)


Just when Ishtar roared and exclaimed in his heart, the ocher-red light suddenly shrank and disappeared, and then a fierce cold wind blew across the entire sky in an instant, like sweeping thousands of armies!

next moment–


Looking at the figure emerging from the red light, Ishtar couldn’t help but question.

What appeared in her eyes was undoubtedly a dragon.

A [Dragon] whose entire body is carved from ocher-red ice!

At the same time, Artoria and Maeve on the ground, and even the other servants who were attracted by the sound of Exia and Ishtar’s battle, also looked at the figure in the sky, and fell into surprise. , silence and surprise.

Among them, Artoria had the most obvious reaction.

(Is that…a dragon?)

As the son of a dragon in Britain, with the blood of the red dragon, when she saw the figure in the sky, she seemed to have some kind of resonance with it, and her heart kept beating powerfully, making her whole body a little nervous. Get excited!

【Lord Prince! So handsome! 】

Suddenly, the cheers from Shajo Aige suddenly appeared in Artoria’s mind!

(Master…eh? That’s berserker?!)

Hearing Shajo Aige’s name, Arturia couldn’t help but look at the dragon in the sky in surprise.

That’s Alexia! ?


“–Did you make it?”

The moment she regained consciousness, Alexia subconsciously asked herself.

When he accepted the power of the Sekiryuutei and [Exia] at the same time, for a moment, his consciousness flew to the sky under the impact of the power!

It was an unparalleled feeling, as if I was being brought to the climax in one breath.

And now——

[It’s considered a success]

Ddraig gave a somewhat ambiguous answer.

[My power and your power, after the fusion of the two, the realm of artifacts has indeed entered the realm of forbidden hands – you should feel it yourself, right? There is a huge difference between your power now and your power three seconds ago]

“Yes, indeed.”

Alexia could feel the power flowing through his body. Countless hot streams of heat centered on his back, constantly flowing to his limbs and bones, making his whole body full of strength!

[Let me briefly explain to you your current state – a sixty-four-fold doubling state]

[Only while this state is maintained, you can maintain a state of sixty-four times the strength stably. To be more specific, in fact, you first stabilized at a state of thirty-two times, and then under the effect of magic, you forcibly broke through your own limit and stabilized at a state of sixty-four times]

[You now are equivalent to the devil]

Has magic pushed you beyond your limits?

Alexia reached out and touched his back, and it was this touch that made him notice the changes in himself.

Now, except for his left hand covered by the cage, his right hand and both feet are wrapped in ocher-red ice armor. The tips are bifurcated like sharp claws, and there is a piece of dragon claw-like on both shoulders. Shoulder armor.

Behind him are two pure ice dragon wings that stretch out and have irregular edges like flames. In the middle part, a slender ice dragon tail extends downward!

“Is this…me?”

[Well, this is your hands-free state—no, it should be said to be an incomplete hand-free state. 】

[In terms of strength, you have reached the standard, but because your thoughts are not enough, you can only step into the realm of forbidden hands with one foot. The duration is very short. From now on, the limit will be three minutes. Magic versus spirit The squeeze of force will be unbearable for you, and the doubled force will also crush your body]

Is the idea still not strong enough?

Alexia pursed her lips. Although it was an expected situation, she still felt a little regretful.

(Forget it, it’s good to be able to step over with one foot. The next step is to keep improving according to this trend until you can completely master this state. And compared to this, what is more important now is——)

Looking at the ice cube in front of him that had been frozen by himself unconsciously, Ixia stretched out his right hand. The ice armor wrapped around his arm immediately seemed to come to life. It quickly extended a section, completely wrapping his right hand and forming a circle. A dragon head.


A slender sword blade popped out from the dragon’s head.

Facing the ice in front of her, Exia waved her hand——


The huge ice block was directly cut in two!

And the sword energy that flew out immediately cut off the cumulus clouds in the sky in one breath! A huge and conspicuous road was carved in the air!

His eyes were fixed on Ishtar not far away, and Exia pointed the tip of her sword at her.

“Then, it’s my turn next, Goddess Ishtar.”

“Let us end this battle in one moment.”


End this battle in an instant?

Hearing these wild words from Ikesia, Ishtar suddenly felt a surge of anger in his heart!

(You really dare to say it…do you really think that you can really eat me steadily after you have changed your appearance?)

If it were Ishtar at ordinary times, she would have said this directly, but now she is in the most powerless moment – even if she pays a command spell to use the Noble Phantasm with a human body , or temporarily drained away all the power of Ishtar.

Right now, she was actually in a state where she couldn’t move her whole body.

(Damn it, move it, move it!)

Scolding her body hard, Ishtar desperately tried to move.

However, even if she had this intention, her body could no longer support her to continue moving. Not to mention that even if she could move, the already overloaded magic circuit would not allow her to have any fighting power. If she wanted to recover, at least It takes about a week.

In fact, she is at the end of her rope now.

“What’s wrong? Can’t you move?”

Flying in front of Ishtar, looking at him who still didn’t move even though he was at this distance, Exiya vaguely judged Ishtar’s state: “That blow just now, it seems that you are It was released with the mentality of dying together.”

If Exia is not killed, it will be Ishtar’s defeat. And if we kill Exia, that would be the best situation.

In fact, if Exia hadn’t decided to try the hand-forbidden transformation on the spur of the moment, he would have been killed.

Gritting his teeth, Ishtar moved his only movable mouth: “Yeah, I can’t move. If you win, give me a good time! Damn you bastard!”


This is Ishtar’s only feeling now.

She is the majestic goddess of Venus, a god whose level is still higher than that of a heroic spirit, and now she is defeated because she does not rely on it thoroughly enough… If she could appear as a servant, Ixia would have been given to her by now. Shot away!

She hasn’t had enough fun yet! Although she has only been in the world for four or five days, modern society is still very interesting, and she wants to play for a while longer!


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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