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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 145


Severe pain instantly came from the abdomen!

Ishtar punched directly into Ishtar’s stomach, and the pain as if his body was penetrated almost made Ishtar’s consciousness collapse!


“It’s not time to kill you yet, let’s get some sleep first.”

Alexia retracted her fist and supported Ishtar, who was gradually losing consciousness after being punched by her. But after Ishtar completely fell into Alexia’s arms, a layer of ice quickly covered it. It hit her whole body and froze her directly.

(Miss Aige, Archer has been subdued. Are you ready for the ceremony to remove the compliant state?)

[Well, it has been prepared for a long time. You can start it when you bring her back later, Prince! 】

I don’t know why, but Shajo Aige sounded excited.

——Release the state of possession.

This was something Exia had discussed with Sajo Aige from the beginning. After all, his purpose was only to summon Archer. Based on the actual situation of the Holy Grail War, the Master who summoned Archer was actually useless as early as the moment the summons was completed.

The Holy Grail War only requires Servants, and the Magician is just a tool that summons Servants.

Therefore, there is no need to kill the magician, just kill the servant.

Picking up the frozen Ishtar, Exia glanced around, then set her sights on the Miyon River Bridge below. The next moment——


Maeve and Artoria, who were still looking up at the sky, suddenly heard the voice from Exia! And between the two of them, I don’t know when, Exia had already carried Ishtar to the bridge!


(Such a long distance in an instant…)

Glancing at Maeve with a somewhat cold look, Exia looked at Artoria and threw the Ishtar in her hand: “Help me take it, Saber. I’ll take care of the rider. You take it first.” Let her go back.”

“Oh! Eh?”

Quickly reaching out to catch Ishtar, Artoria looked at Exia with some confusion: “You…are you alone? Is that okay?”

“Well, it’s okay now, just trust me.”

Alexia gave Artoria a gentle smile, trying to reassure her.

Looking at this smile, Artoria immediately felt her heart beating faster! As if being stimulated by something!

“I-I know!”

Suppressing her excited body and mind, Arturia carried Ishtar to the side of the motorcycle: “Please be careful, berserker, Rider has future vision – I can come back at any time to support if necessary.”

“Well, be careful on the road.”

Buzz buzz buzz——————!

Amidst the roar of the engine, Arturia quickly left the bridge with Ishtar.

After watching her disappear from his sight, Alexia turned around and looked at Maeve: “——I thought you would stop her.”

“Because I’m very interested in you now, so I’m not interested in Saber anymore.”

Maeve said with a smile, and her face and eyes were full of intense intoxication at this moment!

(Ah~~~~so great~~~~)

Just like a skilled worker can tell whether a part is up to standard just by looking at it, as a queen who has tasted countless men, Maeve can naturally tell whether a man is good or bad.

According to her standards, the current Alexia is undoubtedly [the best]!

(What a great look…what a great momentum…this cold temperament and cold eyes…so good~~~)

Maeve felt like she was drooling.

This was the first time she met such a superb man!

(I really want to hold him down and play with him… No, if it were him, it wouldn’t be impossible even if I was played with by him~~~)

Maeve knew that if a cold-looking ascetic man like Alexia was used to shackle his hands, feet and neck, or whip his body severely with a whip, he would definitely reveal something that would make people laugh. The look of irresistible resistance and rejection!

“I said…berserker…”

There was a blush on Maeve’s cheeks.

“Would you like to come and do it in my car? It may be rude to say this, but my car is still very comfortable~~~ There is also delicious mead for you to taste.”

“The Holy Grail War doesn’t have to be a fight. We can just sit down and chat, or caress each other’s bodies on the bed.”


Alexia rejected Maeve’s kind invitation without even thinking.

“I have someone I like, and she’s a million times prettier than you – so, bye.”

——[Sword of Oath to Save the World (messiah·kaslana)]!


As soon as he finished speaking, Exia waved the ice sword in her hand casually.

The next moment, an iceberg froze most of the Weiyuanchuan Bridge! Along with Maeve and her chariot!

42. It’s too much trouble!

Maeve would never have thought that for the current Ixia, the temptation offensive was actually the most useless offensive.

Not to mention the super mental interference resistance brought by Kaslana’s blood, in this incomplete hand-forbidden state, Exia’s body temperature has been fixed at below zero, and the ultra-low temperature keeps his spirit intact at all times. Calm and sober, he will not be affected by Maeve’s words at all.

And, to be honest, Alexia truly thinks Bianca is a million times prettier than Maeve!


Crack the entire iceberg in front of you with one sword! The bursting impact and ice storm directly blasted Maeve into the distance, and the chariot under her was torn to pieces on the spot! She and herself were also carved with countless wounds in an instant!

The ice storm was instantly stained with a large amount of blood!

“it’s over.”

Aiming at Maeve’s body, Ixia directly swung the ice sword in her hand. The slender blade immediately broke and extended like a whip blade, instantly piercing Maeve’s heart with a strike that was as fast as a flash of light!


Maeve only had time to have such an idea flash through her mind before her whole body was directly carried away by the ice sword and flew out!


In the end, he was nailed to the steel bars of the Miyuan River Bridge!

The heart was penetrated, which was undoubtedly fatal!

“This is like quitting in one fell swoop.”

Alexia let go of the ice sword, and then gathered her second grasp. She did not continue to look at Maeve, but looked around, and then shouted loudly: “They should all still be here, right? Caster and Assassin, and lancer!”

“Now that you’re here, don’t hide! Just come out and fight me. It doesn’t matter if I’m an enemy of all of you now! Come all at once, let’s end the Holy Grail War in one night!”

Overcome the Holy Grail War in one night!

Now, Exia is confident that as long as all the servants are eliminated within three minutes, this Holy Grail War will be over as quickly as possible!

Oh, it’s already two minutes now. After dealing with Ishtar and Maeve, plus the scattered time in between, one minute has passed.


no respond.

Except for countless ice crystals scattered on the entire Weiyuan River Bridge, there was no other movement.

Alexia stood there for a long time, then suddenly looked in a certain direction, and slashed at him with a sword!


In a shadow at the foot of the bridge, a man’s voice immediately sounded, and then a figure rolled out nimbly, turned several somersaults in a row, and landed firmly not far in front of Ixia.

He stood up and patted the dust and ice crystals on his body. The man holding a wooden staff looked at Exia: “Don’t take action suddenly, brother, the Holy Grail War must follow the principle of concealment, don’t you know? “

“…I seem to have forgotten.”

“Ah ha ha ha! I think so!” The man laughed happily, “Looking at the action of your previous battle with Archer and the way you dealt with Maeve just now, I can imagine that you have completely forgotten about this matter! “

As the man spoke, he looked at Maeve who was nailed to the steel bar: “Tsk, tsk, tsk, it’s really miserable, Maeve. She was directly hit to death by cheese when she was alive, but now she is pierced through the heart and died… What are you doing?” Isn’t there a good ending?”

“Well… you… you are…”

A large number of golden light particles began to appear on her body. Maeve, who looked like she might leave at any time, reluctantly raised her head to look at the man, and then her eyes suddenly widened: “Are you——Cu Chulainn?!”

“Oh! It’s me! It’s been a long time since I saw you… Although I don’t want to see you again at all, a woman like you should return to the Hall of Heroes as soon as possible, and don’t stay to harm others.”

The man—caster, whose real name was Cu Chulainn—didn’t care that Rider was an old acquaintance of his. He waved casually and looked at Exia again: “I said, little brother, we’ll be there tonight. So far, how is it?”

“…Do you want me to stop?”

“After all, there has been a big fuss tonight. If the fight continues, the rules of the Holy Grail War will be completely messed up! – Listen carefully, that siren is already ringing in the city.”


Just as Cu Chulainn said, the sound of police cars and some kind of sirens could be heard from both sides of Xindu and Miyama Town, and even the faint sound of airplanes could be heard in the sky.

After all, Exia and Ishtar just made a big fuss in the sky of Fuyuki City, which alarmed the outside world! Plus the iceberg that Exia made just now…

“Well, if you insist on continuing the fight, I will sacrifice my life to accompany you.”

Cu Chulainn smiled and changed his tone.

“But when the time comes, it’s not just me you’re going to fight, but me, Lancer, and Assassin. Your state has a time limit, right? Even if you can’t defeat you now, I’ll delay and wait for you to weaken again. Can you still fight one against three?”


Just when Cu Chulainn was saying this, there was a sound of something falling there from above the bridge. Exia looked up and saw a man holding a light gun and a buckler, and carrying a pair of light guns behind him. A blond woman in white clothes is standing there.

At the same time, not far away, Exia also felt a shadow appearing there.

“It seems that everyone is here.” Cu Chulainn said with a smile, “So, do you want to fight? Or should we come here tonight and everyone take a step back? – I’ll be fine over there, berserker. “

“Don’t deliberately provoke a fight, Caster. The noise tonight is already loud enough.” Lancer Valkyrie standing on the bridge said coldly, “Retreat for now, Berserker, otherwise——”


Looking at the Lancer who was showing hostility towards her, Exia thought in silence.

【Let’s stop here tonight, Prince】

The voice of Shatiao’s love song suddenly came to my mind.

[We still have a lot of time. Being able to defeat Archer and Rider at the same time tonight is already a very fruitful result. Considering your current state, it is better to take a short rest first and come back to regain your energy before continuing to hunt other servants. 】

“……All right.”

(There’s still half a minute left…it’s really not an option to keep fighting. Can you release the hand-banned form, Ddraig?)

【Yeah, no problem】

The jade on the cage hand flashed, and then Alexia felt the power in her body fade away like a tide and disappear!

“I know, that’s it for tonight – but starting tomorrow, I will send you back to the Throne of Heroes one by one. Be prepared, Caster, Lancer, and Assassin not far away.”


Spreading the wings of steel light behind him, Exia flew directly into the sky after saying this, turning into a stream of light and disappearing into the night sky.

Watching him leave, Cu Chulainn also smiled helplessly: “Oh, he is really a difficult young man… Then I will go back too. I have been provoked like that. I can’t go back.” Make more preparations to deal with him. – What do you think, Lancer?”


Without answering, Valkyrie flew away from the place. At the same time, Assassin, who was lurking in the shadows not far away, quickly lost his breath and disappeared.

“One or two can run pretty fast…”

Curling his lips, Cu Chulainn turned into a burst of blue light on the spot, entered his spiritual body and left the bridge, leaving only the police cars and sirens that surrounded him.

43. The third day, opening

[——The next news is about the strange scene in the sky in this city last night. After expert investigation, it can be confirmed that it is some kind of special weather phenomenon…]

It was early morning on the third day after the Holy Grail War began.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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