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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 146

Inside Shatiao’s restaurant.

Alexia had just walked down from the second floor when she heard such news playing on the TV.

At the dining table, when she heard Alexia’s footsteps, Sajo Aige, who was setting the dishes, immediately raised her head and said with a smile, “Good morning, Prince. Did you have a good sleep?”


Alexia said helplessly.

Last night, after receiving Shajo Aige’s advice to retreat, he immediately returned to Shajo’s house, and almost immediately after returning to his room, Exia fell asleep directly.

The reason is simple: the side effects of incomplete hand banning.

The power of Exia’s hand-forbidden transformation, or the incomplete hand-forbidden transformation of the subspecies, mainly comes from two parts.

——The power of the Sekiryuutei himself, as well as magic.

When the Forbidden Hand is activated, the Sekiryuutei’s power will always be maintained at the limit that Exia can bear, and magic will force him to break through to another limit, allowing him to exert the equivalent of The power of the devil.

But its side effects are equally strong. Both physically and mentally, it will be like a fruit that has been squeezed out of its juice, squeezed to the extreme and not even a drop will be left!

Yesterday, when Ddraig released his hands-free form, on the one hand, he could indeed do that, but on the other hand, if he didn’t do it, Exia would pass out from exhaustion in a short while.

And even after a night of deep sleep, Ixia’s head was still groggy, and every part of her body felt like she had been beaten with all her strength, and it hurt like hell everywhere.

Seeing Alexia’s listless appearance, Shajo Aige couldn’t help but feel a little distressed: “I really worked hard on you last night, Prince. I will prepare some elixirs for your recovery later. “

“Well, thanks… By the way, what’s this situation in the news?”

Sitting at the dining table, Alexia looked at the TV.

[That is definitely not some special weather! Definitely a terrorist attack! 】

【alien! It must be an alien, right? 】

[I actually saw it last night. There was a dragon flying in the sky! 】

[Is the earth going to be destroyed? 】

It is a common practice for every TV station. The TV station in Fuyuki City is currently interviewing the citizens of Fuyuki City about what happened last night, and the answers of the citizens being interviewed…

“He’s talking about destroying the world, Prince.”

“Uh…it’s not all my fault!”

As the [mastermind behind the scenes], Exia immediately defended: “The trouble really started because of Ishtar’s Noble Phantasm…”

“But the Prince also did something extraordinary later, freezing half of the bridge or something – many people saw the iceberg.”


I don’t know if it was a coincidence, but when Shajo Aige said this, the news picture playing on the TV also happened to cut to the Miyon River Bridge.

At the place where Exia, Artoria, Maeve, and even other Servants were confronting each other last night, a cordon has been set up, and police cars are blocking the bridges on both sides, as if unrelated people are strictly prohibited from passing by. What the bridge looks like.

“In this case, the bridge will probably be unusable for a while. Will it have an impact on the lives of citizens? For example, people who live in Miyama Town and work in Shinto will be unable to work… ..”

“I’m really sorry…”

Alexia immediately lowered her head deeply.

Seeing this, Shajo Aige waved her hands quickly: “My lord, there is no need to apologize! I am not blaming you, I am just being honest… All the faults are the fault of the goddess Ishtar! My lord, I am not blaming you.” There’s nothing wrong at all! Please don’t take it to heart!”

“…But it’s true that I caused trouble.”

“The church will deal with those things! In fact, the church is working overtime now to deal with the aftermath. Experts, professors and so on are all church personnel pretending to be involved. They will try their best to suppress the matter!”

The Holy Grail War is a war of magicians. Although the church will also participate, it serves more as a supervisor and handles the aftermath of the effects of the Holy Grail War.

As Shajo Aige said, after the fight between Ikesia and Ishtar last night, the church—that is, the nun who claimed to be Hiyer—had already begun to deal with the aftermath.

The reason why Caster, Lancer, and Assassin appeared there at the same time to dissuade Exia was because she issued a summons order to the masters of the three Servants and gave them mandatory requirements. And now, unknown to Exia and Sajo Aige, she is still dealing with the aftermath.

Contact the headquarters to send additional collaborators, use the authority of the church to control the media, pretend to be experts and professors and release false news…

“Miss Hiyer has really worked hard, which makes me admire her a little.” Shajo Aige said with a smile, “In addition, I also made an appointment to meet with her in the afternoon, and the prince also needs to accompany me – I feel Then we will all be scolded.”

“I want to be scolded…”

“But please don’t worry, Mr. Prince, I will never let you get scolded.” Shajo Aige said as he took out a potion from his pocket, “This is a colorless and odorless volatile medicine that I prepared overnight. The elixir, when the time comes I will use this to turn her into a puppet that only listens to my orders——”

“No, this won’t work, right? There’s no need to be so perfect, Miss Ai Ge.”

Alexia quickly tried to dissuade her: “I’m used to being scolded. If I think about it carefully this time, I did go too far. I really don’t have any objection to being punished.”

“…Well, since the prince has said so, then I will accept it.”

Shatiao Aige put away the elixir with some regret, and then took out another small bottle: “If it doesn’t work, just take her out to make up for it when the time comes. After all, she was the culprit of the big trouble last night. “


Alexia looked at the bottle in the Shatiao Love Singers with some confusion, and after taking a closer look, she could clearly see a constantly moving… figure in the bottle?

“Miss Aige, what is this?”

“It’s the goddess Ishtar.”

Shatiao Aige smiled.

44. The revelation of the goddess


Hearing what Sajo Aige said, Alexia couldn’t help but focus more on looking at the bottle.



As if being pushed open, the cork blocking the mouth of the bottle suddenly jumped up, and a small figure immediately flew out of the bottle!

There was no doubt that it was Ishtar.


“so small?!”

“Don’t call me a kid! After all, it’s not you who made me a kid!”

Compared with when we met last night, the current Ishtar can undoubtedly be said to be a super compact version. The total length is estimated to be only the length of Ixia’s hand, and the whole thing is like a moving figure.

Alexia was curious and poked the little Ishtar with her finger, but she immediately kicked her!

“It hurts – why are you so hard!”

“I think your strength is too weak. It’s a shame you were able to push up the cork.”

After rubbing Ishtar’s fingertip-sized head, Ixia asked Shajo Aige: “What’s going on, Miss Aige, the support of the gods’ servants…” Is this considered a successful release?”

“Well, of course. My techniques and theories are flawless, don’t worry about that.”

“What is the current situation of the goddess Ishtar?”

“As she said, she was basically beaten out by you, Oji-sama.” Shajo Aige explained, “Normally speaking, the servants of the gods cannot descend through the Holy Grail. After all, the status of the gods is too high. If you want to appear in this world, you must be degraded or possessed no matter what.”

For example: incarnation.

Taking Indian mythology as an example, Vishnu, one of the three-phase gods, cannot manifest in any way. The only one who can manifest is Rama, one of his incarnations.

The same goes for Ishtar.

“But the goddess Ishtar did not incarnate, but came directly in her original form through possession. This resulted in the scale of her existence being greatly compressed and restricted. In addition, she was forcibly used last night. Noble Phantasm…”

“The result is that I lost most of my existence! The rest can only be condensed into this size! It’s all your fault, you berserker, just be blasted to death by me!”

“Is it my fault that I wasn’t beaten to death by you?”

Alexia lightly flicked Ishtar’s head, sending her flying directly to Shajo Aige’s chest. Ishtar immediately clung to her like a bird that had been hit hard against the wall. Shatiao Aige’s chest slipped.

Holding Ishtar with his hand, Sajo Aige continued: “As the Master, Ms. Tohsaka Rin is still sleeping. Being possessed by the goddess is a big burden for her. She should take a nap or two. He should be fine now, the only problem is that the damage to the magic circuit is a bit serious, and it will probably take several years to fully recover.”

“And the goddess Ishtar…actually can’t last long like this. The contract between the servant and the master still exists for the time being, but with Tohsaka Rin’s situation, it can only last for two years at most. Provide three days of magic power, and then the goddess Ishtar will disappear.”

“Yeah, that’s good.”

“That’s not good!”

Flying in front of Exia again, Ishtar crossed his arms in annoyance: “I responded to the call because I found modern society interesting, but in the end, I didn’t get anything out of it and had to go back – accept it No!”

“But who told you to lose? If you lose in the Holy Grail War, please return to the Throne of Heroes.”


As Shajo Aige spoke, he grabbed Ishtar and stuffed her back into the bottle: “I will keep the goddess Ishtar safe. If the prince finds it troublesome, I can also kill her directly.” ,Please do not worry.”

“sorry to bother you.”

(This way, we can be sure that the two cavalry will withdraw…are the remaining three cavalry servants we saw last night?)

caster, lancer, and assassin.

After defeating all three mounted servants, the work of sabotage against the Holy Grail War can officially begin.

(Thinking about it carefully, I was thinking about getting the Holy Grail at first, but now I want to destroy the Holy Grail… I am really inconsistent in my actions.)

But from a long-term perspective, there is no need for the Holy Grail War to exist. If it continues to exist, it will definitely be held again in the future, and individuals like Illya will appear again…

“Huh? Where’s Saber?”

Thinking of Illya, Exia suddenly noticed that there was one person missing from the dining table.

Shajo Aige looked towards the second floor: “She hasn’t come down yet. When she came back last night, her face was not very good. She must be still resting.”

“I’ll go take a look. Please clear the dishes, Miss Ai Ge.”


After speaking, Alexia stood up and walked to the second floor.

And just after his figure disappeared at the end of the stairs——


Pushing the cork open again, Ishtar flew out and sat on the edge of the bottle: “You should leave a hole for me to ventilate. Do you want to suffocate me to death?”

“If you continue to use magic power to push the plug, your disappearance will be accelerated, goddess Ishtar.” Shajo Aige reminded with a smile.

“Hmph, I have the final say whether you want to disappear or not. What does it matter to you?” Ishtar pouted, “Compared to this, are you serious about what you did? Turn yourself into the Great Holy Grail… …I don’t think it’s a wise choice for you to do this.”

Ishtar can naturally tell what kind of existence Shajo Aige is.

Even in the Age of Gods, there was no such thing as a girl who was born with a connection to the root. Although the Age of Gods did not need such a special physique.

“With your ability, you can live no matter how you live in this era. Is it necessary to give up all your strength for that kind of guy and become his vassal?”

“Of course.”

There was no trace of confusion in Shajo Aige’s answer, and her expression was filled with overflowing love.

“I love the prince. As long as it’s for him, it doesn’t matter if I give up everything about myself – this is my love for him. You are also the goddess in charge of love, so you should be able to understand my feelings.”


Ishtar’s priesthood is war, love and fertility, and to a certain extent she also has the priesthood of agriculture god, so she can indeed understand Shajo’s love song.

This kind of determination to do whatever it takes for someone, by the standards of love, is really pure to the extreme, and it is also extremely strong.

“…Really? Then I hope you won’t regret it in the future, little girl.”

“Is it a revelation from the goddess of love? I accept it with gratitude – okay, please go back.”


Before Ishtar could say anything, Shajo Aige pushed her whole body back into the bottle again.

45. Artoria was corrupted?

Just when Shajo Aige was talking to Ishtar.

On the second floor, in Artoria’s room.

Because Illya has now been transferred to the magic workshop of the Shajo family, Arturia is the only one living here now.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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