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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 147

And now——


Arturia, who was lying on the bed, looked extremely painful, clutching her chest with both hands, as if she was in extreme discomfort.

In fact, she was indeed quite uncomfortable.


The heart that exists in the chest, the dragon’s heart which is equivalent to the heart of the magic furnace, is now beating powerfully in Artoria’s body – if it is just beating, then there is no problem, after all, the heart is meant to beat. Yes, my heart stops beating and there is a problem.

However, Artoria’s heart is now beating with unprecedented strength!



There was a sound like a heavy hammer hitting the wall in the chest, making Artoria scream out almost uncontrollably. Along with this unbearable impulse, a scalding heat flow immediately started from the heart and flowed through Artoria. Tolia’s whole body!

It was a feeling as if the body was on fire.



My heart is so noisy.

Arturia frowned tightly, and the strength of her hands was so strong that she almost tore her clothes to pieces.

(Just be quiet——)



Arturia couldn’t help but shout out again with her beating heart, and her breathing became a little heavier and uncontrollably.

(No, if this continues, I will… have to find a solution!)

This state of affairs must not be maintained forever!

Arturia remembered that she had been in this state since last night, and it was after seeing Exia who transformed into a dragon.

(Does Alexia know something? You have to go find him and ask!)

“Dong dong dong!”

Just when Arturia was thinking this, a knock on the door suddenly sounded from outside, and then Alexia’s voice came: “Are you awake? Saber, breakfast is ready.”


In an instant, with the sound of feet tapping the ground, Artoria, who was still lying on the bed a second ago, immediately ran out of the bed, but before she could run to open the door for Alexia, her heart suddenly beat so hard that she His movements immediately froze, and he slipped on the spot and fell down.


Hearing the noise coming from inside, Alexia, who was standing outside the door, couldn’t help but frowned: “Saber? Are you okay? What happened?”

“I…I’m fine…”

Holding back her physical discomfort, Artoria got up from the ground: “The door is not closed, you come in first…”

Can I go in?

Without thinking much, Alexia opened the door and walked into the room: “Are you okay? I just heard Miss Ai Ge say that you are unwell… saber?!”

Halfway through her words of concern, Exia saw Arturia lying on the ground, panting heavily, and her face was abnormally red, as if she had a high fever!

“Are you okay? Saber, why do you look so sick? Did something go wrong in the battle with Rider yesterday?”


Arturia, whose face was flushed, shook her head slightly, covering her heart with her hand and exhaling hot breath: “It’s just… there is something in my body… my heart… can’t stop. …..”

“Heart?” Alexia frowned, and then picked up Artoria – anyway, it was better to put her on the bed first, instead of lying on the ground.

However, what Ixia didn’t expect was that the moment he picked up Artoria, it was as if explosives had been ignited in her body. Artoria suddenly felt something burst out of her body. !

【Stay away from her! partner! 】

Ddraig’s roar suddenly sounded on his left hand.

Alexia immediately threw Artoria onto the bed subconsciously! Only then did he finally feel the burning sensation coming from his hand!

(My body is so hot…saber, what’s wrong with her? Ddraig?)

[I don’t know, but one thing is for sure, you’d better not get close to her now]

Ddraig’s voice was serious.

[I can feel a strong dragon power from her… and it gives me a feeling that I may lose control at any time. If you approach her rashly, you are still in the weak stage and you can’t guarantee—— Don’t listen to him! idiot! 】

Before Ddraig could finish his words, [Exia]’s voice, which almost never took the initiative to speak out, suddenly interrupted and intervened!

(Another me? Do you know what’s going on with Saber?)

[Won’t you know if you feel it carefully? 】

Feel carefully?

Alexia looked at Artoria who was thrown on the bed by him, and stared at her intently for a while. But just like that, a feeling that was particularly familiar to Alexia suddenly entered his perception!

Without any hesitation, Alexia rushed to the bedside: “Sorry, Saber, I was a little rude.”

After saying this to Artoria, Exia tore her collar a little, and then tore it all the way to her chest. The moment it was torn apart, Exia immediately saw A scene that was extremely familiar to him!


Starting from Artoria’s heart, dozens of purple lines spread across her body like blood vessels, emitting a faint purple light.

This is……

“Honkai energy’s… erosion?!”

Alexia’s eyes almost popped out, her expression full of surprise and disbelief!

Artoria was actually eroded by Honkai energy? !

How can this be!

There is no Honkai energy in this world! Even if there is, it is the part that Exia released!

(Could it be the Honkai energy I released during the battle…but I always clean up the aftermath after the battle. When exactly was it – last night?!)

[It’s not just last night, idiot, think about it more carefully]

[Exia] reminded.

[Don’t forget, before last night, she was your enemy the day before yesterday, and she was severely beaten by you with ice. Although you didn’t hit her a few times, you were really good in the end. Zai stabbed her body with his sword]


[It wouldn’t matter if she died directly, but she saved her life after that because of Sajo’s love song]

[Although all physical injuries have been healed, do you think the Honkai energy that invaded her body along your blade will disappear? 】

46. ​​Dragon Heart: This is a high-end game!

——[Hengkai disease].

In Exia’s original world, this was a collective name for the symptoms that occurred after Honkai eroded and infected living things.

Patients infected by Honkai will have purple streaks all over their bodies, and their organ functions will gradually deteriorate until they finally die completely.

Of course, in today’s world, Honkai Disease is no longer a disease. Bishop Otto developed special medicine many years ago. As long as timely treatment is given, Honkai Disease is not incurable.

Unlike decades or even centuries ago, the only way to cure Honkai disease was to remove the infected part.


(This is not my original world.)

Yes, this is not Exia’s original world.

If Honkai Energy is regarded as a virus, then it is a brand-new virus that has never appeared in this world. And for this brand-new virus, which does not even belong to the laws of existence of this world, it is impossible for the creatures of this world to exist. Antibodies are present.

In other words – no resistance to the erosion of Honkai energy!

“Wait! Saber fought me the day before yesterday, right?” Alexia suddenly thought of a blind spot, “Since it happened the day before yesterday, why didn’t it happen until now?”

【You must have been stimulated】

It was Ddraig who answered Exia.

[This is just a guess. The Honkai energy that invaded her body through your blade may have been suppressed by the dragon power in her body for the past two days. The dragon power in her body is not huge, but it is very strong. Considering the situation of this world… I am afraid it is the embodiment of some kind of symbol]

[The Red Dragon of the British Isles—something like that. 】

Artoria is the savior of the British Isles. She is a dragon child artificially created to save the weakening British Isles. She is equivalent to the incarnation of the red dragon of the British Isles.

Therefore, even though she does not hold much power as an individual, her strength, or purity, is quite high.

The Honkai energy that invaded Artoria’s body was actually, as Ddraig suspected, always suppressed by the power of the dragon in her body…or rather, it was counterbalanced by the powerful dragon’s heart. In the case of antibodies, it resisted the erosion of Honkai energy with the purest power.

[But last night, after absorbing the Honkai energy released by you in the forbidden form at close range, the dragon power in her body could no longer reach her. In addition, you also released a strong dragon energy… ….The encounter between dragons resonated, causing the dragon power in her body to fall out of control to a certain extent]

[Then until now, after contacting you again, the degree of loss of control has intensified, and at the same time, the erosion of Honkai energy has become stronger and stronger – which finally led to her current appearance]


Following Ddraig’s explanation, Arturia hummed again.


The strong beating sound from his heart was so strong that even Ikexia could hear it. His petite body was like a heated iron block, and the skin all over his body was red. I didn’t even know if it was an illusion. Ikexia West Asia felt the heat rising from Artoria’s body!

In order to eliminate all Honkai Energy from Artoria’s body, the power output of the Dragon’s Heart has been completely out of control!

[If this continues, her body will not be able to bear it, partner]

“I know, but…I didn’t bring any medicine!”

Alexia said through gritted teeth.

He never expected to meet a Honkai patient in another world. In addition, he had successfully recovered all the released Honkai energy before, so now he has no means at hand to alleviate this symptom!

Even the most primitive resection surgery… the infected part of Artoria’s body started from the heart! It’s not necessarily possible to just cut out the heart, right?

“Anyway… freeze her first?”

Exia held Artoria’s hand uneasily, but [Exia] immediately stopped him.

[You are stupid. Originally, she became like this because of Honkai Energy infection. Do you continue to inject Honkai Energy into her because you think she is not dying fast enough? 】

“That’s right…what should we do?”

[It will heal soon after it is sucked out]


Alexia couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment.

Suck it out?

[You can control Honkai now, right? Then just use the Taixu sword energy to control the Honkai energy in her body, guide it to a place where it can be excreted, and then let you accept it.】

Alexia is Kaslana, and she has almost absolute resistance to Honkai energy, so she can withstand any amount of Honkai energy without any problems.

“Are you…sure this will work?”

[Theoretically it works, after all, I came up with it on the spur of the moment]


Alexia couldn’t help but want to curse out. Give him a temporary solution at this time?

“…Forget it, I’d better ask the Bishop first.”

[Are you sure you still have that extra time? 】


Exia, who was just about to go back to her room to get her personal terminal, couldn’t help but stop when [Exia] said this.

[The place where she was infected was her heart. Even if she is a Servant, the heart is still a very important part. If it continues, it will really be impossible to save her when the heart is completely infected – well, you think she doesn’t need to be saved. does not matter】

“Stop saying stupid things.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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