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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 148

Alexia curled her lips.

Should you save Artoria? This kind of thing doesn’t even require a second of thought!

(Indeed, even if it’s too late to go back and ask Bishop Otto for a more effective solution, but another theoretical method I came up with on the spur of the moment… Do you want to give it a try? Or should I go down and let Miss Aige come first? ——)


Suddenly, Artoria’s body trembled violently! At the same time, the speed at which the purple lines on the heart spread has increased visibly to the naked eye! It almost occupies a quarter of the chest!

(Can’t hesitate anymore!)

Gritting her teeth, Exia directly put her hand on Artoria’s chest!

“This is not a hooligan, saber…tell me exactly what to do! Another me!”

[Use the Taixu Sword Qi to control the Honkai Energy to guide the Honkai Energy in her body to flow out of her body. If you want to hurry up…it’s your mouth. After it is guided out, it’s up to you to eat it]

“I see!”

Putting her hand on Artoria’s chest, Ixia closed her eyes and concentrated, magnifying her five senses to the maximum, and using all her strength to feel the flow of [Qi] in Artoria’s body.


A feeling like a river flashed across Aixia’s senses in an instant – it was the feeling of controlling Honkai energy that he would always use when using Taixu sword energy in the past.

Like catching a loach, according to her long-standing habit, Exia immediately grabbed the [river]!

(Got it! Next is…)

Opening her eyes, Exia moved her palms and pulled the Honkai energy absorbed into her palms through the muscles and bones, bit by bit, towards Artoria’s throat.


Arturia made a sound like vomiting. For her, the feeling of being filled with [foreign matter] in her throat must be uncomfortable.

(Just bear with it a little longer, Saber, you’ll be fine soon…)

Exia’s laborious barrier controls the Honkai energy.

And just when this Honkai energy was transferred to Artoria’s mouth, looking at Artoria’s slightly open lips, Exia suddenly realized something!

(Wait a minute, if you want to suck it out, don’t you have to…)

【Do you still care about this? 】

[Exia]’s urging voice came in my mind.

[Is it more important to save people or your personal wishes? Clearly distinguish the primary and secondary relationships, idiot]


(The worst I can do is go back and wash my mouth a hundred times!)

Facing Artoria’s lips, Exia lowered her head and bit it!

47.Love song

Artoria felt a little itchy on her chest.

It was as if something was lying on his chest.

(Is it…berserker?)

Although Artoria had been in a daze because of her strange body, she vaguely remembered that she should be with Alexia now.

So, the person touching her now is Alexia?

Why did she touch herself? And this action is obviously…


A slight heartbeat reached Artoria’s ears from her chest.

Different from the powerful, almost violent heartbeat that had been echoing just now and occupying all her energy, the current heartbeat sounded like her usual heartbeat to Artoria.

It is a steady, stable, and continuous heartbeat that provides strength to oneself.

Along with the changes in her heartbeat, Artoria could feel that the burning sensation that filled her body was disappearing from her body at a very rapid rate. It’s like taking a cold shower after being in a sauna for a long time.

No, to be more precise, it should be…


For no reason, Artoria had the impression that she was being embraced by someone, in a world filled with heavy snow.

Unprecedented comfort gradually replaced the burning sensation, and the icy cold feeling began to spread from her lips to her whole body, slowly regaining consciousness from her unconsciousness due to physical reasons.

It seems like it has been stuck in this state.

This state of being embraced by someone, this state of being protected by someone, this state of… lying on the snowfield and looking up at the sky filled with snow.


However, the feeling coming from her chest prevented Artoria from staying in this state forever. Although there was no unnecessary movement, it was really uncomfortable to have her chest pressed all the time.

In addition, as her consciousness became clearer and clearer, Artoria also felt that in addition to her chest, there seemed to be a strange touch on her lips.

what is going on?

What did the berserker do to himself?

This question drove Artoria to open her eyes. The dark vision was gradually illuminated by light. The sunlight shining into the room from the windows and curtains made Artoria’s blurred vision gradually clear.



Exia’s face with her eyes slightly closed caught Artoria’s eyes for the first time!

(This, this, this, this, this…I am…I am talking to berserker——)

It’s not that Artoria doesn’t understand this aspect. After being married to Princess Guinevere as the king, she occasionally needed to show the relationship between the king and the princess in public, so Artoria is not familiar with this kind of thing now. The situation is not unfamiliar.

However, she had always been the dominant one in the past, but this was the first time in history that she was being kissed by others.

(W-Why did berserker kiss me?! Could it be that he–ugh!)

The strange feeling in her mouth suddenly interrupted Artoria’s thoughts. After determining what was going on, almost subconsciously, Artoria pushed hard!


She didn’t expect that Artoria would suddenly do this, and the unsuspecting Alexia was immediately pushed out of the bed!

Covering her lips with her cheeks flushed, Arturia looked at her clothes that had been torn off most of her body, and then thought about the situation just now——

“berserker! You-“

“Misunderstanding! It’s all a misunderstanding! Listen to my explanation, Saber!”

Seeing an invisible sword wrapped in the wind suddenly appeared in Artoria’s hand, Ixia quickly stood up and raised her hands to show her innocence: “I swear to God! I have absolutely no evil thoughts towards you! Everything about me All my actions are to save you! Really! Put down the sword first!”

“To save me?”

Hearing this, Artoria frowned and thought about the situation again…

“Is it possible that my heart and body are yours-“

“Yeah, yeah, yeah!”

Alexia nodded like a device: “Because the situation is urgent and there is really no other way, I can only use this method… I really don’t mean to offend you! I There’s someone you like!”


Looking silently at Alexia who was explaining to herself in a panic, Arturia felt her physical condition.

(It’s so relaxing…that feeling like there’s something inside your body…has completely disappeared?)

The heart was beating normally, and the burning sensation was as if it had never existed.

(Did berserker really save me?)

Putting away the sword in her hand, Artoria touched her lips: “It seems… I did misunderstand you? I’m sorry, berserker.”

“If possible, I really hope you don’t use a questioning tone.”

Alexia breathed a sigh of relief: “However, seeing that you are so energetic means that you really have no problem at all… It really scared me half to death.”

“Although I don’t quite understand, I really want to trouble you. I must have caused you a lot of trouble, right?”

Artoria still couldn’t figure out the current situation, but judging from her physical condition and Alexia’s performance, it seemed that her life was in danger, and then Alexia had to use this kind of intimacy to save herself. Too much, right?

If this is the case, then what she did just now was really too…she actually pointed a sword at her savior.

“berserker, I-“

“Prince? What’s wrong? I just heard a loud noise down there.”

Before Artoria could finish her words, the voice of Shajo Aige suddenly came from the corridor outside the room.

And before Ixia could respond——

“Your Majesty Prince?”

Shatiao Aige has arrived at the door of the room.

Then, he looked at Arturia, who was sitting on the bed in the room, wearing ragged clothes and looking a little rosy. The faint smile on Shajo Aige’s face immediately stiffened a bit, and her eyes turned to Exia little by little mechanically.

What caught her sight was Alexia’s somewhat flustered and overwhelmed expression.

In an instant!

[Artoria is disheveled] + [face is rosy] + [alone with the prince] + [the prince is a little embarrassed] = [what happened between the two of them]!

——Such an equation appeared directly in Shajo Aige’s mind!


The bottle containing Ishtar fell to the ground, and Saber Aige, whose face suddenly turned pale, took a few steps back slightly: “That… Your Majesty the Prince… Saber… ….I, am I…”

“Absolutely not! Saber and I are definitely not what you think! Miss Aige!”

Seeing the expression on Shajo Aige’s face that was about to cry, Exia quickly ran over and grabbed her shoulders – even he could tell that at this time, she must explain the situation carefully, otherwise it would be very dangerous. It may make the situation worse!

“Miss Aige, Saber, please listen to my explanation first. The situation just now is really not what you thought! There is a very complicated and sudden reason in it!”


“Really!” Alexia affirmed, “Whether I touched Saber’s breasts or kissed her later, it was all because of——”

Shatiao Loves Song: “!”

For a moment, it really happened in the moment when I heard Exia say that.

Shajo Aige stopped thinking.

48.First, second, and third

Alexia has never thought that girls are unreasonable objects. After all, among the opposite sexes he has come into contact with before, the most unreasonable ones are Kiana, and even Kiana, as long as he is with her Explain it clearly so that her stupid brain can understand it.

but now–

“So, the prince still kissed Saber, right?”

The location has been moved from Artoria’s room to Shajo’s restaurant.

Shatiao Aige was sitting in the front seat with a stern look on her face, as if she was a female leader presiding over some important meeting – which was indeed the case (she thought).

(The prince’s first kiss! The prince’s first kiss! That was the prince’s first kiss!!!)

Shajo Aige has been looking forward to this for a long time! Even if she knew that Alexia liked Bianca, there was a high chance that the first kiss would be Bianca’s, and Sajou Aige had been looking forward to it! I even think that even if I can’t get the first one, the second one should be fine!

But why is it being robbed now?

(Saber… actually gave my most important prince his first kiss… why did it have to be Saber…)

If she was snatched away by that Bianca, Sajo Aige could still understand and accept it, but the object was Saber… and it was to save her – if I had known that this would be the way to get the prince’s first kiss. ! Then she is pretending to be sick!

Looking at the stern-faced Shajo Aige, Alexia, who was forced to sit upright, said with some embarrassment: “So…haven’t I already explained it? I’ve explained it three times. …”

Yes, three times!

About half an hour had actually passed since then. During this period, Exia had already explained three times exactly why she did what she did just now.

“The main reason is that Saber was in too dangerous a state at that time, so I could only do that…”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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