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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 149

“Yes, Master.”

Arturia, who was sitting next to Alexia, also helped to explain – after listening to Alexia’s explanation, she completely understood and accepted it, although she was still a little bit uncomfortable with having such close contact with Alexia. Psychologically surprising, but not unacceptable.

After all, he was trying to save himself, and he was the least qualified person to blame him.

“Master, if you want to punish me, then please punish me. All the reasons are-“

“Are you comfortable, Saber?”

Sajo Aige’s abrupt words interrupted Artoria.


Artoria and Exia were both stunned – what makes you feel comfortable?

“Is your prince’s kiss comfortable?”


(That’s what it means!)

“That…Master, this question…”



“Isn’t that the point?” Alexia said nervously, “As for whether you feel comfortable kissing me… No matter which answer you give, I can’t stand it.”

In Exia’s opinion, this is simply a public execution!

Upon hearing this, Shajo Aige immediately glared at Alexia: “Prince, please shut up! Sit there and don’t move!”


Subconsciously, Alexia was obedient and straightened his sitting posture – it was not that there was any compulsory magic in Shajo Aige’s words, it was just that Alexia’s intuition told him that it was best to listen to Shajo Aige now. It’s better.

Looking at Artoria again, Saber Aige asked with a smile: “So, are you comfortable? Saber, a kiss with the prince.”


Even for the King of Knights, Artoria was a little shy when being asked such a direct question and being kissed by the opposite sex. Two blushes appeared on her heroic face: “1. Do I have to say it? Master… …”

“[Use the command curse to tell me whether I feel comfortable kissing the prince, saber]”

(He actually used the Command Seal directly!?)

Sajo Aige’s outrageous behavior without warning directly shocked Exia and Artoria!

Is the Command Seal used in this kind of place? ?

“Well… comfortable… comfortable…”

Even though she was extremely reluctant and her magic power was strong enough to resist the command spell, after resisting for a while, Artoria still blushed slightly and gave her answer softly.

“Hmm~~ It’s so comfortable… It’s so good. I want to experience it too.” Sabjo Aige smiled and said, “Can you describe it more specifically? Saber?”

“Uh… this… is just… like snow…”

“That’s it, it feels like snow…it’s so nice…”

Like a broken machine, Sajo Aige repeated Artoria’s words with a hearty smile, but contrary to her expression, looking at her like this, Artoria and Exia only felt that they It was like facing a bomb that could explode at any time.

“Um…Miss Ai Ge…calm down…”

“Master, you seem a little…”


Unknowingly, Shajo Aige lowered her head deeply, her body seemed to be vibrating, trembling slightly.

(Isn’t this a bit…dangerous?)

(The situation with the Master is not quite right…)

Similar thoughts appeared in Exia’s and Artoria’s minds at the same time.

And then——


He raised his head suddenly, took a deep breath quite forcefully, and then patted his chest hard. After completing this action, Sajo Aige looked at Exia and Artoria again.

“Although I’m very reluctant, let’s just say you win this time, Saber!”


Won? What won?

Arturia couldn’t understand what Sajo Aige said for a moment.

“Furthermore, since I am trying to save you, I really can’t blame the prince. If I want to blame, I can only blame me for not taking action in time… I thought of slowly getting closer to the prince through time, and now It seems that a wrong decision was made.”

(What’s wrong…What on earth is Miss Aige talking about?)

Alexia was also confused. Why did Shajo Aige suddenly start talking nonsense?

“So——Your Majesty Prince!”

“Huh? Why not————!”

The cold touch on his lips blocked what Alexia wanted to say, and the sudden sight of Shajo Aige’s face made him stop thinking for a moment!


It took a second for Alexia to react, and then she quickly pressed Shajo Aige and raised her head to separate her lips from hers.

“Miss Aige, you…”

“That way I’ll be second.”

Sitting back in her seat with flushed cheeks, Sajo Aige smiled and touched her lips.

“And Miss Bianca is only in third place anyway, so I win.”


What is this?

49.Next is Assassin

“I’m so exhausted…”


Fuyuki City, the new capital.

In a certain restaurant.

After sitting down on a seat at the foot of the table and ordering a huge portion of curry rice for himself as usual, Hiyer, who had a pair of dark circles under his eyes, laid his head on the dining table and let out a scream.

She was really exhausted.

It has been almost fifteen hours since last night. If you include the time during the day yesterday, then she has not closed her eyes for more than thirty hours! In addition, I stayed up all night last night, running around the city to deal with the aftermath of the Holy Grail War…

Even if Siyer’s body is made of iron, it has been a long time since she stayed up late for such a long time, which gave her a rare feeling that she was going to die of exhaustion – of course, it was more mental than physical.

“But, this way, it’s settled…”

The police have used magic to unify it, and the TV station has also asked their disguised colleagues to handle it. Next, as long as they spend more time to control the media reports, what happened last night should soon become a problem in Fuyuki City. Let’s talk after dinner, and then gradually be forgotten.

(What’s more troublesome is that the Self-Defense Forces were dispatched yesterday… Really, it’s not an ordinary trouble to deal with over there. It can only be left to the headquarters.)

Recalling the series of things that happened last night, Hiyer felt like his head was going to explode.

The golden light that appeared in the sky, the giant ice cubes like icebergs, the red starlight… Even the church spent a lot of effort to cover it up, and even used the help of some local magicians. strength.

Not to mention after that—

“Holy Grail War… These magicians have really created something really troublesome. I really don’t know why the church has to shoulder the task of supervising it.”

Hiyer complained incomprehensively about the decision made by his boss who didn’t know how many years ago.

Wouldn’t it be better for the magician to handle such troublesome matters by himself? Hiyer remembered that there was a department within the Magic Association that specifically controlled the behavior of magicians.

(However, this is the part I am responsible for, and the rest will be left to time and others. Then…)

Just when Hiyer was thinking this——

“Am I the first? It seems that I came too early.”

Such a voice suddenly came from the side.

Hiyer turned her head to look in the direction of the sound, and then a figure came into her sight.

It was a beauty dressed in men’s clothing in a black suit, with short and neat red hair, her red eyes were full of seriousness, and she was carrying a cylindrical container on her shoulder.

[Female civil servant wearing men’s clothing] – This person who walked over probably had this impression.

Realizing that Hiyer was looking at her, the woman in the suit immediately came over: “Can I sit down?”

“Excuse me. After all, I’m the one who called you here. There’s no reason not to let you sit.” Hiyer said, “Did you come alone?”

“I asked Caster to wait outside.”

Caster——The beauty dressed in men’s clothing who appeared in front of Hiyer is actually Caster’s master.

A participant from the Magic Association, named [Bazett Fraga McRemitz], based on the information obtained by Hiyer and the self-introduction he made when he met her after arriving here, she It seems to belong to an organization called the “Seal Designated Enforcement Bureau” in the clock tower, and is one of its executors.

This time, as a representative of the Magic Association, I came to participate in the Holy Grail War.

Putting down the cylinder on his shoulder, Bazett looked around: “Has anyone else come yet?”

“Yes. The originally agreed meeting time was in the afternoon, and there was still about half an hour left. But you came too early.”

“Because I think the situation is quite urgent – an out-of-control Servant will cause big problems if it is not dealt with as soon as possible.”

Out of control servant.

That’s why Hiyer asked Bazett to come here to see her.

“Guest, your curry rice.”

“Ah, thank you.”

Taking the curry rice from the waiter and ignoring Bazette, Hiyer began to eat by herself. She hadn’t eaten anything since last night, and she was already very hungry. .

Bazett didn’t continue to say anything, just closed his eyes slightly and rested.

There is actually no common topic between the two. After all, they belong to the Church and the Magic Association respectively, and the two organizations have always been enemies. Normally, once they meet, there will definitely be a fight.

Being able to sit together peacefully like this now is basically a miracle – in fact, this must also be considered because Bazett and Hiyer have no real understanding of the conflicts between organizations.

Therefore, time continued to pass by in Bazett’s silence and Siel’s quiet eating.



The time soon came to one o’clock in the afternoon.

After opening his eyes from closing his eyes to rest, Bazett looked at the time: “It’s the promised time.”

“Well, I think the remaining two people will be here soon, right? – Oh, come as soon as you say so.”

Hiyer’s gaze stopped outside the window for a moment, and then soon, along with a bell ringing from the door, a figure quickly came to the table where the two were sitting and sat down at the next table.

“I am the second one… Really, why are I always so destined to be the second one today?”

The second person – Sajo Aige – looked at Bazett as he said: “I didn’t hear there was anyone else, Miss Hiyer.”

“Because when I informed you, I hadn’t informed anyone else yet – why are you looking so rosy?”

Hiyer looked at Shajo Aige with some doubts.

As she said, Shajo Aige’s face is now quite rosy and plump, giving people a feeling of being energetic and radiant.

Did something good happen to you?

“Hmm~~~ Because I finally realized a small wish, it’s natural for me to be in a good mood.” Sajo Aige smiled, “Compared to this, I just heard that [the remaining two people] …Isn’t Lancer’s master here yet?”

“…Do you know?”

“I just found out about it just now.” Sajo Aige smiled, “The reason why we summoned our remaining three masters must be for that matter, right?”

“——[Destroy the out-of-control assassin].”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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