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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 15

“Yes, yes, yes~~~~ I’m sorry, Alexia, I didn’t mean it.” Tiona clasped her hands and apologized, “By the way, tell me, who is the person you like!”

(Is she really reflecting?)

Alexia couldn’t help but think.

And at this moment——

“Sir adventurers from the Loki Familia, this is the meal you ordered. Please use it.”

Such a voice came from the side, and then a special gray appeared in Alexia’s eyes – a pretty girl with gray ponytail hair.


“Huh? This is an adventurer I’ve never seen before. Could it be that he’s a newcomer to the Loki Familia?” Looking at Exia, the girl asked with a natural smile.

“That’s right, he’s the super newcomer who joined us two days ago! Exia-kun!”

Tiona said it as if she was showing off her own child.


After muttering the name in a low voice, the girl smiled and said: “First time we meet, Lord Exia, I am Hill Froir.”

“Well, hello, I’m Alexia Kaslana.”

(The look in her eyes…)

Looking at the girl in front of her, I don’t know why, but Alexia always felt that her eyes looked familiar.

It seems like… I’ve seen it somewhere.

26. The hostility of Freya Familia

Hill Froir.

Theoretically, this should be the first time Exia met this girl.

However, it should be said to be an intuition. The way Hill looked at him, Alexia felt that this was not the first time she felt it.

After hesitating for a moment, Alexia asked: “Miss Hill, have you and I… met somewhere? Or have you seen me somewhere?”


When asked by Alexia, Hill pointed his finger at his lips and thought for a while before shaking his head with a smile: “No, no. This is the first time you and I have met~~~~Ah, could it be said that this is The so-called striking up a conversation?”


It’s not an illusion.

At the same time that Hill said these words, Alexia clearly felt that several eyes in the store were focused on him, and one or two of them had strong and obvious murderous intent!

Alexia immediately trembled involuntarily: “Really… I’m sorry for asking some strange questions. Because your eyes make me feel familiar.”

“That may be because I saw it once or twice in the crowd. I usually go out to help the store buy things. I probably caught a glimpse of it by accident at that time, right?” Hill smiled, “Then, please Let’s have some dinner together.”

After saying this, Hill trotted away. At the same time, the murderous aura and several lines of sight that fell on Ixia’s back disappeared one by one.

After turning around and glancing at the situation in the store, Alexia sighed slightly: “This store is really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon…”

“Indeed – look at the window on the second floor. Can you see a cat man?”


Alexia looked towards the second floor. Just as Finn said, there was a young cat man sitting there, leaning against the window and overlooking the street outside.

“That’s the deputy leader of the Freya Familia, the fastest adventurer in Orario, known as [Vanirfreyja], Alan Flomo. Like me, he’s lv. 6.” Finn introduced to.

The unexpected identity made Exia raise her eyebrows.

(lv.6, and… from the Freya family?)

“Ah, that stupid cat is here too.” Tiona glanced at Allen, “I don’t like him very much, he looks so arrogant, as if everyone owes him money, he’s so arrogant .”

“He will hear it, Tiona.” Finn smiled, but did not stop him. He just paid attention to Allen’s movements at all times.

The latter, after hearing Tiona’s words, glared hard and did nothing else. However, judging from his eyes and expression, it was indeed the same as Tiona said, he was a pretty good person. A proud person.

“It seems that he doesn’t want to take action today – if it were Bert, he would have called directly.”

“It’s rare that he is so obedient.”


Ais didn’t speak, but just by looking at her hand on the hilt of the sword, she knew that she was ready for a conflict with Allen – there were many battles between the Loki Familia and Freya Familia. There are more or less small frictions between them.

Finn said: “Since the other party doesn’t want to provoke a fight, we don’t need to actively provoke him. Let’s finish lunch early and return to the family.”

“That’s right.”


Listening to the conversation coming back from downstairs, Allen curled his lips disdainfully: “Tsk, if Sir Hill hadn’t been here… By the way, that white-haired man is Alexia Kaslan. Naah.”

His eyes fell on Alexia, and as if he was sizing him up, Allen glanced up and down at him.

(The new guy Freya is interested in, according to what that guy Ota said, the light of this kid’s soul fascinates you more than all of us… Stupid, how could it be possible? Such a thing!)

Regarding Freya’s evaluation of Exia, all members of Freya’s family have been informed by Ota, and after that, everyone’s reaction was the same.

That is [puzzled] and [unwilling].

It is an honor to be favored by the goddess, and everyone in Freya’s family is proud of it. As long as they can get the favor of the goddess, it is okay to kill all other members – in fact, this is the current situation of Freya’s family. .

They do not increase their abilities by entering dungeons to defeat monsters, but through extremely cruel internal struggles.

Specifically, it was a life-or-death melee in the clan’s camp all day long, starting at dawn and ending at sunset.

Just like Valhalla in Nordic mythology.

The elites who stand out among them are all lv.5 without exception. No, it should be said that only those who have reached level 5 will be allowed to leave the battle wilderness.

The same is naturally true for Allen, and he has gained more favor from the goddess because of this.

So he didn’t understand why his goddess would praise a low-class newcomer so much, and also praise him in a way that belittled all of them. This was simply saying that all of their family members combined were not as good as Ixia alone.

Incomprehension and unwillingness, even disgust and hostility towards Ixia – this is the attitude of the Freya family as a whole towards Ixia.

(If he were to enter the fighting wilderness, he might not survive for half a day. I don’t understand why the goddess would fall in love with such a guy.)


Just when Allen was thinking like this, within his field of vision, Alexia, who was immersed in eating, suddenly raised her head and looked at him, seemingly aware of his gaze.

(Have you noticed it? It’s not a big deal. I should have noticed it the moment I looked at you. I don’t even want to give you a single point of evaluation.)

Withdrawing his gaze, as if he had completely lost interest in Alexia, Allen drank the wine in his hand and stood up and walked towards the depths of the second floor.

Looking at his leaving figure, Alexia narrowed her eyes. After being silent for a while, she quickly cleaned the bowl of rice and stood up: “Captain, where is the toilet?”

“There are them on the first and second floors, both near the stairs.”

“Then I’ll go and I’ll be back soon.”

“Well – be careful not to touch Allen.”

“I know.”

After responding, Exia left the table.

Staring at him from behind, Finn paused and said, “Tiona, please follow me to see what’s going on.”

“Eh? Aren’t you just going to the toilet? Exia-kun is not a child anymore.”

“I think he might bump into Allen… No, it should be said that Allen would deliberately go to him, although the reason is not clear yet.”

After hearing what her captain said, Tiona had no choice but to obey, stood up and walked towards Exia.

27.The Miracle of S-Class

What Finn was worried about didn’t happen in the end.

Although Alexia and Allen did pass each other near the stairs, they only looked at each other, and then they left.

After Exia and Tiona came back from the toilet, the four of them returned to the Loki Familia together.

“In other words, I almost got into an argument with Freya’s kitten…”

In the office of the leader of the family clan.

Finn, Tiona, Ace, Riveria, Loki, plus Alexia, they are now together.

After listening to Finn’s report, Loki narrowed his eyes and smiled: “But I don’t think the other party is arrogant enough to deal with you three at the same time, right?”

“In any case, it’s good that you are fine. If there is a dispute with the Freya Familia now, the guild will not sit idly by and do nothing.” Riveria said calmly, “However, Allen appears there… ..could it be intentional?”

“I don’t think so. He often appears there. This time it should be just an accident.”

Finn shook his head, then looked at Loki and Exia: “Okay, let’s talk about these things later. Loki, please update Exia’s ability value. It should be improved a lot this time.”

“Okay~~~ Come on, little one, take off your clothes.”


This is the third ability value update that Exia has carried out during this period – for an adventurer, this update frequency is actually quite fast, usually only once every two months.

After all, if the update is too fast, no growth can be seen.

The same is true for large-scale Familia such as Loki. Although Loki herself said that anyone who wants to update can come to her at any time, in fact most members will choose to conduct unified updates before the expedition.


Sacred words appeared on Exia’s back, and Loki began to update his ability values ​​as usual, but this time… no, it should be said that it was the same as the previous two times. This time when he saw the ability After receiving the update, Loki fell into a long silence again.

“Say, Finn…what did you do in the dungeon all morning?”

After a long time, Loki turned around and asked as if he had finally recovered.

“I spent most of the time on the upper floor letting Ixia deal with the Minotaurs. Finally, before I left, I went to the seventeenth floor to test Ixia’s magic and deal with the floor master.”

“So early?” Riveria frowned, “Didn’t you say that you are planning to wait until his full ability reaches S before letting him deal with it?”

Finn smiled bitterly: “About this…”

“He was defeated alone.” Ais said first, “The floor master was alone.”

“……real or fake?”

Riveria showed a rare expression of surprise.

And Tiona also raised her hand: “I can also testify to this. Exia-kun defeated the lv.4 Goliath alone. And it doesn’t look like he used magic.”

“No magic? In other words, Goliath is not counted… Then the change in ability value is acceptable – what a ghost!”

After printing down Exia’s abilities on parchment, Loki patted him hard on the back as if he was venting something: “I don’t know where you came from, you are more like a monster than a monster! How can you grow at such a speed!?”

“How much has it improved? Loki.”

“See for yourselves!”

Loki slapped the parchment on the table, and Ais and others immediately gathered around the table.

Alexia Kaslana


Strength: f (366) → s (939)

Durability: g(231)→s(903)

Dexterity: f (351) → s (930)

Agility: f (396) → s (955)

Magic: i(0)→i(0)


【He will save the world】

——No chanting strengthening magic

——All ability values, skills, and development effects have been greatly enhanced.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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