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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 150

50. Valkyrie can’t hold it back

Just when the three of Shajo Aige started discussing in the restaurant——

In a square some distance from the restaurant.

Alexia: “…”

Cu Chulainn: “…”


On a bench, looking at Cu Chulainn and Valkyrie sitting on both sides of the bench, Exia couldn’t help but ask: “Caster, Lancer, are you… encountering each other by chance?” Already?”

“Ha, who knows?”

Cu Chulainn, who had changed into modern clothes, smiled and said: “It’s you, Berserker, why are you here too? By the way, your face looks so haggard. Are you overworked?”

“…I really don’t want to mention it right now.”

Alexia sat down on a bench next to her a little tiredly.

After being forcibly kissed by Shajo Aige, some strange switch was turned on, and Shajo Aige, who was already very passionate about him, became even more passionate.

Originally, with a considerate and gentle older sister like Sajo Aige taking care of herself so enthusiastically, Alexia would not feel any resistance no matter how uncomfortable she was. In this regard, he was the same as most men.

Who would refuse the meticulous care of a girl like Shajo Aige?


First, she took the initiative to do that to Artoria, and then she was forcefully kissed by Shajo Aige. Exia, who had been clean and self-sufficient for the past sixteen years, did it in just a few dozen minutes. Having done such an outrageous thing… His spirit was really unbearable.

Specifically, just like a serious student who suddenly starts smoking and drinking, the impact of this strong contrast cannot be accepted in a short time.

And more importantly –

(How am I going to explain it to Bianca later!?)

This is the thing that makes Alexia most distressed and uneasy!

Although it was not impossible to hide it, but when she thought of kissing other women without telling Bianca… Alexia felt a strong sense of guilt in her heart, as if she was committing a crime!

Looking at Exia who was sitting on the bench with a tangled look, although Cu Chulainn didn’t understand him very well, as a mature man, his experience told him that Exia might be in a situation that he was familiar with now. Case.

“Is it a woman?”


Alexia nodded bitterly.

Cu Chulainn immediately smiled, stood up, came to sit next to Ixia, and at the same time patted his shoulder hard, and said with a bold smile: “Since it is such a trivial matter, don’t worry about it! Women’s hearts are as deep as the bottom of the sea, we are You’ll never be able to figure it out in your lifetime! So just don’t think too much and just let nature take its course!”

“No, it’s not about this aspect…sigh~~~~”

Alexia sighed helplessly: “Speaking of which, why are you here? Caster, Lancer, taking a walk?”

“Accept the master’s order and wait.”

Valkyrie said a little stiffly, and I don’t know if it was an illusion. Alexia always felt like she was enduring something, and her expression was a little unnatural.

Cu Chulainn also crossed his legs: “Me too, the master asked me to take a stroll outside now. She has something to deal with.”

(Both the masters of caster and lancer…are they similar to me?)

“Have you noticed? Berserker.” Cu Chulainn smiled, “It seems that our masters are all gathered together for the same reason, and then as servants, we naturally meet here. ——It can be regarded as a fate. As those who will have to fight to the death later, it seems that it is not a bad thing for us to get to know each other better now. Isn’t it? “


After Cu Chulainn said this, Exia slowly realized that the two servants around her were both her enemies. Because of what happened with Sajo Aige and Artoria, his mind was so confused that he couldn’t even think of this at the first time.

“Oh? His expression has changed.”

Noticing the changes in Exia, Cu Chulainn also retracted his hand on Exia’s shoulder: “Don’t worry, kid, the Holy Grail War is forbidden during the day – at least you can’t fight casually on the streets. , so now, neither I nor Lancer will take action, so you can relax.”

“Right? Miss Lancer? Besides, I think you’re holding it in very hard. How about you tell me what you want to say?”

“…I’m not holding it in.”

“Liar, you’re obviously feeling uncomfortable holding it in. Berserker can tell that, right?”

Alexia couldn’t help but nodded after hearing this: “Well, it feels a bit like I want to say something but don’t dare to say it.”


(Seen through.)

“Boy, you feel pretty accurate.” Cu Chulainn smiled, “Of course, it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to say it, we won’t force you to say it.”

“Huh… I understand. Since you two don’t mind, I’m a little rude.”

After taking a deep breath to adjust his mentality, Valkyrie moved his position and sat close to the two of them: “However, please don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I dare not say it. I just think it would be rude to extend an invitation to someone who is meeting for the first time. In addition, we are still enemies, so I think the next words are a bit inappropriate to say.”

“After all, this is my nature. It is difficult to overcome. I can only endure it forcefully.”


Alexia immediately thought of his other self. According to him, he was Alexia’s instinct.

(My patient nature… I always feel like I can understand how hard and troublesome that is.)

【Hello! Who’s to blame! 】

Another complaint from myself immediately came to mind.

At this moment, Valkyrie also expressed the thoughts she had been holding back: “Caster, berserker, this sentence may be a bit strange for me as an enemy – would you like to join the Hall of Valor? ?”

Cu Chulainn: “Huh?”

Alexia: “…Eh?”


at the same time.

Somewhere in Fuyuki City.

“sorry Sorry sorry……”

In the dark and lightless room, someone was squatting in the corner, like a malfunctioning machine, repeating the same sentence over and over again.

“I’m sorry…I’m sorry…I’m sorry…I’m sorry…”

It was a sound reminiscent of a “broken radio”.

And on the only bed in the room——


A [corpse] was lying there.

His whole body glowed with a strange purple light, as if he had been poisoned.


51. Cooperate to eliminate Assassin

Join the Hall of Valor?

Hearing what Valkyrie said, Exia and Cu Chulainn were stunned at the same time, especially Cu Chulainn, whose puzzled expression was quite obvious.

Because this sentence is really wrong. You must know that he and Valkyrie are originally Heroic Spirits, and now their bodies are located in the Hall of Valor outside the world. There is no such thing as “joining the Hall of Valor”…

“Ah, could it be possible—are you [Valkyrie]?”

Cu Chulainn asked after suddenly realizing another possibility.

When he said this, Valkyrie immediately covered his face and turned away: “Well… I knew it would be exposed… That’s why I didn’t want to say it… ..”

“Hahaha, that’s true.” Cu Chulainn laughed, “After all, as long as you say this, although your specific name cannot be determined yet, what kind of existence you are will be exposed immediately – the Nordic mythology Valkyrie.”

Valkyrie from Norse mythology.

Hearing what Cu Chulainn said, Exia also understood the meaning of what Valkyrie just said: “Do you want to invite me and Caster to join your Hall of Valor in Norse mythology?”

——Hall of Valor.

Unlike the Hall of Valor, which is located outside the world, the Hall of Valkyrie mentioned by Valkyrie is actually a palace in Norse mythology.

It is said that it is a gleaming golden palace with 540 doors that can accommodate 800 people passing through at the same time. The people living inside are called [heroic warriors].

Unlike most myths in the world, Nordic mythology is a relatively special myth, because its final ending must be [annihilation], which is also known as [Twilight of the Gods].

According to legend, in order to fight against the coming Ragnarok, the great god Odin sent many Valkyries, who were his children, to the battlefields of the world to collect the souls of the fallen heroes and bring them back to the Hall of Valor to wait for Ragnarok. When they arrive they can be sent to fight as an army.


Valkyrie nodded.

“This is the mission given to us Valkyrie when we were born. Therefore, if we meet a brave man who can become a heroic warrior, we will have the urge to invite him… It can also be said to be instinctive. “

For the Holy Grail War, this is actually quite a troublesome matter.

After all, the myth of Valkyrie and Hall of Valor is too famous. As Cu Chulainn said, once Valkyrie follows his instinct and invites the brave, his true name will be exposed immediately.

“My Master is really sympathetic to you, summoning a servant like you.” Cu Chulainn smiled, “So, which Valkyrie are you?”

“Do you think I will tell you?”

“We have already seen through the real body, so there is no point in hiding it anymore, right? – By the way, my real name is Cu Chulainn. It was originally supposed to be a lancer, but this time I am rare as a druid. Appear once again.”

Not caring about the importance of his real name at all, Cu Chulainn said his real name openly, and Valkyrie and Exia were a little surprised when they saw it.

“Isn’t your real name very important? Just say it like this…”

“Well, it’s important, but Lancer has semi-publicized his real name. It’s not shameful for me to keep hiding it. It’s only fair to say it outright.”

In the Holy Grail War, whether the true name is exposed or not will greatly affect the outcome of the battle between servants. After all, if they are those servants who have left clear weaknesses in myths and legends, once their true names are exposed, they will immediately Being targeted.

Therefore, the concealment of real names is very important.

However, Cu Chulainn now directly revealed his real name just because of [this is fairer]…

(As expected of a great hero in Celtic mythology, he is quite magnanimous and direct.)

“My real name is Alexia Kaslana.”

Thinking of this, Exia also reported her real name.

“However, I don’t think this name means anything to you. After all, I am not a hero who will leave his name in the history of this world. If I must say it, I am just an unknown follower.”

“No, no, no, the power you showed last night was not at the level of the Nameless Servant, right?”

“Indeed. Even in the Hall of Heroes, there are very few heroic warriors with the same level as you…”

Last night, in order to prevent Exia and Ishtar from having more and more influence from the battle, Cu Chulainn and Valkyrie had basically been watching from the middle of the battle. The two of them were quite impressed by the posture of the red dragon.

That was the power of a Noble Phantasm that could hit a divine servant head-on. Even Maeve was instantly killed with one blow – even if there was the factor that Maeve was not good at single combat, someone who could kill her instantly with one move …At least Cu Chulainn thought he couldn’t do it, but it was possible for him to do it if he was a lancer.


(We started chatting without realizing it.)

Looking at Exia beside him and Valkyrie on the other chair, Cu Chulainn couldn’t help but feel that the scene in front of him was a bit magical.

The three of them, who were supposed to be enemies, were actually sitting together in such harmony, and even said their real names so peacefully… It was a scene completely inconsistent with the conditions of the Holy Grail War.

(But this seems to be quite interesting.)

“Speaking of which, Miss Valkyrie, what is your real name?” Cu Chulainn changed the subject, “Berserker and I have told you our real names, so don’t hide it. It won’t matter if you say it. “


The blonde Valkyrie paused and said.

Slud – the Valkyrie in Norse mythology, the second child of Thor and Sif.

This is the real name of the Valkyrie who is now in the world.


Alexia whispered the name, and the next moment, before he could say anything else——

[My lord prince, can you hear me? 】

The sound of Shatiao’s love song suddenly reached his ears.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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