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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 151

(Can you hear me, is the matter over? Miss Ai Ge.)

[Well, we have determined the punishment for overdoing it last night. In addition, because another thing happened last night, our punishment is actually to deal with the subsequent impact of that thing]

(That thing? Which thing?)

[Related to assassin——Silent Hassan]

Quiet Hassan? Axia remembers that it was Hassan who was good at using poison to carry out assassinations.

(What happened to assassin?)

[After she left last night, she caused the death of three ordinary people, and…according to the knowledge I obtained, Assassin had poisoned her Master, and caused the area around her to be filled with poisonous gas. 】

[What we have to do is to eliminate the out-of-control Assassin. Prince–the masters of Caster and Lancer have also promised to provide assistance. 】

The words said by Sajo Aige made Alexia’s expression become slightly solemn.

And similarly, Cu Chulainn and Srud also showed the same expression.

(In other words… cooperate to eliminate Assassin?)

52.Is it because of me?

That happened last night.

After discouraging Exia from trying to further expand the influence of the Holy Grail War, Cu Chulainn, Srud, and Serenity Hassan left the Weiyuan River Bridge and each returned to the Master to report the details of last night. Condition.

There is nothing wrong with this.


“Assassin was on his way back, and for some reason he deactivated his spirit form on the street.”

Inside the park.

After receiving the contact from their respective masters, Cu Chulainn and Srud left the bench, and shortly after that, Exia saw Sajo Aige who came to join her.

And hearing what Shajo Aige said, Exia couldn’t help but frowned: “Removing the spirit form? Why?”

“Who knows? At least I’m not prepared to delve into it in detail. Fortunately, it was late at that time, and few people went to that street, so it didn’t have much impact – except for three people. After arriving at Assassin, he developed evil intentions.”

If you don’t consider your own mood and thoughts, Shajo Aige thinks that Serenity Hassan is very beautiful and cute. For this country that has become crooked in a sense, a cute girl like her is walking on the street in the middle of the night. Wandering around is hard not to attract some people with ulterior motives.

“So, those three people were poisoned by Assassin?”

“Yes. Assassin’s whole body is full of poison. Not to mention ordinary humans, even if a servant is contaminated, it will be difficult to deal with it. Therefore, the three people died on the spot. After she returned to her Master, Her master was also poisoned to death.”

The reason is equally unclear.

“But saying it was poisoned is actually not quite correct – if the servants lose their master, except for some special servants, all of them will return to the Throne of Heroes on the spot because of the loss of magic power supply, but the church has indeed confirmed that Assassin is still there.”

That is to say…

“The master of Assassin is not completely dead yet, is he?” Exia said.

“I’m afraid so, but as a human being, no matter how hard I try, I can’t survive today. In addition, if you don’t consider the consequences, there is absolutely no need for Assassin to take care of it.”

“…Because she will eventually disappear on her own, right?”

Shatiao Aige nodded.

As soon as the master dies, Serenity Hassan will disappear immediately, and there is no need to deal with it at all.

“But now we have to deal with it – after all, if we continue to ignore it, before the sun goes down, the poisonous gas circle released by Silent Hassan will cover an area with a radius of about one kilometer, and we will have to deal with it then. …..”

Shajo Aige did not continue speaking, because the meaning no longer needed to be said.

Silent Hassan will disappear if left alone, but before she disappears, Fuyuki City will also suffer huge casualties because of her, so it has to be dealt with.

“The punishment Miss Hiyer gave us was to [kill the out-of-control Assassin]. If we can kill the out-of-control Assassin before Lancer and Caster, then we will have accomplished our merits – although I think the Prince is not wrong at all. , Hiyer’s behavior is simply unreasonable.”

From Sajo Aige’s point of view, whatever Alexia does is right!

Except for the time when he behaved intimately with Artoria before.

And Exia also nodded slightly: “I understand, I will deal with Assassin… But is it out of control?”

【Are you concerned? partner】

Ddraig on his left asked.

Since there are no people around now, it doesn’t need to worry about attracting onlookers.

“Well…it feels a bit sudden.”

Ixia had almost no contact with Assassin, and the only time they met was last night. He didn’t know what kind of person Assassin was.

But the other party is also an assassin, an assassin whose purpose is to be invisible and mysterious. To detach his spirit form directly on the street… it’s really a bit sudden.

“Miss Aige, you should know the specific reason, right? You said that you are basically omniscient and omnipotent.”

“Of course you can if you want to know, but I don’t think it’s necessary to know.” Sajo Aige explained, “No matter what happens to Assassin, she is our enemy, and now we will advance the time to exclude her. Just a little bit. Prince, you don’t need to think too much.”

Sajo Aige is right, Assassin is the enemy without a doubt, and there is no need to worry about her affairs.


[She was also present last night]

Very suddenly, such an idea suddenly appeared in Alexia’s mind, and then he remembered what happened with Artoria in the morning – no, to be more precise, it was Al The way Tolia looked after being corrupted.

(Should it be…)

“Is it because of me?”

The moment that thought came into her mind, Exia couldn’t help but moan in a low voice.

And as soon as that idea came up, it was like a spring water that kept pouring out, constantly reappearing in Alexia’s mind.


“Miss Aige, where is Assassin’s stronghold?”

“Huh? I remember it was at Matou’s house, in that direction…”

Shatiao Aige pointed in a certain direction.

“…Are you sure that no one around can see what’s happening on our side?”


Although it was not clear what Aixia wanted to do, Shajo Aige clapped her hands twice, and then drew two circles in the air: “Just in case, I have set up a concealment barrier now—— Is there anything you want to do? Prince.”


Without answering Sajo Aige’s question, Exia directly took out the Holy Sword of Soaring, unfolded the Light Wings of Steel behind her and instantly flew into the air, flying at full speed in the direction that Sajo Aige pointed at before!

(Although it seems impossible, but…but…if it is really what I think…)

Then it is definitely not a situation that can continue to be delayed!

Sitting on the bench and watching Alexia flying away, Shajo Aige was slightly stunned for a moment, and then showed an expression of understanding: “Is that so… Oh~~~ It’s really It’s going to cause trouble for people, that assassin. So…”

Shajo Aige put her hands to her ears.

“Saber… No, Liya, can you hear me? Can you please go to the place I just told you right away? The plan has changed, and we will start taking action now.”

“——The prince may need your help.”

53. Beasts that shouldn’t exist


The wind whistled in my ears.

While flying in the air, Alexia repeatedly thought about the conjecture in her mind.

The Assassin who arrived at the scene last night, the poisonous gas circle that spread due to the sudden detachment of his spirit form and the death of three people and the unknown life and death of the Master… If you just put these things together, although it is a bit suspicious, it is not. To the point of being unacceptable.

But the problem is, Exia just confirmed in the morning that Artoria will be eroded by his own power – plus when he was in Komagao Town, he witnessed with his own eyes that his own power is enough to give birth to Honkaimon. .

(If the nature of that poisonous gas circle is…)

Alexia didn’t dare to think about it anymore, because if that was really the case, then the treatment of Assassin must be——

[Partner, below]

Ddraig gave a reminder.

Quickly stopping his flying momentum, Exia looked down at the scene below.

As one of the three royal families in the Holy Grail War, the Matou family, like the Tohsaka family, has a good status in Fuyuki City. One of the manifestations of this is that they have a separate mansion in the mountains near Fuyuki City.

Like the Tosaka family’s mansion and the Einzbern’s castle, this mansion is the base of the Matou family. Even if the Matou family has long since declined, from a magician’s point of view, that mansion is useless. Different from a fortress.

but now–

[It’s really miserable. There can’t be any living people in this scene, right? 】

As Ddraig said, the area below where the Matou family is located can now only be described as “miserable”.


Although it is difficult to see clearly under the afternoon sun, with the Matou family as the center, you can indeed see a burst of lavender mist, covering the surrounding area like a mist.

The range of influence probably exceeds three hundred meters, right?

Is that the poisonous gas circle that Shajo Aige mentioned?

“Are these… all poisons released by assassin?”

Even if there are almost no people living around Matou’s house, the area of ​​more than three hundred meters… This can already affect the main road! If anyone passes by that area, they will definitely be poisoned and die on the spot!

Thinking of this, Exia immediately lowered her altitude and prepared to dive into the poisonous gas circle.

And just when it dropped to a certain height——

“Buzz buzz buzz————!”

A loud roaring sound of a locomotive engine suddenly reached his ears, and then in the direction of the sound, a blue-black figure galloped over from the far side of the street like a flash of light!

Alexia turned her head subconsciously and looked——


The person riding the motorcycle was none other than Artoria, who was wearing casual clothes.

Hearing Exia’s voice, Artoria looked up into the air, then stopped her motorcycle and waved to him.

(Are you calling me over?)

Folding the wings of steel light, Exia quickly glided and flew in front of Artoria: “Saber, why are you here?”

“The master explained the specific situation to me and asked me to assist you.”

“Assistance…are you feeling well?”

Alexia asked with a frown.

He knew very well what impact the erosion of Honkai energy would have on the human body, and even if she was cured, Artoria’s current physical condition was equivalent to that of a patient recovering from a serious illness, and she had not fully recovered.

“Don’t worry, berserker. With Master’s magic power supply, my condition is completely fine.”

Artoria smiled.

“Besides, maybe it’s because the dragon’s heart was once strongly active. I even feel better than usual now. So you don’t have to worry about me.”

This is the truth.

In addition, Arturia did not say it out loud. In fact, after meeting Alexia, she felt that her heart was beating more powerfully, as if it was resonating and echoing with something.

[Trust her, partner]

Ddraig spoke.

[I can feel that the dragon power in her body is quite active]

“Really… Now that Ddraig said so, I’m relieved – thank you for coming to help me, Saber.”

“You’re welcome. After all, you just saved my life before. Being able to help you now is a good opportunity for me to repay my gratitude.”

Although Artoria didn’t think that just such a helping hand could offset Exia’s life-saving grace.

When she heard her mention the things in the morning, Alexia immediately glanced at Artoria’s lips, then moved a little lower, and the things in the morning appeared in her mind very cooperatively… .


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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