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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 152

Just like Artoria thought that kissing Alexia was a very comfortable thing, Alexia actually thought so too when she thought about it – after all, it was his first time kissing someone of the opposite sex, and it was very impressive. It was impossible for him to forget even if he wanted to.


Seeing that Exia was silent, Arturia couldn’t help but ask: “What’s wrong? Your eyes and expression don’t seem to be good…”

“No, it’s nothing, I’m just thinking about something.”

(Tsk, what am I thinking about? Is now the time to think about such things?)

Inwardly scolding herself for not being mature enough, Ixia turned her attention back to the poisonous gas circle not far away in front of her. But now that she was at a close distance, the lavender poisonous circle was obviously larger than the one in the sky. It is more obvious, and you can clearly realize that it is expanding and spreading.

(Want to… give it a try?)

According to the method of using Taixu Sword Qi, Ixia reached out her hand and actively touched the lavender mist.


The fog rippled slightly.

Although it was not obvious, following Exia’s movements, the mist itself did undergo some abnormal changes.


Withdrawing her hand, Axia bit her lower lip.

(Not just a simple poison gas, but… can the poison of assassin and Honkai be mixed together? The concentration… okay, it’s very low!)

According to Exia’s feeling, the concentration of Honkai energy in the poisonous gas circle is at most similar to that of a small Honkai energy. I guess it was contaminated by Assassin when he left last night, right? And the Honkai energy she was contaminated with mixed with her own poison, further polluting and eroding her existence.

Fortunately, Assassin’s exposure to Honkai energy should not be much.

(As far as the scope and degree of influence are concerned, it is still within the controllable range. As for assassin——)

“berserker! Be careful!”

Just when Ixia was thinking this, Arturia suddenly let out a exclamation, which made him quickly come back to his senses!

And at the moment when he came back to his senses——


A [Beast] suddenly roared and hissed out of the lavender mist!

Its [claws] made of swirling mist struck at Exia at great speed!

54. Silent Mist

Quiet Hassan felt that something might be broken about him.


It was clear that his master had told him not to release his spiritual transformation in front of others, but he still released it.


She really didn’t mean it, it was just that at that moment she felt a little uncomfortable and had an urge to materialize. In addition, there was no one around to release the spirit form.

She really didn’t want to kill those three innocent people.

She tried very hard to persuade him and tried very hard to escape, but at that time, her physical discomfort prevented her from even transforming into a spirit or moving.


Likewise, she never thought of killing the Master who was willing to accept such a [poison] as her. Even if her master, like everyone else, cannot touch her who is full of poison, at least he is willing to understand and accept her existence.

The Master understands himself who can’t help himself, the Master understands himself who has always been troubled by the poison… His Master is a good person, Serenity Hassan thinks so.

Therefore, even if the Master cannot touch him, even if the Master is not the person he has always expected, Silent Hassan is willing to serve him and regard him as his master. Even though Serenity Hassan had to maintain his spiritual form for a long time due to the poison, the two of them had not even met directly several times.


However, such a master was eventually poisoned to death by Serenity Hassan.

At that time, because she accidentally poisoned those three people, she wanted to report the situation to her master to ask how to deal with it next, but she was unable to transform into a spirit body. The moment she saw her master——

“Assassin, why didn’t you become a spirit?”

What came face to face was the horrified face of the Master.

It was a familiar look that Serenity Hassan had seen countless times – it was the same as the assassination targets she had poisoned. In fact, her master, like them, was afraid of herself who was full of poison.

The Master is afraid of himself, the Master is afraid of himself.

【I was abandoned again】

This was Serenity Hassan’s last thought, and when she regained her senses, what came into view was the [corpse] of the Master who was already covered in poison.

【What did I do? 】

【I really didn’t mean it! 】

【Sorry, Master】

[I’m sorry… I’m sorry… I’m sorry… I don’t even know why I’m like this… I’m sorry…]



In the lavender mist, the [Beast] hissed and roared, and like the [Claws] made of mist, it swung at him with all its strength, with the momentum of smashing Exia’s head!

Attack without warning!

From the perspective of Artoria, who is a third party, there is no sign of the appearance of this [beast] in front of her, as if it appeared out of thin air! Even though she had reacted as quickly as possible, there was absolutely no way she would be in time!


With wind-like magic wrapped around her body, Artoria immediately wanted to pounce on Exia!



Just when it was about to hit Alexia, the [claw] that was looming like a mist suddenly turned into ice!

Raising her gaze to look at the [Beast] that was so close, Exia’s eyes couldn’t help but widen a bit.

“Are you…assassin?”


The only response to Exia was the roar from the [Beast].

next moment–


Like dissipating clouds and mist, [Beast]’s body suddenly disappeared entirely into the mist! Even the frozen [claw] disappeared in the ice, leaving only a claw-shaped shell.


Exia frowned, and then habitually wanted to reabsorb the ice shell——


The ice shell gradually turned into a mist before that, and became one with the lavender mist!


(My power…is absorbed – no, this is assimilated?!)


The roar of the [Beast] came from the mist. And with this roar, the fog in front of Exia and Artoria suddenly fluctuated visibly to the naked eye, like a wave entering the high tide period!

The strange situation made Exia and Artoria take a few steps back involuntarily.


“…Saber, could you please go back and talk to Miss Aige about the situation here?”

Alexia said with a solemn expression.

“I’ll try to deal with it here first, and I’ll try to stabilize the situation as much as possible. If it’s Miss Aige, I should be able to give you the best solution.”

Even though in terms of intensity, the current situation is nothing more than a small-scale Honkai Impact incident, but now the laws and things of another world have been added… To be honest, Exia feels that the theories and things she knows are… Experience should not be fully applicable.

But even so, we can’t just leave it alone – after all, the cause lies with him. The Honkai energy he released led to the current situation, and he should be the one who takes full responsibility.

“No need to go back.”

However, Artoria shook her head.

“I can communicate with Miss Ai Ge remotely. There is no need to go back and report directly – are you saying that because you are worried that I will be corroded again?”


“Thank you very much for caring about me, but I will be fine.” Artoria smiled, “What’s more, even if I am corroded again, I believe you will treat me, and I will trouble you then. .”

“Uh…saber, are you serious?”

Hearing what Arturia said, Alexia’s face couldn’t help but change.

Is it possible that we need another early morning treatment?

“It’s just a joke. I just want to tell you that you don’t have to think too much or worry too much, berserker. I’m not so fragile that I’ll stumble twice with the same method. Now, I have confidence that won’t be eroded.”

Even if it’s just intuition.

Looking at Artoria with a determined smile, Exia pursed her lips and was about to say something——

“It’s not a big problem for Miss Saber to stay, but you have to get out of here, Berserker.”

A familiar voice came from not far behind.

Exia and Artoria turned their heads at the same time, and saw Cu Chulainn and Srud walking towards them one after another, leaving their spiritual state.

The one who spoke just now was Cu Chulainn.

“I’m leaving…what do you mean? caster.”

“Literally speaking, your staying here will only have side effects – if you don’t want to be killed by me and Lancer, get out immediately.” Cu Chulainn pointed the wooden staff in his hand at Ixia, “Otherwise, don’t blame us. You are welcome.”


55.We unite!


Hearing Cu Chulainn call herself this, Exia’s eyes immediately trembled for a moment!

“Did you… actually know that?”

“That’s right. After all, this time I appeared in the world, I was also given some very troublesome [missions].”

Cu Chulainn’s face was full of disgust.

That was what happened before the Holy Grail War officially started.

At the same time that he was summoned by the Holy Grail to appear as a servant, Cu Chulainn received some kind of revelation—or an oracle. In layman’s terms, it was a message or message from the gods.

Because gods generally cannot manifest in the world, and there is no need to manifest. After all, gods like Ishtar are only a minority. If most gods are interested in the real world, they will more often issue oracles. Or find an agent.

This is also the situation Cu Chulainn encountered this time.

The god who conveyed the oracle to him is named [Odin]. He belongs to the same Nordic mythology as Slud. He is the highest god in Nordic mythology and the one-eyed god of wisdom. In mythology, he once gave an eye to the fountain of wisdom and obtained wisdom called [Rune].

The reason why the oracle was given to Cu Chulainn this time was because of what his [eyes] saw – Odin’s eyes are clairvoyant. They can not only see the future, but also see different things. Dimensional scenes.

Therefore, Odin was vaguely aware of Exia’s arrival long before his arrival, and it is said that other high-ranking gods were the same.

Of course, the same is true for [the world].

The gods did not know how to treat this [foreigner] from outside the world, so they took advantage of the Holy Grail War and Odin selected Cu Chulainn as an agent to participate in the Holy Grail War and monitor it at the same time. Alexia’s behavior.

[If the outsiders are kind, then there is no need to interfere too much]

[If foreigners do evil, then send them away from our world]

According to Odin, this is a temporary conclusion reached by the gods, and it is also the attitude of [The World], and [The World] also sent Slud, one of the Valkyries, under Odin’s suggestion to monitor.

Of course, neither Cu Chulainn nor Slud knew the other’s situation.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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