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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 153

“Honestly, I don’t have a bad impression of you, Berserker.” Cu Chulainn said while holding up his staff. “Although we have only met once or twice, I think you are a kind-hearted boy. You are like this.” The guy is undoubtedly [good].”

The Lord Spirit also thinks so after observing her for several days. Although it cannot be seen in her actions, Ixia is indeed [good].

“I know you feel guilty because you caused the current situation, so you want to take responsibility for solving it yourself – this is a good and responsible approach, but it is not possible now. If you get involved, it will make the situation worse and worse. .”

“…Does it mean that my power was absorbed just now?”

Exia understood what Cu Chulainn meant.

This lavender cloud is the product of the combination of Assassin’s poison and Honkai energy. I don’t know if it has mutated. It can assimilate and absorb Exia’s ability, and will spread and strengthen as it absorbs power. .

If Exia wants to stay, it will only be counterproductive.

“As long as you understand, leave this place to us while you stay outside.”

“Are you… okay?” Alexia couldn’t help but frown, “My power will corrode you, so just let me do it. At worst, I won’t use my ability to seal myself.”

What will cause side effects is Exia’s frost power. If you just use the power of the Sekiryuutei, there should be no problem.

Although in that case, the only thing Exia can use is his physical ability and Ddraig’s dragon power. He doesn’t know any magic or magic.

Seeing Exia’s responsible look, Cu Chulainn sighed unbearably. This guy was so talkative and reasonable, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

“I didn’t ask you not to help, I just told you not to go in.” Cu Chulainn explained, “The first thing to solve is this poisonous mist. The poison of Assassin is not a problem, Lancer and I will take care of it, but We can’t handle the kind of power you bring, you have to do it yourself – so you understand, right?”

“…I see, I understand.”

The fog is made up of two parts.

Part of it is poison, part of it is Honkai energy.

What Cu Chulainn meant was that he and Slud would deal with the poison, and after the poison was removed, the remaining Honkai energy would need to be reabsorbed by Exia.

“I will try to control the Honkai energy to separate the two, making it easier for you to clean up the poisonous gas.”

“How about you be so considerate… Well, but this is okay.”

Cu Chulainn stood at the edge of the mist.

“Saber can serve as a shield for us. I saw just now that a monster would emerge from the mist, right? We don’t want to be interrupted while purifying, so the task of blocking that monster is left to you.”

“No problem. I swear in the name of the King of Knights that I will never let that monster interrupt your actions.”

Arturia nodded vigorously.

Cu Chulainn smiled: “Okay! Then – let’s start!”


at the same time.

On a rooftop far away from the poison gas circle.

Looking at the four people who started to unite in the distance, Sajo Aige wiped her eyes to remove the magic: “It seems that you don’t need my help anymore… This is obviously a good opportunity to fight side by side with the prince.” , it turned out to be a bit slower, it’s really convenient to transform into a spiritual body.”

“You never wanted to help me from the beginning, right? Stop being so hypocritical.”

Poking his head out of the pocket of Shajo Aige’s clothes, Ishtar looked into the distance.

“If you want to fight with him, go ahead. Why do you have to find reasons for yourself?”

“If the prince needs me, then I will definitely go. But now the prince does not necessarily need me, then I can just watch the prince quietly here – [when and where to do things], knowing this This is very important.”

Shajo Aige smiled and said: “However, you must not be able to understand it because you have always been willful, goddess Ishtar.”

“Of course. If I were to pass you by now, I wouldn’t care if I could help.”

Ishtar is such a willful and spontaneous goddess.

(If I do this… I will probably be scolded by the prince and distract him from protecting me, right?)

Shajo Aige can imagine such a situation.

And she didn’t want to cause any trouble to Ixia, so she couldn’t behave like Ishtar.

“Let’s go, Ishtar.”

“Eh? Where are you going? Why don’t you stay here to see your prince’s heroic appearance?”

Shajo Aige laughed: “It is indeed a very attractive proposal, but I will have this opportunity countless times in the future, so I am not in a hurry. Compared to this, I think it is better to set up the barrier first. , after all, after the mist is dealt with, we will have to face Assassin who has degenerated into a beast.”

“I don’t think the church’s methods can suppress the influence. It would be bad if there is another commotion – we can’t let the prince look forward and backward when fighting, right?”

(This person……)

Ishtar looked at Shajo Aige who was leaving with a smile on his face, and then turned to look in the distance in the direction of Alexia.

(Could it be that…these two actually match well, right?)

56. Purified Runes


In a dark space.

Quietly, Hassan repeated the only sentence.


Innocent people died.

The master who was willing to accept him was dead.

Everything is your own fault, everything is your own sin.


I can’t do anything, I can’t atone for my actions, I don’t know what I should do to atone for my sins.

Therefore, Serenity Hassan can only keep apologizing.


This is really an extremely pale and feeble sentence. I am afraid there will be no more pale and feeble words in the world. Quiet Hassan also knows that just repeating this sentence like this mechanically is meaningless, but other than that, she also I don’t know what else I can do.

All she can do is continue to blame herself and apologize until she leaves this world due to lack of magic power, until her [Single Action] skill can no longer allow her to appear in the world.



In the spreading lavender mist, in the streets shrouded in lingering clouds.

The loud roar of the [Beast] resounded throughout the space.

“It’s really ugly.”

Cu Chulainn picked his ears.

“It sounds like crying, but also like wailing and apologizing… Really, roaring is used to boost morale. How about destroying morale like this?”

“This means that this roar is not just a simple [roar], right?”

Holding the light gun, Slud came to Cu Chulainn’s side: “Start the purification, caster. I hope your rune level can be worthy of your reputation.”

“Then I must give you a good experience. If you use runes in front of the Valkyrie, if something happens to you and Master knows about it, I won’t be able to bear the consequences!”

The moment he finished speaking, Cu Chulainn’s fingers were swiping rapidly in the air several times, writing out of thin air a light seal that looked like both text and symbols. With the appearance of this light seal, Artoria immediately felt a [sense of freshness] at a close distance.

It was as if the space around this light seal had been purified.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

The wisdom called [Rune] was obtained after the great god Odin offered an eye to the Fountain of Wisdom. Its true form is a series of magical words that can cause various phenomena. In modern times, it is regarded as a long-lost magic system. , is the most mysterious and oldest magic in the Nordic region, and it is also a real magic that can touch the realm of gods.

Of course, for modern magicians, no matter how powerful Rune Magic was in the past, it is impossible to do it now. After all, over a long period of time, the magic base of Rune Magic has long declined, and some of the original Rune has been lost for a long time. Even if it has been restored to a certain extent, it is basically impossible to reproduce the power of the Gods in modern times.

But this common sense does not apply to Cu Chulainn and Srud.

Because the two of them are servants, they once truly lived in the Age of Gods! The former learned complete rune magic from the gatekeeper of the Kingdom of Shadows and perfectly mastered all rune characters. The latter is a real member of the Nordic gods and controls the [prototype] of Rune.

The rune magic used by the two, both in terms of effect and power, is far beyond the reach of modern magicians.

Now, what the two of them are using is the rune that symbolizes [purification], the rune that can drive away all curses and poisons.


A soft glow continues to be released from the words themselves over time.


The lavender mist that filled the space fluctuated violently as soon as it came into contact with this light! It was as if the wild animals had been frightened and stimulated, and as the mist fluctuated, the color of the mist became darker and darker, and bursts of white mist also rose into the sky.

Then, the next moment——


The mist that became darker in color seemed to be being pulled, turning into [rivers] that quickly rushed towards Alexia who was standing in the distance! Echoing his breath, it condensed into frost mist bit by bit, and was gradually absorbed into his body!

(Is the rising white mist the purified poison, and the absorbed purple mist the berserker’s power? It seems to be going very smoothly.)

Arturia stared at the scene in front of her attentively.

And soon, under the purifying effect of the rune characters and the continuous absorption of Ixia, the lavender mist that had been continuously expanding its scope of influence obviously stagnated, and even shrank and retreated!

“Okay, it seems to be quite effective.”

Cu Chulainn smiled.

“But to be honest, I’m really not used to using this kind of auxiliary text. It’s very troublesome.”

“Are you good at attack runes? Caster.”

“Because I am a caster now, how can I fight without attacking magic?” Cu Chulainn said matter-of-factly.

Slud frowned slightly when he heard this – although she also mastered the rune magic for attack, in the eyes of her, and even most of the Valkyries, the most important thing in the battle is her own. Weapons and bodies, fighting with the help of attack magic brings no glory.

Therefore, Slud would not use the rune magic used for attacks in battle, and would at most use some magic to assist combat.

Looking at the two people chatting while working, Arturia and Exia standing on the side and behind couldn’t help but laugh. It was obvious that the current situation was quite critical, and it was a shame that these two people could still chat like this.

(This also means that the two of them are quite comfortable… In contrast, it takes a little effort on my part.)

What Exia has to do, in addition to absorbing the Honkai energy, is to separate the Honkai energy and poison as much as possible so that Cu Chulainn and Slud can purify it.

This is a delicate and physical job, and it is really tiring for Alexia, who is used to spending a lot of money.

(I’m not good at detailed energy manipulation…huh?)

A certain feeling suddenly appeared in the mind of the attentive Alexia. Looking at Artoria not far away, Alexia said: “Saber, get ready – it’s coming.”

Alexia could feel something moving in the mist.

Considering the current situation, the object can only be…

“Directly in front of the lancer!”


Almost at the moment Alexia finished speaking, Artoria walked up to Srud without hesitation and slashed out with her sword in the direction Alexia said!

The sound of weapons colliding with weapons immediately sounded!

The [Sharp Claws] protruding from the clouds and the invisible sword collided extremely strongly!

And looking at the [Beast] that also emerged from the clouds and mist, Arturia tightened her grip on the hilt of the sword.

“Are you coming, assassin!”

57.Cocoon in the clouds and mist

Because the attack last time was only a moment, Artoria was not able to fully see what Assassin looked like now, and could only confirm that it was a [beast].

But now, by directly contacting the Assassin’s blade at close range, Artoria could see her appearance clearly at this time.

Although it is a [beast], it still maintains a humanoid shape, looking like a standing and walking beast.

Just – no physical feeling at all.

The huge body that is more than three meters long in front of Artoria is not made of flesh, but a lavender mist that is almost condensed into a solid state. At first glance, it looks like a pair of armor that is constantly floating, and the surface is covered with The purple lines release faint light along with the ups and downs of clouds and mist, like blood vessels.

(Is this the state after the assassin loses control? It feels very tricky.)


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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