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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 154

It’s not that there’s a difference in strength.

From the blow just now, Artoria can roughly confirm that in a pure comparison of strength, she is still ahead of her opponent, but——


The huge claws suddenly turned into smoke and dispersed from the front of Artoria’s sword. Like a balloon, it expanded to three times its original size in one breath, then re-condensed into sharp claws, and crashed down again!


Arresting her claws in time, Artoria frowned slightly – this was the point that made her feel tricky.

She had already realized the moment Exia and Assassin came into contact with each other, and now Assassin seemed to have no entity.

No, it should be said that her entity is the body made of clouds and mist in front of her, and clouds and mist have no [entity].

(Physical attacks should be ineffective. Do you want to try magic interference?)

[Don’t be so troublesome, Liya]

The voice of Shatiao’s love song suddenly sounded in his mind.

(Master? Do you have any instructions?)

[Well, I’m here to inform you that I have set up barriers and concealment barriers around me to drive away the idle people. No matter what kind of commotion you make next, the outside world will not know about it. ——What happened last night cannot happen again]

(I know, then I will deal with it as soon as possible.)

However, facing the incorporeal enemy, Artoria had no choice for a while. When she encountered such a difficult enemy in the past, it was Merlin who gave the solution.

[It’s core]

Shajo Aige suddenly said this.

[Although it seems to be a disembodied cloud, in fact, Assassin still has a body. She has not lost her body as Liya thought – the specific location is in the center of the toy in front of you]

Although she was not present at the scene, Sajo Aige acted as if she knew everything and directly told the information that Artoria needed most right now.

[If necessary, I can give you more magic power, or ask Mr. Prince to help you. I will allow it only this time~~~ But not going too far. 】

Still angry.

If possible, Artoria really wanted to emphasize to Sajo Aige again that she and Exia had not done anything out of the ordinary, and she had no feelings for Exia like Sajo Aige— —But before, she wouldn’t listen to Shajo’s love song no matter how she explained it.

It can be said that he was completely misunderstood.

(Let’s explain it carefully later, from beginning to end. Now…)


Swinging her sword to deflect the sharp claws that stabbed Srud, Artoria slightly clenched the hilt of the sword and released the wind magic wrapped around the sword in one breath!


With the swing of the sword blade, the violent wind hammer burst out in an instant! The violent wind suddenly swept around, tearing open countless cracks in the ground in an instant!

And at the same time——

“Whirring whirring——!”

Blow by the fierce wind, the body of the [Beast] in front of Artoria seemed to be decomposed, and wisps of smoke separated from its body and floated into the air.

Looking at this scene, Cu Chulainn couldn’t help but smile: “In other words, is this big guy just a bluffing paper tiger?”

“Maybe, but please don’t stop the purification. It will still be dangerous if the poison gas spreads.” Artoria reminded, “Also, can the purification speed be accelerated?”

“You can only use one type of rune magic at a time, and you cannot use multiple runes at the same time. The current efficiency has reached its limit.”

Slude explained.

And the next moment she finished speaking——


The surrounding atmosphere suddenly began to flow violently. Not only the air, but also the poisonous gas around seemed to be attracted by something, turning into countless swirling smoke, rushing in a certain direction like hundreds of rivers!

The three servants looked behind them at the same time!

“Hey, hey, hey, what are you going to do?” Cu Chulainn couldn’t help but ask, “I want you to separate it, I don’t want you to absorb it all together!”

“But it would be more efficient, right?”

Controlling the poison gas mixed with Honkai energy, Ixia absorbed it into her body like breathing air: “Of course, I know that I will be poisoned, so the subsequent detoxification work will be left to you two. .”



Without giving Cu Chulainn a chance to say anything else, the speed at which the poisonous gas gathered around him suddenly increased to a new level, almost forming a rapidly rotating lavender vortex!

Not only the poisonous gas, but also the solid clouds and mist that made up the body of the [Beast] were forcibly torn off! It’s as if an invisible hand is gradually dismantling it to pieces!

As she absorbed a large amount of poisonous gas, Alexia’s face became visibly pale! It’s even starting to turn a little green and purple!

Looking at Exia in the center of the vortex, Cu Chulainn and Slud were silent for a moment, and then aimed the purified runes that were originally aimed at the poisonous gas circle at Exia!

“What a random guy… Hey! Saber, leave this guy to me and Lancer, you go and kill the Assassin at the root! You can already see the location!”


Artoria looked at the chest of the [Beast], where she could clearly see a [Cocoon] – a [Cocoon] condensed by countless clouds and mist. I am afraid that is what Sajo Aige said. Assassin’s true form.

If it is not crushed, even if it purifies and absorbs all the clouds and mist at one time, it will spread again later.


“Please, berserker, please remove the poison from him!”

“You don’t even want to think about who you are talking to now!”

58.Assassin, exit

The world is dark.

I don’t know when it started, maybe from the very beginning, or maybe it started recently.

Quiet Hassan’s world turned into darkness.

If her whole body is compared to a pool of spring water, then now, her heart is like a spring eye, continuously spurting out the filthy spring water, and this black turbidity flows out of her body and spreads to her. The ground beneath your feet spreads to the surrounding boundaries and to the sky…


Until finally she was sealed in darkness.

This is actually a situation that Quiet Hassan is very familiar with. As an assassin, she is born with darkness. She is a person lurking in the darkness. Returning to this dark world, for her, it is the same as [Back] Home】.

The familiar darkness, the familiar world, the familiar feelings… everything is so familiar, just like the countless days and nights I have experienced in my lifetime.

Even though she was bathing in the sun, she knew that she was a resident of the dark world.

Silent Hassan is supposed to be well suited to this situation.



At this moment, there was only resistance and fear in her heart – if she could, she didn’t want to look into the bottomless darkness, and she didn’t want to go back to that darkness.

She was once understood and accepted by her Master.

This seemed like an ordinary thing to others, but in the eyes of Quiet Hassan, it was a miracle for the first time in her life. She thought she might have witnessed light at that moment.

The only light that illuminated her deep darkness.

So she didn’t want to go back into the darkness!

Even after that, his master showed an expression of fear and panic after seeing him materialize, and reacted in a way that was tantamount to betraying him. Serenity Hassan did not think that his master was wrong, but his body was the one who was wrong. Being poisonous to oneself.

As long as he maintains his spiritual form from now on, he will definitely be able to see that light again – and be accepted by his Master again!



A very sudden cracking sound caught the ears of Quiet Hassan.

A crack suddenly appeared in the darkness that enveloped her entire world.

And immediately after…


The cracks continued to expand, as if someone outside was using a blunt instrument to break the darkness, and through the cracks, the things she dreamed of were gradually projected into the eyes of Quiet Hassan!

(It’s light…)

The light coming in from the crack shone on the face of Quiet Hassan.

Why is there light? Why are there cracks?

Such doubts immediately appeared in her mind.

(Could it be that… is… the Master?!)

No, not possible.

After just thinking about it for a moment, Quiet Hassan rejected this conjecture, because she remembered clearly that her master had…no longer had the ability to move again, and her poison had already destroyed her. The master killed it.

So who would do this? Also, after all, why is there light shining in——


The feeling as if bubbles were rising and bursting in the pool suddenly emerged in Quiet Hassan’s body. The strange feeling made her subconsciously notice the changes in her body, and she noticed it immediately after noticing this.

(My power is… draining?)

Some are devouring their own strength, and some are devouring their own poison.

After realizing this, the first emotion that arose in Jing Ming’s heart was not happiness and joy, but extremely strong fear!

“No…no…my power…don’t!”

You can’t swallow your own power!

If you swallow all the poison in your body, you will definitely——

(don’t want!)



real world.

In the sudden loud roar of the beast of fog, the thick fog that made up its body immediately surged violently! The lavender mist was like a tsunami, turning into countless spikes in an instant and shooting towards Artoria who was just around the corner!

“Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang!”

Without taking a step back, Artoria directly swung her sword to build an extremely dense network of blades in front of her! The golden sword light filled the entire space like a storm, and the spikes made of mist only needed to touch the sword light a little, and it would instantly shatter into mist and dissipate!

(I won’t let you get in the way!)

How could it be allowed to hinder Exia? !

Now Ixia is desperate, she would rather be poisoned herself than to eliminate the poisonous gas as quickly as possible!

He had prepared the corresponding awareness. In this case, Artoria will never let his efforts go in vain! The moment Alexia absorbs and swallows all the poisonous gas, she will definitely deliver the final blow!


The attack of the beast of fog became more and more fierce, and the dense fog condensed like a violent wind and rain!

Spikes, sharp claws, daggers, daggers…the clouds without any specific shape are constantly changing into various shapes, constantly refining, improving, and strengthening their killing functions, carrying the purest killing power. The intention is to launch wild attacks all the time!


The roar grew louder and louder.

Just like a beast forced into a desperate situation by a hunter, it wants to launch a crazy counterattack in order to gain a chance of survival!

It can be said that it is a trapped beast still fighting.

However, in the face of this increasingly crazy offensive, Artoria did not waver even a step, like a defense that would never be broken through, she received all the attacks one by one!

The magic support from Sajo Aige, and the dragon’s heart that has been active since early morning for some reason, allow Artoria to maintain the ability to directly release magic power at the maximum output!

Strength, speed, durability, agility… In terms of pure physical ability, she is undoubtedly the strongest among all the servants in this Holy Grail War!


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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