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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 156

To put it nicely, Alexia hopes that she can grow old together with Bianca until she finally leaves this world with her.

To put it mildly, for example, if he died in battle one day in the future, then Axia hoped that he could die in Bianca’s arms.

Now that she couldn’t see Bianca directly, and Bianca couldn’t see her die in another world, and ended up dying in a foreign land, Alexia was not prepared to accept it.

“By the way, who detoxified me?”

Alexia asked doubtfully.

“I remember that I told Caster and Lancer to help me detoxify, but I vaguely remember that they didn’t detoxify me until the end, right? Who helped me in the end?”

【Ah, about this——】

“Dong dong dong!”

A knock on the door interrupted Ddraig’s words, and then the voice of Sha Tiao’s love song sounded: “Prince, are you awake?”

“Well, please come in, Miss Aige.”


As the door opened, Shajo Aige’s figure immediately entered Aixia’s field of vision. After seeing Alexia who had already sat up, Sajo Aige smiled and said: “It seems that he has fully recovered, Prince.”

“Well. Thank you for your concern.”

“After I treated you, you didn’t wake up immediately, which really made me panic for a while.”

“Eh? Are you the one treating me?” Alexia was a little surprised, “I’m really troubling you.”

Sajo Aige smiled and shook her head: “No, rather I am grateful for this opportunity. In this case, Miss Bianca will only be the fourth at most.”


Why did you mention Bianca?

And the fourth one… This statement seems to have been mentioned by Aika Sajo after Alexia remembered those things in the morning.

“I…let me ask first, Miss Aige, how did you treat me?”

“It’s a normal magic treatment. I use the most effective detoxification magic I know combined with my specially prepared detoxification elixir. After feeding it to you mouth-to-mouth, the poison will be removed quickly.”

mouth to mouth? !

Alexia froze immediately.

Shajo Aige’s cheeks were slightly red and she licked her lips: “Um…how should I put it…I know it’s rude to you to do this. The prince likes Miss Bianca so much, I This is indeed a bit sorry for her.”

“It’s just… As Liya said before, it’s really comfortable to kiss the prince, so if you can’t hold it back… In addition, the battle-damaged version of the prince also has a different look. Charm… I’m really sorry.”

What is she talking about?

Alexia couldn’t understand what Sajou Aige said. Is this a proper noun that only girls can understand its meaning? Then go ask Rita and Bianca.

“Uh… Actually, you don’t need to apologize. Although it’s still a bit unacceptable, since it’s to save me, I can’t say anything. After all, I kissed Saber before because I wanted to save her – there was a reason. I can understand it.”

“Really!?” Shajo Aige suddenly became energetic, “Thank you very much for your understanding and consideration, Mr. Prince… (low voice) No, if that’s the case, then should I pretend to do it? Get follow-up treatment and move on…”

He started to say some nonsense again.

Not paying attention to Sajo Aige’s whisper, Exia then asked: “Speaking of which, what happened after that? Miss Aige, I heard Ddraig said it was all over.”

“Well, the assassin has been completely eliminated, and its impact has gradually been resolved and calmed down in the past few hours. It is all the result of the prince risking his life to absorb the poisonous gas. I think everyone in Fuyuki City should be Come and say thank you.”

“This is really unnecessary…”

“The other thing is – [Caster and Lancer both abstained and withdrew from the Holy Grail War].”


This completely unexpected development made Exia suddenly scream out.

61. The rest before the final arrival

Caster and Lancer abstained? !

Hearing what Sajo Aige said, Alexia’s first reaction was disbelief.

Those two Servants gave up and launched the Holy Grail War?

“Why?” Alexia asked subconsciously, “What happened?”

“Nothing too big happened, it’s just that those two people thought they had completed their mission.”

Sajo Aige explained: “If it were in the original Holy Grail War, these two servants would not appear in the world. After all, when it comes to Cu Chulainn, the most suitable class is lancer, and It is basically impossible for Valkyrie to respond to the summons, and in the final analysis, it is impossible to even prepare the holy relics.”

“Therefore, these two, like the goddess Ishtar, are special cases in the Holy Grail War. Their purpose is for you, the prince, a foreigner from another world, so they appear in this world.”

And now, through this Assassin incident, the gods and restraints of this world have come to a conclusion about Exia, so there is no need to continue letting the two of them carry out their mission.

Of course, if the Master requests it, the two of them will continue to participate in the battle, but…

“I had a friendly exchange with the Master of Caster and the Master of Lancer before, and after Akatsuki was moved to reason, the two very [friendly] accepted my proposal and took the initiative to withdraw from the Holy Grail War. .”

“Did you go to negotiate with the other party? Did you bring Saber with you?”

“Yes. Because I know that the prince does not want me to be in danger, so I asked Liya to protect me.”

These are half-truths.

It’s true that Sajo Aige took Artoria to negotiate with Caster’s team and Lancer’s team, but what’s false is… the negotiation she said was purely about Caster’s The Master and the Lancer’s Master were beaten violently!

Even though it has been said before, it needs to be said again here.

Shajo Aige is very strong. She is born with a connection to her roots. As long as she has the intention and a certain amount of time, there is almost nothing in this world that she cannot do.

Even if it is the rumored magician, Sajo Aige is not necessarily weaker than the other person.

Therefore, when facing Caster’s Master and Lancer’s Master, Shajo Aige used both soft and hard tactics to convince the other party – especially for Caster’s Master, the designated executor of the seal, from now on She probably hasn’t been able to fight normally for more than half a year. She had to endure more than thirty curses just to get rid of them.

“Then…that means there are basically no obstacles, right?”

Alexia said.

Among the seven Servants in the Holy Grail War, Rider withdrew last night, Assassin was just eliminated in the afternoon, Caster and Lancer voluntarily abstained, plus Archer has been subdued and Saber has become a companion, in fact the Holy Grail War is now over It can be said to be over!

There is no longer any obstacle to the plan formulated by Exia and Sajo Aige to completely destroy the Holy Grail War!

“That’s right, Prince.” Sajo Aige smiled, “Now we can proceed with our plan to destroy the Holy Grail War.”

——Destruction of the Holy Grail War.

This can be said to be easy, but it can also be said to be difficult.

The core of the Holy Grail War lies in the Greater Holy Grail and the Lesser Holy Grail. The Lesser Holy Grail, which is used to store the souls of servants, has lost its function under the magic of Sandjo Aige. The truly important magic circle of the Great Holy Grail is located in the large underground cavity of Mount Enzo.

To destroy the Holy Grail War, all you need to do is destroy the magic circle.

“However, to break the defense mechanism of the Great Holy Grail, even I will need some time to conduct research.”

The Great Holy Grail has a defense mechanism.

After all, it is one of the core points of the Holy Grail War. It is impossible to leave it in Enzo Mountain without making any protective preparations.

Alexia asked: “It doesn’t matter. Anyway, we have no obstacles now and have plenty of time. Do you need me to do anything?”

“No, Prince, you don’t need to do anything. After all, you know nothing about magic and there is absolutely nothing you can do to help.” Shajo Aige smiled and shook his head, “Besides, the most important thing for you to do now is to rest. Even though your body has recovered, inhaling a large amount of poisonous gas still has some impact on your body, not to mention that you are already a little weak due to the battle last night, so please don’t think too much and rest well.”

What Shatiao Aige said makes sense.

After all, today is the fourth day since Alexia came to this world. Apart from the first night, Alexia has hardly had a good rest and has been fighting every day.

The battle with Saber on the first day of the Holy Grail War, the battle with Ishtar and Maeve on the second night, and the resolution of Assassin’s matter on the third day today… By the standards of the Holy Grail War, this is already It was a very intense battle.

After pushing Alexia down on the bed and covering him with a quilt, Shajo Aige stood up: “If you need anything, please speak directly in your mind, I can hear it. Then I still have some things to deal with, I’ll take my leave now, Your Majesty Prince.”

“Ah…well, thank you for your hard work.”

After watching Sajo Aige leave the room, Exia sighed slightly, put her hand on her forehead and looked at the ceiling.

(Rest…I think I have rested enough.)

After all, she had just woken up from a few hours of coma, and to be honest, Alexia had no desire to rest at all.

(So… contact Bianca?)

Think about it carefully, the last time I talked to Bianca was about Shajo Aige’s confession to her, and that happened the day before yesterday. A lot of things happened in the past two days, both in public and private matters. Just report it on the side.

Thinking of this, Axia walked out of bed and came to the table, took out the personal terminal from the drawer, and was about to send a message to Bianca to confirm whether the video call could be made, but Bianca’s message made her… Alexia was stunned.

[Recently, there have been more Honkai incidents. I’m working overtime every day. I can’t reply to your message right away. If you have any questions, just leave a message. I’ll reply when I see it.]

Working overtime, as Destiny’s strongest active Valkyrie, Bianca has always been busy, and it’s not like Alexia can’t understand it.

(Then my reply…)

[I’ve been busy these past two days, so I didn’t see your message. It’s okay to work overtime, but be careful not to get too tired. Take a good rest when Rita tells you to, okay? Don’t hold on. I’ll explain my side of things to you when you’re free. 】

[Also, if you can, tell me about Kiana’s current situation in the form of a message]

(That’s enough.)

After sending the content, Ixia took her personal terminal and lay back on the bed, set Bianca’s message to be of special attention, turned the reminder ring to the maximum, and put it on the bedside table.

(If Bianca is working overtime, I won’t have much to do… just go to sleep.)

62. One-day trip with Artoria

Time soon came to the next day.

The fourth day when the Holy Grail War officially begins.


“berserker, what is that?”

“Uh, remember it’s a food called wheel cake, right? I’ve never eaten it.”

“Then can I go buy it and try it?”

“Yes, yes…”

Xindu’s commercial street.

Watching Artoria walking towards a roadside stall, Alexia still felt that this situation was a bit dreamy.

The cause was this morning.

Because the Holy Grail War was actually almost over, so after he woke up early in the morning and went to the restaurant to have breakfast, Exia realized that he seemed to have nothing to do.

Sajo Aige also had something to do, so she told her at breakfast that she would be spending the whole day in the magic workshop and would not be able to accompany him.

For Alexia, who was used to having things to do in the past few days, it was really not used to being free all of a sudden.

Coincidentally, Artoria’s situation is somewhat similar to his. Due to various reasons, she is now in a state of doing nothing, and all she can do is sit in her room and meditate.

[In that case, should we go out for a walk to pass the time? 】

At that time, I didn’t know what I was thinking, so Ixia just made a suggestion casually.

As a result, the two of them came to Xindu and started shopping.

Although she has been here for several days, except for being led by Shajo Aige to familiarize herself with the general terrain of Fuyuki City, Exia has never been out for a walk, and she only came out yesterday. for a little while.

(It’s also a good opportunity to get more familiar with the city.)

That’s what Alexia thought, but what surprised her was that Saber, who seemed to have no interest before setting off, was now like a curious baby, full of curiosity about the things of this era.

“I’m back, berserker.”

Just when Ixia was thinking this, Arturia had already returned from the roadside stall, holding two wheel cakes in her hand – it seems to be a special snack in Japan, called because it looks like a wheel. Given the name, it is actually a kind of dessert pastry.

(I remember there seems to be similar snacks in China, right? During the festival there, the master took me to eat them once on the street.)

That happened when I was a child, and Ixia can’t remember it clearly.

“Did you buy two?”

“One is yours. Because I didn’t know what flavor you like, I bought two cream red bean flavors. The store said they are classic flavors.”

Arturia said as she gave one of them to Exia.

Reaching out to take the wheel cake, Ixia and Artoria took a bite at the same time. The rich creamy flavor and red bean filling filled their mouths in one go.

“This… is delicious, berserker!”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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