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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 157

Artoria’s eyes lit up slightly.

“Although Master’s food is also delicious, this one is delicious in a different sense.”

“Because it’s freshly made, right? One of the selling points of this snack is that it tastes inexplicably delicious if it’s freshly baked.” Exia explained, “Ah, speaking of it…saber, that time of yours , There seems to be nothing to eat in Britain, right?”

“That’s right. Ah ah ah ah…”

After taking a few more bites of wheel cakes, Arturia said: “In my time, Britain’s agriculture was not developed, and it was often necessary to purchase food from the mainland through Sir Lancelot’s relationship. The people lived a very hard life. If there is a war, I will also collect food to ensure supplies for the front line, so…”

Arturia did not continue speaking.

Alexia took a bite of the wheel cake: “It’s not easy for you either…”

“It’s all in the past, you don’t have to worry too much about me.” Artoria smiled, “Speaking of which, berserker, is that particularly tall tower over there?”

“Oh, that, I remember…”

Shopping with Artoria seemed to be a relatively relaxing and comfortable thing for Exia.

Perhaps because of what happened early yesterday morning, Exia felt that the relationship between him and Artoria was getting closer – although he felt that normally it would be more raw and awkward.

But there was nothing strange about Artoria, which made Exia follow her behavior and get along with her normally.

Although she has gained knowledge about modern society from the Holy Grail, that does not mean that Artoria fully understands modern society. Therefore, whenever she finds something she is interested in, Artoria will ask Exia to give it to her. Explain. If we meet an attraction, we will buy tickets together to visit it.

In the end, the two people who originally just wanted to go out for a walk ended up staying outside all day without even realizing it.

On the embankment below the Weiyuan River Bridge.

Alongside roads specially built for pedestrians to walk or run.

“Oh~~~This drink called [Coke] really has a unique taste.”

Sitting on the stairs side by side with Exia, Arturia was holding a can of Coke in her hand.

“It’s nothing special, it’s just a carbonated drink.”

“This is my first time trying it.” Arturia took another sip and couldn’t help but let out a breath after feeling the excitement in her mouth.

(The world-renowned King of Knights is now behaving like a country girl who has never seen the world.)

Alexia couldn’t help but sigh in her heart.

Looking at Arturia like this, Exia couldn’t even connect the heroic figure she had in the previous battle with her current self.

“It’s really peaceful, this city.”

Just as Alexia was staring at Artoria’s side face, Artoria suddenly said this.

Facing the sparkling Weiyuan River in front of her in the dusk, she put down the jar in her hand. Arturia held her chin and smiled: “It’s really hard for people to think that this city has been so busy these days. The Holy Grail War is going on.”

“…Yeah, I didn’t expect it.”

Fuyuki City is undoubtedly a peaceful city, and this era is undoubtedly a peaceful era.

But under this peace, there is a shadow called the Holy Grail War, and judging from its impact, it seems that it can shatter this superficial peace at any time.

“I think now that your idea of ​​destroying the Holy Grail War is right for this city, right?” Artoria continued, “The battle between us can easily bring harm to this city. To destroy and harm.”

“Well…I don’t have much say in this aspect.” Alexia smiled bitterly.

He has been the one making the biggest fuss these days. At this time, anything he says is untenable and unconfident.

First, he made the mountains of Fuyuki City look like a world of ice and snow, and then he set off [fireworks] at night. He even froze the Minon River Bridge not far away… He was simply a king of destruction.

“I didn’t destroy the Holy Grail War purely for the purpose of maintaining peace… Speaking of which, it’s a bit strange to ask now, are you okay, Saber?”

“what do you mean?”

“Servants who respond to the Holy Grail’s call all have wishes they want to realize, right?”

Alexia asked.

“I don’t have any special meaning. Saber, you are my companion. I won’t make any further guesses about you. It’s just… I’m a little curious. What is your original wish? Give up your own wish to assist me and Miss Ai Ge, does it matter to you?”


This question made Artoria fall into silence for a moment.

63. Deny yourself and believe in yourself

Arturia’s reason for helping him.

This is something that Alexia has been paying more attention to these days. Although because Shajo Aige said that she no longer has to worry about anything, and Alexia is willing to believe what Shajo Aige said, there are still some concerns. care.

“That’s true…I have indeed never told you. My wish is actually very simple, just to go back to the past.”

Arturia said with a smile.

“Britain was destroyed in my hands – even though I knew from the beginning that Britain would be destroyed, if it was due to a natural disaster, I could still barely accept it, but in the end Britain was destroyed in the flames of war.”

The destruction of Britain is inevitable along with the mysterious decline of the entire world. As long as the times continue to advance, the mystery will gradually move away from the surface world. From the perspective of the entire history, it is the change of the rise and fall of the region.

This is bound to happen.

Arturia knew about this from the beginning, Merlin told her from the beginning, and she also tried her best and made what she thought was the right decision. She just hoped that Britain would be peaceful in the end. Steady ushering in a mysterious demise.

But the result was like that.

“If I could do it over again, if I had not become the King of Britain, if I had not been the one to pull out the sword in the stone, Britain would have had a better ending – it is with this thought that I come to this meeting. Before his death, he made a contract with the world and responded to the call of the Holy Grail.”

Go back in time and change established history.

Listening to Arturia’s wish, Exia couldn’t help but fell silent – it was not that he couldn’t understand this idea, because if there was such an opportunity, many people would make the same decision.

Including himself.

If there is really an opportunity to go back to the past, then Ixia will probably use it. He will go back to the day he fell into the snowy mountain seven years ago and try to change the ending he knows in order to avoid himself and his father. and sister separated for seven years.

Of course, in terms of consequences, this may completely change the trajectory of his life after that, and he may not be able to meet Bianca.

“So, have you given up on this wish now? Saber.”

“…I’m not very sure. I really want to say that I have given up, but I can’t say whether I have really given up.” Arturia shook her head and said, “Master, I said that since all the decisions I made were correct, the final outcome for Britain must be the best outcome.”

The best choice leads to the best answer.

Artoria always makes the right decision every time she encounters a choice. For example, she mentioned before that she would collect grain to ensure frontline supplies. This decision would make it difficult for several villages to survive, but for the sake of To win the war, this is what must be done.

From a big picture perspective, this is correct.

Even if it causes some people to feel dissatisfied, this is the right thing to do.

That being the case, there’s no problem.

“I was temporarily convinced by the Master’s words, and the Master also said some things to me… So in the end I made the decision now – at least during this Holy Grail War, I Will give up my wish.”

“After this Holy Grail War is over, I will think about it again. If it is true as the Master said, then I…”

Then give up this wish completely.

Arturia thought so in her heart.

And the next moment she finished speaking——

“I think it would be better for you to give up this wish completely.” Alexia suddenly said, “Although it may not be appropriate for me, an outsider who knows nothing, to say it, but I think… Your wish is fundamentally [wrong].”

“Because this is tantamount to denying who you are until now.”

The legend of King Arthur recorded today is actually Artoria’s own experience. It is her past, everything that belongs to her, and the proof of her existence in this world.

If you want to change it from the root, it would be equivalent to denying your past self, denying all your efforts for Britain, and abandoning everything you have been until now.

“My guardian and teacher said something to me, saber – believe in yourself, everything you do has meaning.”

No matter what the meaning is, it is your own decision and your own will.

You can regret this will later, regret why you didn’t think more about it at the time, and regret why you were so rash, but after all, it was your own decision, a decision you made based on your own heart.

And if that’s true, there’s no need to change it. If that’s wrong, take responsibility and repercussions yourself.

“Believe in yourself…do you?”

Arturia murmured Alexia’s words: “You will get this kind of advice…Does that mean you have also experienced it? When you have to make some kind of decision.”


“How do you do it?”

“I killed [the power] and then rescued the innocent [people] – at least that’s what I think, and I also think that this is a decision that satisfies everyone as much as possible.”

Although if it weren’t for Kiana, Exia would have definitely killed Thunder Mei Yi and the Herrscher of Thunder at this time.


After frowning and thinking for a while, Artoria stood up: “Although I have asked you to accompany me to many places today, can you please accompany me to one more place now? Berserker, before I go back, I I want to go to one last place.”

“Yes, yes…but where are you going?”

“Citizen’s Hall.”

Artoria looked in the direction of Xindu: “Master told me before about the reason why you saved Illya, and if what you experienced at the Citizen’s Hall is true, then I…I have Go there if necessary.”

My own Master ten years ago.

Although she didn’t have such an idea at the beginning, when things developed into the current situation, Arturia felt that she had to meet her.

and [Irisviel].

“I see.”

Alexia also stood up.

“Shall we just walk there? Or should I fly there with you?”

“Go over there. Flying there would be too ostentatious and conspicuous.”


64. Farewell after ten years

Civic Hall.

The last time Alexia came here, she came with Shajo Aige, and she even evaded the fare that time. This time, Alexia and Artoria bought tickets honestly.

Compared with the last time I came, it was already dusk, so the hall was quite dark.

“It’s only twenty minutes, and we’re about to close.”

“Okay, we’ll get out as soon as we can.”

After waving to the guard who was watching her instructions not far away, Exia turned around and came to Artoria’s side: “Saber, you——”

“It’s been ten years.”

Arturia spoke first, interrupting what Alexia wanted to say, and a look of nostalgia appeared on her calm face.

Ten years ago, at the end of the Fourth Holy Grail War, Artoria had her final decisive battle with Assassin here. Now looking at this familiar scene in front of her, Artoria gradually remembered what happened ten years ago. matter.

The final decisive battle, now that I think about it, can’t actually be called a decisive battle.

Assassin was not her opponent. Even though the terrain here gave the opponent a certain advantage, Artoria didn’t think she would lose. She was really only one step away from the Holy Grail at that time.

However, she never expected that the master of Assassin would directly use the two-stroke command spell to let Assassin carry a large amount of explosives to launch a suicide attack on the Holy Grail.

Artoria finally lost her master in the explosion and left this world, ending the last Holy Grail War with great regret.

And now…

“Are you here? Irisviel.”

Facing the shimmering stage below, Arturia called softly.

Irisviel died here ten years ago. According to Sajo Aige, during the past ten years, she was like an earthbound spirit, staying here because of her obsession to save Illya. this.

However, no one has come into contact with her in ten years, no magician is aware of her existence, and even Sandjo Aige ignores her. She was alone and bound here for ten years—until Exia came into contact with her.


no respond.

There was only a slight echo in the empty hall, and the surrounding environment did not show the same scene as before, showing the last scene ten years ago, and the remnants of Irisviel did not appear.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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