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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 158

The hand on the railing was clenched a little tighter, and after looking down at the stage for a while, Artoria took a deep breath: “It seems like it’s not possible… let’s go back. Berserker, I’m sorry for asking you to accompany me here.”

“There’s no need to apologize or say thank you for this little thing, I don’t care.”

Alexia smiled, and then followed Artoria’s footsteps towards the corridor from where she came.

However, I don’t know if they were hallucinating, but just when the two of them raised their feet and were about to leave——


A gust of wind blew quietly from behind the two of them, and then the surrounding scene seemed to be rippled, rising and twisting bit by bit, gradually turning into a mass of darkness as if all the colors were blended together.

And finally——

“Crack, crackle…”

The mixed colors separated again, and a burning scene of exploding sparks appeared before their eyes.

Artoria and Exia were both stunned on the spot, and then both turned to look in the direction of the stage——

【Save her】

A call full of pleading reached their ears. A ball of light that has almost lost its shape and can only roughly recognize the shape of a human is floating on the stage, and its movements look like it is praying.


Artoria’s eyes suddenly trembled! He stretched his body slightly out of the stands and stared at the light on the stage with his eyes wide open!

“Then…is that…Irisviel?”

[Save her…it’s good for everyone…save her…it’s good for everyone…]

There was no response, the humanoid light just kept repeating the same words.

Gritting her teeth, Artoria suddenly turned over and jumped from the stands. She stepped on the chair and rose and fell two or three times before arriving on the stage.

【Save her…】

Perhaps sensing that there was someone in front of him, Guangying’s voice became louder, and the pleading contained in it became stronger and heavier.

Putting her hand on her chest and performing a standard knightly etiquette towards the light and shadow in front of her, Artoria whispered: “It’s okay, Irisviel. Your daughter…Illya has already You can rest assured that you have been saved, Irisviel.”

【Save her…】

“Illya’s skills as the Little Holy Grail and being sealed, she will not become the next you, she has been saved. So…”

Walking forward, Arturia held what should be said to be her hands, and said with a sincere expression: “You don’t need to be like this anymore, Irisviel… liberate yourself from your obsession. [Master].”

【Save her…it’s good for everyone…】


I don’t know if it was Artoria’s voice that reached her, but the request gradually became fainter, and along with it, the humanoid light and shadow gradually decomposed and collapsed, and the surrounding burning scenes also turned into points of light.

Standing in the stands and watching this scene, a word suddenly popped into Exia’s mind.

“Is this… [ascension] to heaven?”

[It can also be said that he has become a Buddha]

Ddraig’s voice came over.

[Earth-bound spirits are because their wishes were not fulfilled during their lifetime, and they were bound by obsession and land after death and remained in this world. But now that my wish has been fulfilled, I will naturally ascend to heaven and become a Buddha – this is all thanks to you and your master accidentally saving that little girl]

“…not yet fully saved.”

Alexia shook her head.

“As long as the Great Holy Grail exists, the Holy Grail War will continue repeatedly. In that case, Einzbern will definitely create the next [Illya] – the Holy Grail War must be completely ended.”

【yes. It’s just a pity that you lost an opportunity to become stronger. 】

“There are many opportunities. As long as I can travel to different worlds, I can definitely become stronger in different ways. I don’t necessarily have to stick to the Holy Grail, the second source of magic.” Alexia smiled, “Cas Lana is the knight of the people, and Kaslana is the shield of the people – I am not becoming stronger for the sake of strength, I just want to make the decision because I want to save others and protect the people who are most important to me. Becoming stronger.”

[Simple thoughts are the key to eliciting dragon power. I can assure you, partner, you will definitely become stronger]

“Well, thank you. But now…”

Looking at Artoria standing among countless light spots, Ixia crossed her arms and leaned against the wall – now it was better to let Artoria say goodbye properly.

65. Prince, are you happy on your date?

Night, Shatiao’s house.

“You two, would you like to have a date?”

When Exia and Artoria came back side by side, they heard such a greeting as soon as they entered the living room.

In the living room, a smiling Shajo Aige was wearing an apron, holding a spatula in one hand and a kitchen knife in the other, standing there looking at the two of them.

An inexplicable chill suddenly ran up the backs of the two of them!

Coming to the two of them with a spatula and a kitchen knife, Shajo Aige smiled and repeated: “Are you happy on the date?”

“Uh… um, Miss Aige?” Alexia subconsciously took a step back, “Anyway, can you put down the kitchen knife first? I think it’s a bit dangerous… and I’m just going out with Saber. I’ve been shopping all day, not going out on a date!”

“You two have gone out since 8:30 in the morning, and it is already 6:30 in the evening when you come back. You must have eaten lunch and dinner outside. It is really good to have lunch and dinner together, Mr. Prince.”

Sajo Aige smiled and took a step closer.

“With someone as beautiful and lovely as Liya by my side, I don’t need it, right?”

“No, no, no, you really misunderstood! Miss Aige, Saber and I really have nothing…”

Alexia, who subconsciously wanted to distance herself from the relationship, the first thing that popped into her mind was the scene from yesterday morning – that kind of thing had happened before, and it was really a bit… to say nothing about it…

“It seems like something happened.” Sajo Aige said with a smile, then turned to look at Artoria: “Liya, did you enjoy your date?”


At the sudden call, the hair on Artoria’s head stood up immediately!

“Master, don’t think too much, berserker and I are really just going out…”

“I command you to tell me what you did today.”

Before Artoria could finish her words, Shajo Aige resorted to the last resort!


Artoria didn’t know what to say. Normally, command spells are used to command followers or strengthen them, right? Why was it that when she came to Shajo Aige, the two command spells were all used to satisfy her own thirst for knowledge!

First he asked if he felt comfortable kissing Alexia, and now he asked what he did outside today – how could anyone use a command spell like this?

“I just… just walked around Xindu with Berserker. Under his guidance, I learned a lot about this era and this city. I tasted the country’s special snacks with him. Lunch and dinner were Used together in the restaurant, and also…”

Under the influence of the command spell, Artoria, who did not deliberately resist, told everything about today’s experience with Exia.

The more he listened to her story, the smile on Shajo Aige’s face became brighter and stronger.

(Eating with the prince, walking in the park with the prince, sitting on a chair with the prince, watching the sunset with the prince by the bridge… these are all things I want to do! Why are all the “must-dos on a date” in my mind…all…)

“—Probably those are the things.”

After recounting all her experiences, Artoria continued: “So, Berserker and I are really not what you think, Master. Please don’t misunderstand——”

“I haven’t even done it yet.”

Arturia was startled when Sajo Aige suddenly became colder.

“I also want to be touched by the prince on my chest… I also want to be kissed by the prince on his own initiative… I also want to watch the sunset with the prince…”

“Uh… that… Miss Song?”

Listening to the soft words spoken by Shajo Aige, Alexia sounded the alarm in his heart for no reason, and his inner intuition made him instinctively feel [something bad]!

“Then…can I go shopping with you tomorrow?”

Alexia tried to say this.

“I am honored! Your Majesty the Prince!”

The Shajo love song that was still being recited a second ago, immediately threw away the spatula and kitchen knife the moment she heard these words! He stepped forward and held Alexia’s hand firmly with both hands, his eyes shining with great anticipation, and his face full of happy smiles!

Seeing Sajo Aige’s attitude that had undergone a 180-degree change, Exia and Artoria looked at each other, both seeing a bit of helplessness in each other’s eyes.

(I seem to know how to get along with Miss Aige…)

(Master is really too…)

I am afraid that among all the Masters, there will not be another one like Sajo Aika.

“I said, how long are you going to keep this up?”

Ishtar’s voice suddenly came out at this moment.

The head came out of the pocket of Shajo Aige’s apron, and the little Ishtar punched Alexia in the stomach: “This goddess is starving to death! Now these two guys are back too , can you go and cook seriously, Shatiao Aige?”

“That’s right. Then wait a moment.”

Stuffing Ishtar back into his pocket, Shajo Aige picked up the spatula on the ground, and at the same time, with a movement of his fingers, he pulled out the kitchen knife stuck in the ceiling, and then turned around and ran towards the kitchen.

Arturia and Exia followed outside the kitchen.

“Master, haven’t you had dinner yet?”

“Because I want to have dinner with Mr. Prince. Mr. Prince, you can go to the dining table and wait for a while. I will be ready soon.”

“No, I-“

Alexia subconsciously wanted to say that she had already eaten, but before she could finish her sentence, she immediately changed her mind and said, “I’m looking forward to today’s dinner, Miss Aige.”

Artoria: “…”

I always feel that the situation seems to be developing in a strange direction.

But no matter what, it’s a good thing that Sajo Aige can return to normal. Arturia doesn’t want to be ordered by her to say something she doesn’t want to say using a command spell – she also has some shame, and there are some It was something she didn’t want to tell anyone else.

But just after the two of them exited the kitchen and came to the dining table, a person already sitting at the dining table made them both stunned.


“Are you…saber and berserker? Good evening.”

The person at the table – Archer’s master – a girl named Tohsaka Rin saw the two coming and nodded to them and said hello.

66.Bianca: I should be leading the race, right?

Tohsaka Rin.

The master of archer Ishtar has been in a deep sleep since he and Ishtar separated. In the words of Sajo Aige, it was because she had been possessed by the gods for a period of time, and she was burdened with Ishtar’s Noble Phantasm, so she suffered considerable damage both mentally and physically.

Pulling out the chair to do some exercise, Aixia asked: “Is your body okay?”

“It’s hard to say it’s okay.”

Tohsaka Rin raised her hand to activate her magic circuit. A circuit-like circuit appeared on her fingers, flashed for a few times and then dimmed. A few drops of sweat fell from Tohsaka Rin’s forehead, and her face was not expressionless. nice.

“As you can see, my magic circuit is still damaged. Although it is not impossible to recover, I’m afraid it will take years of treatment to fully recover.”

Until then, Tohsaka Rin will be in a state where he cannot use magic casually – this is a major blow to a magician.

Dropping his hands feebly, Tohsaka Rin looked at Alexia and bowed his head deeply: “I heard Shajo’s love song and it said that you were the one who proposed to separate Archer and me, Berserker, really. I am very grateful that you can spare my life.”

The Holy Grail War is a cruel war. Tohsaka Rin has long been aware that he will be killed. Even after being possessed by Ishtar, Ishtar’s defeat is equal to her defeat. Ishtar’s Death is her death.

Their lives can almost be said to be bound together.

But because of Exia’s decision, Sajo Aige performed a magic to break the possession of Tohsaka Rin, causing her to lose her status as both a servant and a master at the same time, and she completely withdrew from the Holy Grail War.

Although the magic circuit was damaged, it was already very cost-effective to save a life with just this sacrifice. Compared to the outcome of death, at least she was still alive now.

Or just better than nothing.

“I will remember this kindness, and one day I will repay you.”

“I don’t mean to ask you to repay the favor… Well, if you think this is good, then so be it.” Alexia smiled, “By the way, what are you going to do in the future?”

from now on.

Mentioning this matter, Tohsaka Rin pursed his lips: “Anyway, let’s start treating my magic circuit first. Shajo Aige gave me a treatment plan. If I continue to treat it slowly, I should be able to heal it within ten years.” Cured.”

ten years.

How many decades can life last? These ten years should have been the time when Tohsaka Rin grew the fastest, but now it was wasted – it can only be said that the impact of the Holy Grail War was really too serious.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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