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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 159

“We have to wait until the magic circuit is roughly restored to practice magic. We also have to take a break from school at the Clock Tower, and we have to live as an ordinary person for the time being.”

“Yeah, then come on.”

“Thank you for your kind words.”

Soon after that, Sajou Aige came over with dinner for five people – no portion for Artoria.

After finishing dinner, Tohsaka Rin said goodbye to a few people and took a taxi back to Tohsaka’s house.

Although the place has not been rebuilt since it was destroyed by Exia before, she still has to go back and contact her father – of course, these are Tohsaka Rin’s own affairs, Exia There is no need to pay attention to these things.

“Hmm…it’s so good…”

He returned to his room holding his stomach.

Alexia sat down on the bed – he had already had dinner in the restaurant before he and Artoria came back. He was already very full, and now he had the dinner prepared by Shajo Aige… …

“The feeling of overeating is really uncomfortable.”

[Who made you fall in love with such a girl? Respond to her feelings and thoughts well, partner]

“You said it easily…”

After tapping the back of her left hand, Alexia took the personal terminal on the bedside table and opened it.

[Unread messages: 3]

[Sender: Bianca]

Seeing these two prompts on the screen, Alexia immediately opened the chat box between herself and Bianca.

[I listened to Rita and had a good rest, and I also have the awareness of self-management. Your worries are too much, but thank you for your concern. 】

[I now have a day off. During this period, you can call me at any time. 】

[Let’s talk about Kiana’s current situation on the phone. 】

The message was sent at around two o’clock in the afternoon, which meant that Bianca was still on vacation.

Without thinking much, Exia immediately made a video call.

【Hello? Alexia? 】

In just a moment, Bianca’s face was displayed on the screen, and the background seemed to be in the training room.

Alexia moved her body and leaned against the wall: “Are you still training? What time is it?”

[If you don’t train seriously, you will soon be surpassed. You are not the only one who wants to become stronger]

Bianca said with a smile, wiping the sweat from her body with a towel.

[How is the situation over there? We haven’t contacted each other in the past two days. How is the progress of the Holy Grail War? 】

“It’s almost the end. It will be over in about three or four days.”

[Then what are you going to do next? After all, you’ve only been there for a week, right? It will take at least three months for you to come back. Are you going to travel around that world? 】

“Hmm… more or less. But no matter where you go, the first priority is to become stronger. At least you have to be able to use magic at will.”

[In other words, we are both working hard to make progress – if you work hard and conscientiously, I will have to work harder]

Alexia smiled slightly and said, “You should wait for me. If I walk so fast, I will be thrown away by you again.”

[But you won’t stop now, right? No matter where I go, you will definitely catch up, right? 】

Bianca said with a smile.

To be honest, Bianca is satisfied and happy from the bottom of her heart regarding this [competitive] relationship between herself and Ixia.

[So, I won’t wait for you, just work hard to catch up. And if you overtake me, you don’t have to wait for me, I will work hard to catch up with you.】

“That’s right… By the way, how is Kiana doing lately? Are you studying seriously? Has she caused any trouble for you and Rita?”

[It’s not a big trouble, and because Rita and I have been out on missions these days, I asked Raiden Mei to teach her how to study. Kiana also thinks this is good, and I will confirm the study later. Progressive]

“Well, please take care of my sister.”

[According to our relationship, your sister is also my sister, so I should take care of her. I also want to get along well with Kiana – by the way, the one you met over there… Is it called Shatiao Love Song? How have you been getting along with her these two days? 】


The moment Bianca brought up this topic, Alexia’s heart suddenly skipped a beat!

How are you getting along with Shajo Aige?

This is really a bit unspeakable, [I have kissed her twice]… Alexia would definitely not want to say this in front of Bianca! And in addition to Sandjo Aige, what happened with Artoria also made Exia a little confused about how to speak!


[Are we not getting along well? 】

Seeing Alexia’s expression of embarrassment, Bianca couldn’t help but asked with concern.

“No, it’s not that it’s not good…but it should be said that it’s too good.” Ixia said with a bitter smile, “It’s just…should it be said that it is forced by the situation? Or is it full of all kinds of emotions?” What about force majeure?”

“I kissed Miss Aegean and another person – three times in total.”

kiss? !

Bianca’s thinking stopped for a moment!

67. Just artificial respiration

Bianca couldn’t believe her ears.


Was Alexia kissed?

“Axia, you…” Bianca pressed her forehead hard, “Wait a minute, let me calm down…but don’t hang up the phone, I will probably call you again in the future. I have something to tell you.”

[Oh…Oh…Actually, I can explain it. The situation here is a little complicated…]

“I…you’d better let me think about it first. I think I need to calm down first.”

Putting the personal terminal aside temporarily, Bianca took a few deep breaths, changed a towel and covered her forehead. The cold touch immediately spread from her forehead, making her brain feel a little relaxed.

(Really… I was a little bit unexpected.)

This was something Bianca had never imagined.

Although in the previous two phone calls, it was tentatively confirmed that Shajo Aige has a very high affection for Alexia, and even quite frankly expressed that she wanted to be with Alexia forever, but this is only four or five days. time, neither Bianca nor Rita thought what would happen to them in such a short period of time.

What’s more, instead of paying attention to things over there, because of Kiana’s unintentional words, Bianca has rarely been paying attention to the relationship between herself and Alexia in addition to her tasks these days.

[Exia may like herself] – This is what Bianca inferred from Kiana’s words.

To be honest, Bianca didn’t have much thoughts about this speculation. Maybe it was because the two of them had been together for too long. Even after learning about this kind of thing, Bianca could only say [It turns out that Ike Sia likes me] Such a plain feeling.

Of course, this is just a conjecture and has not been confirmed. Originally, Bianca wanted to wait for Alexia to talk about it with him after he came back.

If this conjecture is true and Alexia really likes her, then Bianca will not refuse and will accept this love frankly.

Even to put it bluntly, she also has a good impression of Alexia and does not think that becoming a lover with him is an unacceptable thing. On the contrary, she feels that this is quite good. Although even if they become lovers, the relationship between the two will not change much.


[If Alexia likes her, then date him] – This is Bianca’s plan for the time being, and this will also make her and Alexia closer, and the two of them can be better together.

As for the possibility that [Exia actually doesn’t like herself]… in Rita’s words, it’s [completely impossible], and I don’t know why she would be so decisive.

but now……

(Exia met someone who liked him in another world, and actually kissed him…)

Thinking back on this incident, Bianca felt a little restless and unable to calm down for some reason.

【Bianca? Have you calmed down? 】

Alexia’s voice sounded.

Picking up the personal terminal, Bianca breathed a sigh of relief: “You have calmed down now… So, what happened to the kiss? You just said it was because of force majeure? Was it because you had to meet Sha Tiao? Is it an emergency for Miss Kiss? A Sleeping Beauty kind of thing?”

[Well…one of them was a similar situation, but I was the sleeping beauty. 】

Bianca: “?”

(What do you mean? Sleeping Beauty is Alexia? And it’s just one of them, there are two more, right?)

[Actually, the general story of the matter is this…]

Alexia didn’t hold anything back and explained everything that happened yesterday to Bianca without hiding anything. In order to let Bianca understand more clearly, she even got out of bed and came to the table to explain it to her. A flow chart was drawn up.

After listening to Alexia’s explanation of the causes and consequences along with the flow chart, Bianca immediately felt relieved.

“So that’s what happened…There’s nothing we can do about it. After all, we’re trying to save people. It’s more like artificial respiration than kissing, right?”

[Well, it’s almost the same… By the way, Bianca, do you think this is okay? 】

“Eh? What’s okay?”

[Uh…it’s about me kissing Miss Aige and Saber. 】

Looking at Alexia’s uncomfortable expression on the screen, Bianca smiled slightly: “Why should I feel there is a problem? You did the right thing, right? The reason why Miss Shajo kissed you was to save you, Wouldn’t it be okay then?”

“I don’t necessarily have to be angry at you and others for performing artificial respiration, right? Besides, I have no reason to be angry – and, if that’s the case, will you be angry if I perform artificial respiration for others?”


Instant answer.

Alexia gave the answer as fast as she could, and the seriousness in her eyes could be felt even by Bianca through the screen.

“Exia, you…”

[Ah, sorry, that’s a bit strange to say, right? 】

Putting away that serious look, Alexia put on a relaxed look and smiled.

[Forget it, I also started a strange topic]

(You can’t forget it, right?)

Bianca thought.

After being together for so many years, Bianca could only count the number of times Alexia showed such serious eyes… In his opinion, is his kiss something worthy of being taken so seriously? ?

Bianca touched her lips: “Then…if we encounter danger on a mission together later and you need me to perform artificial respiration, will you accept it?”

【Eh? 】

This time it was Alexia who couldn’t believe her ears.

Is this what Bianca can say?

Is this something he can hear?

[Hmm… I will. 】

“Is it.”

[But given the situation between the two of us, even if we meet the Herrscher, we won’t fall to that point, right? 】

“Yes, that’s true.” Bianca couldn’t help but smile, “Exia, you can defeat the Herrscher on your own. If you think about it carefully, it is indeed impossible for you to need artificial respiration.”

When she said this, Bianca felt a little regretful and regretful for no reason.

[By the way, Bianca, tell me about your mission these days]

“Okay, let me tell you, this time in Africa…”

After that, Exia and Bianca kept chatting for more than an hour.

And because they had been focusing on each other, neither of them noticed.

——There is a maid waiting outside the training room.

——There was always a girl leaning against the door of Exia’s room.

68. Practice for more than half a month


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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