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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 16

——Second strengthening based on mental status

——Cannot be used actively·closed

——It automatically takes effect when targeting ■■ and elite enemies.


【Kaslana’s Blood】

——? ? ? ?

——? ? ? ?

——? ? ? ?

——? ? ? ?

Looking at this state of ability, even though they had expected that Alexia’s improvement would be extremely terrifying, and had seen Alexia’s growth rate before, after actually seeing it, Finn and others were still trapped in a long-term silence.

Something is wrong.

Something is wrong.

Except for the magic power that cannot be exercised, all abilities are worth s! The total number of ability points increased exceeded two thousand three!


Riveria lowered her voice subconsciously.

This improvement is so abnormal that it can no longer be described as “huge potential”. Even if Exia defeated Goliath alone at a low level and thus gained a lot of ability points and experience, there was still nothing. Sub-improvement so much…

“Wait, lv.1?”

Tiona noticed something wrong.

“Didn’t Exia-kun defeat Goliath alone? Why is he still at level 1? Loki, are you mistaken?”

“How could we be wrong! He just hasn’t upgraded!” Loki shouted. “Although the experience value of great achievements has indeed increased, it seems that it is not enough for him to upgrade?”

The conditions for upgrading are [having at least one ability value reaching level D], and [accumulating enough achievements]

Defeating lv.1 at lv.4, a separate challenge across three levels and winning – this kind of thing is undoubtedly a great achievement, and it is also an unprecedented great achievement. Anyone who can do this kind of thing, direct upgrade is inevitable .

But when it comes to Alexia, is it not qualified?

So what kind of great deeds must he accomplish to level up?

“…It’s probably because of magic.” Finn pondered for a while and said, “Goliath can’t trigger Alexia’s magic. Even for Alexia, Waka Leah’s battle may only be regarded as an ordinary battle, at most it just crosses the level.”

Just like before against the Minotaur.

“Perhaps if Exia wants to level up, he must at least defeat monsters that can trigger his magic.”

“Trigger magic…”

Everyone took a look at the magic.

Tiona twitched her lips: “I said… Captain, now Ixia can challenge Goliath without using magic. If you trigger this magic again… do you want him?” Are you going to challenge the floor owner on the thirty-seventh floor?”

The thirty-seventh floor is a special floor that produces floor masters just like the seventeenth floor. The name of the floor master is [Udaios], the lonely king of the maze who has reached level 6.

Judging from today’s situation, Exia is at least lv.4. If the magic that can greatly increase the ability value is triggered, it is not impossible to soar to the level where she can fight with lv.6.

(No, maybe not even Udaios…)

Loki thought.

[It will save the world], the magic with this name, Loki does not believe that this magic can be triggered so easily. The worst case scenario… maybe it really requires [saving the world]. What about triggering?

“However, in the final analysis, it is not necessary to defeat the floor master. There are many ways to accomplish great achievements – Loki, I want to start the expedition again.”


Hearing Finn mention this matter, everyone in the room looked serious.

28. Preparation and thoughts of the expedition

It has been thousands of years since the gods descended to the Nether, and the exploration of Orario has actually continued for about a thousand years.

But so far, the dungeon has not been fully explored. After the once strongest Familia – Zeus Familia and Hera Familia – were declared destroyed, the deepest exploration level of the dungeon has actually stopped at the fifty-eighth level. layer.

Below that are the unexplored floors.

An expedition is an exploration towards unexplored floors.

As long as you can reach a new floor, it is the highest honor for adventurers. In addition, Orario is now the center of the world. If you are famous in Orario, your reputation will be heard around the world in an instant.

Therefore, whether it is for the individual or for Orario as a whole, an expedition is what every family member wants to do.

“It’s been a while since the last expedition, and it’s really time for the next one – so what do you have in mind this time? Finn.” Loki asked.

Finn nodded slightly: “Actually, I want Alexia to join the next expedition.”

This proposal stunned everyone in the room.

It is normal for those weak family members to let a lv.1 person join the expedition team, because most of the family members only have lv.1 and lv.2 members. The so-called expedition is just to go to the middle level or even the deep level. .

But the expedition of the Loki Familia was different. It was heading towards the fifty-ninth floor.

However, considering Exia’s actual combat effectiveness…

“I feel like I can definitely join the first tier with us.”


Tiona and Ace both felt that there was no problem. Although the level of lv. 4 was still a bit dangerous in the deep layers, if that could trigger Exia’s magic, it would mean that they could get the chance to upgrade Exia.

“Well~~~~ It doesn’t make sense, little guy, what do you mean?”

“Can I become stronger faster if I go to the deep level?”

Alexia asked rhetorically.

His only problem was this. His original purpose of entering the dungeon was to become stronger. If he could become stronger, he would be happy to go deep.

Finn nodded and said: “Of course. In fact, the upper limit of each level’s ability value is 999. In your situation, you will reach the limit soon, but if you go deep, you may be able to upgrade to lv. 2. Move toward a higher position.”

“Then I have no objection. Please let me participate in the next expedition.”

“I knew you would say that – then, Riveria, let’s inform Gareth later and start preparations for the expedition again. Also, Loki, I will trouble you again during this time.”

“Hey~~~ What about that again?”

Loki’s face froze instantly.

“That’s why I said I’d try to come here when I’m really free. Every time I update my ability values ​​before the expedition, we’re exhausted every time!”

Updating ability values ​​requires divine blood, which means that the more members there are in the family, the more tiring it will be for the main god to update ability values ​​- especially for a lustful god like Loki who likes to take advantage of the situation when updating ability values. Teaming up to update her abilities would give her no time to take advantage of the girls in her family.

In fact, this was the point of why she felt tired.

Is there anything that tortures God more than being able to touch it for just a few seconds? She wanted to touch it and feel good!

“By the way, there’s one more thing – Exia, we won’t go to the dungeon tomorrow. I’ll take you to the Hephaestus Familia again.”

“Is it about the equipment?”

Alexia thought of the reason.

The equipment he bought just two days ago was completely damaged in the morning’s battle with Goliath. The armor was shattered into pieces, and only the hilt of the sword was left – he couldn’t enter the dungeon like this, even if he He has very good physical skills, so he still needs the necessary armor.

The same goes for weapons.

“Considering your situation, I am going to buy you first-level equipment directly. As for the amount…”

“It’s recorded in the account, right?” Ixia said with a bitter smile, “I always feel that after I came to the family members, I couldn’t help but not pay back the money, but instead kept adding to the debt.”

Finn smiled: “If this is the case, then you should perform well during the expedition. After each expedition, the members will be rewarded according to their performance. If you perform well, the reward for you will be It’s also possible to pay it off directly with your debt.”


When Finn said this, Alexia’s eyes suddenly lit up, and her whole body became more energetic.

Seeing his genuine reaction, the others couldn’t help but smile.

“Then, disband!”


After returning to her room, Alexia lay directly on the bed.

After opening the drawer of the bedside table and taking out the personal terminal, he opened the photo of himself and Hollander.

“Has it been…five days?”

Although he has experienced a lot, for Exia, it was only five days ago that he came to this world, but everything that happened in these five days was almost worth what happened to Exia for more than half a year.

Accepting favors and fighting monsters in the dungeon – in a sense, this is similar to his experience of joining the Valkyrie School and participating in actual combat within the school.

It’s just that it’s much easier now than it was then.

“Deeper… I hope that when I get there, I can have a stronger sense of becoming stronger. At this speed, I don’t know how long it will take to catch up with Bianca.”

(By the way, what will she be doing at this time?)

Alexia thought of this for no reason.

Until now, because he didn’t have much free time after coming here, Ixia had not thought about this matter, but now that he was rarely free, this thought came to him naturally.

At this time, what will Bianca in the other world be doing?

Will she worry about herself if she disappears suddenly? Or will he devote himself wholeheartedly to solving the Honkai incident to distract from his inner anxieties and worries?

Alexia doesn’t know.

Cross out the photo and switch the personal terminal interface to the communication interface with Bianca – there is not a single sentence in the history.

Because the two met there from time to time, and he was mostly responsible for connecting with Bianca when she went out to fight. The two did not need to communicate through personal terminals, and they mostly made phone calls when something happened.

but now…….

[Bianca, are you there? 】

As if by mistake, Alexia typed out this sentence, her finger resting on the Enter key for a long time, and then——


“Failed to send, no network connection.”

Such a voice came from the personal terminal, and Exia suddenly sighed: “That’s right, think about it, this world doesn’t even have electricity, how can there be a network? It can’t be sent out… Oh, what am I doing?”

Turning off the personal terminal, Exia glanced at the scorching midday sun hanging in the sky outside.

(It’s not appropriate to go to bed at this hour…)

(Forget it, let’s go for a walk, or go back to the dungeon to see what’s going on.)

Thinking this, Exia put up her personal terminal and left the room.

And shortly after he left——

[Trying to resend…trying to reconnect to the network…link successful]

【Sent successfully】

The personal terminal in the cabinet automatically lit up.

29. The idea of ​​traveling through time and space

Destiny Headquarters.

training room.

“Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!”

Waves of air-piercing sounds that seemed to shatter the atmosphere continued to come from inside, and the source of the sound was in the corner of the training room, where sandbags were hung in the fighting arts practice area.

Bianca, who had tied her blond hair into a ponytail and was wearing smart training clothes, was punching and kicking the sandbag in front of her constantly. The strength and speed of her blows directly affected her. The sandbag was completely lifted into the air, without even a second of time for it to fall.




The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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