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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 160

After that, most of the month passed quickly.

And nothing special happened during the past half month.

Because the four knight servants of Lancer, Caster, Rider and Assassin have all retired, Archer may return to the Heroic Soul Seat at any time, and Exia and Artoria have already formed an alliance. Therefore, the Holy Grail War has actually come to a standstill or even ended.

And without the hidden events like the Holy Grail War, Fuyuki City has also ushered in peace after a few days – on the surface, this is the case.

In fact, there are still a lot of things happening in the other world, that is, the magic world, these days, but for ordinary people who don’t know magic, it just feels like a lot of news has happened in Fuyuki City this week.

For example, the TV station reported a few days ago that a long-dead body was found in a suite on the top floor of the Fuyuki Hotel.

The explanation given on the surface is that someone sneaked into the hotel to commit the crime and imprisoned the victim until death. In addition, the victim was said to have considerable assets in Europe, which was regarded as a murder attempt.

But in fact, the corpse was Rider, the master of Queen Maeve. The cause of death was not homicide, but because the magic power was drained and he died without eating for several days.

Another example is a ghost house in Shenshan Town, Fuyuki City that has long been uninhabited. A few days ago, there were rumors of a monster inhabiting it. It was said that strange screams could be heard in the middle of the night, so much so that it once turned into an urban legend. .

In fact, it is the residence of Caster’s master, the executor of the Magic Association named Bazett. Because he was cursed a lot by Sandjo Aige, he had to use some special methods to break the curse. The strange screams This is also where it comes from.

A lot of news like this has spread in the past half month.

However, for the citizens of Fuyuki, these news have no other meaning except that they are a bit surprising and unexpected when they first know about it. Maybe they will still talk about these things in the morning, and by the evening Forget about these things.

At most, when I think about it later, I can chat for a few words as an after-dinner conversation.

This is how the world is, even if it is an earth-shattering event, it will become calm after a long enough time.

For Aikesia, the past half month has been a relatively fulfilling time. Except for a day of shopping with Shajo Aige on the first day, for the rest of the time, Aikesia focused entirely on [Practice] superior.

As for what kind of practice…


In the woods near Einzbern Castle, in a natural clearing.


Exia and Artoria are engaged in a high-speed offensive and defensive battle. The trajectory drawn by the golden holy sword and the ice giant sword not only occupies the space between the two, but even surrounds them. They were all filled with the dazzling sword light.

[Sparring with Artoria]——This is what Exia has been doing for the past half month.

Because Sajo Aige was busy with matters related to the destruction of the Holy Grail War, apart from that shopping trip, Ixia basically only saw her when eating, getting up, and before going to bed. The rest of the time was very free.

The same goes for Artoria.

Therefore, the two of them, who also had nothing to do, decided to find a place where no one was around to compete with each other in martial arts.

As for the two people’s behavior, Shajo Aige unexpectedly did not react at all, and just told the two of them: “They can only discuss each other, and absolutely cannot do other things!” 】——One thing to say, this attitude and reaction made the two of them a little surprised.


After another duel, Exia and Artoria distanced themselves from each other, lowered their ice swords and stood there for a few seconds before taking a breath: “Huh~~ Let’s stop here today, Saber. .Thanks for your hard work.”

“Nothing, I have benefited a lot from my discussion with you.” Artoria smiled, “Speaking of which, today’s time is a bit fast. It seems that there is progress?”

“I didn’t care – Ddraig, how many seconds did it take today?”

【Six seconds】

Baoyu in the cage replied.

Six seconds—the meaning of this time is actually the time required for Exia to completely recycle the Honkai energy pollution caused by herself. And this was also one of the purposes of his discussion with Artoria.

After Artoria was almost eroded by Honkai Energy and Assassin was eroded out of control, Exia put the issue of solving her own Honkai Energy pollution as the highest priority. After all, if something similar happened again in the future, No one can guarantee that losses will be minimized like this time.

Therefore, Alexia began to practice in this area through competition.

Specifically, he was engaging in actual combat with Artoria while trying to recover Honkai Energy while fighting. If Honkai Energy is recovered the moment it escapes, or if the Honkai Energy that escapes can be controlled as soon as possible, the possibility of causing contamination can be greatly reduced.

Now, Exia’s limit is six seconds.

This means that it would take six seconds at the fastest to recover all the Honkai energy that escaped during the battle. In fact, theoretically, recovery does not take even two seconds, but in It’s impossible to focus all your attention on recovery during combat, so six seconds is the fastest time now.

(It would still be difficult to make progress on my own…it would be nice if there were some assistive devices.)

When he was in Kuoh Town, the Governor of the Fallen Angels, Azazel, had actually made similar suggestions, but unfortunately, until Exia finally left, he was still only at the experimental stage, and was still far from being a test subject. It cannot be used in actual combat.

(After I go back this time, I’ll ask Bishop Otto if he can make me a portable Honkai energy recovery device.)

While thinking this, Exia came to Artoria, held her hand, closed her eyes, and began to examine her body – this was what the two of them had agreed upon, after all, they had such experience, if she Because of his sparring with Exia, he was once again eroded by Honkai energy, so he needed to be treated in time.

“…Well, I’m fine today.”

After feeling the situation inside Artoria’s body, Exia breathed a sigh of relief: “We have been sparring with me all day and there is no sign of erosion. Saber, your dragon heart is really powerful.”

I don’t know if it’s because it was activated once before, but now as long as Artoria is contaminated with a little bit of Honkai energy, her dragon heart will expel it immediately.

Although it cannot be said to be completely immune, there is still a risk of being corroded by receiving a large amount of Honkai Energy at once, but if it is only a small amount of Honkai Energy, it will no longer be able to cause trouble to Artoria.

Letting go of her hand, Alexia said: “It’s getting late, let’s go back. By the way, remember to keep it secret today. Miss Ai Ge can’t let me know about my handshake with you.”

With Sajo Aige’s character, if she knew that she and Artoria were shaking hands (holding hands), she would definitely have a temper.

Although this is actually just Exia’s guess, but just in case.

“I know, don’t worry.” Artoria smiled and nodded.

69. Artoria’s departure and stay

When we returned to Shatiao’s house, it was dinner time.

Looking at Alexia and Artoria entering the restaurant one after another, Sajo Aige, who happened to put the last plate of food on the table, smiled and said: “Welcome back, Prince, Liya. Dinner is ready Oh.”

“Thank you very much for bothering you like this every day, Master.”

“Why do I feel like today is richer than usual, Miss Aige?”

When Alexia said this, Arturia also looked at the dining table – the usual dinner portion is for about eight people, leaving out the two portions of Sajo Aige and her sister Sajo Ayaka. Kesia and Artoria shared the remaining six portions equally, and there were desserts and fruits after the meal.

But today, the portions on the table are full… almost enough for ten people, right?

“Did something happen that needs to be celebrated? Miss Ai Ge.”

With such a huge dinner, all I can think of is happy events.

Sajo Aige smiled and nodded: “Yes. I have officially completed the [Holy Grail Disintegration] magic in the afternoon.”

——The Holy Grail disintegrates.

As the name suggests, it is a magic specifically aimed at the Holy Grail War and the Great Holy Grail itself. It is a magic that Sandjo Aige specially prepared to deal with the Great Holy Grail!

If you want to destroy the Holy Grail War and the Great Holy Grail, the most straightforward way is to blast it. Use Artoria’s Noble Phantasm or Exia’s [Messiah Kaslana] to destroy the Great Holy Grail in one go. Just destroy the whole thing.

However, that would inevitably have a huge impact.

Because the Great Holy Grail is located in the large underground cavity of Enzo Mountain and exists within the mountain. If it is destroyed entirely, it is unknown what kind of impact it will have on the mountain itself. If it causes a landslide, the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, in order to destroy the Great Holy Grail safely and secretly, Sajo Aige started to construct this magic called [Holy Grail Disintegration] – this is a brand new magic technique, even she spent more than half a month. time to complete.

Its effect is also very simple, that is, it completely disintegrates and destroys the body of the Great Holy Grail – a huge magic circle.

“Has it been completed? That means…”

“Yes, as long as we find a time to go to the Big Hollow and use this magic, the Holy Grail War will be completely over.” Sajo Aige said with a smile, “Tomorrow happens to be the weekend, so let’s go there at midnight tomorrow.”

Arturia and Exia nodded.

“I have no problem, Master, you can just arrange it.”

“Me too – it’s really a big thank you to you for developing a new magic trick, Miss Aige, thank you.”

Shajo Aige smiled and shook his head: “No need to thank me, Prince. Because this is your wish, and as long as you want to do this, I will use all my power for you.”

“Miss Aige…”

“However, before destroying the Holy Grail, we actually have one more thing to solve.”

And one more thing?

Alexia frowned: “What’s the matter?”

“Servant… or in other words, Liya’s fate.” Shajo Aige looked at Artoria and said, “Let’s talk about this while eating. Prince, Liya, always Standing is not a problem.”

“Ah…well, that’s fine.”

Although she was a little concerned, Alexia and Artoria sat down first and enjoyed the dinner prepared by Shajo Ayaka – Shajo Ayaka’s portion. She would come over to get it later.

During the meal, Shajo Aige also explained about Artoria.

To put it simply, it is the question of [whether Artoria should continue to stay in this world].

The fundamental reason why the Servants of the Holy Grail War can appear in this world is the huge magic power of the Holy Grail. This magic power supports the Servants to come to this world from the Seat of Heroes.

If the follower is compared to a [ship], then the magic power provided by the master is actually closer to the [anchor]. What allows the [ship] to stay on the [port] called reality is the magic power from the Great Holy Grail.

Therefore, if the magic power from the Great Holy Grail is lost, or the Master is lost, it will be difficult for the Servant to maintain the present world in this world.

Ishtar has almost disappeared in the past half month, and is now so weak that she sleeps more than ten hours a day.

“In my case, it’s not a problem to afford Riya’s appearance.” Sajo Aige explained, “It’s just that I still need to bear the need for the prince to appear, even if the prince is not pure. Servant, but after all, he came to this world through the [Holy Grail War] and the [Servant] system, and he needs my magic supply at least before leaving this world.”

“Of course, I am a little tired from bearing the magic power consumption of two riding servants at the same time. It is probably equivalent to mopping the floor every day. It is not a big problem. More importantly… Liya, are you willing? Stay in this world.”

With Sajou Aige’s ability, it would be easy to force Artoria to stay in this world, but if Artoria didn’t want to stay in this world, then it wouldn’t be good to let her stay.


Putting down the chopsticks she was using to eat, Artoria thought for a while: “…Can you answer me a question first? Master.”

“Excuse me.”

“Illya…how is her condition now?”

“She’s still sleeping.” Sajo Aige said, “Although her functions as the Little Holy Grail have been sealed by me, because she underwent countless magic treatments when she was still a fetus, her body actually doesn’t have it at all. Any normal human function.”

According to Sajo Aige, even if she survives until the end of the Holy Grail War without incident, Illya will probably only have about a year to live after that. Now that she is kept asleep, it can be extended to a certain extent. her lifespan.

After taking a sip of the miso soup, Sajo Aige continued: “I know what you are thinking, Liya – do you want to protect her for a while longer? Until her lifespan as an artificial human reaches the limit.”

“…I did think so.”

“Then do I need to transfer the master authority back to her? But in this case, all the magic power consumption will be borne by her. In my opinion, this will accelerate the decline of her life span.”


Arturia fell silent again.

Seeing her like this, Sajo Aige and Alexia looked at each other, and then said: “Let’s talk in private after dinner. I will go to your room to find you. Remember to wait for me, Liya.” .”

“…Well, I understand, Master.”

70. Abducting Dumbao

Dinner time lasted about half an hour.

I don’t know if her distress turned into appetite, but Arturia ate twice as fast as usual today, almost wiping away all her food as quickly as a wind and a cloud!

Alexia, who was sitting next to her, was stunned.

After eating, Artoria returned directly to her room on the second floor.

“Saber, is she… okay?”

Looking at the direction she was leaving, Alexia asked worriedly.

Shajo Aige smiled and put down the dishes she had finished eating: “Don’t worry, Mr. Prince, I will go and enlighten her.”

“Have you finished eating? Are you going now?”

“Yes.” Sajo Aige nodded, “After Prince-sama has finished eating, just put the dishes and chopsticks in the sink. I will wash them afterward, and the same goes for Ayaka’s.”

“No, I’ll wash it off. Just make a good decision with Saber.”

Alexia said while eating: “By the way, tell me something. Although I have told her before, I think it is better to emphasize it to her again.”

“What are the words?”

“[Believe in yourself, everything you do has meaning]. Since you are a king and a leader, don’t do anything that will make you regret and want to change, and don’t do anything that you want to do. Decide.”

“…I’ll pass it on.”

After standing up and bending down to Exia, Sajo Aige followed Artoria’s pace.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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