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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 161

And not long after that——

“Eh? Are you alone tonight? berserker.”

Sajo Ayaka walked in from outside the door.

“Well, Saber and Miss Aige both finished eating early. Did you just finish practicing magic? Miss Ayaka.”

Because her magic talent is not as good as that of her sister, and because her sister was in a state of ruin before the start of the Holy Grail War, as the only heir of the family, Sajo Ayaka has always aimed to “inherit the family”. And practice hard.

“It’s really amazing to work so hard every day.”

“Thank you.” Sajo Ayaka picked up her share of dinner, “Then I won’t disturb you, please eat slowly.”


Alexia opened her mouth and stopped Sajo Ayaka: “Let’s sit down and eat together. It’s boring to eat alone, and it’s cumbersome to take the plates back and forth… By the way, I also want to ask you something.”


“About…Miss Ai Ge.”


On the second floor, in Artoria’s room.

Walking in tandem with her, and closing the door with her backhand, Shajo Aige came to the bed and sat down: “Although I already know, I still want to confirm – you didn’t tell the prince, right? Li elegant.”

“If it refers to the thing you didn’t let me talk about before, then I haven’t mentioned it even once.”

“That’s good. If I say it, things will probably fail tomorrow night.” Shajo Aige smiled, “So, Liya, what do you think? Do you want to stay in this world? Or go back?” To your sword fence hill?”


If you stay in this world, you can watch over Illya until she dies. As a former servant of Irisviel and Illya, to be honest, Artoria is more inclined to this choice.

But after that, she will return to the Heroic Soul Seat, so in fact, the difference between the options given by Shajo Aige is only the sooner or later time to go back. In fact, it is equivalent to one choice – [Leave this world and return to the Heroic Soul Seat] 】.

“If you feel it’s hard to choose, I can give you another choice, Liya.”

“Another option?”

“Leave with me.”

Shatiao Aige smiled.


“Where to go?”

“Go to the prince’s side, go to the world where the prince lives.”

Sajo Aige smiled and explained: “Tomorrow night, while disintegrating the Great Holy Grail, I will become the new Great Holy Grail, and then complete the assimilation with the Prince, and realize the original purpose of the Prince coming to this world – [ Get an external magic source].”

“But doing so will lead to a situation where the prince will lose the [anchor] that keeps him in this world.”

Alexia’s existence in this world is that of a servant, and she needs a Master to stay in this world.

But after Shajo Aige became the Great Holy Grail and fused with it, he could not be used as an [anchor]. His real master could not afford the magic power consumption. Of course, Shajo Aige did not want others to bear the burden. That was Her privileges will never be given up to anyone else.

Exia’s master can only be her.

Similarly, Artoria will also lose the [Anchor] by then, but if she is willing, Shajo Aige can turn her into a part of the Great Holy Grail – or an [accessory], through the magic power of the Great Holy Grail to maintain her existence.

This is something she can only do because she is Artoria’s true master.

“According to my speculation, after merging with me who became the Great Holy Grail, the prince will probably be rejected by [the world] and become a drifter similar to a certain samurai. And combined with the special characteristics of the prince, maybe he will be directly Maybe I’ll be forced to leave this world.”

“I don’t have any nostalgia for this world. Ayaka can now be on her own. I also left her enough magic notes to study for a lifetime. Plus, with my father here, I don’t need to worry about the rest of my life.”

“So I will leave this world with the prince. If you want, Liya, I can also take you away with me.”

Leave this world…

Artoria couldn’t help but frowned: “What do you mean by these… Master? Master, leaving this world…do you mean going to a parallel world?”

“Hmm… Rather than talking about it, I’d better transfer the relevant parts to you directly.” Shajo Aige reached out and touched Artoria’s eyebrows, “Liya, just take care of it.” Let’s watch the prince’s past once, and after watching it, if you want to leave with us, I will take you away.”

“After all, if the target is Liya, I can’t accept it. Even if I have a teammate, I won’t be outnumbered when competing with the others over there.”

“Finally, this is what the prince wants me to convey – [Believe in yourself, everything you do has meaning].”

In front of Artoria, who was beginning to lose consciousness, Sajo Aige withdrew her finger.

“I’m looking forward to what decision you will make at the end tomorrow, Liya.”

71.Witness the past

When I came to my senses.

Arturia found herself standing on a snowy field.

“Where…is this?”

The white world made her feel a little confused. She remembered that she was…

[Just go and watch the prince’s past carefully]

Such words suddenly echoed in Artoria’s mind.

After chewing on the words of Sandjo Aige, Artoria looked around: “In other words… is this Berserker’s past…?”

It should be that the past memories are presented in the form of dreams.

Arturia had seen Merlin use this method before, and what Sajo Aige was using now was probably similar to it.

(But, this is Berserker’s past? Then where is he?)

Memory is always built with the person as the core. Anyone can be missing in the memory, but the person who is the source of the memory will never be missing.

And just when Arturia looked around and started looking for Alexia.


The sound of something hitting something came from not far away, and then in front of Artoria’s field of vision, as if a sapling broke out of the ground and gradually grew, a tree made entirely of ice appeared to the naked eye. Visible speed bristled on the snow.

Is it over there?

Artoria immediately ran a few steps in that direction, and after seeing the specific scene there, she couldn’t help but hold her breath slightly.


Under the slowly growing Ice Tree, there was nothing else on the tree trunk that looked like a seat. There was only an immature boy who looked like he was only eight or nine years old, his whole body seemed to be frozen and covered in frost.

His short white hair was messy and scattered in front of his forehead, and one hand seemed to be holding something before, showing an embracing movement.

(Is this… the berserker from childhood?)


A syllable came out of Exia’s chapped lips.



Who is that?

Arturia frowned at the name she had never heard of before. Is that an important person to Berserker?


Suddenly, before Artoria could continue to explore the surroundings, the snowfield beneath her feet and even the entire surrounding space suddenly collapsed like a broken mirror, and the boundless darkness suddenly enveloped her whole body. Go in.

A sinking feeling enveloped Artoria, as if she had fallen into a bottomless pit.

And just after she felt it for tens of seconds…

“This is your home, Alexia.”

came a gentle male voice.

The scene around Artoria had regrouped at some point, and changed into a scene that looked like the interior of a certain mansion. On a bed in the room in front of her, a gentle man with blond hair was looking at Ike sitting on the bed. West Asia.

(Axia…is Berserker’s real name?)


A look of confusion appeared on Alexia’s young face.

“Who are you? Where are you? Who am I?”

“You are Exia, child, [Exia Kaslana]—that is your name from now on. The name of the angel, Exia.”


The young Alexia only had confusion and doubt in her eyes.

(Berserker…did he ever lose his memory? After losing all his memories, was he given a new name and life by this man?)

Arturia thought so.



The space was shattered again, and the scene changed again.

This time, what was shown was Exia and a blond girl, playing on a lawn.

“Exia, you should wait for me!”

“Then you come after me, Bianca! If you catch me, I’ll give you half of the cake!”


“Ha ha ha ha!”

They must be playing a game like chasing each other. The two of them were running on the lawn one after another, with innocent smiles unique to children on their faces, and the laughter seemed to spread throughout the entire lawn.

Not far away, the blond man seemed to be watching over the two of them, sitting quietly on a chair and watching Alexia having fun with the blond girl named Bianca.

(Looks very happy…I have never had such an experience.)

Arturia looked at the scene in front of her with some envy. There was no such happy time in her childhood memories. Apart from farming and training in swordsmanship and etiquette, there was only Merlin’s teaching.

As a childhood playmate, it must be Sir Kay.


The space was shattered again.

In the next few dozen minutes, at least as far as Artoria could perceive, what appeared before her eyes were Exia’s memories of the past few years.

From being rescued on the snowfield, to living and growing up with the blond girl in the orphanage, and then the two of them joining the so-called Valkyrie Training School together… In a matter of dozens of minutes, except for In addition to observing Exia’s childhood life, Arturia also intermittently learned some new things that she had never been exposed to before.

For example, Honkai, such as Honkaimon, such as Valkyrie.

And similarly, although she was a little surprised and surprised, Artoria also realized that Exia might come from a world completely different from her own.

(A world where monsters will continue to appear, and you have to fight in order to survive…Have you ever lived in such a world before? berserker.)

Seeing the scene in front of her of Exia practicing swordsmanship on a mountain, Artoria couldn’t help but think of her past self.

Exia wanted to fight alongside Bianca and protect ordinary people who were attacked by the so-called Honkai. She did it for her innate mission to be king and her innate destiny to save Britain.

Even if the importance is different, the two are the same in a sense.

And soon, with the fragmentation and disappearance of the scene in front of her, the scene in the past that Artoria watched changed again.

This time…

“I’m sorry, Bianca. I gave up on joining the Valkyries with you.”

What was shown was the scene where Exia said this to Bianca with an apologetic look on her face.

72.We are the same kind

Alexia gave up joining the Valkyrie unit and moving forward side by side with Bianca.

As someone who had watched Exia’s past memories, Artoria looked at the scene in front of her and was not surprised at all.

She could see that the speed of progress between the former Alexia and this Bianca was almost worlds apart. When Exia spent more than a year, forgetting food and sleep, devoted himself to training, and finally mastered a swordsmanship and boxing technique, Bianca had already progressed to a higher place at a speed far exceeding his.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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