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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 162

The opportunity was just an attack with Bianca.

Exia, who got herself into trouble due to a mistake in decision-making, ended up facing several tank-level Honkaimon and a temple-level Honkaimon.

This was an enemy that he was completely unable to fight against at that time.

However, Bianca, who came after that, defeated all the enemies one by one with movements and speed that Exia could not keep up with, and she only suffered some minor injuries.

At that moment, Artoria felt a little familiar in Exia’s eyes and expression.

It was a look of despair.

People who want to climb mountains, after putting in great efforts, finally find that they have never reached the mountainside, and have never even seen the top of the mountain, which leads to a look of despair.

Arturia was somewhat familiar with this feeling of despair, although it was very different, but in the last period of her life, she occasionally saw similar looks from her subordinates and people.


After that, Artoria saw more about Exia’s past.

After giving up the path of a warrior, Alexia was taken in by the blond man as his data clerk, responsible for managing a large number of data, and also responsible for some of the command of the battlefield and frontline teams.

The contact with Bianca became slightly less after that, but as time passed, the two soon returned to the feeling that childhood sweethearts should have.

This life lasted for more than a year.

Then, Exia suddenly traveled to a different world.

The first world was a world where gods walked on the earth, transformed into mortals, lived with mortals, and enjoyed and endured hardships together. In that world, Ixia received the favor of the gods and once again embarked on the path she had given up on.

[I will catch up with you, Bianca]

【I won’t leave you this time】

Alexia, who made such a vow to her childhood sweetheart, then showed a formidable growth rate, as if she was trying to catch up on all the points she had lost over the past year.

But then, he was attacked by a powerful enemy.

The belief in guardianship was shattered head-on, and after reawakening, she immediately encountered a more powerful enemy… If it weren’t for the arrival of her friends, maybe Exia would have stayed in that dungeon at that time.


Looking at the memory in front of her silently, Artoria felt as if some special emotion had arisen in her heart, and an inexplicable thought also arose simultaneously.

And after that——

Another battle with Ota, a farewell to the gods…

After returning to the original world, I reunited with my childhood sweetheart and embarked on the journey to the new world again…

Inherit the power of the Dragon Emperor, fight to the death with the mythical beings, and engage in a deadly battle with the destined enemy…

Returning to his hometown again, seeing his important relatives again, and facing the mortal enemy he should face for the first time…

The further back you go, the clearer the memory is, and the more you look at it, the stronger the emotion in Artoria’s heart becomes.

This feeling seems like…

“So…is that so?”

Looking at Exia, who was standing in the frost and had just killed the culprit of the third collapse, Arturia put her hand on her chest.

(Are we… the same kind? berserker.)


Arturia’s mission was determined before she was born, and Exia inherited the fate passed down from generation to generation in her family.

Both of them also tried their best for their mission and destiny, made what they thought was the right decision, and made behaviors and actions that were in line with their ideals.

“Believe in yourself, Alexia. Everything you do has meaning.”

These words that Alexia once said to her, and also what Shajo Aige said to her before, entered Artoria’s mind for the third time at this moment.

Do what you think is right and do what you want to do.

After that, whether you feel regretful or upset, you must admit and accept that these things were all done by yourself, and you should take responsibility for your actions.

(Is this… what you want to tell me? Master, berserker.)


The final shattering sound sounded.

Leaving the world where countless memory fragments were scattered, Arturia slowly opened her eyes, looked at the chandelier hanging from the ceiling, raised her body with her hands and walked out of the bed, then walked out of her room and came to In the corridor.

“It’s really fast.”

Outside the door, as if she had expected it, Shajo Aige put her hands behind her back and looked at Artoria with a smile.

“I thought you wouldn’t make a decision until tomorrow.”

“Master, don’t you know everything?”

“Not so with the Prince. In the final analysis, my omniscience and omnipotence are only limited to [this world]. For things from outside the world, I can see the past and the present, but I cannot know the things related to them. future.”

Shajo Aige smiled and said: “So, after reading about the prince’s past, can you tell me your decision? Liya.”

“I want to stay in this world and stay on that sword fence hill to face the sorrow of the past.”

“As my companion, follow the prince to a new world.”

“Leave or stay, follow your heart and make a choice.”

Artoria took a deep breath and put her hand on her chest to feel the resonance that had not dissipated in her chest: “I will choose to leave, Master. I accept your suggestion to leave with you.”

“It’s just, not as [your companion], but as [Exia’s companion].”

She wanted to help him, and wanted to lend a helping hand to him who was walking on the road of salvation. Her failed [Savior] could no longer save her [World], but even so, she still wanted to help Ai Kesia, so that his [world] can be [saved].

“In other words, you are my [enemy], right?”

Shatiao Aige laughed.

“Then, I won’t show mercy to you from now on, Liya.”

73. The Day the Holy Grail Ends

Fuyuki City, Mount Enzo.

From a magic point of view, this is one of the most important nodes in the spiritual veins of Fuyuki City. The Ryudou Temple built here is also a temple with a long history. Whenever you need to go to the temple during festivals, here It will be the first choice for Fuyuki citizens.

I don’t know whether it is because the geographical location is right on the spiritual node. Since ancient times, there have been many legends about Yuanzang Mountain, the most famous of which is this one – [A dragon lived in Yuanzang Mountain in the past].

The authenticity of this rumor cannot be discerned today. In addition, as the times enter modern society, the development of science and technology has caused people to maintain a fabricated impression of myths and legends.

But if it is limited to this legend, there is evidence that can be used to prove its authenticity to a certain extent.

——[Large underground cavity].

Inside Yuanzang Mountain, I don’t know when it began to exist, and I don’t know whether it is natural or artificial, but in short, there is such a huge space.

Because even the monks in Liudong Temple who live here do not know this place, so for a long time, this place has been an unknown place. It wasn’t until the Holy Grail War was established in Fuyuki City two hundred years ago that anyone finally visited here. But even so, very few people would come here after that, even those who participated in the Holy Grail War, including the Gosan family Few people inside know this place.

And now,

“We’re here.”

After passing through the narrow path with a large number of stone pillars and looking at the huge space that suddenly expanded in front of them, Shajo Aige, who was walking at the front, stopped and said.

Following her into the hollow, Exia and Artoria looked around and then looked up at the dome above their heads.

“There is such a large space inside the mountain…it is indeed a [big hollow].”

“I really can’t tell whether this is artificial or natural – is that the [Great Holy Grail]?”

In the second half of the sentence, Exia said while looking at a huge raised rock platform not far away.

In the hemispherical space, only a huge platform looked quite abrupt.

“To be more precise, it’s the magic circle engraved on it.” Shajo Aige said as he came to the platform. He jumped to the platform easily as if he was flying, “Prince-sama.” Just wait there with Liya for a moment, and leave the work of dismantling the Holy Grail to me alone.”

The Holy Grail disintegrated, which was the purpose of the three people coming here.

It was already the day after that, and it was exactly one month since Exia came to this world.

“Is it okay for you to be alone?”

“Yes, I have made all preparations.”

With empty hands, Sajo Aige smiled and said – after all, she is a magician of her level. Even if she doesn’t bring any magic props with her, she can still complete the magic ritual of disintegrating the Holy Grail.

“By the way, Prince–I’m sorry.”


Hearing Shajo Aige’s distant apology, Alexia couldn’t help but frown in confusion.


“Why are you apologizing at this time? Why should you apologize?”

“I just wanted to say this suddenly, because I seemed to have caused some trouble to Mr. Prince before, for example at the beginning…so I just wanted to apologize once.”

(The very beginning…oh, the first time you met Bianca?)

Thinking of what happened at that time, Alexia smiled and said: “I would have forgotten it if you didn’t tell me. Besides, it’s not a very serious matter. Don’t take it to heart and concentrate on the ritual of disintegrating the Holy Grail.”

“…Yeah. I love you, Prince.”

(However, the reason why I want to apologize is not because of that kind of thing.)

Turning around and coming to the center of the rock platform, Shatiao Aige squatted down and put his hands on the ground.

(The reason I apologize to you is that I hid from you what I really wanted to do, and that I am still lying to you by hiding it from you – I apologize to you for these two reasons.)

(If I want to be with you forever…)


A glimmer of light appeared on the ground.

Just like a totem hidden under the water surface emerges with the ebbing tide, as Shatiao Love Song continuously injects its magic into the platform, stripes of blue light appear on the platform, with countless lines crisscrossing each other. , as if there is a pen tracing along the already existing path.

The essence of the Great Holy Grail is a magic circle, but this magic circle is not the real essence, it is just the way the Great Holy Grail exists.

And its true essence is the [Magic Circuit].

Two hundred years ago, the highest masterpiece of the Einzbern family was born due to an accident. [The Holy Maiden of Winter] Justessa Ritzleich von Einzbern used it as the heart of the magic furnace. Completely dismantle the magic circuit, replace the human body with a magic formula, and finally make a certain magic technique huge – this is the idea of ​​the Great Holy Grail.

[Giant magic circuit]

This is the essence of the huge magic circle that now appears under Shajo Aige and stretches across the entire platform.


The complex magic array exudes blue light, and countless light spots float up like stars.

Originally, the Great Holy Grail would only be activated after all the conditions—that is, the conditions for the apparent end of the Holy Grail War—were met, because only then could a path to the outside of the world be opened.

But now, Shajo Aige has activated it with her own magic power.

(This is the first time I have used so much magic power…I see, is this the feeling of [tiredness]?)

Growing up, Sajo Aige, who could easily learn all magic and master all magic systems, had never experienced the hardship that other magicians would almost certainly feel.

Insufficient magic power, insufficient magic circuits, shortcomings in talent… Sajou Aige’s natural strength allowed her to ignore all difficulties, and now, for the first time, she has [seems to be a bit difficult] Feel.

(Okay, in this way, the first step is completed, very smooth, the next step is——)

Closing his eyes, Sajo Aige began to immerse his consciousness into the magic circle beneath him.

There is a very special group of magicians who can interfere with other people’s magic imprints in specific ways, temporarily improving the efficiency of the magic cycle. In the Magic Association, this group is called tuners. A very rare talent.

Sajo Aige originally had no talent in this area, but within the past half month, in order to complete her own art called [Holy Grail Disintegration], she became a monk halfway and it only took about five days to master it perfectly. similar technology.

Not only the magic seal, but also the magic circuit, she can interfere at will – it can even be said that this is her original purpose.

(Okay, let’s start the second stage – my [Holy Grail Fusion])

74. Give yourself to my lover


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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