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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 163

——[Holy Grail Fusion]

This is actually the official name of the magic developed by Sajo Aige.

Of course, [Holy Grail Disintegration] is not a false name, but from the perspective of the entire magic, [Disintegration] is only a part of this magic.

The original composition of the Great Holy Grail is completely analyzed and decomposed, and then Sajo Aige performs a magic project on itself similar to the birth of the Great Holy Grail, and merges it with the original Great Holy Grail – in this way, a child named [Sajōu Aige] can be born. Love Song]’s new Great Holy Grail.

This is Shajo Aige’s plan. For her, as long as she has this idea, both conception and execution will become quite simple.

Even if you have to completely disintegrate your own existence and make yourself no longer yourself, just a magic formula with self-awareness, this is a very simple matter in Sajo Aige’s opinion.

She had long been prepared, whether it was physical or mental, as long as it was for Alexia’s purpose, so that she could be with Alexia forever, then she was willing to do anything.



The moment his consciousness completely penetrated into the Great Holy Grail, Sajo Aige felt a fragrant wind blowing towards his face.

Opening your eyes, what you can see is an endless sea of ​​beautiful flowers that reminds people of the word “dream”. Countless flowers are spread out on the ground, extending to the horizon at the end of the field of vision, as if the whole world is covered with flowers. It seems to be made of flowers.

In the sea of ​​flowers, there are some objects that look like crystal pillars scattered everywhere.

(This is… the inside of the Great Holy Grail.)

Shajo Aige moved her body.

She rarely acts with her conscious body. This is the second time. The first time was when she entered Exia’s consciousness through magic and met Ddraig and [Exia].

(Hmm…surprisingly, it’s very simple. There is no feeling of restraint. Sure enough, it’s because——)

“Has the central consciousness completely disappeared?”

As Shajo Aige said this, she looked in a certain direction, and in her field of vision, a looming figure with a seemingly translucent body was standing in the sea of ​​flowers, looking dull and lifeless. walked towards her.

Looking at the woman in front of him, Sajo Aige smiled and said: “You are the Saint of Winter. You are worthy of being a masterpiece of the Einzbern family. You really look exactly like Irisviel and Illya.” Woolen cloth.”

The Winter Saint, Justeza Ritzleich von Einzbern.

The artificial human born by the Einzbern family two hundred years ago is closest to the family’s ultimate goal. It is also the prototype of all subsequent saints of the Einzbern family. Whether it is Irisviel or Illya, they are all based on her. as a prototype and improved successor individuals.

As a prototype, after her body was replaced with a magic formula and the magic circuit was completely disassembled, her body was actually equivalent to death. What appeared in front of Sajo Aige now was her consciousness left in the Great Holy Grail.

It is also the core center that governs all functions of the Great Holy Grail.


Arriving in front of Justisa in silence, Shajo Aige raised his hand and without any warning, reached directly into her chest!

All that was conveyed back was an empty touch.

“Sure enough, the interior is already empty. Personal consciousness has completely disappeared. From the one who controls the Great Holy Grail, it becomes the party controlled by the Great Holy Grail.”

Sajo Aige pulled her hand out of Justeza’s body.

“This is the end of the Einzbern family’s long-cherished wish. It’s really ridiculous. The only individual that has successfully reproduced the third magic so far is now reduced to this.”

The third magic.

The magic of [turning soul into matter]. A magic that can truly allow humans to achieve immortality and get rid of all troubles and sufferings.

The Einzberns are an “artificial family” created by the disciples of the user of this magic. Their long-cherished wish and purpose is to reproduce the third magic and save mankind.

Justeza was the individual who came closest to success.

But now, because she has stayed inside the Great Holy Grail for two hundred years, Justeza’s personal personality has completely disappeared. All that is left is a simple shell, a machine filled with functions and commands. exist.

“I have no interest in your family’s long-cherished wish. In my opinion, the third magic is not that great, but I need something like the Great Holy Grail. This is a very important thing to the prince, so I’m sorry. ——”

Shajo Aige stretched out her hand to hold Justicea’s face, stood up slightly on her tiptoes and kissed her lips.


It only took a moment, the moment the two people’s lips overlapped, Justisa’s consciousness seemed to have lost its pillar, and the whole body decomposed and dissipated into countless particles, and quickly entered Shajo Aige’s body through her lips. in vivo!

The absorption and integration of consciousness.

Although directly crushing Justeza’s consciousness is a feasible method, after all, she is now the center of the Great Holy Grail. If she is suddenly lost, some unnecessary things will undoubtedly happen.

If she absorbs it, Sajo Aige will take part of Justeza’s [existence] with her. In terms of the result, it is equivalent to her temporarily taking over the function of the center, which will also help to completely take over the Great Holy Grail later.

It’s better to expel this part and throw it away later.

(The center begins to replace, and the preparations for consciousness are completed. The next step is to physically integrate the body and the Great Holy Grail.)

Shajo Aige took a deep breath and let her consciousness return to her body——


Almost at the same moment, the Great Holy Grail suddenly bloomed with extremely dazzling blue light! The entire dark space of the Great Hollow was immediately illuminated by this light. Countless rays of light, like auroras, gradually appeared in the space above the Great Holy Grail and emitted rainbow light!

The daunting magic power began to be released from Shajo Aige’s whole body. The overwhelming magic power even caused the surrounding atmosphere to tremble. The breeze blew through the large hollow, causing Shajo Aige’s blond hair to flutter. Mid-air.

Around her, like growing trees, a large amount of light burst out from under the ground, merging and intertwining like weaving hemp ropes, forming a backbone and then spreading out and spreading out, eventually forming several branches. A [tree] with spreading branches and leaves surrounded Sha Tiao Ai Ge.

“The technique unfolds.”

Shatiao Aige shouted softly.

“There is a change, the center is transferred, the core is switched from [Justeza Ritzleich von Einzbern] to [Sandjo Love Song], and Holy Grail fusion begins.”


75.The final mutation

“It looks like it’s started.”

Next to the mountain on the edge of the large hollow.

Leaning on the mountain and looking at the light that lit up on the platform not far away, Arturia suddenly said this.

“This may be a bit sudden to ask, berserker… No, Exia, what are you going to do next?”

“Next… does it mean after the Holy Grail War is over?”


Alexia thought for a while and said: “Anyway, let’s walk around first and see if we can experience something again, or continue the kind of practice we did before – by the way, did you just call me by my real name? When did you know it? of.”

“Master told me last night.”

Arturia did not hide anything: “Similarly, I also got part of your past memories from the Master – the part after you were rescued from that snowfield.”


Alexia was stunned immediately. It took a second or two to react slowly. She looked in the direction of Shajo Aige and smiled bitterly: “Miss Aige is really… even able to do such a thing. ah.”

Shajo Aige knows part of her past.

This is something that Alexia has known for a long time. In her words, she can see it naturally, but at most she can only see the part that he can remember, or the part that he himself knows, and the more distant part – —That is, the part before Alexia lost her memory, even she couldn’t see it.

The reason is probably related to Exia herself.

“So, I want to ask you what you are going to do next. Do you want to… protect the people who are important to you?”

“Yes.” Alexia nodded, “In the future, I will decide to live in this world for a while. Since you have seen my past, you should also know that I can travel between different worlds, and I want to It may take three months at the earliest to leave this world.”

“During this period, I will walk around the world to see if I can experience something similar to the Holy Grail War. I will also look for something that can be used as a second source of magic power.”

There must be more than just the Holy Grail that can be used to become the second source of magic. The world is so big, there must be something that can be used as a substitute. Even if the effect is slightly weaker, it doesn’t matter. It just needs to be a temporary one for Ixia. A substitute would be fine.

“So…how are you going to deal with the Master’s matter?” Artoria continued to ask, “Master likes you very much and loves you very much. Everyone can see this. If If you are planning to leave in three months, Master… what is your expression?”

Seeing the shock on Exia’s face, Arturia couldn’t help but stop asking.

“No, I just didn’t expect you to ask such a thing, Saber. You give me the impression that you are the type who doesn’t care much about the relationship between men and women, so I’m a little surprised.”

“This is a misunderstanding, Aikexia. Although it is a political marriage, I still have a wife, and our relationship is very harmonious. If you think that I don’t understand the emotions between men and women at all, you are wrong.”

Even so, when she said this, Artoria felt a little unsure in her heart. After all, judging from the final outcome, the relationship between her and her princess might not be what she thought. …

As for Alexia, after pondering for a while——

“I’m actually very happy that Miss Aige likes me so much, but I already have someone I like, so… I think I will finally explain the situation to Miss Aige, and then have a good relationship with her. Say goodbye and leave this world.”

“However, since I can return to this world in the future, I may come back to meet Miss Aige from time to time as a friend.”

This is probably the most appropriate approach.

Sajo Aige’s feelings for him are extremely strong. When she and she formally discussed this matter for the first time, Alexia gave up because of this strong feeling, because he knew that even if he kept rejecting it, Sajo Aige would Song will also go his own way and continue to maintain his passionate love for him.

Therefore, if you only need to wait for three months, no matter what Shajo Aige thinks, as long as Alexia doesn’t have that intention, she can only separate from him – this approach is actually considered an escape.

But after such separation, Shajo Aige should gradually calm down, and after that, her love may cool down until it finally disappears, or it may be hidden in her heart.

At that time, Alexia was also willing to come back and get along with her again as a friend.

“…Although it is a bit cruel to the Master, it is indeed the right thing to do.”

“She’s just a little sorry – Speaking of which, Saber, why would you ask such a thing all of a sudden?”

“I just think that you should be mentally prepared in advance. Based on your understanding of the Master, do you think the Master will just watch you leave like that? Exia.” Arturia said as she walked forward. “Even if the Master cannot see your future, with the Master’s ability, it is not difficult to speculate on the future to a certain extent.”

[Something is wrong, partner]

Ddraig’s voice suddenly sounded from Exia’s left hand.

Alexia frowned: “Are you saying that Miss Aige will imprison me?”

“No, the Master will not do that kind of thing. She can do anything, but she will not do anything harmful to you. The starting point of everything she does is for you and for the sake of being able to With you forever.”

“—and it’s the same now.”

“What on earth do you mean, Saber, Miss Aige, she——”


Before Ixia could finish her words, an extremely shocking wave of magic suddenly erupted from the rock platform! The violent fluctuations even made the entire cave tremble a few times!

Immediately afterwards, the several trees of light that stretched into the sky seemed to come alive, and their branches shot down from the air like flexible tentacles, and were connected to Artoria’s body in the blink of an eye!


When Alexia saw this, the Holy Sword of Soaring immediately appeared in her hand, but before he could step up and cut off the tentacles, Artoria shook her head: “There is no need to do anything, Alexia, this is harmless Yes, it’s the effect of the Master’s [Holy Grail Disintegration] magic.”

“No, to be more precise, it should be [Holy Grail Fusion]. Now that things have happened, I don’t think there is any need to hide it.”

(Holy Grail…Fusion?)

“Saber, what is going on! You and Miss Aige…are you two hiding something from me!?”

“Yes. But don’t worry, you will know everything later. I will go over there and wait for you first.” Artoria’s body was gradually entangled and wrapped by the tentacles, until it finally turned into a golden light The ball flew straight in the direction of the Great Holy Grail.

Looking at this scene, Alexia couldn’t help but be filled with doubts and confusion.

(Go there first and wait for me? What do you mean?)

【partner! above! 】


Ddraig’s angry shout brought Alexia back to her senses instantly, and her eyes immediately looked upwards – the first thing that came into view was a blue palm made of countless tentacles fused and woven, like a giant’s hand!

“This is–“

Alexia subconsciously wanted to retreat back, but he only took one step back, and the strong touch behind him made him shudder.

The passage we came from was blocked by an invisible wall at some point!


【partner! 】


The moment Ddraig’s shout fell, the blue palm falling from the sky enveloped Alexia!

76. Please accept everything from me

Feeling of falling.

A strong feeling of falling, a familiar falling feeling.

Just like the feeling she experienced when she left the world and came to the so-called transfer station, Exia now felt like she was constantly falling.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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