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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 164

(So ​​what happened!?)

This is the biggest question in Alexia’s mind right now!

Whether it’s what Artoria said before, or the situation I’m experiencing now… what on earth is going on? Could it be related to the “hidden things” Arturia mentioned?

What is the hidden thing?

And Artoria’s words “Go there and wait for you first” – which way is that? In addition, the palm that wrapped and swallowed him and Artoria was also very strange.

(This operation to dismantle the Holy Grail…Did Miss Aige and Saber secretly plan something else that I don’t know about? What on earth do they want to do?)

“What I want to do is very simple.”


Suddenly, there was a sound in her ears, which made Alexia suddenly turn her head and look to the side!

What the eyes can see is Shajo Aige.

“Miss Aige! What on earth are you doing?!”

Without any hesitation, Ixia directly asked the question in her heart loudly: “This shouldn’t be the case of [Disintegration of the Holy Grail], right? Have you done anything else besides [Disintegration of the Holy Grail]?”


Shajo Aige confirmed with a smile.

“But, does the prince already have some understanding? It should be Liya who snitched… Forget it, there is indeed no need to hide it at this time, so I won’t punish her.”

“I know you have many doubts in your heart now, Mr. Prince, but I can assure you that I don’t have any thoughts that are bad for you, and I will also explain to you everything I am doing now. Please don’t show such expressions. expression.”

Such an expression?

Alexia didn’t need to look for a mirror to know that her current expression should be quite ugly.

Doubt, confusion, doubt, anxiety…how can a normal expression appear when these emotions are combined?


With the gentle snap of Shajo Aige’s fingers, the falling feeling that Alexia felt suddenly stopped, and the surrounding scene unconsciously changed into an endless sea of ​​flowers.

With her feet landing in the sea of ​​flowers, Alexia glanced around: “Here is…”

“The inside of the Great Holy Grail can also be said to be [my body].” Sajo Aige explained, “Of course, only the soul and consciousness can reach here. The prince’s body is still in the big hole.”

“Inside you?”

Alexia frowned: “What exactly do you want to do? Miss Aige.”

“Being with you forever, and being with you forever until you die – that’s all I want to do.” Shajo Aige smiled, “Of course, I know you already have Bi An Miss Ka, my sweetheart, I had more or less guessed part of the decision you just made to Liya.”

Alexia will abandon herself and leave.

As Artoria said, it was not difficult for Sandjo Aige to anticipate this.

Judging from Alexia’s past, once Alexia is ready to leave, even he himself will not be able to interfere in any way when leaving – that is to say, if Alexia is really determined. If you want to leave alone, then there may be nothing that Shajo Aige can do.

Shajo Aige cannot accept this ending no matter what! She didn’t want to be separated from her favorite prince! I don’t want to leave Exia’s side!

“That’s why I did what I did.”

Shatiao Aige smiled.

“Do you still remember my original plan? Prince.”

“Your original plan…to become the Great Holy Grail yourself?!”

“Yes.” Shajo Aige nodded, “Although you stopped me at that time and you strictly prohibited me from doing such a thing, I’m sorry because I wanted to be with you no matter what, so I never did. Give up the idea.”

In the past half month, the time Shajo Aige used to develop the [Holy Grail Fusion] magic was only about ten days. The rest of the time was spent on adjusting her body. Through Illya’s research, Sandjo Aige finally gave herself the adaptability to perfectly integrate with the Holy Grail!

“Now, the fusion between me and the Holy Grail has been completed. There is no rejection reaction. Everything about the Holy Grail is under my control. And Prince, from now on, the Great Holy Grail will become your possession.”

“…..What’s the meaning?”

“Literally. Didn’t you say that? In order to use your magic, you need a second source of magic instead. The Great Holy Grail is your original goal – now, your wish will be fulfilled by me. , I, who have become the new Great Holy Grail, will dedicate everything I have to you.”


Alexia’s eyes trembled instantly: “You, wait a minute, Miss Ai Ge, I don’t want to do it in this way-“

“I know that you feel that the Great Holy Grail is something that should not exist in the world. It is something that has caused many tragedies and tragedies and should be destroyed, so you are unwilling to borrow this power.” Shajo Aige said calmly, “However, what is dedicated to you at this moment is not the Great Holy Grail, but me.”

“That’s not what I meant! Miss Aige, if this continues, you will disappear!”

Yes, Shajo Love Song will disappear.

She herself said at the beginning that this behavior was tantamount to [suicide], and Sajo Aige would lose her body, and from now on she would forever be the Holy Grail and be used by Exia as a source of magic power!

“I never wanted you to do something like this for me!”

“But in this way, I can be with you forever.” Shajo Aige smiled and stretched out his hands to Ixia, “You will not take me out of this world, not just because you love Bi An Miss Ka, it’s also because you don’t want to take me away in that way – but I want to leave with you, so I can only do this. Liya also decided to follow you from now on based on her thoughts.”

“So…please accept everything from me, Prince.”

“From now on, I will be your strength, I will be your support. Liya will also be your sword and your shield. We will always be with you, we will always accompany you.”

Shajo Aige’s hands hugged Alexia, and golden light spots began to float away from her body, turning into light streams and gradually sinking into Alexia’s body.

“Miss Aige?! Your body… stop it! You can’t-“

Seeing the Sajo Aige gradually dissipating in her arms, Alexia quickly hugged her body, but he just touched her lightly, and the Sajo Aige completely dissipated!

——See you later, my favorite prince, my beloved savior hero.

Under Alexia’s indescribable eyes, Shajo Aige’s last look seemed to be telling her this.

And the next moment——


The sea of ​​flowers suddenly shattered and disappeared!

77. The oath of the King of Knights and forced escape

“Miss Aige!”

The moment consciousness returns to the body and the eyes open.

Alexia suddenly shouted loudly! His hands were stretched forward as if to grab someone!

But all he touched were countless crystal blue tentacles connected to his body.

The crystal clear tentacles were like water pipes, connected to every corner of his body. The blue light flickering slightly on its surface was like the blood flowing through the blood vessels under the beating of the heart, constantly flowing into Ixia’s body from all directions.

(What are these…?)

【are you awake? partner】


Alexia quickly raised her left hand: “What are these things? What is the… situation now?”

【Who knows? You became like this after being enveloped by that palm. It feels like something is being injected into your body, but neither I nor the other you think this power is harmful to you]

This is a given.

Because this power is…

“You don’t have to do this…”

Alexia clenched her fists slightly, and with this movement of his, the crystal tentacles connected to his whole body seemed to have expired, and gradually fell off from his body, and then broke into pieces one by one. .

And until the end, the entire blue palm that wrapped Exia gradually collapsed and collapsed.


Blue lines with some golden light began to appear on Ixia’s body. Based on the sacred words behind him, a large number of lines spread to his whole body, like the arms that hugged him, and like the wings that wrapped him. .

[Partner, do you… know what this is about? 】


Alexia looked at the blue-gold lines that gradually extended to the back of her hand and then disappeared: “It’s Miss Aige, she…she deceived me in order to be with me forever, and made herself a big brother. The Holy Grail has become my second source of magic power. What just happened is probably the process of transferring the power of the Great Holy Grail into my body.”

[Confirm receipt of the second magic source]

Burning words appeared in the field of vision for a long time.

[Confirmation of the second magic source·Great Holy Grail]

[Start executing object conversion, converting the source of magic power from spiritual power to the Great Holy Grail]

[Conversion completed]

The moment such words appeared in her eyes, Alexia could clearly feel that there seemed to be an extra switch in her body that she could use at will, and after turning on the switch through her consciousness——


A strong burning sensation immediately came from my back! The feeling of magic taking effect instantly occupied Alexia’s body along with the outpouring of power!

[It will save the world] was actively triggered? !


(Aren’t you dizzy? Your mental energy has not been consumed! This means… is the real link completed?)

“Yes, it’s done.”

The voice of Shajo Aige suddenly sounded in Alexia’s ears, and then, like a ghost-like existence, the figure of Shajo Aige quietly appeared next to Alexia.

“Miss Aige…”

“I’m here, Prince.”

Shajo Aige reached out and hugged Alexia from behind: “In this way, we can be together forever.”

“…I didn’t want you to do this.”

“But this is what I want to do, please don’t feel any guilt about it, you just need to use this power freely as you like – I will activate your magic for you, I will Afford the cost of magic.”


Alexia closed her eyes slightly and raised her hand to her neck, as if to hold Shajo Aige’s arm: “I…is this another loss to you? Miss Aige. “

“There is never a win or a loss, Prince.”

“……Is it.”

Putting down her arms silently, Ixia took a deep breath and turned around to look at the ghost of Shajo Aige: “Although it was not my intention, from now on… I will probably rely on you more often, love. Miss Song.”


“But I won’t always be like this. I will try to find a way to turn you back into a human again – even if it makes me lose the power you gave me, I will let you turn back into the same person.”

Exia really needs the power given by Sajo Aige, but he doesn’t want to accept it in this way, so now, he will use this power with the mentality of “temporarily borrowing”, and treat it as if he has always Borrowing the power of Shatiao’s love song.

And if one day in the future he can restore Shajo Aige to its original form, then he will repay all the [debts] he has owed so far.

“My lord prince, you are really…”

Shajo Aige sighed helplessly.

“Since this is your will, I will accept it – if there is such a day. By the way, there is also something about Liya that I haven’t told you.”


When Sajo Aige mentioned it like this, Exia suddenly realized that Artoria had also been linked by the tentacle before, turned into a ball of light and entered the Great Holy Grail.

“How is she doing, Saber?”

“Well…rather than explaining it directly, it would be better for you to meet her.”

As Sajo Aige spoke, she snapped her fingers, and a ray of light immediately separated from her body, stopped next to Exia, then expanded and contracted, until it finally transformed into Artoria’s appearance.

“Saber, you…”

“I want to apologize to you, Exia.” Artoria spoke first, “I did this without your permission… But as someone who is somewhat similar to you, I I don’t want to ignore you who are walking on the same path as me.”

“So, even though this is the situation, please let me be your companion and contribute a small amount to your journey to save your world – this is the only thing I want to do now after giving up my original wish. matter.”

“…Is this really okay?”

Alexia asked with some worry: “I’m very grateful that you are willing to help me, but Saber… Like Miss Aige, I don’t think you need to do this for me. In fact, even if it’s just Your words of “Come on” are enough in my opinion.”

“You don’t have to become dependent on me like this.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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