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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 165

“But there is no need for me to return to the Throne of Heroes, not to mention, [I believe it is meaningful for me to do so].”

Help others, help Exia, so that he can protect his important people, so that he can save his world.

If this kind of thing is meaningless, what else is meaningful?

“In the name of the King of Knights, I swear to you, Exia. I will be your sword and your shield, clearing all obstacles on your path for you. In the future, please rely on the Master as much as you do.” Rely on me, my [Master].”

“…I know, I will borrow your power with gratitude. And just like Miss Aige, if there is a chance to restore you to your original state in the future, I will also-“


The text that suddenly appeared in the field of vision suddenly interrupted Alexia!

【error, error, error】

[Error condition detected, Error condition detected]

[Repulsion function from the world confirmed, Expulsion function from the world confirmed]

[The forced escape function will begin, please be prepared, the emergency world transfer will begin in ten seconds]

“…Eh? Wait wait! What’s going on?”

Exia couldn’t understand the sudden situation for a while.

Exclusion and expulsion from the world?

Forced escape?

Emergency world transfer?

“What is going on here? Explain to me, x exists!”

【Ten…three, two, one】

【Preparation completed】

[Execute emergency world transfer]


Alexia only had time to shout out like this before the familiar darkness unfolded from behind him and swallowed him whole again!

The feeling of falling strikes again!

(You…what is all this!?)

1. Embarrassing, I forgot to bring the upgrade props

In a dark world like the universe.

A month later, Exia returned to this place very unexpectedly.

But Exia was full of doubts about his return, because it was completely different from the rules he knew!

“What is going on? There is x?”

Alexia asked loudly to the empty world.

(The stay time in the original world is one day to three months, while the stay time in other worlds is three months to one year. Only when this time limit is met and I am determined to leave the world can I leave the world. )

This is the rule that Exia understands, and it is also the rule that Existence X told him. The several world transfers so far have all followed this rule.

But why now? Exia only stayed in that world for one month. It should have been two months. Why was the world transfer forced at this time?


“What does exclusion and expulsion from the world mean?”

【literal meaning】

Burning words appeared in the field of vision.

[Please calm down. Next, we will start reporting on the current situation and answer your questions – I want to assure you that this special situation and the emergency measures taken are in full compliance with the special rules applicable in emergencies, and there is nothing wrong with it]

“So what exactly is an emergency?”

“It should be those two inhibitors.”

The answer to Exia was not existence

“Although I expected that a similar situation would occur after that, I didn’t expect that it would be so decisive… This is also something I need to apologize to you, Prince.”

“Do you know what’s going on now? Miss Aige.”

Shajo Aige nodded: “I have explained to you before that your existence in that world is a [Servant], right? Generally speaking, a Servant cannot appear at will. If you want to be in the world, To maintain its existence, there must be enough magic power, and the Master as the [Anchor] – you should already understand this, right?”

“Is it… because of your fusion with the Great Holy Grail and me?”


Even if it is not a formal one, Exia’s form of existence is that of a Servant, which does not matter in some special circumstances, but in the previous situation, a Master is needed no matter what.

However, Sajo Ayaka, who was his regular master, could not provide him with enough magic power, and the Great Holy Grail also disappeared because of Sajo’s love song. This is equivalent to saying that Exia lost her master and magic power at the same time. As a [Servant], he would naturally be unable to exist in that world.

What’s more, he is a foreign object from outside the world. Even if it is confirmed that he is on the side of good, his existence is still quite special and unnecessary for the world and the suppression force.

Therefore, the combination of [the inability to continue to exist] and [the resistance of the world itself] resulted in the situation of [Exia’s expulsion].

“Is that what it is? There is x.”


[In view of this emergency situation, special rule 5 was implemented and a world transfer was forced to ensure survival]

[This has caused confusion and confusion, please understand]

In other words, Existence

Alexia breathed a sigh of relief: “I see…Okay, I roughly understand the situation. Since Miss Aige thinks so too, then I can accept this statement. At that time, there was really no time to go into detail. Here’s the explanation.”

【Thank you for your understanding】

[Then please confirm the settlement content next]

【Axia Kaslana】

[The third time crossing was successfully completed]

[Number of travels: 3]

【Number of persons to carry: 0】

[Items to carry: Personal terminal, Soaring Holy Sword]

[Ability growth: Sekiryuutei’s caged hand and forbidden hand stage (subspecies, defect), Great Holy Grail fusion, God’s favor reaching upgrade conditions]

Just like the previous two times, Exia’s growth after experiencing various things in this world was now presented to him one by one.

Compared with before, the most obvious change is Exia’s ability.

Whether it is the growth of the God-killing Gear or the fusion with the Great Holy Grail (Sajou Aige) that he has just completed, there is no doubt that it is a huge progress for him! Even because he got the unexpected Great Holy Grail, he probably won’t have to worry about the side effects of his magic for a long time in the future.

“But…the number of people carrying them is still zero?”

Alexia looked at Shajo Aige next to her with some surprise.

He originally thought that after Shajo Aige and Artoria merged with him, they would be able to carry the number of people.


[The existence form of the individual Sajo Aige is integrated into the Great Holy Grail, while the existence form of the individual Artoria Pendragon is attached to the individual Sajo Aige. Neither of them can be regarded as Separate individuals, therefore not included]

[In addition, the carrying mechanism has been updated again, and the relevant rules are as follows]

[The upper limit of the number of people that can be carried has been increased – the number of people that can be carried at the same time is currently: 4 people]

[Limited display time extended – currently: 20 hours/day]

[Expanded limited display range – currently: 600 meters]

(You can take more people with you, and you have more freedom…well, it’s of no use to me.)

Aixia is not prepared to take people away. This has been the case before and will be the same in the future. Even if it can be roughly inferred from the continuous updates of this mechanism that Existence Ksia wouldn’t have it.

The situation between Sajo Aige and Artoria is a special case among special cases, and he is the one who is forced into it.

“Speaking of which, the great achievements I need to upgrade can only be satisfied in this world, right?”


[The great achievements required to upgrade: 3/3]

[Currently great achievements: defeating the Ten-Winged Fallen Angel, defeating the Herrscher of Thunder alone and solving the third Honkai Impact, defeating two mounted servants, and solving the unformed Honkai Impact incident in another world (the latter two are regarded as one)]

[Do I need to upgrade? 】

The Herrscher of Thunder and the third Honkai Impact would be regarded as their great achievements. This was within Exia’s expectation. After all, they were natural disasters that were enemies of all mankind. If they were solved alone, it would be impossible. Undoubtedly a great undertaking.

And the last two…

“Is there a two-in-one algorithm?”

[Based on the importance of the event itself and its impact on the world and individuals, this calculation is very reasonable]

[So, do I need to upgrade? 】

“Well, let’s upgrade.”

【Order accepted】

[The order was rejected, no divine blood was detected, please hold the divine blood before upgrading]


Why did Alexia forget this? If you want to upgrade God’s favor, divine blood is a necessity!

(I remember that the divine blood I left behind was…uh…where did I keep it at home?)

Because so many things have happened recently, Exia has basically forgotten such small things. She only remembers where she seems to have placed the divine blood at home.

“…Forget it, let’s go through the house when we get back. I should have placed it somewhere I’m familiar with – how long will it take to complete the world transfer and return to the original world? Existence x ?”

[Due to the distance, it will take a little longer, please wait]


2. Are you sending this to a fixed point?

Indian Ocean.

A certain experimental uninhabited island under the Destiny.

“Buzz buzz buzz~~~~~”

Accompanied by the roar of the propeller, a helicopter slowly descended from the sky and maintained a hover after reaching a certain distance in mid-air from the ground.

And then——

“That’s it. You can go back to the nearest branch and wait for our instructions. Rita and I are enough here.”

While pushing open the hatch, Bianca, who was wearing a Valkyrie uniform, jumped out of the helicopter after saying this, not caring that it was still nearly ten meters in the air.

Behind her, Rita, who was traveling with her, also held down her maid skirt to avoid being blown up by the strong wind, and jumped out of the helicopter together.

“Buzz buzz buzz!”

After the two of them landed, the helicopter immediately raised its height and then flew in a certain direction, leaving the two of them on the island.

After watching the helicopter go away and completely out of sight, Rita turned to look at Bianca: “It’ll be fine when we get here, Lord Bianca, Lord Bishop said that this uninhabited island will be destroyed this week. We can use it as we please during the period.”

“That’s good.”

Bianca suppressed her hair that was blown by the wind: “It’s a good place. I don’t have to suppress my strength here. I can test my own strength limit as much as I want.”

Test the upper limit of strength.

This is why Bianca and Rita will come to this uninhabited island together now. Although it is just for exercise, it can actually be done at the Destiny Headquarters, but because in the past half a year, the training room has been continuously renovated. Three times, most recently just last week.

Therefore, considering the financial expenditure, if Bianca wants to train now, she can only conduct minimal training, and actual combat training is completely impossible.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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