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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 166

The reason for this situation is also very simple——

“After all, Bianca’s power has become too strong.” Rita said with a helpless smile, “[Queen’s] chess piece, not even the Bishop thought that you were using that piece. After the chess piece, your strength will increase to that point in one breath, and the training room at the headquarters cannot withstand your tossing.”

The queen’s chess piece.

After a period of analysis and research, the Saint 1504 Research Institute has confirmed that this chess piece is completely harmless to the human body and can be used with confidence.

As soon as she got the news, Bianca applied to use [Queen] – because this was agreed upon before, she was quickly approved.

However, no one expected…


Suddenly she punched the sea in front of her. Looking at the waves more than ten meters high that she was hit by in an instant, and the sea surface cracking in the distance, Bianca took back her hand and smiled: “The strength suddenly increased. It’s not a good thing to move too fast – Rita, how are you? Have you adapted to the [Knight] chess piece?”

Like Bianca, Rita also applied for the use of the demon chess pieces.

Although Alexia, who brought back the chess pieces in the first place, said that it was up to him to decide who would use the chess pieces, since it was Bianca and Rita, both of them felt that he would not say anything.

By the way, Kiana also submitted an application, but it was immediately returned.

“Yes, I have almost completely adapted to it.”

Rita raised her feet as she spoke, and then she suddenly disappeared from Bianca’s eyes!

Bianca turned to look behind her: “It’s really much faster than before, Rita, it’s amazing.”

“But Bianca-sama can completely catch up with my speed, right? Your eyes are always looking at me.” Rita came behind Bianca and said with a smile, “Don’t say it’s because of the changes in the sand on the ground. . And, if it’s just me, Lady Bianca can do it, right? Unlike my knight, your queen is fully strengthened.”

The knight’s chess piece will increase the user’s [Speed]. Rita, who is good at flexibility and agility, is most suitable to use this chess piece.

The queen’s chess piece will simultaneously strengthen the user’s [Strength], [Defense], [Speed] and even [Energy] in four aspects. Bianca can also feel this. After using the chess piece, , the physical ability has been greatly improved, and the control of the God Key has become more comfortable, and it even feels that the power and effect of the God Key have been improved.

“Exia really brought back some amazing things. I have to thank him properly later. When we get back, Rita, will you take me to pick out a gift?”

“I am happy to serve you. But before that, please complete the training tasks you have set.”

“That’s right – I hope it won’t have too big an impact on the island.”

Bianca herself doesn’t know what level of strength she has now. If this island is destroyed in order to test the upper limit of her strength… the bishop will probably have to have more international troops. The business was handled.

“The living-related facilities will be sent by ship later. We are scheduled to live on this island for two weeks. Before dark, Master Bianca can train freely, and I will be responsible for preparing the camp.”

“Well, please, Rita.”

After watching Rita walk towards the depths of the island, Bianca sighed slightly, facing the ocean and clenching her fists: “It will be at least two months before Ixia comes back… before that Finish my training and then go pick out a gift for him—well, that’s it!”

Moreover, besides picking out gifts, there was something else Bianca wanted to say to Alexia.

Although she didn’t care much about things like artificial respiration that Alexia said before, Bianca still had some grudges in her heart – one or two times were not considered artificial respiration.

Alexia is my childhood sweetheart and the most important person to me. If that Sajo Aige really wants to take Alexia away from me… no matter what, he must fight her first. , proving that she is more suitable to be with Alexia than he is.

(There are still two months…You should be back on time, right? Exia.)

“Fuck ah ah ah ah!”

Just when Bianca was thinking this, a loud sound mixed with a bit of surprise, a roar of surprise mixed with a bit of confusion and dissatisfaction, rang in the sky without warning.

Bianca looked up at the sky——

(Eh? That’s…)

“Why is there something wrong with the Holy Sword at this time! And why am I teleported to the sea! Where is the headquarters?!”



The moment Bianca saw it clearly, Exia fell from the sky and hit his head straight into the sea… No, to be more precise, he hit the sea where he was temporarily frozen.

It seems to be quite painful.

3. There is a ghost!

Getting up from the ice, Exia covered her face.

“It hurts, it hurts… Tsk, it really hurts if I hit it directly. If my body hadn’t been strong enough now, I would have probably fallen into trouble by now.”

The people of the Kaslana family have been very strong since ancient times. In addition, Alexia now has the favor of God. After experiencing two journeys to different worlds, the durability ability value has been increased to a quite ridiculous level. situation.

Even if he hits the ice from an altitude of tens of meters without any preparation for landing, nothing will happen to him – on the contrary, something might happen to the ice.

Next to Alexia, Shajo Aige appeared: “I’m very sorry, Prince, it should be my problem.”

“Huh? Ah…you said there was something wrong with the Holy Sword?”


To be honest, Alexia is already very skilled at falling from the sky without any psychological changes. Plus, with the Holy Sword of Soaring, she can land easily in flight mode.

But this time, I don’t know what happened. Just like the last time I returned to this world, there was another problem with the Soaring Holy Sword!

“There is no problem with the Prince’s instructions. It’s just that because it has merged with Liya and I, the Holy Sword seems to be incompatible with you to a certain extent, resulting in the inability to respond to your instructions immediately.”

If I have to say it, it’s like a person who is used to a laptop keyboard and suddenly switches to a mechanical keyboard will feel various discomforts. The Holy Sword is a weapon that requires adaptability to use. When the Soaring Holy Sword was first handed over to Exia by Michael, it had actually been adjusted for him in order to allow him to use the Holy Sword freely. .

But now, Exia has been [upgraded], from the simple Exia to the [Exia (limited to Great Holy Grail Fusion)] version.

It was helpless that the Holy Sword could not adapt immediately.

“I will make relevant adjustments for you later. I am really sorry because Liya and I made you return to your own world in a disgraceful way.”

“It’s okay. There’s no one around. If no one sees it, it’s not a shame.”

Alexia patted the ice chips on her body.

“Speaking of which…where is this place? Shouldn’t I be returning to Tianming Headquarters?”

Because the world he returned to here twice before appeared above the Tianming Headquarters, Exia speculated that the place he returned to was the place he left last time, but there would be some changes in height.

But now, looking at the endless ocean around me, it is obvious that this is not the headquarters of Tianming!

(Could it be that I fell into the Mediterranean Sea below the headquarters? In that case…)

He took out the personal terminal from his pocket – even though it was dropped from the sky together with Exia, this thing was not even worn at all. It really made people sigh at the quality of Tianming’s product.

After taking out the personal terminal, Alexia immediately found Bianca and Rita’s phone numbers, thought about it and called Bianca.

【Hello? Alexia? 】

“Ah, Bianca, for some special reasons, I have returned to the world here, but I seem to have fallen somewhere, so can you locate my position over there, and then Come pick me up?”

[You are now looking northeast]



Alexia turned his head and glanced – the figure of Bianca standing on the shore of the uninhabited island with her hands raised and waving vigorously came into his sight immediately!


[Come directly over, Rita and I are both here]


Bianca saw herself falling from the sky and then landing on her face.

Alexia’s heart was immediately filled with a strong sense of shame!


A few minutes later, the island was deserted.

Some distance away from the shore, there was a temporary camp that had obviously just been cleared.

“I didn’t expect Lord Exia to come back so soon. Didn’t it take at least three months?”

“I didn’t want to either, but the situation was sudden and I had no choice but to come back early.”

Sitting on the cut tree stump, Alexia held a cup of instant coffee that Rita had just brewed, and looked at Bianca and Rita who were sitting opposite her: “Speaking of which, why are you two here? Huh? Where is this place?”

“An uninhabited island in the Indian Ocean. Due to some things, Rita and I are going to stay here for a while, about three weeks.”

“Hmm…is this a special mission from the Bishop?”

Bishop Otto often releases some weird special tasks. When Ixia worked under him in the past, she would be troubled by such tasks every time, such as investigating the real-life information of an online player, such as When it comes to collecting the types of games that are currently popular on the market, or looking for painters with enough skills…it’s really hard to figure out what he is thinking.

Bianca shook her head: “No, it has nothing to do with the bishop’s mission. I applied for this place myself – no matter what, we can’t let the training room at the headquarters have to be renovated for two consecutive weeks. The finances will not be able to make ends meet. .”

“Training room…you broke the equipment again?”

“No, this time Mistress Bianca demolished the entire training room with just one blow.” Rita explained with a smile.

When he heard her say this, Alexia’s expression immediately froze!

Destroyed the entire training room with one strike?

“Bianca, you…became stronger again?”

“Well, thanks to you.”

Bianca put her hand on her tall chest as she said: “I have agreed with you before to use the queen’s chess piece. Since the analysis by the Saint 1504 Research Institute has been completed, I will officially use it.”

“Did you use it?”

“Yes. It has indeed improved my strength by leaps and bounds. It feels like it is worth the training I have done in the past year or two. Rita and I were still discussing how to thank you for bringing back such an important prop – —By the way, Rita also used a knight.”

Rita too?

Alexia quickly looked at Rita, only to see the latter looking at her with a smile.

“I used a chess piece without requesting you. I’m sorry, Lady Axia. But I also hope to catch up with you and Lady Bianca, so I used one. From now on, I will be your [King] [Knight], please give me some advice.”

“And I am your [Queen]… No, should I say [Queen]?”

Bianca chuckled.


“Ah la la…King and Queen? There’s really no way for people to treat them like they haven’t heard them.”

The voice of Shajo Aige suddenly sounded from behind Ixia!

The next moment, Bianca and Rita saw it – a ghost emerged from Alexia’s body!

4. Childhood sweethearts are reliable!

Shajo Aige didn’t want to show up so early.

In any case, she is a newcomer here. Now is the time when Aixia has just returned to this world and reunited with his important people. It is not the right occasion for her to intervene. She should wait until after they have finished talking, and then she can let Aixia Kesia introduced it.

She just caused trouble for the prince and made him embarrassed. Now Shajo Aige cannot be a woman who cannot understand the atmosphere.


[And I am your [Queen]… No, should I say [Queen]? 】

The moment he heard Bianca say these words, Sajo Aige immediately overturned all his previous plans!

(This is the only sentence I can never pretend I didn’t hear!)


The prince’s queen… This is the only title that is as important as whether the world is destroyed or not. For Sajo Aika to watch Bianca take it as a matter of course, even if she thinks rationally You have to be patient, but you can’t do it emotionally!

Not to mention that she rationally doesn’t want to endure it at all.


“——There’s really no way for people to pretend that they haven’t heard the name.”

Appearing behind Alexia, Shajo Aige looked at Bianca and Rita with a smile: “If possible, I hope Miss Bianca can carefully consider her words when speaking.”

“Who are you……”

“I remember…”

Seeing the sudden appearance of Sajou Aige, both Bianca and Rita immediately remembered what happened almost a month ago. They did have some impressions of the ghost-like girl in front of them. Their name was… …..

“Miss Aige? Why did you run out?”

Alexia asked unexpectedly.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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