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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 167

“I’m sorry, Prince, because I heard some remarks that I couldn’t ignore, so I couldn’t help it. I apologize for causing trouble to you.” Sajo Aige said with a smile, “Miss Bianca, Miss Rita. , first meeting…it doesn’t count, we have met once before, I don’t know if you two still remember me.”

“I am Sajo Aige. I am the prince’s master in that world. Now, as the person who will accompany the prince forever, I will accompany him to advance and fight. Please take care of me in the future.”

Bianca: “…”

Rita: “…”

(What are you talking about!)

Unlike Bianca and Rita who were silent and slightly surprised, Alexia roared directly in her heart!

“Um…Bianca, Rita, please listen to me explain this matter first-“

“Lord Exia.”

Before she could finish her words, Rita spoke first before Bianca could say anything.

The smile that seemed to have been taken out of the freezer was paired with words that seemed gentle but actually cold… Even though Rita just called her name, Alexia couldn’t help but tremble!


“Excuse me, what’s going on? Master Alexia.” Rita asked with a smile, “I remember you made an agreement with Bianca before you left, and you will always accompany each other in the future, right? It turns out that your Does companionship mean accompanying two women at the same time?”

“Absolutely not. There are very complicated reasons for this. In fact, it was less than ten minutes ago that Miss Aige and I became like this… Can you please let me explain it first!”

“Okay, please start your quibble… No, explain.”

(Did she just say she was quibbling? Did she already acknowledge that I was quibbling?)

For the first time in her life, Alexia felt tired.

(But… I didn’t intend to hide it anyway, so just tell it.)

“I’ll explain, but before that—saber, come out too.”


With a clear response, some light spots scattered from Sajo Aige’s body, which condensed into a ball of light and quickly transformed, until finally she manifested into Artoria, which could also be said to be in a ghost state.

Another one? !

Rita’s eyes trembled slightly, and she subconsciously looked in Bianca’s direction.

(Also, it seems to be…very similar to Bianca-sama in some places?)

“Are you two important people to the Master?”

Artoria looked at Bianca and Rita.

“I am Saber, my real name is Artoria Pendragon. Although I was once the Knight King who ruled Britain, I am now just a servant. As the master’s sword and shield, I help him realize his wishes and Target. Please give me your guidance in the future.”


Bianca and Rita couldn’t help but feel a little confused. Although they had heard Exia mention the Holy Grail War before, they still knew little about it and couldn’t quite understand what Artoria meant.

But even so, there is one thing the two of them can understand.

“Lord Axia, it’s not enough for you to bring one person, why don’t you also bring a second one?”

(We haven’t seen each other for a month. Lady Alexia actually learned to ride on two boats… No, considering Lady Bianca, should she ride on three boats? She is really a surprisingly bad learner. What about speed?)

“I, I don’t want to do this either. I told you there are deep reasons for this!”

Sensing Rita’s increasingly cold eyes, Alexia said helplessly: “I have no intention of hiding anything from you. Originally, I planned to introduce and explain it to you, Bishop Otto, and Kiana. situation.”

“I guess so…just calm down, Rita.”

Bianca reached out and patted Rita on the shoulder.

“Exia has never hid anything from me since she was a child. It was the same before. I believe that the reason why he became like this is because he couldn’t help it. Let’s listen to him explain the whole story first—— Right? Exia.”

“Yeah! Bianca still understands me!”

Alexia immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, her childhood sweethearts who grew up together are reliable!

But Alexia didn’t realize that at the same time Bianca finished speaking, the expression of Shajo Aige behind him changed vaguely for a moment.

Looking at Bianca who seemed completely unaware of the seriousness of the matter, Rita could only sigh and nodded: “Oh~~~~ I understand, please start your explanation, Lord Axia.”

“Well. First, let’s start with what I experienced before…”

5. I won’t give it to you easily

“…So, that’s pretty much it.”

After spending more than ten minutes explaining what he, Sajo Aige and Artoria had experienced in the past month, as well as the changes that had occurred before he came back, Exia seemed to He continued as if to reiterate: “So, I really am not who you think.”

“I see……”

Rita reached out and gently cupped her chin.

(That is to say, Lord Exia had no intention of carrying people or sailing on multiple ships. It was just because of the arbitrary actions of Miss Shajo and Miss Pendragon, and the established facts that had already been created, that she had to Are you forced to accept reality…?)

It is very simple to understand what Ixia said, he himself made it very clear.

After understanding, Bianca smiled and said: “Let me tell you, Rita. Alexia must have something hidden. You should trust him more.”


Glancing at Bianca with a complicated expression, Rita sighed: “I understand, Lady Bianca. In addition, I’m sorry, Lady Alexia, for being a little rude to you in my tone earlier. I will do it for you later.” You are ready to apologize.”

“No, there’s no need to be so formal… Just cook me dinner later.”

“I’d be happy to. But—”

Locking her eyes on Sajo Aige and Artoria, Rita’s eyes were a little sharper: “Although I felt this way when I met you before, I didn’t expect you to be such a person. Where is the wayward person, Miss Aige.”

“What do you mean? Miss Rita.”

Shajo Aige also responded with sharp eyes.

“If it is to say that I followed the prince and integrated with him, I have deeply reflected on it. But the biggest reason for me to do this is to satisfy my love for the prince. , but also for the sake of the prince’s wish—I will become the prince’s strength to go to new realms, and Liya will become the prince’s sword.”

“Perhaps the prince will feel a little uncomfortable with this kind of life at first, but Liya and I will try not to interfere with the prince, and gradually let the prince get used to life with us.”

“By the way, in the world over there, during the month when I lived with the Prince, I was the one who woke the Prince up every day, and I prepared three meals a day for the Prince – in fact, it can be considered a habit. ?”

If something is repeated for more than twenty-one days, it will become a habit. If it is persisted for more than ninety days, it will become a more stable habit.

Alexia, Sajo Aige and Artoria have been living together for a month, and it can indeed be said that they are somewhat accustomed to this kind of life.

Whether it’s dining or training with Artoria.

“With all due respect, Miss Sajo, from a broad perspective, this kind of behavior is, to say the least, [stalking]. Oh, Lady Axia must have clearly rejected your love, right?”

“I don’t mind failure. It’s okay if I repeat my confession ten million times. Don’t you think that perseverance can move people’s hearts to a deeper level? Miss Rita.”

Tit for tat.

Unknowingly, Rita and Sajo Aige were just talking normally, but Alexia, Bianca, and even Artoria all felt the tit-for-tat feeling emanating from the two of them. And the faint smell of gunpowder!

These two people definitely don’t get along!

“Anyway, anyway!”

Although she thought she might get glared at by Rita, Alexia still intervened between the two of them: “Things are already like this. It’s useless to say anything now. Miss Aige and Saber will also be with me in the future. ….Live with us. I know this may be a bit sudden, but please accept it, Rita, Bianca.”

“I’m fine.”

Bianca was the first to agree: “Since they are friends recognized by Alexia, then I am also willing to accept them as my friends. And, although it is just a feeling, I think Miss Pendragon and I should It’ll be a good fit.”

“What a coincidence, so am I, Miss Bianca.”

Both serious blond female knights, Bianca and Artoria seemed to have reached a certain level of consensus and recognition.

“Also, Miss Aige.”

Bianca looked at Sajo Aige: “This sentence may be inappropriate for me as a childhood sweetheart… but Alexia is a very important person to me and the most important person to me. I won’t hand him over to you easily.”

“Eh? Bianca?”

The sudden words made it impossible for Exia’s brain to turn around for a moment.

What does this mean? What does it mean? What does Bianca mean by saying this at this time! ?

(Declare sovereignty…right?)

Shajo Aige narrowed her eyes, and then smiled: “Of course I understand, Miss Bianca, you are an irreplaceable and important person to the prince. I knew this from the beginning.”

“But even so, my feelings for the prince will never lose to you. I will try my best to become the second most important person to the prince. Please be mentally prepared.”

“——Then, Your Majesty Prince, Liya and I will go back first. Please feel free to call us if necessary.”

After saying this, Shajo Aige took Arturia and got back into Alexia’s body. Seeing that Alexia couldn’t react for a while – no, it should be said that he still hadn’t learned how to compare. He recovered from the shock of what Anka said.

Looking at Alexia who was stunned in place, Bianca stepped forward and waved in front of his eyes: “What’s wrong with you? Alexia, you have a stunned expression, are you okay?”

“No, it’s okay… I’m just a little surprised that you actually said those words just now…”

Alexia leaned back slightly, away from Bianca’s face, which was almost close at hand: “What did you say… you won’t hand me over to Miss Aige easily… mean?”

“That’s the literal meaning.” Bianca smiled, “After all, I am also your childhood sweetheart. If you suddenly have a lover, then I will still feel a little reluctant to let go. After all, that means that we can’t always be together. Are we together?”

“So I won’t hand you over easily. We agreed before that we will always be together from now on, right?”


Alexia nodded vigorously.

On the side, looking at the two people standing face to face, Rita’s expression couldn’t help but soften a bit, and there were some emotional changes on her face similar to “It’s finally over”.

(It seems that the [discussions] with Miss Kiana and me have had a good impact on Bianca-sama… Let’s continue to work hard with Kiana-sama in this regard in the future. )

6. Love songs to meet parents

After that, in order not to disturb Bianca and Rita’s practice, and because he also wanted to return to the headquarters, after Rita notified the nearest branch and waited for the helicopter to fly over, Alexia got on it and flew directly back to the headquarters.

And after sitting in a helicopter for several hours——

“Mr. Kaslana, we have arrived at the headquarters.”

Hearing what the driver in front said, Alexia, who had been squinting her eyes slightly, couldn’t help but yawned.

“Ha~~~~Ah~~~~Well, thank you for your hard work. It’s true that the headquarters is also very inconvenient occasionally.”

Before she started to travel to another world, Exia rarely left the floating island, and even when she traveled, she mostly took the ultra-fast small floating ship prepared by the headquarters. It was really the first time to return to the headquarters in an ordinary helicopter. Back.

If it weren’t for the fact that the Holy Sword hadn’t been adjusted by Shajo Aige, he would have probably flown back faster than a helicopter.

As soon as he stepped off the helicopter, the ghost of Shajo Aige appeared next to Ixia, looking at the buildings built in the vast sky in front of him.

“Is this where the prince lives?”

An island of technology floating in the sky – Destiny Floating Island.

In the world of Shajo Aige, this is absolutely impossible to exist in modern times and is a spectacle that can only exist in the age of gods. Even though I had already seen it once through Alexia’s memories, actually seeing it again was a more real shock.

And, this is the same for Artoria.

(The floating island… is a scene that only exists in myths, actually exists in this world?)

Not paying attention to the surprise of Sajo Aige and Artoria, Exia smiled and nodded: “Well, the Destiny Headquarters is the only floating island in the world – but it’s not quite right to say it’s where I live. , my home is still some distance away from here, it only takes a few minutes to get there by car.”

“You and Saber will live there with me in the future, and I will introduce three people to you.”

(Three people…are they the three in the prince’s memory, right?)

The prince’s sister – Kiana Kaslana.

The girl who was saved by the prince—Mei Raiden.

The girl captured by the prince and taken as a hostage – Bronya Zaicek.

All three now live in Exia’s home for different reasons.

“Prince, your relationship with the opposite sex here is really good.” Shajo Aige said suddenly.

“Have it?”

“There are three girls waiting for you to come back at home, as well as the most important childhood sweetheart and the maid… In a general sense, this is a very enviable thing.”

In fact, Shajo Aige is extremely envious right now – especially those who can wait for Alexia to come back.

But when I thought that I was now separated from Alexia, this envious mood soon calmed down.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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