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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 168

When Shajo Aige said this, Exia immediately looked at her left hand: “I haven’t actively thought about getting involved with too many women. What I have to say is basically from… I started talking about [dragon’s power attracts the opposite sex] after I was taken in by Ddraig.”


“Then Prince, where should we go now? Go home directly?”

“No, we have to go see the bishop first. I think a car will pick us up soon.”

Before Alexia got on the helicopter, she had already reported to Bishop Otto that she had returned.

(Bishop…oh, it’s Bishop Otto, he adopted the prince a few years ago. He is both the prince’s doctor and teacher, and a man who is like a guardian…well, it is indeed I have to meet you. What do you think, Liya?)

(I don’t know what you’re talking about, love song.)

(It’s really cold, but it’s not a bad call—in the future, please give the prince some suggestions on what we should call you? Liya, what do you want the prince to call you?)

(The title is sufficient for now.)

Without Alexia’s knowledge, Sajo Aige secretly talked with Artoria, and soon, after standing there for less than two minutes, Alexia appeared in her field of vision. got a black car.

When he came to a stop in front of Alexia, the window on the driver’s seat was rolled down, and Amber poked his head out: “Please get in the car, Sir Alexia. The bishop is already waiting for you in the office.”

Opening the back seat door and getting into the car, Alexia said, “Please come to pick me up, Miss Amber. My sudden return must have affected the bishop’s schedule, right?”

“It doesn’t matter. The Bishop said that if it’s something related to you, it doesn’t matter if the subsequent trip is postponed or cancelled.”

Hearing what Amber said, Alexia was relieved – although now he no longer had to think and worry about whether Bishop Otto would let him work overtime again, but for an unscheduled surprise like a sudden return If Bishop Otto’s daily schedule is disrupted, Ixia will still habitually worry about whether she will be asked to work overtime again.

It can only be said that the painful memories of working overtime in the past are too profound.

Let a sixteen-year-old boy experience the life of a social animal in advance… This kind of cruel thing is really something that Bishop Otto can do.

Under the driving of Amber, as the scene outside the window passed rapidly, Exia was quickly brought to the vicinity of Bishop Otto’s private office. Because Amber wanted to park, he first brought Exia here. One step away.

After walking through the road he had walked countless times before, he came to a door and verified his identity with a personal terminal——

“Ah, welcome back, my dear Alexia.”

Inside the office.

Otto, who had been waiting here for a long time, greeted Alexia with a smile.

“Returning two months ahead of schedule is really a very unexpected and special situation.”

“I’m sorry, Lord Bishop, because something happened over there that I didn’t even expect. The combination of various accidents resulted in me having to come back early. In view of the emergency, I apologize for not being able to inform you in advance.”

“Hehehehe, how could I not understand you? Alexia, relax, I have no intention of taking responsibility or blaming you.” Otto smiled and waved for Alexia to come over.

“Every time you go to another world, you bring back surprises that dazzle me. I believe it will be the same this time. And this is enough to erase all your mistakes, isn’t it? My child.”

“You are exaggerating, Lord Bishop – However, due to the special circumstances this time, I was not able to actually bring back anything from another world that could directly benefit the headquarters. All I brought back was… Miss Love Song, saber.”

Exia called out Sajou Aige and Artoria.

And in Otto’s rare look of surprise, Shajo Aige took the lead and bowed slightly.

“First meeting, Your Excellency Otto Apokalis, I am Sajo Aige, the one who has sworn to the prince to accompany him forever – may I call you father?”

7. To shoot a man, shoot a horse first; to capture a thief, capture the king first.


Sajo Aige’s sudden words stunned both Exia and Otto for a moment.

And after reacting immediately——

“Miss Ai Ge, what are you talking about again!” Alexia didn’t hold back at all this time, “Father or something…are you serious?!”

“Eh? I think this is a normal thing to say.”

Shatiao Aige smiled.

“Because in terms of relationship, Lord Otto is like your adoptive father, right? So is there any problem if I call him father?”

Of course the problem is huge!

Even if this is true in theory, there is a high possibility that Alexia’s biological father is still alive. If he calls Bishop Otto his father now, what will happen after he meets his biological father again——

“I don’t think there’s any problem, Alexia.”

Otto also smiled and agreed.

“Although you now know about your biological father, in fact, I have always treated you as my own child for so many years, and of course Bianca is the same.”

“You did lose your father, but you still have me, so I don’t think there is any problem with this young lady’s title.”


Alexia raised her hand with trembling eyes: “This… now is not the time to joke, Bishop!”

“Hahaha, I’m not kidding, you don’t have to be so serious, you told me to relax a little.” Otto smiled, “So, this lady with interesting words and deeds is called Shajo Aige, right? Do you call me father because you want to marry Alexia?”


“Well… What I believe in educating my children is to give them as much freedom as possible. The same goes for love and relationships. This era is not suitable for arranged marriages. Free love may also lead to better happiness. So if it’s okay with Alexia, I don’t have a problem with it.”

“I’m sorry, I have a big problem with that.”

It’s rare, it’s really rare. Ixia doesn’t know how long it’s been since she saw Bishop Otto joking like this: “Bishop, I’m only 16 years old this year, and I haven’t even celebrated my 17th birthday yet. It’s really too early to get married. “

“Before that, you can prepare for an engagement. Around the fifteenth century, there were many young men at your age who had an engagement partner.”

“Now is not the time to talk about such things, is it? Bishop…”

“No, no, no, getting married is one of the most important things in life. To be honest, you have never had the right person so far, and I occasionally worry about you. In fact, if you don’t have one by the time you reach adulthood, Lover, I am going to arrange a blind date for you with the Shaniyat family.” Otto smiled, “The happiness of you and Bianca has always been something I am very concerned about.”

(Nonsense! You clearly know who I like, Bishop! You lied out a few years ago, didn’t you!)

Looking at the obvious amusement on Otto’s face, Ixia gritted her teeth, took a deep breath, took out her personal terminal, and sent the report she temporarily compiled on the helicopter to Otto: “My There is no need for the bishop to worry about the major events in life… Let’s get down to business first. This report is the general content of what I have experienced in this month in another world. Due to lack of time, this is an abbreviated version. I will give it later. I will compile a detailed version and submit it.”


After realizing that Alexia was not going to continue joking with him, Otto put away his parental side and handled government affairs as a bishop.

(Hmm…Holy Grail War? Summon heroic spirits from the past and use them as servants to fight for the Holy Grail that can grant wishes…huh?!)

Otto, who was just browsing briefly, saw the introduction to the Holy Grail War in this line, and his leisurely atmosphere suddenly disappeared! His eyes immediately became extremely serious!


Alexia noticed this change immediately, stepped forward and asked, “Is there any problem?”

“Exia, a detailed report… If possible, I hope to know more about the Holy Grail War, especially about the [Heroic Spirits] and [Servants], as well as the [Servant] you mentioned in one stroke. summons].”

Need to highlight something related to the Holy Grail War?

Alexia frowned slightly, and for some reason, the information about souls that Bishop Otto specially asked her to collect in the last different world came to mind.

“Bishop, are you interested in souls?”

“…It can be said that since it is something that has never been proven so far, I am actually very interested in it.”

“I understand. I will submit the relevant report before tomorrow.” Exia agreed, “Do you have any other requests? Bishop.”

Otto did not answer immediately. After continuing to scroll down for a while, he looked at [Own Current Situation] that was specially marked in red letters by Exia, and then looked up at Shajo Aige and Al who were still standing behind him. Tolia.

“Can I ask a question or two directly to Miss Saber and Miss Saber mentioned in the report?”

“Excuse me.”

“The way you two exist now…is it [soul]?”

Although it was not stated clearly, this was a very important question for Otto, and Shajo Aige could vaguely hear the will in Otto’s question, and could read a little bit of it through his reading eyes.

After looking at Artoria, Sajo Aige said: “Compared to the soul… I should say it is [the projection of the soul].”


“You have read the prince’s report, and you must also know that my current body is the [Great Holy Grail] that has been integrated with the prince. Well… in the way of this world, it is similar to [ Hold the stigmata of personal will. And I am the [virtual image] of the will of the [stigmata] projected into reality, not an entity.”

As Sajo Aige spoke, she walked towards Ixia, and then passed directly through him: “How? Are you satisfied with this answer? Father?”

“That’s really what you called me, Miss Ai Ge…”

“After all, I wasn’t rejected.” Shajo Aige said with a smile, “In addition, if my father is concerned about the soul, I can also ask the prince to ghostwrite a document about the soul in my world, as This is a gift I gave to my father – when you meet your lover’s family, you always need some gifts.”

(…really took the initiative.)

Otto sighed in his heart, then put down his personal terminal and smiled: “Please do it, Miss Shajo. It seems that you have found a good girl, Alexia, I am very happy for you.”

“I hope you don’t have to be so happy, Bishop…”

“Hehehe – then, there is nothing else to do, right?”

Alexia thought for a while: “I think there is no more… If there is, I will come to you again later.”

“Well. Then I will give you a gift in return.” Otto said while sending a document to Ixia, “This is after Kiana enrolled in the Valkyrie School of Destiny within one month of your departure. The test results, you are her only family now, I think you should know.”

“Kiana’s test results?”

Alexia clicked on the document, and then her eyes widened!

(This, this is…!)

8. It’s actually a desperate hope

Kiana has not been in a good mood these past two days.

This is actually a rare thing for a [idiot] like her in every sense of the word. Even if she is really sad, she only needs Raiden Mei to touch her head or feed her something. Your mood will improve immediately.

She is such a simple girl.

But this time is different!

“It’s going to be… it’s going to be over…”

Alexia’s house.

Kiana hugged her feet and huddled on the sofa, staring blankly at the empty coffee table – this time she really felt that she was going to die.

The incident started about a month ago, shortly after Ixia left.

Because she usually goes out to perform tasks from time to time, in order to ensure Kiana’s learning progress, Rita arranged for her to enter the Valkyrie Training School at the Destiny Headquarters, allowing her to receive systematic Valkyrie training, while she continued to Give Kiana tests regularly during holidays.

It happened that Raiden Meiyi and Bronya were also arranged to go in, so Kiana had no objection to this.

However, three days ago, the school arranged for a regular test, which included practical tests and liberal arts tests.

Because she has been training and fighting with Siegfried since she was a child, Kiana has no problems in the actual combat test. She can even be said to be among the best. Her results are so good that the retired Valkyrie in charge of actual combat training appreciates them.

But on the contrary…

“Mei…if I’m beaten to death by Sister Rita and Sister Bianca, will you burn a tribute for me?”

Raiden Meiyi, who was cooking in the kitchen, almost didn’t hold the spatula in her hand when she heard Kiana’s abrupt words: “Kiana, what are you talking about? Miss Rita and Miss Bianca don’t care anymore.” No matter how angry I am, I shouldn’t be able to kill you, right?”

“No…Sister Rita, I think it’s very possible! You don’t know, when Sister Rita is angry, she is…yes! It’s Shura! It’s the Demon King! Mei, you must not be Got it!”

As if remembering some particularly painful memory, Kiana crouched down on the sofa with her head in her hands and crouched in defense!

Seeing this scene, Raiden Mei and Bronya, who is the kitchen helper, looked at each other, and then Bronya said: “Then… idiot Kiana, why don’t you ask the master for help?”

“Eh? Brother Xiang?”

Kiana’s eyes quickly rolled – yes, she still has a brother!

(Brother always dotes on me so much. Before he left, he basically responded to my requests… If I went to act a little cute and coquettish, he would probably help me, right?)

Because actually speaking, Kiana didn’t get along with her brother for too long, so she wasn’t sure whether her brother would help her.



After thinking about the consequences she might face if Rita knew about her liberal arts and sciences scores, Kiana couldn’t help but be afraid that her two braids stood up! He immediately took out his personal terminal from behind his butt!

“Bronya is right, I’m going to ask my brother for help right now!”

(Please, brother, this is related to the life of your lovely sister, you must help me!)

While praying desperately in her heart, Kiana clicked on her brother’s phone: “…Eh? Wait, I remember that my brother’s phone can’t be reached? He’s on a business trip. It seems like it’s in another world or something?”

“Then there’s nothing you can do. Just wait to be punished by Miss Rita, you idiot Kiana.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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