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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 169

“I’m not an idiot! Bronya, after all, I am the second owner of this family besides my brother! As a maid, you should respect me more, right?”


Bronya paused while chopping vegetables, and her mind quickly went through all the behaviors of Kiana in the past month.

Staying up late playing games, falling asleep in class, being late, forcing me to take a bath with Raiden Mei, buying a lot of snacks from time to time, often being unreasonable, and sleeping at very different times…

“Bronya doesn’t think you need to respect fools. Sister Mei is more worthy of respect.”

“I’m not that good, Bronya.”

Being praised suddenly, Raiden Mei couldn’t help but feel a little shy: “However, I think you don’t need to be too nervous, Kiana. Miss Rita said that she needs to go out for about three weeks this time. Although she can’t make it in time for the big test, there is a small test once a week. As long as I can produce good results, I think I can make up for it.”


“Yes. Bronya and I will help you review, don’t worry.”

“Okay!” Kiana immediately jumped up from the sofa! “I knew Mei Yi was the best to me! I love you Mei Yi!”

Seeing Kiana regaining her energy at the speed of light, Bronya couldn’t help but sigh slightly – the idiot is really easy to understand.

And at this moment——


A loud sound of opening the door…or rather the sound of banging on the door suddenly came from the entrance! The three people in the living room and kitchen were suddenly shocked!

Immediately afterwards, before the three of them could wonder if a thief had forced their way in, a burst of rapid footsteps followed!

“Dong dong dong dong!”

It would be an exaggeration to say that the sound of footsteps was like an earthquake. It was so rapid that it reminded people of people rushing to catch the last train that was leaving in a few seconds.

Then, a figure quickly appeared in the three people’s field of vision.


Seeing Alexia appearing at the door of the living room, Kiana couldn’t help but exclaimed.

“Why are you back? Uh…I remember you were going out for three months, weren’t you?”

“Because of some special circumstances, I came back early.” Alexia’s breathing was a little rapid, and she didn’t know if it was an illusion, but Kiana felt that something was wrong with the way her brother looked at her.

That look seemed like…yes, it seemed like he was looking at [the mortal enemy]!

“Master, welcome back.”

“Welcome home, Mr. Exia.”

Bronya and Raiden Mei also came out of the kitchen to say hello.

After glancing at the two of them, Alexia calmed her breathing and said, “Well, I’m back. It seems that you guys are living quite well here, so I’m relieved… And then – Kiana! !!”

“Ah? Here!”

The sudden roar made Kiana subconsciously stand in a military posture!

Taking out the Kiana test score that Otto sent to her on the personal terminal, Ixia angrily walked to her sister in three steps and then shoved the score in her face——

“Explain your test results to me!”

“The total scores in all subjects except practical training are less than forty points! What have you learned in school this month! How did you learn it!”

Oh, it’s over.

Kiana, who had previously thought about asking her brother for help, saw the furious Alexia so close at hand, and the last bit of hope in her heart was extinguished.

(It’s over, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!!!!)

9. Bro, have you cheated?

[I’m a big idiot, I’m sorry for Sister Rita and Sister Bianca’s efforts in cultivating me]

Tens of minutes later.

In the corner of the living room of Alexia’s house, Kiana held an ice brick with words engraved on it in both hands, kneeling on the washboard like a big criminal, her face as bitter as if she had eaten a big bowl of bitter melon. There were still tears twinkling faintly in the corners of his eyes.

Looking at this scene, Raiden Mei couldn’t help but said to Alexia who was sitting at the dining table: “Um…Mr. Alexia, will this be a bit…”

“Just right for a fool like her!”

Alexia said angrily as she threw ice cubes into her mouth.

To be honest, he really couldn’t believe it when he saw Kiana’s results. After all, he asked Rita and Bianca to take good care of Kiana before leaving. From what I know about Bianca, even if Kiana’s grades are not top-notch, they should still be in the middle of the pack.

Of course, he also understood that Rita sent Kiana to the Valkyrie Training School. Neither Rita nor Bianca were idle people. As the second of only three S-class Valkyries with a destiny, the two The burdens on people can be very heavy.


“Sleeping in class, slacking off on homework, being late, skipping class, leaving early… The Kaslana family will be embarrassed by you! You idiot Kiana!”

“woo woo woo woo……”

Listening to her brother’s angry rebuke, Kiana, who was completely unable to refute, could do nothing but sob softly. After all, it was the truth. She was really the bad student that Exia said.

Continuing to throw a few ice cubes into her mouth, letting the cold feeling help her calm down, Alexia sighed heavily: “Oh~~~Miss Mei, Bronya, you two don’t usually look at each other. Kiana?”

“This… Kiana and I are not in the same class, and Kiana always says she is fine every time, so she doesn’t pay much attention.”

“The same goes for Bronya.”

Listening to the explanations of the two, Alexia’s eyes turned colder when she looked at Kiana, and her body began to involuntarily emit air-conditioning, causing the temperature in the room to drop a lot.

“You actually lied to me… You have really done everything a bad student should do, Kiana. Are you going to smoke, drink, perm your hair and get tattoos next?”

“No, it won’t happen! I will never do these things! Brother, don’t worry!”

“I can’t worry about you, you big-headed guy! How can I be reassured by your achievements and style!” Alexia couldn’t help but get a little more angry.

To be honest, he really didn’t want to get angry at Kiana. After all, she was the sister he had finally found back. If getting angry with her like this messed up the not-so-strong brother-sister relationship between the two, then he would be very unhappy. Distressed.

But…this fact made him really unable to bear it!

His sister is actually such a bad person. If he finds his biological father in the future, how will he explain it? I was even embarrassed to take Kiana to visit her mother’s tombstone later.

This is simply a dereliction of duty on his part as an elder brother!

“Miss Mei, when is the next test?”

“Eh? It will be a month later, and then there will be a quiz every week that does not count towards credits and grades…”

“Okay! Kiana, I will give you tutoring from now on!” Alexia immediately slapped the table and stood up, “I will stay here for three months this time. During this period, as long as Rita is not around, your studies will be interrupted.” I will supervise the whole process!”

Although she is not the best in all subjects, Alexia is an excellent student no matter what, and she is more than enough to tutor a fool like Kiana.

(Brother will supervise your own study!?)

Kiana immediately shrank her neck: “What…brother, you…you, you won’t adopt a Spartan education, will you?”

“Of course not.”

“That’s good.”

“That means I’ll be supervising you with a pointer behind you, and you won’t be allowed to sleep until you finish twenty papers a day.”

“Meiyi, help me, ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!”

Kiana threw away the ice brick in her hand, rushed to Raiden Mei, hugged her black silk thighs and asked for help!

But looking at the fleeting pleasure on her face, it’s hard to tell whether this was a cry for help.

(Why is my sister like this?)

Is this really her sister who has the same genes as herself?

“It’s really interesting. The prince’s sister and the prince have almost two completely different personalities.”

At this moment, the voice of Shajo’s love song sounded.

When they heard the female voice that sounded out of thin air, Kiana and the three of them couldn’t help but be startled. Then the three of them saw Sandjo Aige and Artoria coming out from behind Alexia.

Raiden Meiyi (with a frightened look on his face): “Oh!”

Kiana (rubbing her thigh): “Ghost, ghost?!”

Bronya (calm and calm): “It should be said to be a ghost, idiot Kiana.”

Looking at the three people who had different reactions, Sajo Aige couldn’t help but smile and said: “It’s really interesting, what do you think? Liya.”

“…Do we need to introduce ourselves? Master.” Arturia asked Alexia after being silent for a while.

Alexia shook her head: “Let me do it – calm down, Miss Mei, Bronya, and Kiana, these two are not the kind of ghosts who can scare people. They are my… friends, The one I brought back from another world, the one with long hair is Sajo Aige, and the one who looks like a knight is Miss Artoria, I call her Saber, they will live with us from now on.”

“Hello you three, I am Artoria Pendragon.”

Arturia nodded slightly.

“Eh? Brother’s friend?”

After calming down for a moment, Kiana blinked and glanced at Sajo Aige and Artoria. Sajo Aige also took the initiative to approach Kiana and said with a friendly smile: “Hello Ah, Miss Kiana. This is the first time we meet. I am Sajo Aige, and I have a lifelong promise with the prince. Please let us get along well from now on.”

“Oh, by the way, if you can, you can call me [sister] or [sister-in-law]. I will be very happy in that case.”

elder sister? sister in law?

When Kiana heard this title, her mind immediately started spinning at the fastest speed. Her eyes jumped back and forth several times on Exia and Shajo Aige, and then she clapped her hands together as if she understood something!

“Brother, are you cheating?!”

“Not really.”

10. Pay attention to something wrong.

My brother likes Sister Bianca.

Kiana was informed of this matter more than a month ago, and Alexia told her personally, and specifically told her to keep it secret.

As for her opinion on the relationship between the two, Kiana’s answer is… she supports it with both hands and feet!

Although she and her brother have not known each other for a long time, based on the image of Alexia she has learned from others in the past month, as well as the previous situation with Alexia, Kiana Knight has not I don’t hate myself, my brother who came from heaven.

What’s more, her father had already told her how good Alexia was, so Kiana already had a good impression of Alexia.

As for Sister Bianca, Kiana also has a high impression!

Destined to be the strongest Valkyrie and the youngest S-class Valkyrie in history—these two titles alone make Kiana admire her. When they get along and train on a daily basis, Bianca takes care of her in every way. Her sometimes harsh and sometimes gentle approach also made Kiana like her very much.

A good sister who is beautiful, handsome, resolute and neat in doing things, and has a straightforward personality.

This is Kiana’s impression of Bianca.

Therefore, if these two people want to become a couple, Kiana has no objection. Besides, the two of them are childhood sweethearts, so it is natural for them to become lovers.

And in the past month, since Exia called back for consultation, Kiana has accepted several [discussions] with Bianca, and the main content was mostly about getting along with Exia and relationships.

(This is almost done, right? As long as one of the two confesses, it will be OK, right?)

Kiana has never actually been in love, but she has read a lot of romance comics because of her part-time job. Kiana, who has some theoretical experience, thinks so.

but now–

“Brother, are you definitely cheating?”

Kiana couldn’t help but ask as she looked at Shajo Aige floating in mid-air in front of her and Artoria floating behind Exia.

“You have a perfect girlfriend like Sister Bianca, why would you bring other women back?”

“I told you it wasn’t cheating – and Bianca and I are not girlfriends, yet!”

Alexia looked away and emphasized.

“Ai Ge, you too, don’t talk nonsense, you are really a bit…”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Prince, but I’m really happy.” Shajo Aige smiled and returned behind Ixia, “After all, this is the first time I see your family, so I just want to get along well with them. I’m really sorry for causing you any trouble.”

Well, it is indeed troublesome, and it troubles Exia extremely.

Whether it was being treated coldly by Rita at first, or later being joked about marriage by Bishop Otto, or now being misunderstood by Kiana——

“Sigh… If I had known I would have come back later.”

Holding her forehead in distress, Alexia said to the three of Kiana: “Miss Aige and I don’t have that kind of relationship, and I still only like Bianca. She is just because of some special circumstances, um… …To put it in a harsher way, it’s the person who [stalks] me back.”

“Well, it’s a stalker.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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