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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 17

With the final straight punch, the chain hanging the sandbag was broken directly, and the sandbag hit the wall as hard as a cannonball!

If it weren’t for the fact that the walls of the training room were specially made with extremely strong impact resistance and hardness, I’m afraid a dent would have been made by now.

After all, Bianca is so strong, and even all the equipment in the training room are made to a standard that will not be easily broken by Bianca, so that she, the most powerful Valkyrie by destiny, can feel at ease. training.

But today, her mood was not on training.

Turning around, Bianca was about to get a towel to wipe away the sweat left behind. However, as soon as she turned around, a towel was handed to her. Also coming into view was a maid in a short skirt. A girl covering one eye with bangs.

“Thank you for your hard work in training, Lord Youlandel.”

“Rita, thank you…when did you come?”

“Half an hour ago, I came to see you because you didn’t come back on time for lunch.”

lunch time?

Bianca looked at the time and saw that it was already past one in the afternoon, indeed past lunch time.

“Sorry, Rita, I lost track of time during training.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

The girl called Rita – Rita Rossweisse – glanced at the sandbags that fell on the ground not far away, and smiled slightly: “It’s just that, Lord Hollander, please pay attention to it in future training. It also takes time to replenish strength and equipment.”

“Well…I’ve been reflecting on this, but I really can’t calm down recently.”

“Is it because Lord Exia is missing?”

Rita directly expressed the worries in the girl’s heart.

After a moment of silence, Bianca sat on a chair in the training room and put a towel on her head, as if to hide her face and eyes from Rita.

“It’s been five days…”

Five days have passed since Bianca’s childhood sweetheart, a boy named Alexia Kaslana, suddenly disappeared in the hospital.

In the past five days, in order to find him, not only Bianca, but also the supreme bishop of Destiny, Otto Apokalis, directly used all the power of Destiny to search for the boy at all times.

Alexia Kaslana is a very important person.

He is not only the childhood sweetheart and partner of Destiny’s most powerful Valkyrie, but also the right-hand man of Destiny Archbishop, and one of the few young descendants of the Kaslana clan. No matter from any aspect, his whereabouts are unknown. Things that have been left alone must be retrieved as soon as possible.

However, for the past five days, even after using all means and even starting to search all over the world, Exia’s whereabouts were still unknown.

It was as if he had completely disappeared from this world.

Bianca is perhaps the most uneasy and anxious person in the world about this situation. Even though she was still performing various tasks for the past five days, as one of the people closest to her, Rita could always tell that Bianca was filled with worries about Alexia.

The two have been childhood sweethearts for seven years. They are the closest people to each other. Even Rita, who is now Bianca’s deputy and has experienced various events with her, is still not as close as Alexia. .

However, Alexia has disappeared now – Rita can’t imagine what kind of impact and impact this has on Bianca. Even if she looks normal on the surface and does not affect too many daily life and mission operations, she must be certain in her heart. He must have always been in an unstable state.

After all, what disappeared was his childhood sweetheart who had been with him for seven years. Even judging from the situation in the orphanage, Alexia and Bianca could be said to be [family members].

However, at that time, Exia disappeared directly in front of Bianca, without any warning, as if she had disappeared.

Looking at Bianca who looked worried, Rita sat next to her: “Ms. Hollander, Rita is just an outsider, and she doesn’t have much knowledge about the bond between you and Ixia. Real feelings, so now Rita can only say some words to comfort you.”

“But even so, I want to say——please trust Lord Exia.”

“Please believe that he will definitely come back. Please believe that he has never thought of leaving you. Please believe that he is still waiting for the opportunity to return to you somewhere in the world.”

This is just a casual statement, just like a mother saying to a child who failed in an exam, “You can do well in the exam if you work harder next time.” It has no basis.

But these are the most important words to Bianca right now.

“I believe that when Lord Axia comes back, he won’t want to see you looking so lost, Lord Hollander. Now you just need to spend every day as usual and wait for the day when he comes back. .”


Bianca didn’t speak. It was obvious that just a few words were not enough to calm the anxiety and worry in her heart.

And at this moment——

“Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep~~~”

Bianca’s personal terminal on the bench suddenly rang.

Is it Bishop Otto’s order to attack?

Bianca sighed slightly, took off her towel, picked up her personal terminal and opened the message, but when she saw the content clearly, she froze in place.

“Lord Youlandel?”

Rita approached with some confusion. It was just Bishop Otto’s order to attack. It shouldn’t be a situation where he needed to be stunned, right?

However, what caught his sight was not an order to attack, but a very brief sentence.

[Bianca, are you there? 】

The sender is…

“Lord Exia?”

Rita couldn’t help but widen her eyes slightly, and then——


A drop of water, whether from sweat or tears, fell on the screen of the personal terminal. Bianca held the personal terminal in both hands, lowered her head deeply, and made a sound that she didn’t know whether she was crying or laughing. Live trembling.

“Still…he’s still…”

“That’s great, Lord Youlandel.” Rita said with a smile, “In this way, at least I can be sure that Lord Exia still exists in a corner of the world.”


After wiping her face vigorously with a towel to clear away the original haze, Bianca returned to her original appearance with the confident smile that Rita was quite familiar with.

(Just one piece of information can revive Lady Youlandel’s spirit…it’s really not as good as you, Lady Axia.)

After expressing a slight admiration for someone in her heart, Rita smiled and said: “Lord Hollander, let’s report to the Bishop first. Since Lord Aixia can send you a message, it means that he must still be here. In the world, with the Bishop’s ability, he will definitely be able to find it soon.”

“Well, you’re right.”

While saying this, Bianca’s fingers were tapping rapidly on the screen.

【I am here! Where have you been these days? Why did it suddenly disappear? Do you know how worried Rita and I are about you! Tell us where you are and I will pick you up right away…】

Full of complaints and questions were typed out under Bianca’s fingertips, and then they were all sent out by Hollandelle!

“Okay, Rita, let’s go and find the Bishop.”

“Yes, Lord Youlandel.”

Seeing Bianca’s footsteps becoming lighter, Rita smiled helplessly and got up to catch up.

And on the screen of Bianca’s personal terminal——

【Failed to send】

[While trying to reconnect to the network…the link failed, try to reconnect for the second time…the link failed…the link was successful]

【Sent successfully】

30. Dungeon: Don’t come here!

Just when the Collapse World was relieved and happy because of Exia’s information.

Here at Alexia…

“Going to the dungeon again?”

At the door of the Loki Familia, looking at Ais, Tiona and Tione gathered together with their own equipment, Exia asked with some surprise: “You just came back from the dungeon, right?”

“That’s right, but I didn’t say you can only go once a day. Just treat it as a walk after lunch.” Tiona smiled, “Also, after seeing your ridiculous ability growth rate, Alexia-kun, If we seniors don’t work hard, we won’t be able to set an example for you.”

“That’s it.”

Tione looked at her stupid sister with some helplessness: “I have also seen your ability values. The speed of improvement is really outrageous. Ixia, if you keep going like this, it will be a matter of time before you upgrade, right? Congratulations.”

“Thank you, but it’s still very early.” Alexia smiled, then looked at the girl behind the three of them who was carrying a big bag, “By the way, who is this over here?”

“Ah, this must be your first time talking to each other, right? We must have met before when you first joined.”

Tione pushed the girl in front of her: “She is Lefia, and she will be with us as a supporter this time.”


Like adventurers, they are all people who have received the favor of God. However, compared to adventurers who directly fight monsters, supporters play more of a rear support role, responsible for carrying luggage, spare weapons, prop support and Magic stone recovery is a very important help in the team.

Generally speaking, this kind of role is filled by low-level adventurers within the family.

“Hello, Mr. Exia, my name is Lephia Viridis, a level 3 mage.”

The girl named Lefia introduced herself politely.


“Hello, Miss Lefia.”

Alexia nodded slightly: “But… it is really luxurious for our family to have a lv.3 person as a supporter. Generally speaking, it is lv.1 and lv.2, right?” “

“Well, you can say that. In fact, it was Lefia who requested it herself, because Ais is going too.” Tiona smiled, “Of course, excluding these reasons, considering Lefia’s position within the family, The situation can be regarded as a reason for her to become familiar with the work.”

“Familiar with the work?”

Tione explained: “Lefiya is regarded as the successor by Riveria. Even though she is only lv.3, her pure firepower output can be comparable to lv.5. If Riveria later Now that she has retired, Lefiya will be the number one mage of our family.”

“So we first-level adventurers will take her to the dungeon from time to time, which can be regarded as training her in the future.” Tiona said as she hooked Lefia’s shoulders, “So~~~so~~~you have to work harder, Lefia, everyone is looking forward to your shining!”

“Hmm~~~~~Don’t praise me too much! Miss Tiona, Miss Tione, I’m still far away…”

Lefia’s cheeks were slightly red and she broke away from Tiona’s arms.

And at this time.

Ais also said to Alexia: “Do you want…together?”

“Together you mean…to the dungeon?”


Some unexpected invitations.

Even though Exia originally thought that if she had no place to go, it wouldn’t matter if she just went to the dungeon.

“Speaking of which, Exia-kun, how much money do you owe the family members?”


What Tiona suddenly mentioned made Alexia’s face freeze.

And Tione also said: “I also heard from the leader that the new equipment bought from the Hephaestus Familia was also damaged by Goliath, right? After that, the leader also said that he would prepare one for you. As for the first-level equipment, are you going to charge it to your account? It will cost at least tens of millions of Wallis.”

“Tens of millions——”

Alexia’s whole body felt like it was struck by lightning.

At the beginning, the debt he owed was 800,000 Wallis, and including the magic book, it was 50.8 million. This in itself was already a huge debt, if the first-level equipment was added to it. …..

(I’m not going to be burdened with a debt of 100 million at such a young age, right!? By the way, I haven’t figured out the monetary value of this world until now! Why does a piece of equipment cost tens of millions? Is Wallis? The benchmark Japanese yen!)

(No, now is not the time to think about this. If I delay it any longer, I will wait until I leave this world…)

Thinking of this, Alexia’s originally lazy expression suddenly became serious: “Then I will… no, I should say, please let me follow the four of you to the dungeon! I want to make money!”

“Hey hey! This is right!”

Tiona patted Alexia on the back hard: “With Alexia-kun, we shouldn’t need to take action until the thirty-seventh floor, right? If you want to pay back the money, then all the monsters on the road will be handed over to you. You’ve dealt with it, is it okay?”

“Okay – why don’t you just leave it to me!”

There is an unwritten rule in the dungeon, that is, it is forbidden to grab monsters. This is one of the few rules that Finn told Alexia at the beginning. If it is a monster that others are dealing with, then you must not intervene midway. Snatch the monster away.

But if someone else takes the initiative to give it up, that’s no problem.

The monsters on the thirty-seventh floor, whether they are magic stones or dropped materials, are of considerable value. If they can be collected in large quantities, it will definitely not be a dream to pay off the debt within three months!

Tiona and Tione couldn’t help but laugh when they looked at Alexia who was suddenly serious, even on fire, exuding a certain aura.

Only Lefia——

“P-please wait a moment, Miss Tiona, you just said to let Mr. Exia deal with the monster… Isn’t he only lv.1? If you are traveling with us, will you be a supporter like me? Better?”

As soon as Lefia said these words, Tiona and Ais couldn’t help being slightly stunned, and Tione also frowned.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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