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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 170

Shajo Aige smiled and admitted it without any introspection at all.

“And Saber, as a comrade who wants to help me, as a comrade who fights against Honkai with me, voluntarily integrated with me in this way, even though I didn’t have this intention.”

“So, this is definitely not my active cheating. If I have to say it, I am the victim.”

Leiden Meiyi: “…”

Kiana: “…”

Bronya: “…”

The three of them could only respond with silence.

Alexia sighed: “Oh, forget it, I’ll explain it from beginning to end… If I had known, I would have prepared a paper document and manuscript first, just read it out.”

“No need, Prince, I can directly hand over the memory to the three of them.” Shajo Aige suggested, “Although I have been severely affected in this world, through the magic power in the Great Holy Grail, some simple I can still use a little magic trick.”

There is no magic in this world, and there is no magic power or magic circuit. Naturally, there is no such thing as small source and big source.

This is a different world with completely different laws from the original world. Shajo Aige actually understood this the moment she came to this world, so she also knew that the next thing she could do was probably only All that was left was to provide Alexia with the magic power he needed and to prevent him from being alone.

She has lost the power she once had as a person of origin.

However, as she said, with the magic power accumulated in the Great Holy Grail, entry-level magic can still be used, although the effect will be reduced.

“If you can do it, please tell me…then I’ll teach you.”

“Yes. Then please three of you come here.”

Shajo Aige waved to Kiana and the others, and after directing the three of them to stand in a row, she quickly drew several symbols and apertures in the air with her hands, forming a simple magic circle and printing it on the three of them. on the forehead.

And at that moment, a whole month of memories flooded into the minds of the three of them!


“Head hurts……”


After receiving such a large amount of memories all at once, Kiana and the other two people were obviously not used to it. Seeing this, Sajo Aige immediately added magic that was helpful to alleviate the symptoms, and a refreshing feeling spread throughout the three people in an instant. All over the body, along with it, the memories that kept pouring into my mind gradually became clear.

The Holy Grail War, heroic spirits from myths and legends, the goddess’s Noble Phantasm that causes changes in the world…

After accepting the memory in their minds, the expressions of Kiana and others changed visibly. Even the most indifferent Bronya showed a bit of surprise and shock.

[Mythical battle with mythical beings] – The events that Ixia experienced in her memory completely shocked the hearts of the three girls who were not familiar with the world.


“Brother, you…”

Kiana looked at Alexia with trembling eyes, and then looked at Artoria behind him: “You turn out to be someone who would do things like touch the breasts and forcefully kiss someone you’ve only known for less than two days. Is that so? And you don’t actually like… those who are relatively average, right?”

Artoria: “…”

Shatiao Love Song: “…”

(Eh? Where is her attention?)

Alexia didn’t know what to say for a moment – is there really something wrong with her sister’s brain?

Take a day off today

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11. Kiana wants to have someone to support her

“So tired…”


Submerging her whole body in the bathtub, Exia looked up at the ceiling full of water drops, and unconsciously let out such a sigh.

After that, in order to clear up Kiana’s misunderstanding, he tried his best to explain it, and finally twisted her concept back, and even said “Look at Bianca and you will know what type I like.” ? ! ] This kind of words made him want to crawl into the cracks of the ground when he thought about it now.

And if you think about it carefully, he has been in a state of continuous mental shock since a few hours ago.

First, Sajo Aige and Artoria fused with him, and then they were forcibly excluded and expelled from that world. After returning to this world, they bumped into the sea frozen by themselves on their faces. The most important thing is It was Bianca who saw it!

Immediately afterwards, she was caught between Sajo Aika, Bianca and Rita. She was extremely nervous due to Sajo Aika’s overly provocative self-introduction. After finally returning to the headquarters, she immediately encountered I was caught up in the conversation between Bishop Otto and Shajo Aige, not to mention seeing Kiana’s extremely miserable results after that…

Ixia actually doesn’t believe in some gods and ghosts, even though he has encountered a lot of them, but today’s experiences really made him feel that China’s set of almanacs may be really important, and he may really not be suitable today. Go out.

He really felt blessed to be able to take a bath here now – after all, he had been active for more than thirty hours continuously. It was night over there when he came back, and it was already night in the world here.

“It’s like one head with two big heads… I feel like I’m going to have a neurasthenia and need to see a psychiatrist…”

[It’s not that serious anyway, partner]

Ddraig comforted.

[Well, women are actually such troublesome creatures. Several of your previous hosts also had similar troubles. After all, dragon hosts can easily attract the opposite sex]

“Hey~~~Then how did those seniors deal with it?”

[Well…because I have never talked to other partners before communicating with you, and I can’t understand their thoughts, but in summary from the behavior, it is basically deliberately ignoring, and then in a certain battle Farewell to him]


It can’t be used as a reference at all!

And is this the same trouble? The levels are completely different. Exia is directly integrated with Sajo Aige and Artoria.

[Speaking of which, where is the consciousness of the girl and the King of Knights? It feels like it’s not inside you]

“I asked them to stay outside before coming in. Let’s not talk about Saber. If Miss Aige… I guess something big will happen if I let her in. She is probably chatting with Kiana and the others in the restaurant now. By the way, shouldn’t you know?”

[Until just now, I was still discussing with the other person about your hand ban, and I didn’t pay attention to the outside world.]

“Discussing the forbidden hand?” Alexia frowned, “What happened to my forbidden hand? Is there any problem?”

【It’s not a problem to say——】

“Bronya, stop!”

Before Ddraig finished speaking, Kiana’s shout suddenly sounded outside the bathroom, followed closely by the sound of footsteps heading towards the bathroom.

what’s the situation?

“What’s wrong? Kiana.” Alexia asked toward the door, “Where is Bronya going?”

“According to the maid service manual taught by Miss Rita, the master needs a companion to rub his back when bathing, so Bronya——”

“Stand outside and don’t come in! Kiana holds her down!”

“As you command, brother!”

It was simply heart-stopping words.

(Rita, how did you teach Bronya! What is the maid service manual? And is that really necessary content!?)

The only maid that Alexia has come into contact with is Rita, and she doesn’t know much about the specific work of a maid, but from a common sense point of view, what Bronya said should be completely unnecessary, right?

“Please let Bronya go, Kiana. And Bronya is not going to enter the bathroom.”



The Kaslana siblings were stunned for a moment.

Not going into the bathroom? So how is she going to rub her back?

Bronya gave the answer in the next second——

“Reload bunny.”


Following Bronya’s voice, the huge robot with only its upper body seemed to float directly out of the space and appeared in the bathroom out of thin air, with towels on its two mechanical arms.

Alexia: “…”


The unexpected situation made Exia speechless on the spot.

And at this moment——

“Your Majesty the Prince.”

The robot that was supposed to be speechless suddenly began to speak human words, and Alexia instantly frowned: “Miss Aige?!”

“Well, it’s me.”

“You…you didn’t come in, right?”

“Yes, I am still in the restaurant now. I just re-projected part of my consciousness and attached it to this robot – such an important job as wiping the prince’s back cannot be left to others.”

It is indeed something that Shajo Aige can do.

“Don’t worry, I used clairvoyance magic to watch the situation in the bathroom, and I will never use too much force.”

(How do you do multiple things at once?!)

“Although I haven’t tried the extremes, it’s absolutely no problem to use four minds at once, and I can also use Atlas Academy… [Segmented Thinking] and [High-speed Thinking] that the magicians of a certain faction are good at. , actually very good at multitasking.”

Saying this, Sajo Aige, who was attached to the heavily armored rabbit, was actually the main projection in the restaurant, staring motionlessly in the direction of the bathroom.

Even though she had long known that Sajo Aige was omnipotent, Exia really didn’t expect that she would be so omnipotent, and she didn’t expect that she would use her omnipotence in this way.

“Bronya, as the master, I order you… to disarm your robot.”


To be honest, Ixia doesn’t want to consider herself the master, even if Bronya is indeed his prisoner, but now she has to use it!

“Ddraig, I regret becoming your partner now. I don’t want the dragon host’s physique.”

[I want to correct you, partner, the reason why you are so welcoming to women is not entirely because of being hosted by me. Your own words and deeds are also the reason – and the main reason]

Ddraig excused himself.

“Haha… Even if we really have to rub our backs, I hope it’s Bianca… Rita can take ten thousand steps back.”

It’s better than having your back rubbed by a robot.

Outside the bathroom, when she heard Alexia’s murmur from inside, Kiana rolled her eyes a few times, then she pulled out her personal terminal with a ghostly smile, turned to the line labeled [Sister-in-law], and quickly edited After receiving a message, he sent it out.

(Well, this way I won’t have to be lectured by Sister Rita! I have a brother to help me!)


An uninhabited island in the Indian Ocean.

“Eh? Why did Kiana suddenly get the news?”

Bianca, who was eating grilled fish with Rita, looked at the sudden message with some curiosity.

“[Sister Bianca, my brother said he hopes you can come and rub his back] – What does this mean? Rita, does Alexia need someone to rub his back when he is taking a bath now? But I can’t fly right away. Let’s go back?”

“It must be Miss Kiana’s nonsense.”

“Oh, there’s a follow-up – [I also said that it’s okay for Sister Rita to take ten thousand steps back].”

Rita: “…”

(Lord Alexia… I hope you can be mentally prepared before Lady Bianca and I go back.)

12. Shajo Aige probably has a nosebleed.

In Alexia’s room.

“Huh~~I finally feel more comfortable after taking a bath.”

Wearing pajamas and looking much refreshed, Alexia lay on her back on her bed.

“I’ve really been tortured enough for one day today, whether it’s in another world or this world…”

“Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Exia.”

Standing at the door of the room, Raiden Meiyi held on to the door frame and said with a smile: “Have a good rest now, Kiana and I will handle the rest… In addition, regarding Bronya’s previous matter, please Don’t take it to heart, she doesn’t mean any harm.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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