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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 171

“Well, I know, I won’t hold grudges.” Alexia smiled, “Speaking of which, I haven’t asked yet, is Miss Mei still used to living here?”

“It’s okay. I had some language barriers at the beginning, but I’ve gradually overcome them recently. I specially asked Kiana and Bronya for special English speaking training, and I’m also trying to learn some daily German lessons. term.”

The universal language of Tianming Headquarters is English, followed by a series of European languages ​​such as French and German. There are very few people who can speak Japanese. For Raiden Mei, who was born and raised in Japan, life here is quite difficult. If not Accompanied by Kiana and Bronya, she could only use a personal terminal equipped with a translation module to translate in real time while moving.

This is really quite inconvenient.

She is obviously the most mature and elder among the three, but in the past month, Raiden Meiyi has been the one being taken care of more often – fortunately, as she said, she has almost mastered the vocabulary of daily life. , life conditions have finally improved.

“Yes, that’s good. In fact, if you are really not used to it, I can also transfer you to the Far East Branch. The few survivors in Changkong City are actually concentrated there now – but since you are used to it , I won’t say anything anymore.”

Alexia stood up and suddenly bowed slightly to Raiden Mei: “While I was away, I really troubled you to take care of Kiana. As her brother, I must thank you. By the way, I will talk to you later. Let the finance department tell you that I will transfer a sum of money from my account to you every month, and it will be regarded as the living expenses of the three of you.”

“No, no, no! You are too polite, Mr. Exia!” Raiden Meiyi quickly waved her hand and refused, “The three of us have subsidies from destiny, and our basic life is no problem, and I have been in contact with my father before. , they will give me living expenses regularly, so you don’t need to spend any money!”

“Really? But Kiana must have caused you a lot of trouble on weekdays. Just regard it as a little bit of my kindness. Please accept it – even if you refuse, I will do the same in the future. A Is three thousand euros a month enough?”

(Too much!)

In the end, Raiden Mei reluctantly accepted the living expenses provided by Alexia, but she only accepted one thousand euros. Even if Alexia gave more, she said she would not use it and would save it all and transfer it to Rita and Bian. Card, or wait until Exia comes back to return it to him.

After all, they are just three girls living together, and the living expenses of 3,000 euros are really too luxurious.

And after watching her close the door and leave——

“He’s a good boy, Raiden Mei.”

Sajo Aige and Artoria appeared in front of Alexia.

“He is a good cook, diligent and thrifty in housekeeping, has a gentle personality, and is very beautiful. His grades in school are also very good. It is said that his overall score can be ranked among the top ten of that class – [Able to excel in the hall and excel in the kitchen] What a model.”

Both were born in Japan, and Sajo Aika could tell that Raiden Mei actually met the Japanese standard of “good woman”, which is the so-called “Yamato Nadeshiko”. In this sense, Shajo Aige feels that he may have to learn from her in the future.

Artoria nodded in approval, and then asked Exia: “So Master, are you going to prepare for [upgrade] next?”

“The divine blood is here, Prince.” Shajo Aige pointed to a drawer next to the desk in the room.

Alexia walked over and pulled it away, taking out one of the several tubes of red liquid lying quietly inside: “Miss Ai Ge, how do you know?”

“Because of the aura of the gods, I am still very sensitive to this kind of thing.”

“…It’s really a lot easier with you here.” Alexia sighed, “It would be better if you could stop doing so many things that made me mentally weak. I’ll still be here tomorrow.” I will go to many places, and I will inevitably have to introduce you to you—Saber, I can rest assured, but Miss Aige, please be restrained!”

If Sajo Aige is still the same tomorrow as she is today, then Alexia will probably spread the unfounded rumor that [Exia and Sajo Aige are a couple] the day after tomorrow at the latest in the Tianming Headquarters, and once it spreads After reaching the headquarters, someone will definitely talk about this kind of thing on the Tianming internal network and forum, and then it will quickly spread to all branches!

When the time comes, he won’t be able to escape even if he really jumped into the Yellow River. Bianca will definitely misunderstand, and Rita will definitely stare at him to death with murderous eyes!

He even thought more about it. If word spread to the Far East Branch… Aunt Theresa and Master Fu Hua would not be able to explain it. Today’s experience of explaining the same thing three or four times, he really I don’t want to do it again!

“Miss Aige, I have never asked you for anything, but this time I will be a little more willful – if you still regard me as your prince, please introduce yourself normally in the future.”

“Your Majesty Prince…I understand.”

Looking at Alexia’s extremely serious eyes, Sajo Aige also realized that she might have gone too far today. She gathered up her skirt and slowly knelt on the ground: “I’m really sorry for today, Prince.”

“It’s good if you can be conscious… Get up first. I’m not angry enough to ask you to kneel down and apologize. Help me put this bottle of divine blood on my back. Four or five drops should be enough.” That’s enough, use it sparingly, if I run out I’ll have to go back and ask Goddess Loki for it.”

Alexia took off her top as she spoke.

The sudden visual impact immediately made Shajo Aige’s eyes shine!

(The prince’s naked upper body! So close and clear…)

Even though I had seen it through perspective magic before, due to the smoke in the bathroom at that time, Sajou Aige’s perspective was actually a little vague, but now it is in such high definition…

“Liya, you better do it.”

Shatiao Aige took a few steps back, came to the wall and turned around.

Seeing Sajo Aige who suddenly behaved in such a suspicious manner, Artoria and Exia both frowned in confusion. Then Artoria opened the stopper and dripped the divine blood into Exia. on the back.


A bit of ice-blue fireworks-like light suddenly lit up on Ixia’s back, gradually outlining a pattern that looked like the Kaslana family emblem, and in the blank spaces of the pattern, lines of sacred text were also Emerging slowly.

13. The Red Dragon Knight of Root Grace

Alexia Kaslana


Strength: s (986) → sss (1930)

Durability: s (983) → sss (1966)

Dexterity: s (999) → sss (1968)

Agility: s (999) → sss (1945)

Magic: e (470) → s (999)



【He will save the world】

——Strengthen magic

——All ability values, skills, and development effects have been greatly enhanced.

——Second strengthening based on mental status

——Cannot be used actively·closed

——It automatically takes effect when targeting Honkai and elite enemies.


【Kaslana’s Blood】

——Given by Frost

——Super-speed regeneration and invalidation of abnormal mental state

——? ? ? ?

——? ? ? ?

[Holy Grail of Roots]

——All abilities are automatically and slowly improved

——System-wide magic effect enhancement

——Can use special magic independently

——Wish comes true

what is this?

Looking at the ability values ​​that emerged in his mind, Exia himself was frightened by his ability values ​​- he did know that his ability values ​​increased much faster than ordinary people, and could even break through the upper limit summed up by the gods for thousands of years. 】, and the value exceeding a thousand was within his expectation.

But even so, he still wanted to ask what his ability value was?

Except for magic power, all abilities are close to two thousand? The magic power has also reached the upper limit in the conventional sense. In contrast, the development ability that has made no progress seems a bit out of place.

In addition to this unexpected ability value, the newly added [Skills] also surprised Exia.

——[Holy Grail of Roots]

Judging from the effect, there is no doubt that it is an all-round skill beyond the specifications! Exia was dumbfounded when he saw the effects of all four skills – just the first automatic and slow improvement of all abilities made him don’t know how to evaluate it!

Doesn’t this mean that he can slowly become stronger without doing any exercise?

(Is this skill… maybe the product of fusion with Miss Ai Ge?)

After all, it is the [Holy Grail]. All Ixia can think of is the impact and changes brought about by Sajo Aige. After seeing each effect one by one, Ixia can’t help but look at Sajo Aige.

(I…could it be that I really fused something extraordinary?)

Sandjo Aige is very powerful, the most powerful magician in that world, and the Holy Grail is also a precious thing that Exia cannot understand its value, and it is worth the magicians risking their lives to fight for it.

“Miss Aige…”

“Huh? What’s the matter, Prince?” Shajo Aige, who was facing the wall calmly, turned around and asked, “Is something the matter?”

“…Nothing, I just think you are really awesome.”

Hearing this, Shajo Aige couldn’t help but smile and said: “Thank you for the compliment, but no matter how powerful I am, I can’t compare to the Prince, and after I left that world, my power has been greatly weakened, so I can’t actually say that It’s very powerful.”

(Even so, it’s already amazing… You’ve given me such an unexpected skill, how can I repay you in the future?)


Arturia’s voice suddenly came over.

“What else do you need me to do next?”

“No need, just collect the divine blood and put it back.”

Alexia sat up from the bed and put on her pajamas, while thinking in her mind——

(Is it possible to upgrade now? x exists)


[Start executing the simulation operation program to upgrade God’s favor]

As such burning words appeared in her field of vision, Alexia suddenly felt a burning and itching sensation coming from behind her, as if someone was wiping it lightly with a heated towel behind her.

[Basic framework upgrade completed]

[Next, please choose your development ability. There are three development abilities you can choose – Swordsman, Magic Defense, and Essence Healing]

【Your choice is:】

Development ability, the permanent strengthening effect that will appear when upgrading, Exia also experienced it when upgrading from lv. Enhanced to cause more damage to destroyed monsters.

And this time there are three development abilities.

Exia already knew the effect of [Swordsman]. After all, it appeared last time. It was mainly to increase his power when using sword weapons.

As for [Magic Defense] and [Essence Healing]…

[Magic defense – full name magic protection – can improve resistance to magic attacks to a certain extent]

[Jingyu – the full name is spiritual healing – can automatically and slowly restore the mental power required to use magic]

The presence of x automatically gives a comment.

(The resistance to magic attacks and the recovery of mental power… The source should be that I have withstood magic attacks many times before and used magic many times, which led to the exhaustion of mental power, right?)

In the world of Kuoh Town, Exia actually dealt with demons who wielded magic, and also fought against fallen angels and the White Dragon Emperor. In the previous different world, Exia also Basically, it can be said that having directly faced Ishtar’s Noble Phantasm, coupled with the battle with the Herrscher of Thunder, it is not surprising that he has gained resistance to magic and magic.

The same goes for Jing Yu. He has fainted so many times because of magic. It would be strange if this ability to develop does not appear.

(Would you like to choose one of these three… Jinghe will not be used for the time being, right? With the Holy Grail and Miss Love Song here, you don’t have to worry about the consumption of magic for a long time in the future, and There is no need to specifically choose this.)

(For magic defense and swordsman…)

After hesitating between the two for a while, Exia finally made a decision.

(I choose magic defense.)

【Order accepted】

[Start to continue executing the simulation operation program, God’s favor is being upgraded——]

Although magic defense is limited to protection against magic attacks, it can be effective in a wider range than the swordsman. In contrast, the swordsman only strengthens the ability of the [sword], but Exia’s The weapon is not just a simple sword, even the sword is just an extension, and the essence of the ability is still frost.

If I have to say it, Taixu Sword Qi may also be improved to some extent, but just increasing the power is just adding to the problem. If you can’t understand the divine essence, then simply increasing the power is useless, not to mention Ixia is not lacking. With such a little power, the improvement of Sekiryuutei’s cage hand is much greater.

Therefore, instead of choosing those powers that are worse than nothing, it is better to choose [Defense] that is also better than nothing – in most cases, the top priority goal of the battle is to [survive], even if it is just a little bit, as long as it can improve oneself to survive probability, then there is a chance of final victory.

【update completed】

After waiting for a few seconds, burning words appeared in Exiya’s eyes.

[God’s favor has been upgraded from lv.2 to lv.3]

[Do I need to specify an exclusive title? 】


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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