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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 172

(Exclusive title? What is that?)

[The title was decided upon by the gods after discussion during the God Meeting. The current title is ‘Disaster Crusher’. Do you need to change it?]

Oh, it turned out to be the title thing that Loki and Finn had mentioned before. According to Loki, every time the gods meet, they will give some weird nicknames to the children of their dependents just for fun. , and also forbids the intervention of the chief god of those children.

Exia’s title of [Disaster Breaker] is a rare and serious title, which comes from the fact that he defeated Zaganat alone.

[The title will be synchronized to the other world, and people can be designated to convey it]

(In other words…can I tell the family members about my upgrade?)



Alexia crossed her arms and fell into deep thought, then——

(Whatever? I don’t care about the title. Can you give me one? Does x exist?)


[Then is it okay to confirm that the title is ‘Knight of the Red Dragon of Root Grace’? 】

(…Rejected, the soil is dead.)

14.Pinch someone

In the end, Exia’s title was a modified version of Ddraig’s name [Sekiryuutei].

【Red Dragon Knight】.

The title that combines the name of the Sekiryuutei with the name of the knight passed down from generation to generation in the Kaslana family. Although it may seem a bit tacky at first glance, it is just right for Alexia. He doesn’t need to be too much anyway. A fancy, swaggering title.

According to Existence Lord God Loki is more reliable. If he knows about it, it will only be a matter of time before the rest of the Loki family knows about it.

I just don’t know how they will react after knowing about my upgrade.

After finishing everything in this way, Exia got into the quilt and fell asleep. More than thirty hours of continuous action and the continuous attacks of mental weakness made him sleepy to death.

(The detailed version of the report and the soul information for the bishop… will wait until tomorrow.)

With this thought, Exia fell into a deep sleep.

Looking at the sleeping Alexia, Shajo Aige stood there in silence for a while, then as if he was afraid of disturbing Alexia, he tiptoed to the bed, and then quickly lay down next to Alexia!

(Sleeping in the same bed with the prince, I never decided to do it before because I would definitely be rejected by the prince… But it doesn’t matter from now on, right?

Gazing sideways at Alexia’s sleeping face next to her, Shajo Aige suddenly felt an urge to raise her hand to touch Alexia’s face.



The palm passed directly through Aixia’s body.

(Hey, this is the only bad thing about this.)

Neither Sajou Aige nor Artoria has a physical entity now. They are just the projection of the soul existing in the Great Holy Grail, which is equivalent to a three-dimensional image. It is already impossible to touch Exia.

Unless, as Aikexia said, he found a way to separate the two from him in the future, Shajo Aige would never be able to touch Aikexia in the future.

(Obviously, I decided to become like this because I loved the prince and wanted to be with him forever, but in the end, I became unable to touch the prince… I really didn’t care about anything. Very satisfying.)

With this thought in mind, Sajo Aige sat up from the bed, looked at Artoria who had knelt on the floor and started to meditate with her eyes closed, and asked softly: “Liya, why don’t you come to bed?”

“It’s fine that I’m here. You don’t want me to disturb you, right?” Arturia said softly.

Shajo Aige smiled slightly: “You are really sensible… But I also said that Liya’s words are okay. In terms of intimacy, Liya is much higher than me. It’s too much. It’s too much to take away the prince’s first kiss or something.”


When the old matter was brought up again, Arturia was rarely shaken: “That was force majeure, and it didn’t mean that.”

“I know, but the first kiss is the first kiss, and the facts can’t be changed, right? I still care about this aspect.”


Seeing the embarrassment on Artoria’s face, Shajo Aige lay back on the bed: “Of course, I don’t mean to blame you completely. If you want to blame me, you can only blame me for not being proactive and tough enough… And thinking about it carefully, I probably won’t have the chance to kiss the prince in the future – when I think about it, I really have to give up a lot of things.”

For the opportunity of “eternal companionship”, she lost all opportunities for close contact. Whether this was a loss-making deal or not, Shajo Aige could not say. She did not have any regrets about this behavior, but judging from the results I still have some regrets.

(I can still use some magic in this world by relying on the magic power of the Great Holy Grail. Combined with the technology of this world, should I create a body for myself that can be possessed by consciousness?)

No matter what, it is really unacceptable to never be able to be intimate with the prince in the future. If you have a supporting body, you can at least enjoy it consciously.

(Hmm… But I’m like this. I won’t be able to hide anything from the prince. What should I do?)

After leaving her original world and losing her nearly omniscient and omnipotent power, Shajo Aige fell into a rare confusion.

Taking in her full view, Arturia sighed softly: “My advice is not to do it, Ai Ge. The master will not allow it. You should know very well that Ilia’s He has already rejected things like that, if you do something similar now, Master will definitely have a bad feeling towards you.”

“That’s right…then it seems we can only use a more troublesome method.”

Shajo Aige turned over: “Imitate the existence of a servant and use magic power to create a [clone] for myself… I just don’t know how long it will take. I don’t have much power now. “

Theoretically speaking, Sajo Aige should have the highest authority over the power of the Great Holy Grail, but in fact, the person with the highest authority is Exia. His will determines how much power the Great Holy Grail can exert, and Sajo Aige Song can only use that part of the power.

Normally, the only magic Shajo Aige can use is what she considers to be entry-level magic tricks.

And with only this level of power, to create a Servant clone for himself, Sajo Aige thinks it will take at least two to three years – with this time, Alexia and that Bianca The lady might even be engaged.

(It’s really a long way to go…)

Shatiao Aige sighed like this.


at the same time.

Far East Branch.

After reading the report submitted in front of her, Theresa looked at Wuliangta Jizi with a serious face: “Is the content of this report…true? Jizi.”

“Although it is not the latest model from the headquarters, the equipment of our branch is also regular. I think it should be correct.” Wuliangta Jizi said, “More than a month ago, the third Herrscher was defeated and returned to normal. The level of Honkai energy concentration in Changkong City has indeed begun to rise recently, and the speed is getting faster day by day.”

“At the current rate, it will be back to the level of the third collapse in a month at most, although I don’t think it is possible.”

The occurrence of Honkai Impact occurs in an instant. Honkai Energy will increase to a peak level that is enough to trigger a Great Collapse in a short period of time. It cannot increase slowly.

Staring at the values ​​in the report, Theresa patted the table with her short hand: “In short, continue to pay attention to Changkong City during this period. If necessary, you can lead a team to conduct on-site investigations. In addition to formal In addition to the Valkyries, third-year students can be taken with them… After all, they are going to be on the battlefield, and Changkong City is a suitable place.”

Theresa said the last sentence with some reluctance. St. Freya Academy is, after all, a Valkyrie Academy. The students here all want to become Valkyries and eventually embark on the battlefield against Honkai.

Although the situation in Changkong City is special, as the site of the third Honkai Impact, it is suitable for actual combat. In addition, all the high-level Honkai Beasts have been killed more than a month ago, so the most that are left is Even at the knight level and tank level, even trainees should not encounter dangerous situations.

“… Just in case, let Fu Hua join us in the attack if necessary. Although she is not a senior, she is one of the few A-level Valkyrie in the academy.”

“How worried are you about me, principal?”

Wuliangta Jizi said helplessly.

“However, I also understand your worries – don’t worry, I will ensure the safety of the children, absolutely.”

15.Father, son and brother and sister

[Listen up, Alexia, I’ll leave Kiana to you]

【You must protect your sister! 】

This sound echoed in my ears.

This was the content of a dream that Ixia often had before, and it was also what her father said to him at the end on the falling aircraft. Ever since I started traveling to another world, the frequency of this dream has decreased significantly.

I don’t know if it’s because she was told quite a few things that she couldn’t remember. Now that she had this dream again, Alexia felt that the scenes in the dream were much clearer. The originally blurry appearance of her father and sister also resembled Siegfried’s. The appearance of Kiana appeared in the dream.


Opening her eyes drowsily, looking at Kiana slowly dissipating in her eyes, and the ceiling of her room that replaced her, Ixia seemed to want to catch Kiana, and unconsciously put her hand Reached toward the ceiling.

(Father… Siegfried Kaslana…)

Thinking back to the man in her dream, Exia clenched her hands slightly.

(Where are you now? I have found Kiana, you…where should I find you?)

A complete family.

Father, mother, child.

Because her mother had passed away long ago, Alexia didn’t think her family could ever be complete again, but even so, if she could get her father back, it would be better than just herself and Kiana.

“…Tsk, what am I thinking about.”

After being stunned for a few seconds, Alexia sat up from the bed.

Although his father’s affairs are very important, the things around him now are equally important. After returning to this world after a month, what he has to do is not rest. The things he should do have been piled up since yesterday. Woke up.


She came to the window and opened the curtains, letting all the light of the morning sun shine into the room. Alexia stretched her body hard against the sunshine!

“Hmm~~~Yeah! Okay!”

(After changing clothes and washing up, go downstairs to prepare breakfast. I don’t know what else is there to eat at home. There should still be bread, right?)

With this thought, after Alexia finished all the preparations and walked downstairs, she immediately smelled a scent coming from the kitchen.

Frowning and coming outside the kitchen, Alexia looked inside——

“Yes, that’s the feeling. This texture is what Mr. Prince likes. Just continue to cook it on low heat for three or four minutes, sister Bronya. Also, Mei, Mr. Prince likes double-sided fried eggs, salt. You also need to put some, and the prince’s appetite requires six eggs, each of which must be the same.”

In the kitchen, Sajo Aige was standing there orderly directing Raiden Mei and Bronya to prepare breakfast, like a conductor directing the orchestra to perform.

Perhaps sensing Alexia’s arrival, Shajo Aige turned around and said, “Good morning, Mr. Prince, it will take some time for breakfast to be ready. Please wait a moment.”

“Um…by the way, are you here?”

“I originally wanted to prepare breakfast for the prince, but my body can’t do anything now, so I can only ask Mei and Bronya to do it for me.” Sajo Aige said with a smile, “They all He is very smart and obedient, and should be able to restore the breakfast I prepared before to a certain extent.”

In fact, I just need bread and milk – Ixia thought in her heart, but saw that the three people in the kitchen were almost ready, so she didn’t say it out loud.

“Then how can I help you?”

“No, Prince, just go to the restaurant and wait quietly. I will bring it to you as usual.”

(But aren’t you unable to serve the dishes now?)

Alexia smiled: “Okay. Then I’ll wake Kiana up. She should still be sleeping at this time, right, Miss Mei?”

Raiden Meiyi, who was frying eggs, nodded: “Excuse me, Mr. Aikexia – Senior Ai Ge, do you think this degree of burnt is okay?”

“Yeah, okay.”

Listening to the sounds coming from the kitchen behind him, Aixia retreated with confidence, trusting Shajo Aige’s cooking skills.


Arriving on the second floor, looking at the sign “Miss Kiana” hanging on the door, Ixia held the handle and opened the door, facing the sunlight coming from the gap in the curtains and coming to the bedside.

What came into view was the figure of his sister who was sleeping in a very bad state.

Half of the quilt was kicked to the ground, and her beautiful white hair was messy and covered half of her face. She reached into her pajamas and scratched them with one hand. Part of her oversized pajamas also slipped from her shoulders. He came down, and for some reason the saliva left at the corner of his mouth left a mark on the pillow.

(It’s really an unexpected sight…)

When she thought that this was her sister, Alexia regretted extremely why she didn’t protect her well back then. If she had lived with him for so many years, she should be a considerate girl like Bianca now.


Kiana suddenly murmured in her sleep.

(Eh? Call me?)


Probably thinking of something happy, Kiana turned over and raised the corners of her mouth uncontrollably.

Do you dream about yourself in your dream, and do you feel happy because of it?

Alexia couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed. She didn’t expect that her sister would actually care about her like this. Although he was so angry yesterday, there are some merits. As long as she gives her a good education in the future, she should be able to get it back. Yes.

“Hehehe~~~Brother~~~You are dead~~~~Huhu~~~~”



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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