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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 173

The look of relief on Alexia’s face suddenly froze.

Dead? What’s the meaning?

(Why did she say in her dream that I was dead? What on earth was she dreaming about?)

After bending down to help Kiana pull up her slipping pajamas, Alexia shook her shoulders: “Hey, Kiana, it’s morning, get up.”


Kiana opened her eyes drowsily, looking like she hadn’t fully woken up yet.


“Yes, yes, I’m here, get up quickly.”

“Go to hell~~~”


The sudden words made Exia’s movements stop on the spot.

Go to hell?

“I don’t want to do the test paper or anything… I am a genius… Hehehehe… Go to hell… go to the test paper…” die……”


Standing up wordlessly, overlooking Kiana who was still talking in her sleep on the bed, Exia silently raised her fist, and after taking a deep breath——


“it hurts!!!”

Kiana’s screams suddenly echoed through the Ixia house in the early morning.

16. Brother and sister quarrel is not

“It’s unbelievable! How can I wake up my lovely sister with an iron fist in the morning?”

“That’s right. How can I have a sister who talks in her sleep all morning and asks her reliable brother to die?”

On the table.

Kiana, who was sitting face to face on both sides with a bruise on her head, had a bitter look on her face and glared angrily at Alexia. Alexia, on the other hand, looked calm and ate breakfast in an orderly manner.

Looking at the two people, Raiden Meiyi, who was wearing an apron, came over with a reluctant smile: “Kiana, don’t be too angry. I asked Mr. Exia to wake you up…”

“Mei is right!” Kiana opened her mouth, then threw her tears at Raiden Mei Mei, “Mei~~~~ rub it for me, it hurts! Brother, he really didn’t do anything. Isn’t it important?”

“But the idiot Kiana spoke ill of Master first – Master, coffee.”

Bronya, who was dressed as a maid, handed the coffee on the tray to Alexia as she spoke.

“Even if you are my master’s sister, it is too much to curse him to death right after he comes back.”

“Bronya, where are you from?”

Seeing that Bronya had completely switched sides to her brother, Kiana couldn’t help but pursed her lips and hugged Raiden Meiyi even harder.

(It’s really interesting.)

Floating quietly behind Ixia, Shajo Aige thought with a smile.

If all things are regarded as valuable, then the scene in front of you should be worth thousands of gold – the daily quarrel between brother and sister. It would be interesting to film this scene and show it to their children more than ten years later. Bar?


After taking a sip of coffee, Alexia put down the cup, folded her hands under her chin and looked at her sister seriously: “I don’t know how your father educated you, and you have been living alone in the past few years, so your daily habits are more free. That’s understandable. But now that I’ve got you back, as your brother, it’s necessary for me to correct my sister’s various bad behaviors.”

“Correction… I don’t have any bad qualities. I have many advantages! For example, I am energetic every day and can eat a lot when I eat.”

“Sleeping in class, skipping classes, skipping classes, failing tests…” Alexia scolded Kiana’s problems, “In addition, sleeping in, her personal room is a mess, and she doesn’t know how to wake up when she wakes up. Take care of yourself – do you still feel that there is nothing wrong with you now?”

“Flaws, flaws are not covered up!”

“It seems to me to be quite the opposite.”

Alexia put down her hands: “Every aspect of you as a girl is difficult for me to manage as a boy. Rita is also busy with work… Miss Aige, can I trouble you?”

“Yes, Prince.” Sajo Aige smiled and nodded, “I will take responsibility and make Kiana an excellent girl. But Bronya and Miss Mei can also help me. There is nothing we can do to Miss Kiana now…someone still needs to do the punishment.”

Bronya immediately bent down slightly: “Bronya knows, the heavily equipped bunny is ready to attack at any time.”

“You are avenging a private revenge, Bronya!”

Kiana immediately couldn’t sit still and jumped up from the chair!

“And there’s no need to correct it, right? Brother, don’t worry about me too much! I’ve been living like this for so many years! Even if there are some problems, it won’t have any big impact!”

“The specific change plan will be formulated by Miss Ai Ge. As for me…”

Not listening at all.

Alexia seemed not to notice Kiana’s dissatisfied and resistant look, and continued talking to herself: “I don’t care about the class time from Monday to Friday, but I will give you after-school tutoring alone after school every day. I remember that there are ten subjects in the Valkyrie Training School, exactly two per day. There will be actual combat training on Saturdays, and I will leave it to Bianca when she comes back.”

“Where’s rest?!”

“The weekend will give you a day off.”

“That’s good…what a ghost!”

Bang bang bang!

Kiana patted the table hard: “I have to study six days out of seven days?! The school has weekends!”

“Judging from your results, if you want to meet the minimum standards for becoming a Valkyrie, it is necessary to increase your study time, so your rest time must be reduced accordingly.”

“I have perfect marks for practical training and other things -“


Before she finished speaking, Kiana felt the world in front of her suddenly turn. Then her back came into close contact with the floor, and she fell heavily to the ground!

“it hurts…..”

“Kiana!” Raiden Meiyi quickly went over and helped Kiana up.

Alexia, who didn’t know when she stood up, moved her wrist and looked down at her sister: “Are you satisfied with a perfect score? A qualified Valkyrie should hold herself to a higher standard all the time, even Bianca Those with the strongest destiny are always thinking about going further, and trainees are not qualified to be satisfied with the status quo.”


“I know that in terms of actual combat performance, your combat power is already at the level of a B-level Valkyrie, or even above that, but this level is just the qualifying line for an official Valkyrie, and you are not even considered an A-level Valkyrie. If you don’t become stronger, what should you do if your life is in danger on the battlefield? I can’t be the first to save you all the time – do you want me to lose my important family member for the second time? “


Kiana’s body trembled slightly.

(elder brother……)

This isn’t the first time.

Kiana had seen such a serious Alexia once when she was in Changkong City. When mentioning Honkai, Alexia was always so serious.

However, that doesn’t seem to be the case this time.


“It’s getting late. Today is Thursday. You still have classes. Go after breakfast.” Alexia sat back at the dining table again. “Miss Mei, Bronya, please help me watch the school.” Come on, Kiana, if you have any emergency, just call me anytime.”

“Yes, Master.”

Bronya nodded, then turned and walked to the second floor, ready to change into school clothes.

And Raiden Meiyi…

“Would… would it be too harsh, Mr. Exia?”

“It goes without saying, Mei.”

Without giving Aikesia a chance to answer, Kiana pulled the sleeves of Leiden Meiyi: “It’s normal to be stricter or something, right? Brother… you’re right, every day I’ve been beaten up by Sister Bianca and Sister Rita every time, so I’m still far behind!”


“As long as you understand, my next business trip will be in three months at the latest. Before that, I will try my best to improve you in all aspects. Although it is impossible to become an A-level Valkyrie, it is a big step to get close to it. It’s absolutely okay – as a brother, I am happy to care for you, and I can buy you whatever you want, and I will satisfy your wishes as much as possible.”

“But I will not lower my standards just because you are my sister. Instead, I will hold you to stricter standards.”

This is something that only Exia, who doesn’t have much actual brother-sister relationship, can do it.

17. Call the parents!

A few minutes later.

With the departure of Kiana and the other three, the house of Exia instantly became deserted.

Shajo Aige came and sat down opposite Alexia: “I really discovered an unexpected side of the prince.”

“what do you mean?”

“[An idiot brother who cares about his sister].” Sajo Aige laughed, “Prince-sama… you actually don’t know how to get along with Kiana, right? Although they are brother and sister, they are… Brother and sister, who have known each other for more than a month, don’t know each other at all.”

“…Don’t tell anyone else.”

“It’s a pity that Liya also knows about it.”

Artoria appeared next to Sajo Aige out of thin air and sat on the chair as well: “I didn’t mean to hear it, Master.”

“It doesn’t matter what Saber said. After all, the three of us are one person. Of course you can also know what I know. There is nothing to hide.” Alexia sat upright and her back was bent a little, and the whole atmosphere was relaxed. down.

“Miss Aige is right, I do… don’t know how to get along with Kiana.”

Alexia has never been an older brother.

Even though he grew up with Bianca, he was the one who took care of Bianca most of the time in the orphanage, but there was more of a sense of equality between the two, and since she gave up once, Alexia has She became the one lagging behind Bianca, and she still hasn’t caught up until now.

So, he doesn’t know how to be an older brother.

“The person he looked like just now was more like a father than an older brother.” Artoria said. “There was an impression of a father who hoped that his children would grow up quickly so that he wouldn’t have to worry anymore.”

“There are indeed some. Prince is actually a precocious person, right?”


This is indeed true. It should be said that every child who has suffered a major event in the same year will be more or less mature than his peers.

“So… is it okay to arrange Miss Kiana’s affairs like this now?” Sajo Aige asked, “Do you need me to provide her with some mental… psychological counseling?”


“Through talking skills, hypnosis and other methods, I will implant the idea into her that [Ixia is a good brother and she should be obedient].”

Alexia shook her head: “Even if you are Miss Ai Ge, I will still be angry if you do this… Let us deal with the matters between our brothers and sisters naturally. I think it will develop naturally. The relationship will be stronger.”

“I understand, Mr. Prince. I’m sorry for making some redundant suggestions.”

“It’s okay, you’re thinking about me too – speaking of which, Kiana and the others have left, so it’s almost time for me to start working.”

He now has a lot of work, but Alexia still remembers it.

After making herself another cup of instant coffee, Alexia returned to her room on the second floor and opened the laptop on the table.

“A detailed report of the Holy Grail War incident, as well as soul-related information… Miss Aige, please tell me some of the unique rules and settings of your world. Also, please tell me where I made a mistake. You point it out.”

“As you command, Your Majesty the Prince.”


At the same time, on the way to school.

Looking at Kiana who was walking in front, stepping on the markings on the road as if stepping on the horizontal bar, Raiden Mei couldn’t help but asked: “Does it still hurt? Kiana.”

“Huh? Ah… there’s a little more.”

Kiana opened her hands to maintain the balance of her body.

“Brother’s fist really hurt. When I fell down on my back, I didn’t feel anything…but it actually hurt at that moment. There was a kind of pain even though the body wasn’t very painful. But it goes straight to the feeling of the soul.”

“…Mr. Exia should be doing it for your own good, Kiana. Although the method is indeed a bit…but he is also your brother after all, so Kiana, you still-” “

“I know.”

Kiana returned to her normal walking posture and stopped at the intersection: “Brother is thinking about me. You can see it at a glance. I can still see this kind of thing… etc. Wait, why are Mei and Bronya looking at me like a stranger!?”

“Because this is not like what Kiana would say at all.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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