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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 174

“Kiana is so sensible…this is the first time I’ve seen her.”

“Well~~~~My lady has always been very sensible!” Kiana shook her two braids.

However, it is not entirely correct to say that it is “seeing”. Although it can indeed be seen and heard, it is more of a “feeling”, just like the telepathy between twins that is spread in society. Rumor has it that Kiana always feels that she can vaguely feel Alexia’s mood.

That mood was not an angry mood, nor any other mood, but a… somewhat uneasy and worried mood – probably.

Therefore, Kiana just complained habitually. After all, it is really troublesome to have special training on Saturdays. Her weekends are used to sleep and watch TV. There is nothing better than sleeping naturally Wake up, then sit on the sofa watching TV and eating snacks all day, which makes for a happier and more fulfilling weekend life.

And when I think about this kind of life, I will be far away from myself in the next three months…

(Will I still be alive in three months?)

Kiana couldn’t help feeling uneasy.

There is also the unknown content of Sajo Aika’s perfect girl transformation plan – Kiana estimates that she will no longer be herself in the future!

(Brother, it’s really scary sometimes… Why don’t you go report it to Sister Bianca and Sister Rita and ask them to beg for mercy?)

Kiana, who was thinking this way, never thought that Bianca and Rita might directly side with Alexia, and then together they would prepare more special training content for her than before.

“Speaking of which, Kiana, I remember that the instructor had a private conversation with you after school yesterday?”

“Ah…it seems like this is happening?”

“What did you talk about?”

“Um…ah, it’s done.”

After thinking about it carefully, Kiana’s steps suddenly stopped and she turned around with a stiff neck: “The instructor… seems to want me to call the guardian to the school for discussion in the near future?”

Leiden Meiyi: “…”

Bronya: “…”

Is this considered dead?

18. Otto’s attempt

With the help of Sajo Aige, Exia quickly finished writing the detailed report on the Holy Grail War, and it was only now that Exia knew that in the darkness that he didn’t know, Sajo Aige had also done something. Quite a few things.

After submitting the detailed version of the report to Bishop Otto, Exia immediately began to write a report about the soul.

“Speaking of which, what exactly is a soul?”

It’s approaching noon.

After typing on the keyboard for more than four hours and taking a break, Aixia suddenly asked: “There is no evidence in the world that confirms the existence of the soul. At most, there are people in the United States who have proposed the soul.” Maybe it has something to do with quantum mechanics. But the world of Song-san and Saber has been confirmed, right? What exactly is a soul?”

Although when writing this report, Exia simply copied what Sajo Aige said, he also read it roughly – and the result was that he couldn’t understand it at all.

If it were a modern scientific theory of knowledge, he might be able to understand part of it, but what Sajo Aige said were all magic theories based on the laws of her world, and were not part of a system at all.

“This is really a bit complicated to explain.”

As Sajo Aige spoke, she raised her hands and used projection magic to project a simple hollow puppet.

“In our world, a person is composed of three parts, [body], [spirit], [soul]… Well, in game terms, [body] is [character] ], [Soul] is [Account], and [Spirit] is the player himself.”

“These three are all parts that make up a person’s life. The missing part will cause problems in a person’s life.”

“Well…this is natural, right?”

Alexia doesn’t often play games, but he can also understand the description of Sajou Aige.

In addition, according to what has been recorded in the report, in that world’s [God’s Age] – that is, during this long period from the Jurassic to the seventh century BC – human death was not considered as such. Make real death.

Because in the Age of Gods, whether it is the heaven where gods live or the underworld where the dead live, both of them actually exist. You can reach heaven by flying to the sky, and you can reach the underworld by digging holes underground. And if you can kill the dead If the soul is brought back from the underworld, it can be resurrected on the spot.

The premise is that the body of the deceased has not decomposed to the point of hopelessness.

It was not until the seventh century BC that due to an opportunity, the underworld began to break away from the realm of reality, human death was regarded as real death.

In this sense, [soul] is actually somewhat like a central component.

If the human body is regarded as a device that continuously operates automatically, the soul is the core contained in it, and the spirit is the [running program] input into this core.

“Actually, from a realistic point of view, the soul looks similar to a flame.”

A blue phosphorus fire ignited in Shatiao Love Singers.

“The bodies that Liya and I are currently in the Great Holy Grail are actually similar to this, but unlike most souls, our souls have a very strong self-awareness, so they can have an actual human form.”

“That’s it…”

Alexia sat on the chair and slid away for a distance: “But why is the bishop so interested in souls? In the previous world, too, he specifically told me to collect things about souls – there should be no souls in our world. Right?”

“Well, there is not even a trace of soul.” Shajo Aige nodded, “And the bishop’s purpose… although it is just a guess, is it related to [Resurrection]?”


Alexia frowned.

Does this mean Bishop Otto wants to resurrect someone? Judging from the internal information of Tianming, Bishop Otto is a person who has actually existed for five hundred years. He has been the bishop of Tianming since the 15th century until today.

During these five hundred years, could it be that the bishop witnessed the death of a person who was particularly important to him, so he wanted to resurrect that person?

“Lovers…something like that?”

“Maybe, after I finish writing the information summary, how about asking directly? As for the prince, the bishop should be willing to talk about it.”

“Hmm – how much more is there to say?”

“Taking into account all the details, the fastest it can be completed at the current speed is 7:25 p.m.”

Alexia: “…”

There are so many! ?

According to the calculation of time, only one-third of the dozens of pages have been written! ?

(To die.)


——[Heroic Spirit]

After reading the detailed report submitted by Alexia, Otto highlighted this word in particular.

(A hero who left his name and achievements in human history, and whose legends were sung or passed down to future generations, was an existence that was sublimated after death…?)


When it comes to the representative figure of this term, there is only one person that emerges in Otto’s heart at any time. Only that person is his hero, the only hero in his heart.

“If there is such a concept as the Heroic Seat in this world, then you will definitely board it…”

Bishop Otto, who always acted like he was “under control” in front of outsiders, was now rarely feeling a little melancholy in private.

Heroic Spirit, if such a thing really existed in the world, that would be great. He wouldn’t have to spend five hundred years exploring for that purpose.

“Summoning of Servants…”

Looking down, Otto focused on the details of [Servant Summoning] summarized by Exia and Sajo Aige – there was also a picture that Sajo Aige temporarily asked Exia to hand-draw. A 100% restored picture of the magic circle used for summoning.

(Using the items used by the heroic spirit during his lifetime as a medium, using the huge magic power of the Great Holy Grail to communicate with the Heroic Spirit Seat, summoning the heroic spirit’s clone, that is, the servant to appear in the world, the incantation is…)

Staring at the several spells, Otto pondered for a long time, and then dialed a phone number.

[My Lord Bishop, what are your instructions?]

“Amber? Prepare some animal blood for me. I need it urgently. In addition…the experiments related to the Silence Gem have been stopped and will be temporarily transferred to my side.”


(Give it a try.)

Otto thought so.

Over the past five hundred years, he has tried various methods and countless possibilities, and of course he has failed countless times. Even if he failed this time, it doesn’t matter, but if he can succeed…even if he succeeds The possibility was infinitely close to zero, so he had to give it a try.

(I won’t let go of any possibility… the worst I can do is to be disappointed again.)

19. Students don’t want to be called parents

Destiny’s Valkyrie training has two places, one is at the headquarters for collective training, and the other is St. Freya Academy.

Unlike St. Freya College, which has a more relaxed school atmosphere, the college at the headquarters pays more attention to ability and performance. Good grades can receive preferential treatment to a certain extent, while poor grades will receive special care from instructors.

It’s basically a place where strength comes first.

As for the content of [care]… it may be a bit unreasonable to say this, but it is different from the concept of [strength first], and it is divided into objects.

First of all, let me explain that there are two types of trainees trained by Valkyrie. One is the orphans taken in by Destiny from all over the world. Because of the existence of artificial stigmata, Destiny’s practice of only training natural stigma holders has been changed. As long as If it has a certain compatibility with the artificial stigmata, it can become a Valkyrie.

The other part are the children of the Destiny Organization [Nobles] – such as [Kaslana], such as [Shaniyat].

Children from these families are given professional and systematic Valkyrie training, and are then handed over to the families themselves for judgment. Those who pass the test can graduate.

[Special care] for the former is one-on-one rigorous tutoring and special training from instructors, who will never stop until the students complete the designated goals. But for the latter… considering that the family itself has its own growth direction and guidance, the instructor will modify or develop a new training plan for the individual after talking with the student’s guardian.

A very realistic approach.

And because her surname is [Kaslana], Kiana was regarded as a contemporary Valkyrie candidate of the Kaslana family when she first joined the training school. In addition, her profile also added a special sentence [Ai The biological sister of Kesia Kaslana – the sister of the most famous [Hero] in the Destiny Organization now! The instructor doesn’t dare to make random arrangements!

Therefore, no matter how angry and dissatisfied Kiana was with Kiana’s extremely poor results, the instructor could only ask Kiana to call her guardian to the school for discussion first.

[If it doesn’t work this Friday, I will visit you on the weekend]

“——That’s what the fierce instructor said.”


In the restaurant of the Valkyrie Training School.

Lying weakly on the dining table, Kiana sighed, with a sad look on her face.

Opposite her, Bronya and Raiden Mei looked at each other, and Bronya asked: “Have you not called the master yet?”

“How can you fight it out! It’s so embarrassing!”

For students, there are many things and people that they really don’t want to experience and see.

For example, the physical education class that was inexplicably occupied by the math teacher, the teacher who dragged the class to the next class before class ended, and… [called parents].

Because this means that your living situation in school will be fully exposed to your parents, and the arrival of your parents will also expose your situation at home to your classmates and even teachers.

Not to mention fifteen or sixteen-year-old boys and girls, even people in their twenties may not be able to accept that their privacy and hard-working image have been ruthlessly dismantled and destroyed… It’s simply… The worst scene from hell!

Students also have privacy!

(If I call my brother over, the instructor will definitely tell everything about me in school! Including me sleeping in class, being scolded by the instructor, secretly eating snacks, secretly playing games…)

Just thinking about Kiana made me feel like I was going to die.

She didn’t even realize that a large part of it was already known to Alexia.

(And more importantly…)

“Have you heard? It seems that the [Hero] has returned to the headquarters in the past two days.”

“Eh? Really?”

“I heard the instructors talking about it.”

“I really want to meet that [hero] too…”

Listening to these conversations coming from other tables, Kiana banged her head on the table hard!

This is the more important reason!

Perhaps because Exia’s previous single-handed defeat of the Third Herrscher spread throughout the Destiny Headquarters, there are particularly many girls who admire him in the Valkyrie Training School. Most of them are people who hate Honkai. Of course There are also some others.

For them, who had everything taken away by Honkai, Exia was the [Hero] who took revenge on Honkai for them.

If they were allowed to meet Exia…

(My intuition tells me that something big will definitely happen! Just for the sake of the relationship between Sister Bianca and Brother, I can’t let Brother come here!)

Kiana secretly made a decision in her heart.

“Well, yes, that’s it. Can you please come to the school at 4:30 in the afternoon? Master—Okay, please, Master.”

However, Bronya’s voice made Kiana’s face freeze instantly.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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