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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 175

Putting down the personal terminal in her hand, Bronya said to Kiana: “Master has agreed, Kiana.”

(What have you done?)

Although she didn’t speak, Kiana’s eyes and expression seemed to be roaring.

“Bronya…I don’t think I have any grudge against you…”

“Bronya thinks there are many. As a maid, it is really a headache to have a master like Kiana who needs to serve.” Bronya said expressionlessly, “But don’t worry, Bronya informed Master’s time is after school, and there won’t be many students in the school then.”

“Thank you for being so considerate, but if possible, I hope you won’t call me like this next time…”

“But the master said that you can inform him at any time if necessary. Bronya thinks this is the time [of need].”

The wood has become a boat.

Kiana sighed helplessly: “Oh~~~~It’s over, it’s over…”

“Huh? What’s over? Kiana-san?”

Such a voice suddenly came from behind.

Kiana quickly looked back, and then immediately stood up. Raiden Meiyi and Bronya also stood up, and the three of them said to the chestnut-haired girl who appeared behind Kiana: “Good afternoon, instructor Anna. “

“Hahaha, relax. Even though I’m an instructor, I’m only temporary. I’m the same age as you. Don’t be too serious.”

The instructor named [Anna] smiled and sat next to Kiana: “So, I just heard Kiana say [it’s over] – what specifically is it? What happened when she failed the last exam? What?”


Kiana nodded sheepishly.

“Instructor Lewis said that he must meet with my guardian…that is, my brother no matter what.”

“Your brother?”

“Well.” Looking around, Kiana lowered her voice hard, “The name is [Axia Kaslana], instructor, please don’t tell other students, it will cause trouble for me. of.”

Alexia Kaslana?

Hearing this name, instructor [Anna]’s expression suddenly trembled slightly.

20. Anna Shaniat

The instructors at the Valkyrie Training School are divided into two types, just like the students.

One is the retired Valkyrie. A Valkyrie who is seriously injured in battle and unable to continue her activities as a Valkyrie, or whose condition declines at a certain age – as long as a Valkyrie takes a back seat due to such circumstances, she will eventually choose to become an instructor to train the next generation.

Their experience as seniors is the best teaching material for freshmen.

The other type is an active Valkyrie, considered a teaching assistant.

After all, not every Valkyrie can die a good death. Even if the death rate of the Valkyrie is greatly reduced due to the artificial stigmata, the Valkyrie is on a dangerous mission. Once something happens, it will definitely be death. Very few die well. , not to mention natural retirement.

Therefore, instructors have always been faced with a shortage of manpower.

In order to solve this problem, the headquarters will regularly summon a total of ten Valkyrie from each branch to serve as assistants for one to two months. After the time is up, a new batch will be replaced.

For the Valkyrie troops that have gradually increased in number, this number is not large, and for the branch, this approach can also identify some outstanding talents in advance to enhance the combat effectiveness of the branch.

And [Instructor Anna], or [Anna Shaniat] is the assistant instructor who arrived half a month ago. She is an active B-level Valkyrie. It is said that she will be promoted to A-level in a while, because she is a kind person. A gentle girl who doesn’t have much fighting skills despite her age, she has a good relationship with most of the students. The students are happy to get along with this senior.

The same goes for Kiana and the other three.

“Axia Kaslana…is that [Hero]’s name, right?”

Also lowering her voice, Anna asked Kiana with some surprise: “Kiana, are you actually his sister? This is the first time I know.”

“Because it’s not something worth showing off… Instructor, do you know my brother?”

“I have heard the name many times. After all, I am [Shaniyat], but I have never actually met him.”


Along with Kaslana and Apokalis, the [Holy Lady Family] is one of the three most important families in the Destiny. Anna, who bears this surname, is a member of that family.

“Because the previous generations of our family were married, the relationship between our two families has been very close since then. Even though there was a lot of stalemate due to some accidents a few years ago, we still exchange news if it’s just news.”

The first time Anna knew the name [Axia Kaslana] was when she was told by the family elders. It was almost six or seven years ago.

[The exiled son of Siegfried returns to the family].

At that time, the Shaniyat family went to meet with the Kaslana family about this matter. After all, the child was not only a descendant of Kaslana, but also a descendant of Shaniat. His mother was Shani The former saint of the At family, Cecilia Shaniat.

The purpose of the meeting is to determine the custody and ownership rights of the child.

And there is no need to say much about the result. The fact that Alexia still uses the surname “Kaslana” explains everything.

For Anna, who was still young at the time, she only got to know Alexia Kaslana once. She later learned more about her after she officially became a Valkyrie and was exposed to more things. And because Valkyrie had many tasks and Alexia was in a period of depression, Anna even forgot about such a person for a long time.

It wasn’t until the third Honkai outbreak more than a month ago and it was quickly ended that Anna came into contact with the name [Exia Kaslana] again.

(I didn’t expect that he would be Kiana-san’s brother…wait, then, wouldn’t Kiana-san be the same…)

“Instructor Anna?”

Seeing Anna’s sudden silence, Kiana couldn’t help but waved her hand in front of her in confusion: “What’s wrong?”

“No, it’s nothing, I just suddenly remembered something. Compared to this, Kiana-san, can you let me participate in the meeting between your brother and senior Lewis this afternoon? Or it doesn’t matter after that.”

“Instructor Anna wants to meet my brother?”

An idea suddenly flashed in Kiana’s little mind.


(Could it be the same situation as those fans and admirers of my brother?)

“Well…because I’ve always been a little curious about him.” Anna thought for a moment and smiled, “Besides, as a member of the Shaniyat family, I also want to have a good relationship with the Kaslana family. Relationship, you must know that your brother is the eldest son of the Kaslana family by blood, and he is definitely the next head of the family.”

“…It makes sense. It doesn’t matter to me, but – Bronya, can you ask me again?”

After Kiana said this, Bronya called Alexia again.


“Eh? Is it Bronya’s call again?”

Alexia’s house.

Alexia, who had just put down the personal terminal and typed no more than two lines, looked at the personal terminal that started ringing again in confusion. After connecting, she directly turned on the hands-free mode.

“What’s wrong? Bronya, is there anything else you haven’t said?”

【Yes. I would like to ask the master if you still have time after the guardian meeting in the afternoon. Our instructor wants to meet you]

“Instructor? Is it another instructor? Who is it?”

[Instructor Anna. Full name is Anna Shaniat]


Alexia stopped typing, and Shajo Aige also stopped dictating.

(A member of my mother’s family? Why do you want to see me all of a sudden?)

(Maybe it’s something related to the family, Prince. Do you want to meet?)


He is the son of Siegfried Kaslana and the son of Cecilia Chaniat – Exia actually doesn’t care about his identity, after all, the Kaslana family has never been very welcoming to him. , and he has never experienced the convenience of this status.

And now people from the Shaniyat family are coming to see him…

(I have a feeling that trouble will happen.)

After thinking for a while, Aixia said: “I probably don’t have time. I still have some unfinished work at hand. If possible, let’s do it next time.”

[Okay, Bronya will tell you]

After saying this, the call was silent for dozens of seconds, and then Bronya’s voice rang again.

[Master, Instructor Anna would like to ask if it is possible tomorrow]


21.The real Valkyrie.jpg

Half past four in the afternoon.

The entrance to the Valkyrie Training School.

Arriving here in a car, Alexia looked at the closed door in front of her and sighed slightly: “It’s really been a while since I’ve been here… I haven’t been here since I went to China, right? ? It’s been three or four years.”

Alexia was once a student here, and now that she is here again, it is actually a return to her alma mater – but if possible, Alexia hopes to return to her alma mater in a more normal way, such as as an honorary alumnus, or as an assistant instructor. , rather than in the capacity of [family members of poor students].

【drop! 】

[Identity authentication passed, confirm visitor identity]

[Welcome to the Valkyrie Training Center, Alexia Kaslana]

After swiping his identity with his personal terminal, as the door slid open to both sides, the interior scene that had not changed much from before appeared in front of Ixia.

Teaching buildings, training grounds, equipment warehouses…

(It’s a little newer than when I was there. Has it been renovated?)

“This is where Prince Wang used to train?”

With half of his head sticking out from Exia’s shoulder, Sajo Aige also looked around at the surrounding scene: “It feels like a military camp.”

“If I must say it, this is a special forces training center.”

The Valkyrie is the army, the Valkyrie is the soldier.

This place is completely opposite to St. Freya Academy. Eighty percent of the active Valkyries graduated from here, and almost all A-level and B-level Valkyries graduated from here. born.

“Then where is the instructor that the prince wants to see?”

“I think it’s in the office. Anyway, let’s go to the teaching building first. I think Kiana should be waiting for me there too.”

Walking towards the direction of the teaching building in sight, crossing the straight stone road, Exia quickly arrived at the door of the teaching building. As expected, there were already three figures standing there at the door, as if they were waiting for someone.

You don’t need to look to know that they are the three of Kiana.

Alexia stepped forward: “Are you all here waiting for me?”


Kiana immediately shrank her neck and took half a step behind Raiden Meiyi: “You’re here.”

“Can I still come? – How did Kiana perform in school today? Bronya.”

“Report, Kiana dozed off four times in class today and was reprimanded six times by the instructor. Compared to the past, she is relatively good.”

This situation is actually better than before…

Alexia felt that she still underestimated Kiana.

After noticing the change in Alexia’s expression, Kiana immediately continued to take a step or two back towards Raiden Mei, almost hiding most of her body behind Raiden Mei.

Seeing her sister like this, Alexia sighed slightly: “Don’t worry, I’m not angry now, and I’m not planning to hit you. Don’t be so afraid of me.”


“At least that’s the case for now. I don’t rule out the possibility that after discussing it with your instructor, you will develop new anger and then go home and teach you a lesson.”

(Sure enough, my brother is still angry!)

Kiana’s neck shortened even further.

Reaching out and grabbing her sister’s collar, Ixia pulled her out from behind the thunder bud clothes: “Okay, take me to see your instructor.”

“I know, brother, please don’t pull my clothes – and don’t drag me away!”

“Then you should let go of Miss Mei Yi’s hand.”

During this conversation, Exia and Kiana walked into the teaching building one after another.

Looking at the two figures, Raiden Mei and Bronya looked at each other, and then Raiden Mei said: “Then let’s go back and prepare dinner first, Bronya.”

“Okay, sister Mei.”



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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