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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 176

There is one thing that is quite embarrassing for graduates when they return to their alma mater.

That is to meet your former teacher.

If you have a good relationship with your teacher, that’s a different matter. You can think of it as reminiscing with friends and elders. But if you meet the teacher you were so afraid of when you were a student, you will be in a different sense of the dilemma.

Who allows a teacher to remain a teacher no matter how many years have passed? Students’ fear of teachers will always be unforgettable!

so now–

“I didn’t expect that student Kiana’s guardian would actually be you, student Ixia, you have become a big celebrity in the headquarters recently!”

“Ah…well…I didn’t expect Kiana’s instructor to be you.”

Inside the staff office.

Alexia was a little embarrassed as she looked at the dark-skinned Valkyrie in front of her, who was as strong as a bodybuilder.

“Long time no see, instructor Lewis.”


This is the name of instructor Kiana, who was also the instructor of Alexia and Bianca when they trained here before.

Among the Valkyries, this senior is also a celebrity. After all, she is a real warrior who has experienced the second collapse and survived. Even though her rating was only B level, the Valkyrie assessment system at that time It is much stricter than now, and the entire Tianming Organization only has 6 A-level Valkyries.

By today’s standards, Lewis back then was completely equivalent to today’s A-level Valkyrie.

But that’s all in the past. Not long after the Second Collapse, Lewis retired and became an instructor. The number of Valkyries she taught probably exceeded three digits.

And because of her strong muscles and strong physique that are incompatible with other Valkyries, many Valkyries will be in awe when facing her.

The real Valkyrie.jpg

“It’s great that your body is still so strong.”

“Hahaha, I can’t compare to you young people. After I took maternity leave last year, my physical fitness dropped a lot, and I haven’t recovered yet.”

Lewis sighed: “In addition, I have heard that Bianca is already the youngest S-class girl, and now has the strongest destiny. You also have the power to fight against the Herrscher alone – you are really better than your old master. And it’s better than blue!”

“You’re overly flattering.”

Being praised by her past teacher, Alexia was a little happy: “By the way, the reason why you called me this time is probably about Kiana. I also heard that her performance in school was not very good… …”

“Well, it is indeed not good. It can even be said to be very poor. It is completely opposite to her actual combat ability. Her cultural knowledge is the worst among the many students I have taught. The instructors in other subjects have also reacted to me. Her problem.”


Kiana, who was sitting next to her, was so nervous that she almost buried her head in her chest.

“The purpose of training Valkyries at the headquarters is [comprehensive development], that is, giving priority to ensuring that students can meet the standards of B-level Valkyries. After that, specialized training will be carried out. You were also a student here before. I shouldn’t need to say more about this. ——But considering the situation of Kiana students, I think it is necessary to modify the training plan.”

“what do you mean……”

“Lower the passing standard for Kiana student’s cultural class, do not teach her overly professional knowledge, and only teach her the basic knowledge necessary for the Valkyrie and some advanced content, and then greatly increase the passing standard for practical class and give her Having a special course focused on practical combat – what do you think of that?”

22.Kaslana is an idiot

Lewis’ statement made neither Exia nor Kiana able to answer the question immediately.

Alexia is seriously thinking about this plan. After all, this is a very common situation. Not everyone in the Valkyrie is a genius. Only by teaching students in accordance with their aptitude can they better bring out the strengths of each person. The general training plan can only be stable. The plan to cultivate [ordinary] Valkyries allows students who are not particularly talented to become Valkyries.

Kiana is obviously not a person without talent.

And… to be more realistic, Ixia’s academic performance during training was not top-notch. It was much worse than the best batch – of course, it was only relative. Yan, it is definitely not as extreme as Kiana’s situation.

It is not possible for ordinary people to get less than 40 points in all subjects. Even if you are blind, you may not be able to get such a low score.

If this teaching plan can be carried out smoothly, Kiana should be able to grow to a considerable extent in terms of combat ability. It doesn’t matter if she teaches other team members theoretical knowledge. The Valkyrie has always acted as a team.

“What do you think? Kiana.”

“Eh? Ah…ask me?”

“This is something related to you, and of course I need to ask for your opinion. Could it be that you were so distracted that you didn’t hear our conversation just now?”

Kiana shook her head hurriedly: “No, no! I heard everything! I was just a little surprised… I thought the instructor wanted me to call my brother over, and he wanted the two of them to scold me together. .”

“I’ve already scolded you at home, but I don’t mind if you want to be scolded again. Where is instructor Lewis?”

“Student Kiana has always been someone we both love and hate. To be honest, I also want to teach her a lesson.”

Seeing the two people in front of her preparing to unite the front, Kiana immediately moved her stool and retreated to the wall!

“I don’t want to be scolded. Brother, please stop talking nonsense!”

“Then don’t change the topic. What do you think about Instructor Lewis’s opinion?”


Lower the passing standards for cultural courses and raise the passing standards for practical courses.

This is equivalent to officially training Kiana in the direction of [Warrior]. To be honest, Kiana thinks this is good. She doesn’t understand those things that are too complicated. The reason why she falls asleep in culture class is Because I couldn’t understand what the teacher was saying at all.

Classes such as “Basic Theory of Battlefield Command”, “Basic Theory of Honkai Energy”, and “Preliminary Operation of Small Battleships and Aerospace Craft” were as big as her head!

Even if she forced herself to learn it later, Kiana felt like she wouldn’t be able to remember it, not to mention that she didn’t think she would need these things when she became a Valkyrie!

“I…I think this is good.”

After thinking in silence for a while, Kiana finally nodded and said: “By the way, to what extent will the qualification standards be lowered? Instructor.”

“This needs to be discussed later, but judging from the current results of Kiana students, I think the passing line for the cultural class should be lowered to half of the class average in the end. It can be completed by paying a little attention to the class. Indicators. As for the standards for practical classes…if you think it’s okay, we can ask you to a standard close to that of an A-level Valkyrie.”

In the view of Lewis, a retired Valkyrie, Kiana’s combat ability is somewhat inappropriate among students. She has obviously received complete and systematic training, and her moves clearly have the shadow of a certain martial arts school, and she has actual combat experience. Unexpectedly rich, and he also has a certain reserve of knowledge and theories related to Honkaimon.

To put it bluntly, if Kiana can pass the cultural class, she will graduate in the first half of this year.

“A-level Valkyrie…”

Kiana held her chin and thought for a moment.

In the past month, she and Bianca had had many mock battles and sparring sessions, and each time they were beaten to the point where they were unable to fight back. And she could see that Bianca had put in a lot of effort, and she could basically do it. Said it was releasing into the sea.

“I understand, please just train me according to the standards of an A-level Valkyrie, instructor!”

“…Is that okay? Exia.”

Lewis asked for Alexia’s opinion.

Alexia smiled and nodded: “Since it is my sister’s wish and it does no harm to her, then I have no reason to refuse.”

“Eh? I thought you were going to say something else, brother!”

“What do you want me to say? Do you object to your opinion?” Alexia raised her hand and touched Kiana’s hair a few times. “To tell you the truth, the people in Kaslana’s family don’t really care about cultural classes. Good at it, your brother and I are already in the minority, most of them are just pure warriors.”

Wearing a white coat and studying things in the research room is not Kaslana’s style, nor is it her style to sit on the command seat and command and dispatch. Compared with these things, Kaslana’s soldiers are more willing to be on the front line.

“Then why did you say you were going to give me special training from hell last night, brother?”

“Because your grades are so bad that you can’t even meet the lower standard! Make me aware of your own stupidity, you stupid sister!” Alexia flicked her sister’s forehead hard, “I’m sorry, Instructor Lewis, my sister-in-law is such an uneasy person – I will follow your plan from now on, I believe in your coaching ability.”

Lewis smiled: “I don’t have any coaching ability. I just have some experience after teaching for so many years. If you two have no objections, then this matter can be settled here, and you can leave.”

“Okay, excuse me, instructor.”

“Goodbye instructor!”

After saying this, Exia and Kiana stood up and left the office.

And after closing the door——

“Brother, do you still have to take tutoring tonight?” Kiana asked a little uneasily, “You see, I can already lower my standards. Can I just do tutoring… At least don’t make me do it every day Too many papers to write at night! Please! This is the most important request of your lovely sister’s life!”

“Then your life is really insignificant.”

Alexia raised her forehead.

“You still need tutoring. Your grades are too bad. You can’t do it without cramming. Of course, you have to do the test papers. How many… I will give you a basic test after you go back. It will be based on your mastery of knowledge.” Decide how to teach you.”

“Hey~~~Why do you still have to take the test paper…Brother, do you really love me?”

“Toughness is also a sign of love – come back with me now, I think Miss Mei and Bronya should have started preparing dinner.”

(Mei’s dinner!)

After hearing this, Kiana, who had just lost her mind, immediately became energetic again!

“Brother, let’s go back quickly! It’ll be too bad if we can’t catch up with the hot meals cooked by Mei Yi!”

“Hey, stop running around school!”


Just when Alexia and Kiana were running away from the teaching building.

In the corridor not far behind the two of them.

Carrying a backpack, Anna Shaniat stood not far away, watching the two figures from a distance.

(Is that Kiana’s classmate? The person next to her…is that Alexia Kaslana?)

23. Probably another competitor

“——That is to say, Kiana will conduct special training on combat effectiveness in the future.”

During dinner.

Alexia’s house.

Bianca, who was in contact with Alexia via video call, was eating grilled fish and seafood soup just like yesterday. After listening to Alexia describing the results of the afternoon meeting, Bianca frowned slightly. .

“Then Rita and I will also have to make changes to Kiana’s training time – but is this really okay?”

“Huh? Is there anything wrong with doing this?”

Alexia asked with some confusion.

Bianca paused, and then seemed to realize something: “Yes, Alexia, you don’t know the specific content of the Valkyrie’s assessment and upgrade, do you?”

“I remember the general process, what’s wrong?”

“If Kiana is planning to specialize in combat power, it should be very difficult to become an A-level Valkyrie through the formal assessment process.”

It doesn’t matter if it’s just a B-level Valkyrie. After all, the B-level Valkyrie serves as a member of a team most of the time and is the one who is commanded. But the A-level Valkyrie is different. She is the backbone and high-level talent of Destiny. , is also the highest combat power of each branch and the highest frontline commander.

If you want to become a qualified A-level Valkyrie, you must master all the subjects taught in the Valkyrie Training School, and there will also be advanced textbooks to study – to put it more directly, an A-level Valkyrie can Partial subjects are accepted, but they must be partial subjects that meet the standards in all aspects.

And with Kiana’s decision, even if she got full marks in the practical test, she would not be able to pass the theoretical test.

“If you want to become an A-level Valkyrie, Kiana basically has to go through a special promotion, such as making great contributions, and thus being granted the rank of A-level Valkyrie… Of course, even if This also requires a theoretical assessment, but it can be supplemented later.”

“I see…..”

Alexia is not a Valkyrie, and she only has some understanding of the Valkyrie’s promotion mechanism, but she didn’t expect so much. Previously, he only thought that this decision could better utilize Kiana’s talents.

And what Bianca said…

“Don’t worry, bro.”

Kiana, who was quickly destroying fried chicken pieces, spat out a chicken bone from her mouth as she spoke.

“Isn’t it just a great achievement? When I defeat the Herrschers in the future, won’t it be easy to be promoted to an A-level Valkyrie?”

“It’s easy for you to say… Well, if I had known that I would have told instructor Lewis to let us think about it first, it would have been a bit reckless.” Alexia sighed, “Speaking of which, Bianca, you passed the formal exam back then. Was he promoted in a certain way?”

Bianca nodded.

“For A-level Valkyrie, yes. But there is no promotion method for S-level Valkyrie. They can only be directly appointed by the bishop… Theoretical assessment should not be required.”

“After all, you are enough to become an S-class Valkyrie. Your qualities in all aspects are definitely the best. Aren’t you and Rita both the best Valkyries?”

“Really? Thank you, but in terms of excellence, you are not much inferior to us.”

“I’m nowhere near you.”

Unknowingly, Exia and Bianca naturally changed the topic from Kiana to themselves, talking about this and that.

Looking at this scene, Kiana and the three people sitting next to them couldn’t help but suddenly felt that “should I change the table?” They always felt that sitting at the same dining table with Alexia for dinner would disturb them. The chat between him and Bianca seemed to bring about an atmosphere that was difficult for others to join in when the two came together.

(The relationship is really good, brother and sister Bianca.)

Kiana bit the meatless chicken bones, spit them into the trash can, and then suddenly said: “Speaking of brother, Bronya should have told you, right? Instructor Anna wants to see you tomorrow A good face.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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