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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 177

“Instructor Anna?”

Hearing what Kiana said, Bianca couldn’t help but raise her eyebrows: “Who is that? Alexia.”

“The Shaniyat family seems to want to meet and get to know me because of the relationship between the two families. My full name is Anna Shaniyat. Do you know her?”

“…There seems to be some impression. Do you know Rita?”

Rita, who was arranging the sleeping bag for sleeping at night, smiled when she heard this and said: “Well, I have met a few times. She is a member of the elite team Snow Lotus. In fact, with the authority of Sir Alexia, if you want to know about her, go Just check the database.”

Elite team Snow Lotus.

Although most of the Destiny Valkyrie troops operate in the form of branches, there will also be specially established special forces that do not take orders from the branches, but directly take orders from the headquarters. Their members are all elites among the Valkyries.

For example, the Immortal Blade team led by Bianca and Rita are the best of the best.

And Xuelian is one of several elite teams.

Alexia windowed the video call with Bianca, switched to the database, and searched for information on [Anna Shaniat].

(She became a B-class Valkyrie at the age of twelve… She is one year younger than me. A member of the Snow Lotus Team, her ability to control Honkai energy is better than the current Shaniyat family… ..I have applied to become an A-level Valkyrie several times, and my results are getting better every time…)

“It feels like…a Valkyrie that suits the style of Saint Freya better.”

“Sure enough, Lady Alexia thinks so too?” Rita said with a smile, “I don’t know if it’s hereditary, but most of the Shaniyat family members are gentle by nature. In addition to becoming warriors, some of the members also specialize in treating Honkai energy. The erosion doctor is a very important medical staff member – Anna Shaniat’s position in the Snow Lotus Team also includes medical care. She gets along well with the team members and is highly trusted by the team members and the captain.”

“Rita, you know so much.”

“It’s just a temporary investigation with the authority of the Immortal Blade.”

Rita smiled slightly: “Compared with this, you are going to meet Miss Anna tomorrow, Lord Alexia? What are your specific preparations?”

“Eh? What should I do?”

“For example, the agreed place and time to meet, and what to wear when meeting the other person – you haven’t thought about it at all, right?”

It really is.

Looking at Alexia’s eyes, Rita knew that she had to worry again.

At this moment, Kiana’s personal terminal suddenly rang twice. After a quick glance, Kiana said: “Brother, instructor Anna asked if the time to meet tomorrow can be arranged in the evening, because tomorrow I have to go to class during the day, so I’m only free at night, and I want to have dinner with you.”

Rita: “!”

Sandjo Aige hiding in Exia: “!”

Bianca: “?”

It feels like… something is going to happen again?

24. Kiana: Danger!

The dinner meeting with Anna was just an interlude. In fact, Alexia didn’t take it too seriously. At most, she just went to socialize.

He had done this kind of thing for Bishop Otto before. After the meal, he could find any reason to leave.

Compared with such trivial matters, what Exia cares more about is her unfinished soul information report.

But before that—

“…This is really terrible…”

Looking at Kiana’s test paper that she had just finished grading, Alexia held her forehead with a headache.

Because he has had actual deeds, he has tried his best to make the questions as simple as possible when writing out the paper. Not to mention Valkyrie Trainee, even if it is placed in an ordinary middle school, it is only a little difficult.

But Kiana’s results…

“History, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, English… the scores in almost every subject are the same as zero, and the best math test is only relative – Kiana, tell me honestly , how on earth did you transfer schools here and there before? Didn’t you take the entrance exam?”

“That… I spent the whole night reviewing before the exam, and then I flew over at low altitude.”

Kiana said a little embarrassed.

If she is really determined to take the exam, Kiana still has a little bit of confidence that she can get a passing score with her backbone and perseverance. But whether it is this test or the previous test, Kiana is not No review.

(The result is that everything is finished.)

Alexia pinched her eyebrows. He felt that teaching Kiana this project might be more difficult than he thought.

“Today…forget it, let’s just come here today. I have to think about how to teach you again. In addition, I won’t know the modification plan from instructor Lewis until tomorrow.”

“Then I don’t have to do the test paper today?!”


Upon hearing this feeble affirmation, Kiana immediately jumped up from the sofa!

“Okay! Bronya! Come and play online with me! I will definitely beat you today!”

“I didn’t ask you to play games!”

Looking at Kiana running to the second floor to find Bronya, Ixia estimated that she didn’t hear a word of what she said. After thinking about it for a while, she seemed to give up and leaned back on the sofa. Exhaled forcefully!

“Hey…it really doesn’t make people worry…”

“It’s really hard and troublesome for you, Mr. Exia.”

Raiden Meiyi apologized and sat where Kiana had just been sitting: “It’s all because I was too indulgent towards Kiana. I’m really sorry. You obviously asked me to take care of her.”

“No, it’s not entirely your responsibility… I didn’t expect Kiana to be so stupid. Sure enough, I left in too hasty before.”

Logically speaking, Alexia should have spent more time getting along with Kiana to strengthen the relationship between brother and sister. However, he left Kiana here just a few days after he came back. By the way, he ran away to a different world.

If she could stay for two or three more months, maybe Kiana wouldn’t have such poor results.

If his unknown father knew that he was so irresponsible to his sister, he would also be angry.

(You still have to deal with everything before leaving… Let’s start with Kiana’s results. In addition, there is also the soul information report that the bishop asked for. If possible, I will do it myself. I also want to try the practice of forbidden hands – why are you so busy after you come back?)

“Then do you want to try magic? Prince.”

After hearing Alexia’s thoughts, Sajo Aige’s figure suddenly appeared in front of him and Raiden Mei and asked.


“Well, you can use some magic tricks to help Kiana learn and improve her learning efficiency.”

“For example?”

“Magic that can force people to stay awake for three days and three nights without getting tired, or make potions that can improve memory for a certain period of time – or if it’s more direct, you can also use mental control magic to make people wake up.” Knowledge is input into Miss Kiana’s brain.”

Shajo Aige gave an example: “But as for magic potion, I’m not sure whether it can be prepared in this world, and the effect of using magic will definitely be greatly reduced. After all, there is no magic foundation in this world, so it can only be done by me.” Reproduce to a certain extent.”


Raiden Meiyi was a little stunned: “These will have a negative impact on Kiana’s body, right? And she was forced to wake up for three days and three nights in a row… After that, she really won’t bottom out and let Kiana sleep continuously. How long has it been?”

“Theoretically, it is possible. After all, magic is originally used to rush for time. But the prince will be on a business trip again in three months at most, so it is indeed a bit of a rush to do it reluctantly.”


Alexia held her chin and thought for a while, then said: “Let’s try potions first. If it doesn’t work, try magic. I’m assured of Miss Aige’s magic skills – mental control magic should be used as the last resort.” alright.”

(If this doesn’t work…then there’s really nothing we can do.)

Alexia was also worried about her sister’s grades and future.

“However, in the final analysis, learning is still about self-consciousness – so… Miss Mei, can you please go and drag Kiana out of Bronya’s room? I didn’t say anything about her We can play games today.”

“Mr. Exia, don’t you go by yourself?”

“I think Kiana will be more obedient if you go, and I also have work to deal with. Next, please keep an eye on her while she studies.”

Alexia pressed Mei Raiden’s shoulders as she spoke, “Please be sure to treat her with the strictest attitude! If she doesn’t want to study at all, you don’t have to teach her a lesson politely!”


The slightly forceful attitude and tone made Raiden Mei nod involuntarily, completely unaware of the close distance between herself and Alexia.

After this explanation, Exia immediately returned to her room.

Looking at the half-written report on the computer, she moved her hands, and then sat in front of the computer again: “Then, please continue dictating, Miss Aige, and try to write the report before ten o’clock in the evening. It’s over.”

Because of what happened in the afternoon, I have already been delayed too much. If I continue to delay, I may have to write until tomorrow – Alexia doesn’t want to stay up late and work overtime after leaving her job!

Working overtime is a bad culture!

25. Otto’s meaning of existence

The next day.

“…So, the specific concept of the soul in that world is what is stated in the report.”

Inside Otto’s office.

Exia is explaining to Otto about the soul – although Otto only said a report at the beginning, considering that this is knowledge from another world, even Bishop Otto may have some helplessness I understood it, so Ixia made a ppt and submitted it directly offline with the report and paper documents.

For this reason, he was busy until after twelve o’clock last night before turning off the lights and going to bed.

She obviously didn’t want to work overtime, but she still took the initiative to work overtime in order to complete the work… Alexia didn’t know that she was a [renovation completed type] in a sense.

By the way, in order to explain it more intuitively, Exia also asked Sajo Aige to be his assistant, and actually simulated the posture of the soul in conjunction with his explanation.

“Excuse me, Bishop, do you have any doubts or confusion?”

After flipping through the documents in his hand and repeatedly thinking about several points that interested him, Otto smiled and said: “I generally understand it. It’s really an interesting concept and knowledge… for the time being. I don’t have any more questions for you to answer, but I may still need your help in my subsequent self-research.”

“I understand. If I had been there at the time, I would have come over to answer your questions as soon as possible. If you were not there, please contact Bianca and Rita so that I can answer via video.”

“Hahaha, I will do it when the time comes – thank you for your hard work in making this formal report. You really have the same conscientious and responsible work attitude as always.” Otto laughed, “It reminds me of the time you were under me. When I’m working, the information you sort out for me always makes it hard for me to find faults.”

Alexia sorted out the information and personal terminal in her hand: “It’s best if the work can be completed at once. I don’t want to be disturbed by the aftermath from time to time.”

If a task that has already been completed has problems that need to be dealt with by yourself from time to time, once or twice is fine, but if it happens a few more times, it will be really annoying!

“By the way, Bishop, can I ask you a question?”

“Just be casual, Alexia. The reporting time is over. Let’s be casual and relaxed for each other.” Otto’s expression became more relaxed and kind, and he motioned for Alexia to sit down on the sofa in the office. “What do you want to ask?”

“The reason why the bishop is so interested in souls.”

Alexia asked after sitting down.

Otto held his chin with one hand: “Haha, do you care?”

“After all, the bishop is rarely so interested in one thing. He asked me to collect relevant information twice in a row…”

The correct word is [not even once].

There has never been a precedent for what Otto was so interested in and valued in the years since Ixia met him – at least Ixia didn’t know if there was.

“Is it because…the bishop has someone he wants to resurrect?”

Alexia asked about her guess yesterday.

Otto’s eyes suddenly trembled, as if he didn’t expect that Alexia would suddenly say such words, and there was a bit of surprise in his brows. Immediately afterwards, I don’t know if it was Alexia’s illusion. Looking at Otto’s expression, Alexia suddenly had the feeling that he had suddenly left the time he was in.

It was as if the bishop, who had lived for five hundred years, died in an instant.

“…Why do you ask that?”

After a long time, Otto asked with some sadness.

The answer was Sajo Aige: “Because people who are curious about souls, except those magicians, generally only have this idea – longing for someone’s soul in order to resurrect someone.”

“Is this a common thing in another world?”

“Based on what I know, I think so.”

Otto couldn’t help but smile bitterly twice after hearing this, and then immediately returned to his usual strategizing appearance: “I didn’t plan to tell you so early, Alexia, after all, this is my biggest secret and wish. But …No matter what, I am asking you for help in this matter, and you do have the right to know.”

If you want to ask someone to do something, you can’t do it without telling what you want to do and the reason. If you hide something, it may cause the completion of the thing to be unsatisfactory, or fail to meet your own requirements.

“So, Bishop, you really want to resurrect an old friend?”

“Old friend… Hahaha, if you want to say it is an old friend, it can be considered an old friend, but compared to [old friend], her status in my heart is not simple enough to be described by one noun.” Otto He smiled and said, “Friend, lover, the light in my heart, the person I follow… In an approximate way, if I were you, then she would be [Bianca] to me. Bar.”

In other words, the most important person in Otto’s mind.

Alexia went through the historical content related to Bishop Otto that he knew in his mind. From five hundred years ago to the present, among the people who have a relationship with Bishop Otto, there is only one person who has such a status in his heart. yes……


This title came to me subconsciously.


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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