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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 178

Alexia couldn’t help but ask: “…Is it that Saint Karen?”

Saint Karen.

Her full name is Kallen Kaslana, the most powerful warrior of Destiny five hundred years ago, the ancestor of the Kaslana family, and the most famous saint in history. Her deeds have always been the focus of history classes at the Valkyrie Training School, accounting for a fifth of the textbook!

From [Destiny’s Eastern March] to [Holy Virgin’s Revolution], this long period of history has always occupied a large proportion in the assessment, and the last section is about Bishop Otto leading the Saint’s believers to overthrow the old Destiny Church. It will be used as a discussion topic in assessment every time.

Incidentally, the author of the textbook is Bishop Otto. After all, no one knows history better than this bishop, who is living history himself.

“Do you want to resurrect Saint Karen? Bishop.”

“That’s right.”

Otto affirmed it calmly.

“I want to resurrect Kallen. It can even be said that the reason why I have survived until now is for this purpose. And in the past five hundred years, whenever I feel that I can’t support it, it is this purpose and desire that continues to support me. I move forward.”

“You could even say that this is the meaning of my existence.”

26. Request for Resurrection

——The meaning of existence.

This is really too heavy a summary.

“…can I ask one more question?”

“You ask.”

“Why…does the bishop want to resurrect Saint Karen?”

Alexia asked with both curiosity and confusion: “Saint Kallen was already a figure five hundred years ago. From the perspective of a third party like me, I don’t think it is necessary to resurrect her and let her return.” The reason for this world.”

“Hmm… Indeed, in the eyes of people other than me, this is indeed the idea.”

Otto smiled.

No matter how important Kallen Kaslana is in history, she was also a figure five hundred years ago. Even in terms of combat effectiveness, more than five hundred years later, can her strength keep up with today’s standards? It’s really hard to say.

After all, Honkai becomes stronger with the development of the times, and in order to fight against Honkai, the Valkyrie’s combat effectiveness is also increasing year by year.

In terms of game play, Saint Karen has long been unable to keep up with version updates.

“Do you know how Kallen died? Alexia.”

“I remember he died from Honkaiju while protecting civilians.”

This is something that history textbooks will focus on.

In 1477, Karen, who was no longer a saint because of a series of crimes, was sentenced to hanging at Klosten. However, on the day of the execution, the execution ground was suddenly attacked by the Honkai Beast. In order to protect the civilians who came to watch at that time, Saint Kallen dragged her exhausted body to fight the Honkai Beast, but in the end she failed because of the Honkai Beast. He died of physical exhaustion and serious injuries.

This incident is not only recorded in history textbooks, but also in the family files of the Kaslana family.

This period of history is often used as an example to warn the Valkyries that they should always protect life as their mission, even if they sacrifice their lives to protect others.

Otto continued to ask: “Then do you know why Klosten was attacked by the Honkai Beast that day?”

“Eh? Isn’t it normal for a small Honkai Impact event to happen?”

Ixia didn’t remember any record of this content, and it was never mentioned in the textbook.

Otto smiled and said: “Of course not. It’s normal that you don’t know, because the textbook does not record all the contents, and some things cannot be said straightforwardly.”

“In other words, there is an inside story?”

“Yes. You also know that the Destiny Church at that time captured Honkai beasts for research in order to increase its power against them, right?”


Capture Honkai beasts and study Honkai energy weapons – although judging from the current situation, the Honkai weapons developed by Tianming at that time were quite primitive and crude, but in the fifteenth century, they were already the best way to fight Honkai beasts. Advanced equipment.

In fact, due to the birth of Honkai energy weapons, Tianming has won a lot of victories in the confrontation with Honkai.

“At that time, all the captured Honkaimon were imprisoned underground in Klosten. On the day of the execution, in order to save Kallen who was about to be executed, I released all the Honkaimon to destroy the execution ground.”

Otto smiled and told the truth that was not recorded in the textbooks.

Alexia couldn’t help but be startled when she heard this.

(Bishop… released Honkaimon?)

“Are you surprised?”

Seeing the change in Alexia’s expression, Otto stood up and came to the window: “I don’t have any intention to defend myself. At that time, I was about the same age as you now. I didn’t think about the consequences at all when I did things. I only thought about saving them.” Kallen. If Honkaimon destroys the execution ground and creates chaos, I can take Kallen and leave Klosten in the chaos – that’s what I thought at the time, and it was natural that my plan would succeed.”

“…but the result was the death of Saint Karen in battle.”

“That’s right. Because of my wishful thinking and willfulness, Kallen died. Not as a sinner, but as a saint who protects the people, and as a hero.”

Turning around, Otto leaned against the window: “After that, Kallen restored her reputation. Her behavior of risking her life to fight against the Honkai Beast was seen by everyone. Although a series of unpleasant things happened later, in the end Kallen will remain in history forever as a saint—at first glance, it seems like a perfect ending, right?”

“But to me, that’s the most imperfect ending!”

Otto’s voice rose uncontrollably: “To be honest, it’s not that I can’t accept [Karen’s death]. People are born, old, sick and die. As time goes by, people are bound to die, even me. It only survives today in a very special way.”

“So, if Karen dies in the end, for example due to illness or aging…although I will be sad, I can accept it. That is a normal way of death.”

“But I can’t accept Kallen dying because of my sins!”

Over the past five hundred years, Otto has often thought that if he could have been calmer at that time and formulated a more appropriate and perfect plan to save Kallen, then maybe there would have been a different ending.

For example, he could cooperate with the executioners who were planning to let Kallen go to release Kallen at that time to create a scene where Kallen faked her death; or hire a group of actors to cause chaos and take Kallen away while taking advantage of the chaos… Now that I think about it, it is obviously a safer method. Yes, but he chose the stupidest way.

He completely ignored Kallen’s sense of justice and ignored the fact that Kallen was a [Kaslana]. She only thought about saving Kallen and never expected that Kallen would put protecting the people above all else. Her own life still matters.

“Karen didn’t deserve to die that way. She didn’t deserve to die because of my sin. I caused her death, which is my biggest sin.”

“So, Bishop, do you actually…want to atone for your sins?”

Otto smiled bitterly: “Atonement? More than five hundred years have passed, and I don’t know what my thoughts are anymore. Maybe I have already forgotten my original intention of resurrecting Kallen, and I am just thinking about resurrecting her. ——That’s why I asked you to collect information about souls.”

There are three parts that make up the whole of a human being.

Body, soul, spirit.

Otto initially believed that resurrecting a person meant reawakening her body, so he created a clone of Kallen, but he discovered on the spot that even if the appearance was exactly the same, the clone was not his Kallen after all. More important than her appearance is Karen’s inner self, that is, her soul.

“It’s the same theory as proposed by Miss Aige.”

“Yes, to be honest, this surprised me. But at the same time, it also convinced me that one of my directions was correct.” Otto came to Exia, “I want to find Kallen Soul, let her return to this world – therefore, you are my best hope now, Exia.”

“Will you help me?”

This was the first time in Alexia’s memory that Bishop Otto, who raised her, asked her to do something so seriously.

No, this is no longer a please.

Pleading, pleading… Otto placed himself in a lower position than Exia, begging him to help resurrect Kallen.


Pursing her lips, Exia opened her mouth and gave her answer.

27. A love song that almost returned to my old career

On the way home.

Alexia did not accept Otto’s arrangement of letting Amber drive back, but walked back by herself.

Emerging from behind Ikesia, Shajo Aige asked: “So, how are you going to resurrect that holy lady? Prince.”

Yes, Exia chose to help Bishop Otto.

【Resurrection of Kallen】

Alexia didn’t know if this was correct. From a practical point of view, doing so didn’t seem to bring much benefit.

But this was a request from Bishop Otto.

Bishop Otto is right about one thing. Exia did lose his biological father. Even though Siegfried may still be alive, it was Bishop Otto who raised him. He is completely his and Bianca’s adoptive father. .

The adoptive father made a big mistake in the past, and now he wants to make things right, so Alexia… feels that she should help him.

Quan should repay the kindness of nurturing.

As for how to resurrect Saint Karen…

“I have no idea.”

Alexia answered honestly.

Indeed, he agreed to Bishop Otto’s request, but he had no experience in this area at all. How could he possibly know how to resurrect Kallen? Now he is simply moving forward in a fog.

But there are no clues.

“The point is the soul, right?”

Artoria, who also appeared, said: “The bishop has prepared his body. If the theories about resurrection in both worlds are similar, then all the Master needs to do is to find Karen Kaslan It’s just Na’s soul.”

“…Can you do it? Miss Song.”

Alexia asked the professionals.

Shajo Aige immediately fell into a long thought, and then shook his head slightly: “As far as the current situation is concerned, this approach should be completely useless, because the concept of [soul] does not exist in this world.”

This is the biggest problem.

Unlike the world over there, there is no soul in the world here. People are dead when they die, and there is no situation where the soul leaves the body and goes to the underworld.

“What’s more, even if there is a so-called soul, five hundred years have passed, and there should be nothing left at all.”

“This…is true.”

Five hundred years can make many things change and disappear. A mere person’s soul is not worth mentioning in the face of this long time, and will be worn away in an instant.

If Exia and Otto continue to pursue Kallen’s soul persistently, it will be equivalent to trying to find a drop of water in a pool that has dried up long ago.

Even if you think about it with your feet, this is simply impossible.

“Is there no other way?”

“…As for the methods, I can think of a few, but I’m not sure if they can be used in this world.” Sajo Aige said, “Prince, you should know about [time travel], right?”

Time travel.

Alexia understood the meaning of Sajo Aige: “You mean… we can go back to the past and save Saint Kallen who should have died at the hands of Honkaimon?”

“Yes, as far as I know, there are experts in this field in a parallel world over there, but… I don’t know if there is a quantum recording fixed belt in this world.”

Quantum recording tape?

“what is that?”

“Looks like I have to start from the beginning…”

Sajo Aige sighed softly and began to explain the relevant terms to Exiya.

To explain the fixed band of quantum recording, we must first start with the concepts of the entire universe and parallel worlds.

Theoretically, the universe itself is infinite and can accommodate infinite possibilities. Each possibility corresponds to a parallel world, which leads to the existence of countless parallel worlds under ideal circumstances.

But in fact, the number of parallel worlds is not infinite. There are many parallel worlds that are unnecessary. For example, parallel worlds that are destined to end, such as parallel worlds that have gone astray from the beginning… and so on. Parallel worlds, if allowed to develop, will just waste the [energy] of the universe, so these parallel worlds will be cut off.

This is also to prevent the supposedly [infinite] but actually [limited] universe from being exploded by countless parallel worlds.

In contrast, the parallel world that is on the [correct] path will be preserved.

To put it in a more vivid way, it is similar to pruning trees.

As for the standard for distinguishing [correct] and [wrong], it is the [quantum recording fixed belt] mentioned at the beginning, or the [fixed point] that constitutes the entire quantum recording fixed belt.

Just like a toll booth on a highway, no matter how the highway is built, you will eventually reach a toll booth. This [toll station] was decided from the beginning. If the development of the world reaches that [toll station], then the world can continue to continue. If the development of the world deviates from that [toll station], then the world will will be excluded.

This collection of fixed points is the quantum recording fixed zone. In the world of Shajo Aige, this cyclical act of cutting off unnecessary worlds is also called the “Foundation of Human Theory”.

The history of the world that has passed the fixed point cannot be changed in any case. Even if it is changed forcibly, history will be naturally corrected due to various circumstances, because it has been confirmed to be harmless. And correct, fixed history.

“If there is a quantum record fixed belt in this world, and [Karen Kaslana’s death by Honkaimon] is already fixed history, then there is no way to resurrect her anyway – unless we can destroy it Quantum recording tape.”

“Destruction? Can it be destroyed?”

“I can do it in the world over there, but I don’t know about it here… But Prince, regardless of whether there is a quantum recording fixed belt, if you want to resurrect Kallen Kaslana, [Now ] There is absolutely no way, the possibility only exists in [the past].”



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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