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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 179

In other words, if you ever thought about resurrecting Kallen… you would have to travel through time.

Save Kallen Kaslana in the past, or bring Kallen Kaslana from the past to the present—either way, Alexia must be able to go back to the past.

“In other words, is the next goal to [master the method of returning to the past]?”

“Or to put it more grandly – Prince, you need to [master the time].” Shajo Aige said with a smile.

Alexia couldn’t help but look embarrassed: “This is really a bit…is it too difficult?”

“Can’t you go to countless different worlds? Maybe there is a way in one of the other worlds that allows you to control time? In fact, there is a similar way in my world, but it is not something that an individual can control. of.”

“But no matter what, as long as you have this idea, Liya and I will do our best to help you realize it.”

Master the time, go back in time, and save Kallen Kaslana.

Exia suddenly felt as if she had an important task ahead of her that was almost comparable to [defeating Honkai]?

“Well…forget it, we have a long time to come, so let’s take it slow and get the current things settled first. I can’t even master the forbidden hand. It’s really too arrogant to talk about mastering time.”

in addition. Rather than mastering the Forbidden Hand, Exia remembered that she still had things to deal with today.


Inside the office.

After Alexia left, Otto sat back on the chair and covered the expression he had shown to Alexia with his hands. After a few seconds of putting down his hands, Otto seemed to have taken off his mask and revealed his expression. [Plantong]’s smile.

“Although it is an unexpected situation, in this way, Exia will become a strong support for me… I’m sorry, my dear child, just let me use you for my purpose. Strength and heart.”

“It’s all for my Karen.”

28. Kiana is really brave

It’s about four o’clock in the afternoon.

Valkyrie Training Center, the entrance to the teaching building.

Carrying her schoolbag and coming outside, facing the setting sun in the sky, Kiana stood there for a while, and then her body suddenly shook a few times.


Quickly taking a step forward to stabilize her body, and shaking her head to wake herself up, Kiana patted her face a few times: “No, no, no… I can’t fall asleep yet. If I want to sleep, I have to go home to sleep.” !”

“Are you sleepy? Kiana.”

Raiden Meiyi, who came out from behind, asked with concern: “You are really tired after the intensive training, right?”

“Well, I’m so tired that I almost can’t bear it anymore…”

Kiana spoke weakly.

Because she had agreed with instructor Lewis yesterday that she could accept the modification of the training plan, as soon as she came today, Kiana was informed that she would receive special training. Although the cultural class was still with other people, the actual training class was Individually instructed.

And the result is that Kiana is exhausted from being drilled all afternoon. You must know that she is an out-and-out physical fool. Not to mention other physical strength, she really has too much energy to use up, but now she is so tired. I almost fell asleep standing up.

“Those instructors are really not merciful at all… Meiyi, please give me a knee pillow when you get home~~~~I need to replenish Meiyi’s energy~~~”

“What is Mei Yi’s energy?”

Raiden Mei touched Kiana’s tired cheek.

“Keep trying harder and I’ll make you something delicious when you get back.”


Kiana, who almost closed her eyes when she heard there was delicious food, immediately became a little more energetic. She put her arm on Raiden Mei’s shoulder and walked towards the exit.

However, just as the two of them and Bronya were about to walk out, the sound coming from the parking lot next to them made the three of them stop in their tracks.

“Are you serious… No, I have made a decision about my family… But I have never met him once… What do you mean by trying it first… “

Because the distance was quite far, the content of the sound was intermittent.

Raiden Meiyi followed the voice and said, “That’s…Instructor Anna, right? Who are you talking to on the phone?”

“Instructor Anna? She is still there. I thought she had gone to meet my brother.”

Kiana also looked over.

And just at this moment, Anna who was not far away also hung up the phone. After sighing helplessly, she just turned around——

“Ah, Kiana-san, Raiden-san, Bronya-san.”

Seeing the three of them, Anna immediately trotted forward: “Are you three ready to go home?”

Bronya nodded slightly: “Yes. Who was Instructor Anna talking to just now?”

“It’s… with my family, an elder of the Shaniyat family.” Anna explained, “I lived in the family when I was a teaching assistant, and then I just told my family Wait, we’re having dinner out today—actually, we’re having dinner with Kiana’s classmate’s brother.”

This was something that was agreed upon yesterday, because Anna wanted to meet with Alexia, and considering the schedules of both parties, they decided to have dinner together tonight.

Leiden Mei thought for a while: “Then does Instructor Anna want to go back with us?”

“No, no, I have already made a reservation at the restaurant and am getting ready to go there now.”

“Have you contacted my brother?”

“I got the phone number from an acquaintance this afternoon and contacted your brother. I think I will arrive in tandem with him.”

As Anna spoke, she walked towards her bicycle on the parking lot: “Then you three, be careful on your way home. I have to place an order, so I have to go first.”

“Okay, instructor Anna, be careful on the road.”

Watching Anna getting on the bicycle and leaving, Raiden Mei and the other three stood there and waved. After walking out of the exit and confirming that Anna was out of sight, Kiana, who was still leaning on Raiden Mei and feeling a little sluggish, immediately looked like It’s like taking a shot of chicken blood and I feel energetic!

“Bronya, are you very good at hacking? Can you tell me which restaurant Instructor Anna and my brother are going to eat at?”

“What do you want to do?” Bronya asked vigilantly, “It is very difficult to hack into the headquarters system. The firewall level is very high.”

“What are you doing? Hehehehe~~~~”

Kiana didn’t know where to take out a hat and put it on her head: “Of course I’m going to follow it!”

Thunder Meiyi: “……”

Bronya: “……”

They knew what Kiana was planning.

“Why do you want to follow Instructor Anna, Kiana?”

“You don’t understand this, Mei.” Kiana puffed up her chest, “First of all, let’s confirm one thing. I like Sister Bianca, and then Sister Bianca seems to also like me. Kind of interesting, right?”

Leiden Meiyi and Bronya thought for a while and found that this seemed to be the case.

“But, brother and sister Bianca have not confessed to each other, which means that the two of them actually have nothing to do with each other… If instructor Anna and brother meet at this time, and the relationship will get better and better after that. ——”

“So Kiana, are you worried about a conflict between Instructor Anna and Miss Bianca?”

Kiana nodded vigorously: “That’s it! I’m really looking forward to Sister Bianca becoming my sister-in-law, so I definitely can’t let Instructor Anna get in the way!”

“You think too much, idiot Kiana.”

Bronya lost interest instantly, although her expression gave no indication of whether she was interested or not.

“I’m usually a fool, but at times like this, I unexpectedly like to think wildly.”

“What do you mean by random thoughts? This is an important matter concerning who I want to call my sister-in-law in the future! What do you think, Mei?”

“I…I don’t think it’s important either.” Raiden Mei thought for a while, “Instructor Anna and Mr. Exia just met for the first time today, so it’s unlikely that… ..Kiana, are you really overthinking this? – Or are you thinking of something else?”

“Well, actually I want to see if I’m being honest, because Instructor Anna is actually a great beauty, right? Maybe I don’t have enough self-control? And if he is not honest and touches Instructor Anna, I will Take a secret photo and use it as a gold medal to avoid death in the future, or give it directly to Sister Rita and Sister Bianca.”

She is really not afraid of death.

Bronya and Raiden Mei had similar thoughts at almost the same time.

(If this is discovered, Kiana will never sleep tonight.)

(Maybe we won’t see the sun tomorrow.)

“Anyway, Bronya, hurry up and check it for me! This is very important to me!”

“Bronya doesn’t want it.”

“Stop messing around, Kiana, let’s go home.”


29.The atmosphere is a bit subtle

Although Tianming headquarters is said to be a headquarters, it can actually be regarded as a small city. It has everything that a city should have.

For example, shopping malls, clothing stores, restaurants.

After all, people at the headquarters rarely leave the headquarters, and not everyone can cook, and various daily necessities may need to be replenished. You can’t just have the transport ship go to the ground to buy it and transport it back every time, right?

It’s not express delivery.

Therefore, the Tianming headquarters has very complete facilities.

High-end restaurants are also included, and they are basically used to welcome guests or hold group meetings among nobles.

What Aixia came to now was one of the high-end restaurants.

“Is this here? The meeting place Miss Anna mentioned.”

After getting out of the car, Alexia, who had already put on formal clothes, took out his personal terminal and checked it – around one or two o’clock in the afternoon, he was doing something casually at home and suddenly received the call from Anna Shania. A special contact was made to inform him of the time and place of the evening meeting.

Alexia originally thought it would be fine to meet at her own home, but Anna said this was too casual and wanted to be more formal anyway, so Alexia agreed to go out to meet her.

“Welcome, guests. How many of you are there? Do you have an appointment?”

As he walked into the restaurant, a waiter came to Alexia and asked.

Alexia showed him the personal terminal: “A companion has arrived, named Anna Shaniat.”

“I understand, Miss Shaniat has indeed said hello, please come with me.”

After confirming Alexia’s identity, the waiter took him deeper into the restaurant.

It is already dinner time. Although there are not too many customers in the restaurant, they are not too few either. It is the normal level for a high-end restaurant. After all, not everyone will dine at high-end restaurants.

After walking through the aisle illuminated by golden lights, at a candle-lit dining table near the window, Ixia met the person who invited her this time.

Different from what she wore when she took office at the Valkyrie Training Center, Anna has now changed out of the Valkyrie uniform and replaced it with a sworn dress. The hem is slightly short and only hangs down a little above her knees. The dress itself is also embroidered with blue patterns, which look like blooming flowers, with a faint sparkle.

“Ms. Shaniyat, Mr. Kaslana is here.”

The waiter came to Anna and said.

Anna, who was looking out the window, immediately turned her head to look at Alexia. Only then did Alexia realize that in addition to her dress, she also wore a heart-shaped necklace around her neck, a hairpin on her forehead, and her face. There seems to be some traces of makeup on the face.

(I came to see the prince after dressing up, and it was a candlelight dinner. I have never had a meal with the prince like this… It seems that he is another competitor. Should I let her know the difficulty in advance? Retreat?)

The voice of Shatiao’s love song rang in his mind.

(Love songs, please don’t do anything casually)

(Calm down, Miss Aige, it’s just a meeting with Miss Anna.)

Sitting down opposite Anna, Alexia looked at her and smiled: “Sorry to keep you waiting, Miss Anna, I’m late.”

“No, I just arrived, I didn’t wait long.”

As Anna spoke, she raised her hand to indicate to the waiter that she could step aside to prepare the dishes. After the waiter left, she continued: “Although we have contacted you before, please let me introduce myself. I am Anna Shania. Special, a B-class Valkyrie, a member of the Snow Lotus Team stationed in Manila, the capital of the Philippines.”

“Thank you very much for your willingness to have dinner with me this time, Mr. Alexia Kaslana.”

“I have long admired you, Miss Anna.” Alexia greeted politely, “I am also very happy to have such an opportunity to have dinner with you. My sister-in-law must have caused you a lot of trouble in normal times, and this time she also made it happen. I apologize to you and thank you, please take care of her.”

Anna was born in Shaniat, while Exia was taught by Otto.

Both of them knew exactly what to do first when meeting on such an occasion.

At the same time, the waiter happened to come over and poured a glass of red wine into the wine glasses in their hands.

“The 1987 red wine from Chateau Latour?” Alexia glanced at the icon on the bottle, “Miss Anna spent a lot of money.”

“I’m meeting you after all – don’t you like drinking wine?”

“I’m not old enough to drink yet, but it’s okay to speak a little. The bishop has given me a lot of privileges in private.”

Alexia picked up the wine glass and shook it, took a slight sniff of the wine and raised the glass to Anna: “Well, first of all, please let us toast to this meeting, Miss Anna. And also to the beautiful you tonight.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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