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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 181


Anna, who was already a little drunk, woke up on the spot when she heard these words! The drunkenness and everything else just ran away to who knows where!

(I, I, I, I, I will marry Mr. Exia?!)

Thinking about this possibility in her mind, Anna’s cheeks turned red and she quickly shook her head, waving her hands a few times: “No, no, no, no! That’s not what I mean! It may not be mine, maybe it’s a senior in the family—— And this time I am just asking if you have this intention…”

“That’s it. It seems I misunderstood. I’m sorry.”

“No…it was me who raised the issue that made things difficult for you. I’m the one who wants to say I’m sorry.” Anna lowered her head and said, “Then, may I ask…are you willing?”

“I don’t have any thoughts of getting married right now.”

Alexia replied.

“The Shaniyat family is my mother’s family, and it can also be regarded as half of my hometown. Logically speaking, I don’t want to violate the wishes of the elders in the family. But I’m sorry, I am just a minor child now. I don’t have any concrete impressions or practical ideas about who to marry, a major life event, and it’s too early for me to fall in love.”

“So, please allow me to refuse the marriage request now, Miss Anna.”

(It should be okay to give such an answer for the time being… Speaking of which, the bishop seemed to have told me before that if I don’t have someone I like yet, he will arrange a relationship with the Shaniyat family for me. Marriage coming?)

Arranged marriages.

There is no problem if both parties are happy with each other, but if Alexia is asked to marry a strange woman whom he does not know at all…his intuition tells him that this will probably lead to a lot of trouble in the future. Life after marriage It will definitely not be smooth!

“That’s it…I understand.”

After receiving Alexia’s answer, Anna couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief: “I will convey this answer to the elders in the family. I’m really sorry for asking you to answer such a question all of a sudden – can I apologize to you and have a drink?”

“Is it okay? You’ve drank a lot, right?”

“Of course it’s no problem. My drinking ability is actually pretty good.”

Anna, who was also almost underage, held up the wine glass confidently.


at the same time.

Outside the restaurant, on a bench by the roadside.


Patting Kiana, who was watching the surveillance camera attentively, Sajo Aige said with a smile: “Can you please call Miss Bianca or Miss Rita now?”


Kiana was stunned: “Why so sudden? I haven’t collected all the evidence yet.”

“I have collected it here.” Shajo Aige pointed to his ear, “After all, the surveillance only has images, and their conversation cannot be heard – but I just heard a lot of interesting things, for safety reasons It’s better to hurry up and tell Miss Bianca.”

“——Just say [the prince may be arranged for a marriage in the future].”

Kiana/Rainden Mei/Bronya: “!”

The three-person team was once again stunned.

32. Only Kiana is being beaten

By the time Alexia and Anna finished their dinner and came out of the restaurant, it was already seven o’clock in the evening.

On the road illuminated by street lights, as she walked out, the cool night wind blew on Anna, causing her to cover her shoulders subconsciously – her dress was strapless, because it was afternoon when she came, and she I didn’t consider the effect of temperature, but it’s a bit cold now.

Of course, Valkyries basically don’t get sick. The artificial stigmata gives them physical fitness far beyond that of ordinary people. They can even resist Honkai Energy and will not suffer from minor illnesses such as colds.

But even so, the coolness can still be felt. Compared with the indoor environment, it is indeed cooler outside.

Alexia put her hand on the button of her coat: “Miss Anna, do you need me to lend you your coat?”

“Ah… No, no need.” Anna shook her head quickly and said, “If you lend me your clothes, you might catch a cold. I just need to be patient.”

“Okay, I asked too much.”

Putting his hands down from his clothes buttons, Ixia continued to ask: “Then how are you going to go back? I remember Shaniyat’s house is some distance away from here, and it will be very late if you walk back.”

“I have a bicycle parked nearby. You can ride it back by yourself. Thank you for your concern.”


Alexia raised her brows and looked in the direction Anna was walking. She indeed saw a bicycle parked on the side of the road – how can the Shaniyat family be so friendly when traveling?

“By the way, how are you going to go back, Mr. Exia?”

Anna turned around and asked: “My bicycle has a back seat. If you don’t mind, I can take you back. Just think of it as additional apology.”

For raising such an embarrassing question, Anna didn’t think that just a glass of wine would be enough to fully apologize.

It would be great if she drove out today, but unfortunately she hasn’t gotten her driver’s license yet.

Alexia took out her personal terminal from her trouser pocket and said, “I don’t know if Miss Amber is still free, and Rita is not here either… If Miss Amber is not available, I will walk back.”

(If you bring out the Holy Sword of Soaring, you can fly back.)

“That’s it. Then I’ll take the first step.” Anna smiled and rode on the bicycle. “See you again in the future, Mr. Exia.”

“Don’t make it sound like we’ll never see each other again. It’s just a normal goodbye.”

Alexia smiled.

“Be careful on the road – next time, please choose a more ordinary restaurant.”

“Haha, I remember.”

After smiling and waving to Alexia, Anna rode her bicycle and left along the road.

And after watching her leave until she could no longer hear her voice, Exia turned her attention to the bench across the street——

“You can come out now, Miss Aige, Saber, and a few people hiding there together. If you are not doing homework at home at night, what are you doing out here?”


Hearing Exia’s call, the figures of Sajo Aige and Artoria suddenly appeared behind him, and then in the direction of the bench, Kia, who had all hid under the chair because Exia came out earlier Na and others also got out one after another and stood up.

“W-Good evening, bro——rua!”

Just as Kiana said hello, a small ice bullet hit her in the head.

Alexia curled her fingers: “Good evening, my dear. What are you three doing here? I saw the sneaky shadows of the three of you as soon as I came out. Have you finished your homework?”

“this and that……”


While Kiana was still looking for reasons for her behavior, Bronya had already arrived in front of Ixia and handed over the portable notebook in her hand: “This is Kiana’s [evidence of guilt]. “


In an instant, the way Kiana looked at Bronya changed drastically!

(You actually betrayed me!)

“Evidence of guilt? What is it?”

Alexia opened the notebook curiously, and what appeared on the screen was a video file, and the content…


Looking at the video of herself and Anna having dinner that Bronya had copied above, Alexia’s brows jumped a few times: “Bronya, is this?”

“Kiana seems to be preparing to use this to threaten the master, so that she can escape disaster if she makes mistakes in the future. She is also planning to send it to Bianca and Rita.”

(Bronya, why did you say everything!)

“Oh? Really?”


Hearing the somewhat deep voice spoken by Alexia, Kiana, who was still looking at Bronya with strange eyes, instantly stiffened! Then his eyes went dead!

It’s over.

After throwing the file that Bronya copied into the recycle bin and emptying the recycle bin, Ixia came to Kiana and reached out her hand to hold her lovely sister’s head with a kind face: “Qi~~ya ~~Na~~”

“I’m…I’m here, brother…”


A sharp hand knife struck Kiana directly on the head before she finished speaking, hitting her so hard on the spot that she could not get up again!

Sighing helplessly, Alexia looked at Raiden Mei: “Miss Mei, why didn’t you stop me?”

“Of course I tried to persuade her, but Kiana kept talking about it on the way home…Bronya and I really couldn’t stand her. I’m sorry, Mr. Alexia.” Raiden Mei said apologetically. .

Alexia held her forehead: “Haah… don’t keep messing around with her all the time – then, Miss Aige, have you calmed down?”

“What do you think? Prince.”

Shajo Aige asked with a smile.

“Candlelight dinner…the gentleman prince…toasting each other…the prince’s words of love…approximately equal to a marriage proposal…if it were better than Miss Anka, I can barely accept it with gritted teeth, but it is really a bit arrogant for a newcomer to do this when they meet for the first time… Ah, please don’t get me wrong, Prince, I am not envious or envious at all. I’m jealous, I just think that Miss Anna doesn’t understand etiquette, really.”

(No, this is simply envy to the extreme, right?)

Seeing the way Sajo Aige wanted to hide but couldn’t hide it at all, Exia touched her belly, and then asked Raiden Mei: “Ah~~~ Speaking of which, Miss Mei, you guys have dinner. ?”

“Not yet…because Kiana said she wanted to come here.”

“Now let’s go home and prepare dinner together. Please help Miss Aige prepare some food that I like to eat.” Ixia said with a smile, “As expected, I still want to eat the dinner prepared by Miss Aige. The ones in the restaurant are not comparable to those in the restaurant.” It’s Miss Aige’s craftsmanship.”

“Your Majesty Prince…”

Sajo Aige’s eyes seemed to flicker for a few times, and then she immediately smiled and said: “I understand, Mr. Prince! I will give my best to guide Miss Mei and Sister Bronya tonight!”

“Well, please.”

33.Honkai strikes again?

Japan, Changkora City.

This once prosperous seaside city has completely become a no man’s land since the third collapse event ended more than a month ago.

Because of the aftermath of the battle between Herrscher of Thunder and Exia, the entire city has been affected. The area near the ocean has begun to be gradually submerged by sea water. The large amount of Honkai energy remaining here shows no sign of disappearing. A large amount of Honkaimon is roaming around the city…

Just like Siberia, which experienced the second collapse that year, it will take a long time in years to repair this city. Until then, this place will be a restricted area for humans.

However, at this moment, this city that was supposed to be devoid of any life welcomed a group of guests.

“Buzz buzz buzz~~~~”

On the top of a relatively complete building, with the roar of the atmosphere, an aircraft slowly landed. After the hatch on the side was opened from the inside, a group of fully armed Valkyries came from the aircraft to the roof. superior.

After all the Valkyries came down from the queue, the leading Valkyrie took out the communicator: “Report to Major Wuliangta that the reconnaissance force has arrived safely in Changkong City and did not encounter any abnormal conditions on the way.”

[Well, it’ll be good if we can arrive safely]

In the projection displayed by the communicator, Wuliang Tajizi, who is still at St. Freya Academy, has her hands folded across her chest.

[Although I think someone should have already understood part of the situation, I would like to formally explain the purpose of this operation to you now]

[More than a month ago, the third Honkai Impact occurred in Changkong City, but in the end because of Alexia Kaslana’s hard work, the Third Herrscher was defeated in less than two hours, and the third Honkai Impact was also Therefore it ends]

[After that, the continuous elimination of Honkaimon in Changkong City became the task of our Far East Branch]

[According to the detection of our intelligence department, the Honkai Energy in Changkong City has been gradually recovering recently, and the peak has been slowly rising. Therefore, the task for you to form a reconnaissance team to go to Changkong City this time is to conduct on-the-spot investigation]

[I do not require you to solve this problem directly, but please bring back as much information and intelligence as possible – above]

“Understood, Major Wuliangta.”

Turning off the communication, the leading Valkyrie looked at the Valkyries lined up in front of her: “So… are you all ready?”


“Very well, let’s go.”

St. Freya’s College.

In the command room.

Looking at the completed communication at hand, Wuliangta Jizi sighed slightly.

(Let’s send those children to the battlefield… I hope they can survive this first real actual battle.)


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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