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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 182

The Far East Branch is the weakest branch among all the branches of Destiny. After all, as the head of the branch, Theresa, an S-level Valkyrie, cannot be dispatched casually. Without her, the number of officially established Valkyries will not be the same. Not much, and Theresa brought them all from the headquarters.

Moreover, not all Valkyries can go to the front line. Among the Valkyries brought by Theresa, a large part are civilians, plus those necessary to maintain Hyperion warships… ..In fact, there are relatively few Valkyries available from St. Freya Academy.

Therefore, for this reconnaissance mission, Wuliangta Jizi was mainly composed of third-year students from St. Freya Academy. Except for the leading Valkyrie, all the team members were students.

Not counting the third Honkai Impact, which was already over when they arrived, this reconnaissance mission is their first real combat.

No matter what kind of fighter you are, the first actual combat is always the most important. No matter how good your results are during training, it will be meaningless if you cannot perform them in actual combat. But only after experiencing real actual combat, trainees can Only then can you officially begin to become a qualified warrior.

(Everyone, please come back safely.)

“Major Wuliangta.”

The adjutant’s voice sounded beside him.

“A-level Valkyrie Fu Hua applies to meet.”

“Fu Hua?”

Wuliangta Jizi raised her eyebrows: “Come to see me at this time…let her come in.”


The adjutant retreated in response, and not long after, a slender figure walked into the command room and came to Wuliangta Jizi.

It is the rare A-level Valkyrie Fu Hua from St. Freya Academy.

“Major Jizi, I’m sorry for visiting during your working hours. I hope I didn’t disturb your command site.”

“Oh, there is no place that requires my command now. It’s just a reconnaissance mission. I think the person in charge of the scene can handle it enough.” Wuliangta Jizi smiled, “But you, what are you doing here all of a sudden? It’s not your turn yet. It’s time for you, the A-level Valkyrie, to appear.”

Fu Hua pushed up his glasses: “Actually, there is something I want to report – about what is happening in Changkong City now, after I learned about it earlier, I remembered some things I had seen in an ancient book before, and I thought there might be something There was a connection, so I went to investigate.”

“Then you found something through your investigation?”

“It’s not easy for me to judge. I just surmise from what I’ve investigated. About five hundred years ago, a major event related to the collapse should have occurred on the land where Changkong City is located.”

Five hundred years ago?

This time span made Wuliangta Jizi frown – could things so long ago have anything to do with the present?

“Fu Hua, you——”

“Major! Urgent contact! From the Reconnaissance Team!”

Before Wuliangta Jizi could say anything specifically, such a report came from below!

“Get connected now!”

Without any hesitation, Wuliangta Jizi put Fu Hua’s matter aside. As the contact was connected, the entire command room heard the voice from the other end of the communicator.

[Major…Bang bang bang bang bang…We encountered…Bang bang bang bang bang…attack! It seems to be… crackling… Requesting support! 】

The voice in the communication was intermittent, as if the person on the other side was running quickly and talking at the same time.

Wuliangta Jizi stood up subconsciously: “Attack?! What’s going on! Report a clearer situation!”

[Swish, swish, swish~~~~~]

There was no response, or in other words, only silence.

Wuliangta Jizi’s heart immediately went cold!

Attack? Could it be that he was attacked by Honkaimon? But there should be only temple-level Honkaimon in Changkong City now. With twelve trainees and one active Valkyrie, they should be able to defeat them if they formulate a good countermeasure.

What’s more, it’s only been a few minutes since the reconnaissance team started taking action? Do you have three minutes?

(What happened over there?)

34. Cherry-colored figure

“Da da da da~~~~!”

St. Freya’s College.

In the corridor of the medical department, the sound of extremely fast running was echoing continuously, and the person running was none other than Theresa, who had an anxious look on her face.

After running all the way to the recuperation area, as soon as her feet stepped through the door, Theresa quickly shouted: “Himeko! How is everyone doing?”


In the ward, Wuliangta Jizi raised a finger when she heard the call, and then pulled Theresa to the door: “Keep your voice down, Theresa, it doesn’t mean that loud talking and running are not allowed in the hospital. ?”

“But…but I’m worried about everyone. What happened? Is everyone okay?”

Theresa asked while looking into the ward worriedly.

In the ward, there were twelve unconscious girls lying there at the moment. Each of them looked a little pale and looked quite weak.

They were all members of the team that went to Changkong City for reconnaissance operations.

Wuliangta Jizi sighed slightly and sat down on the chair next to her: “Don’t worry, Theresa, everyone is fine. As for what happened… I actually don’t know.”

Thirty minutes ago, after receiving an emergency contact and realizing that something happened to the reconnaissance team, Wuliangta Jizi immediately organized a rescue team, and she and Fu Hua personally led the team to Changkong City, preparing to investigate what happened there. What happened.

But after arriving, they only found all the unconscious members of the reconnaissance team on the ground not far from the landing site, and everyone had more or less wounds on their bodies.

For safety reasons, Wuliangta Jizi and Fu Hua did not stay any longer, but directly brought everyone back to the Far East Branch for treatment, and immediately notified Theresa.

Fortunately, after examination, everyone’s life was not in danger and there were only some innocuous skin injuries. As for the cause of coma, it was initially determined that it was caused by a heavy blow to the cervical spine or the back of the head, not Honkai energy.

——The above is the current situation.

After listening to Wuliangta Jizi’s words, Theresa couldn’t help but frown: “…In other words, after the reconnaissance team arrived in Changkong City and started investigating, they quickly encountered the enemy. , and then all of them were defeated in just three minutes?”

“That’s about it.”

Wuliangta Jizi nodded and said: “It should not be the fault of Honkai Beast and Death Warrior, not to mention that the combat effectiveness of the reconnaissance team is unlikely to fall into the hands of Honkai Beast and Death Warrior. If we really encounter Honkai Beast If they and the Death Soldiers are defeated, then none of them should be able to survive.”

Thirty minutes were enough for these scouts to die several times.

Moreover, according to the detection of Honkai energy intensity in Changkong City, during that period, there was no strong Honkai energy reaction near the scouts. The strongest individuals within five kilometers around them were the tank class and knight class.

“In this case… who will be the person who knocked down all the children?” Theresa became confused, “Didn’t you encounter any enemies when you and Fu Hua arrived?”

“No. When we arrived, that person had probably already left. If we really want to know who the enemy is, I’m afraid we can only ask them after they wake up. Alas…the first actual battle To suffer something like this should be a big blow to these children.”

When saying this, Wuliangta Jizi’s tone was full of heartache and regret.

The teaching philosophy of St. Freya Academy is to cultivate Valkyries who cherish life. Therefore, compared to the Valkyries cultivated by the headquarters and other branches, the Valkyrie trainees here are actually more like a group of ordinary students.

As a teacher, Wuliangta Jizi has watched these students grow up. Now that her students have encountered unexpected events, even if there is no life-threatening crisis, she still feels uncomfortable.

Seeing the unconcealed worry in Wuliangta Jizi’s eyes, Theresa patted her shoulder: “The children’s matter is not your fault, Jizi, at least everyone is still alive now, which is better than anything else. ”

“I know… Also, Theresa, before comforting me, you should calm down first. Weren’t you also very worried just now?”

Wuliangta Jizi said with a smile, then took a few deep breaths, stabilized her mood and spirit, and asked: “What to do next? Theresa, do you want to continue sending a reconnaissance team to Changkong City? Monitor the collapse of Changkong City in reality. The intensity of bad energy is still increasing.”

“…how much intensity?”

“Two-thirds of what happened more than a month ago was already a medium-sized Honkai incident. But… there were not a large number of Honkai beasts.”

When a Honkai incident occurs, no matter how big or small, Honkai beasts will inevitably appear explosively, and like a tide of beasts, they will attack civilized cities with the most violent force.

But this time, even though the strength of Honkai energy has reached that standard, the number of Honkai beasts in Changkong City has not significantly increased significantly.

When Theresa heard this, her brows couldn’t help but frown deeper: “…Don’t send out the reconnaissance team for the time being. Before the identity of the attacker is known, if you continue to send the reconnaissance team, it is likely to be attacked again. Wait until the students We all need to wake up and ask them what happened before making a decision.”


(I have a bad feeling.)

Just like the calm before the storm, Theresa suddenly had a feeling – maybe the third collapse, which they thought had ended long ago, was actually not over, or even… maybe it had just begun?


at the same time.

Somewhere in Changkong City.

In the shadows of some broken alley.

“Are they gone?”

It seemed like someone was speaking, a gentle female voice came from the alley.

[I left a long time ago. I told you that you have to wait a little longer]

Another voice responded.

“Maybe there’s an ambush? There’s no problem in waiting a little longer.”

【snort! So what if there is an ambush, they are just a group of weak humans. Wouldn’t it be nice to defeat them all as easily as before? I can’t figure out what you’re afraid of]


The person who spoke first was silent for a while, then seemed to sigh, and a soft sigh sounded in the alley.

“Sigh… No matter what, we should try not to argue with irrelevant people. This world now… we don’t know anything about it, so we should learn more about the surroundings first.”

Along with such a sound, a figure that looked like a cherry blossom came out of the alley.

35. Alexia’s fulfilling two weeks

From an objective point of view, the flow rate of time is constant. No matter what changes occur, time will always flow at a fixed speed.

But for every single person, depending on the individual situation and surrounding environment, everyone will feel that time passes through the fingertips at different speeds from time to time.

That’s the case with Alexia.

Because he has been living at Tianming Headquarters for the past few years, he always feels that time passes a little faster when he is at the headquarters. This is all due to the fact that he often worked overtime in the past. Since he started traveling to another world more than half a year ago, he has frequently left the headquarters, and his situation has not changed at all.

In view of this, half a month has passed in the blink of an eye since Exia returned to the headquarters.

In the past two weeks, except for some things that happened in the first two or three days, Ixia’s life became quite regular in the rest of the time.

Apart from daily life, Aixia mainly performs three tasks.

The first is the practice of forbidden hands.

Thanks to the fusion with the Great Holy Grail of the incarnation of Sandjo Aige, Exia can now use magic according to her own will to a certain extent [it will save the world], and according to Ddraig, Exia’s subspecies are forbidden If you want to activate your hand, you must be in the state of using magic anyway.

Therefore, practicing the hand restraint while maintaining the use of magic has become Exia’s top priority during this period. In addition, there is also physical training to extend the time of sub-type hand restraint and magic use.

After all, now that she has obtained the Great Holy Grail, theoretically speaking, Exia can maintain her magic as long as she wants. The magic can be maintained until the magic power of the Great Holy Grail is completely used up. But his physical strength is not strong enough to withstand such a powerful force all the time. If it is maintained for a long time, it will easily cause damage to the body.

At present, Exia’s limit time is roughly more than three minutes, less than three and a half minutes. During this period, his power is completely at the level of the Demon King – but this is not enough. If he encounters someone who cannot do it in the future, The powerful enemy defeated in these three minutes, Exia will be dead as soon as time passes.

So physical exercise is a must!

Every morning and afternoon, as long as there are no unnecessary things, Ixia will spend all her time on this.

The second thing is about St. 1504.

For more than half a year, in order to study the divine blood brought back by Exia and develop his exclusive God Key for Exia, the Saint 1504 Research Institute has been operating at full power, but because it is all with Exia related matters, so Ixia’s assistance is needed on some research projects anyway.

The result is that Alexia will basically be called to the research institute by Emperor Changguang Seventeen every once in a while, asking her to conduct a series of innocuous experiments and research analyzes on her body – it is said that all of them were obtained by Bishop Otto. Approved [Harmless Experiment].

It’s hard to say exactly what it is, but considering that Exia has had no problems so far, I guess it’s really harmless.

And the last thing…

“In other words, for this question, you must first replace the terms on both sides of the formula, simplify the equation, and then factor it. I have told you the decomposition formula of the linear equation of three variables before.”

In the living room of Alexia’s house, sitting at the dining table, Alexia was seriously explaining to Kiana next to her the solution to a certain problem in the exercise book.

——Provide after-school tutoring for Kiana.

This is the third thing Exia has been doing during this time.

Although I had previously agreed with Instructor Lewis that Kiana’s cultural class results could be held to a lower standard, but even so, with Kiana’s academic ability, it is still not possible to meet that standard – a third-year junior high school student The question is still a super question for Kiana!

However, through these two weeks of observation, Alexia also discovered that her sister was not stupid, but she just didn’t have the heart to learn.

In short, he has no self-control at all!

If someone stares at her and forces her to concentrate on studying, her grades can still be improved.

“Kiana, there is still one square over there that remains unsolved.”

“Well…I’m just about to untie it.”

“But I see that you are already preparing for the next question. Remember to check it carefully after finishing the question.”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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