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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 183

“Brother, you are so annoying.”

(This girl…)

Alexia held her forehead helplessly – Kiana liked to be tough and talk back. Sometimes she would insist on saying that she was right when she got the question wrong, so he could only use reason and use force. Correct her point of view.

The small question just now was okay. If she got a big question wrong, she wouldn’t admit it unless Ixia gave her a dozen ice bullets.

(What a troublesome sister.)

“Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Exia.”

Carrying a pot of scented tea, Leiden Meiyi came to the two of them and poured a cup for each of them with a smile: “This is the scented tea I learned from Senior Ai Ge. It has the effect of refreshing and relieving fatigue. Have a drink and have a rest.” “


When she heard the break, Kiana threw the pen in her hand onto the table and stretched her hands straight to the other side of the table: “Ahhhhhh~~~~~I’m going to die~~~~~Question It’s so difficult~~~~~”

“If you study seriously, you won’t have to endure hardship now.”

Alexia, who was drinking tea, knocked on her sister’s head: “There will be another test in more than ten days. Before then, we must improve our results to pass.”

“Brother~~~Don’t talk about your grades during the break, okay~~~” Kiana said weakly.

The last two weeks had been hell to her.

During the day, he was raped by the instructors at Valkyrie School, and when he came back at night, he had to receive strict tutoring and ideological education from Exia. At the end of the day, he was exhausted both physically and mentally, and he had no energy left to spend time with Raiden Mei.

“Mei Yi~~~I want to hug me to replenish Mei Yi’s energy – it hurts!”

“What nonsense are you talking about?” Alexia gave Kiana a chestnut unceremoniously, “Miss Mei cooks for the two of us every day, so don’t do anything to embarrass her.”

“I’m not embarrassed! It’s obviously very comfortable! Right Mei!?”

“This…this…I feel…”

Leiden Meiyi couldn’t help but have a slightly red cheek, and was at a loss. She looked quite shy and embarrassed.

Seeing this, Alexia knocked on the Kiana wooden fish again.

“Brother…it hurts…”

“You should have called me – by the way, Bronya hasn’t come back yet? Does it take so long to buy groceries?”

It was already past four o’clock in the afternoon on Saturday. Bronya, who had gone out to buy groceries half an hour ago, still showed no sign of coming back.

Is there a traffic jam on the road? Or is there too many people in the supermarket?

“Beep beep beep beep!”

Just when Ixia was thinking this, a rapid ringing suddenly rang from his pocket!

Taking out his personal terminal, Alexia glanced at the caller on it and immediately answered the call: “This is Alexia. Is there an emergency? Bishop.”

[Well, it did happen. Come to my office immediately now]


36. Exia, attack

“Another large-scale collapse event occurred in Changkong City?”

After receiving the urgent contact from Bishop Otto, Exia flew over at full speed with the Soaring Holy Sword. Otto informed her of this matter as soon as she walked into Otto’s office.

“What’s going on? Didn’t the third collapse just happen more than a month ago? In this short period of time…”

“Sit down first, Alexia, Amber and I will explain to you next.”

Otto waved his hand for Alexia to sit down on the sofa, and then asked Amber beside him to activate the projection device in the room, projecting a document and several pictures directly into the dark room after all the doors and windows were closed.

Alexia looked at the picture and said, “Is this… the Honkai Energy intensity monitoring report of Changkong City?”

Otto nodded slightly.

“Let me explain it from the beginning.”

“This is an emergency report sent by the Far East Branch an hour ago. According to the content, about two weeks ago, that is, a few days before you came back, the intensity of Honkai energy in Changkong City increased to a certain extent. Pick up.”

(Recovery of Honkai energy strength?)

“Initially, the Far East Branch believed that this was not a special situation. In fact, the magnitude of the recovery at that time was within the normal fluctuation range of the collapse energy intensity, and it did not attract the attention and attention of the Far East Branch.”

“But as time goes by, this rebound does not stop, but continues to occur, and the peak value of the Honkai energy intensity is getting higher and higher.”

“In order to investigate this situation, the Far East Branch dispatched a reconnaissance team to Changkong City to investigate. However, in just three minutes, the reconnaissance team was completely wiped out by an unknown enemy. Fortunately, there were no casualties. “

The words coming out of Otto’s mouth made Exia frown.

The reconnaissance troops of the Far East Branch were all defeated within three minutes… Although the Valkyrie taught by St. Freya Academy may be the weakest among all the branches in terms of strength, but what can I say? Also a Valkyrie.

It was a bit abnormal to be defeated all within three minutes – Ixia didn’t think this was due to poor education at St. Freya Academy.

And Otto’s explanation continued.

“A week passed after that, and all the recovered reconnaissance troops recovered. Major Wuliangta Himeko and Theresa asked them about the situation, and then dispatched a second reconnaissance unit, but unfortunately, this reconnaissance unit was also It failed in a short period of time.”

“Because of the increasing strength of Honkai energy within Changkong City, a temple-level Honkai beast was successfully born at that time a week ago. The second reconnaissance team found the temple-level Honkai beast. As well as being defeated by a large number of tank-class and knight-class attacks, they did not bring back much useful intelligence.”

If I have to say it, I can only confirm the appearance of the temple-level Honkaimon.

“Then the time came to yesterday in the Far East region. The Far East branch observed a very special intensity of Honkai energy in Changkong City. Although it was only for a moment, the peak intensity… was infinitely close to the third The intensity when the Herrscher of Thunder was born when it collapsed.”

Alexia couldn’t control herself for a moment and stood up: “What did you say?! Could this mean…”

Another Herrscher was born!

This is what Otto wanted to express.

But how is this possible? A collapse will only give birth to one Herrscher, how could a second one be born? And if it was the fourth collapse, it would have happened too quickly. It had only been a little over a month!

The interval between the first and second collapses was forty-eight years, and the interval between the second and third collapses was fourteen years.

No matter what, the fourth collapse should not happen until several years later.

“Regarding this, the science department of the Far East Branch has come up with an interesting theory – amber.”

“Yes, Bishop.”

General Kohaku switched the content of the projection: “The theory given by the Far East Branch is that the large amount of Honkai energy remaining in Changkong City originally belonged to the Herrscher of Thunder, but because the Herrscher of Thunder is the core Defeated and destroyed in a very short period of time, these Honkai Energy lost their ruler.”

“In the past month or so, perhaps based on some kind of law that we don’t understand yet, Honkai Impact spontaneously wanted to elect a new ruler, and then secretly gave birth to another law in Changkong City. By.”

“Then until yesterday, the Far East Branch observed the Honkai energy reaction when Herrscher was born. In view of the failure of the first two times and the seriousness of the situation, the third mission was led by Chief Teresa Branch and Major Wuliang Tajiko I went to Changkong City in person.”

Teresa is an S-class Valkyrie equipped with the God’s Key: Judas’ Oath, and Muyuta Himeko is also an A-class Valkyrie equipped with the Divine Key.

Although it is a newly born Herrscher, according to subsequent tests, its Honkai energy intensity is far less than that of the Herrscher of Thunder after it stabilizes, and its growth rate is also very slow, so Theresa and Muyuta Himeko will The idea that had been nipped in the cradle took the initiative.

“The result was defeat for both men.”

Otto’s eyes were slightly closed, and his crossed fingers were slightly clenched.

And Aixia’s eyes trembled.

(Aunt Theresa and Miss Wuliangta…were defeated?)

“In the report from the Far East Branch, Lady Teresa and Major Wuliangta were both injured. Their bodies were penetrated in many places, and they were infected with some kind of neurotoxin and fell into coma. They will not be able to conduct another crusade in a short period of time.”

“Therefore, as the acting temporary person in charge, I believe that this incident has exceeded the scope of the Far East Branch, and have applied for support from the headquarters – you should understand this, right?”

Alexia nodded and said seriously: “The bishop wants me to go and deal with it, right?”

“That’s right. If you can easily defeat the Herrscher of Thunder, it will certainly not be a problem to deal with a newly born Herrscher… Although it is okay to let your master handle it, but unfortunately, the previous paragraph It was time for me to put her in charge of another task, and now she can’t get away.”

“I see.”


Alexia put her legs together and raised her hands in salute: “Exia Kaslana accepts this mission. Your Lord Bishop, you can attack at any time.”

“Well, I’m looking forward to your performance, Alexia. I believe this will become your new achievement, and I’m also looking forward to your name being spread to every branch of Destiny again.” Otto smiled, “Related tasks The information, Amber will be passed directly to you, and when you arrive at the Far East Branch, they will cooperate with all your actions.”

“Although you have a record of actually defeating the Herrscher, since Theresa and an A-level Valkyrie were defeated together, you can be sure that this new Herrscher is not weak. Be careful, Ixia. “

“The departure time is in one hour. When you are ready, go to the third airport. The high-speed aircraft will be ready for you – I wish you a safe journey.”


37. Fighting openly and secretly, but someone stole the house

An hour later, on the way to the third airport.

The back seat of the car Amber was driving.

[The Herrscher is suspected to have appeared in Changkong City…is that right? 】

Through a personal terminal, Bianca, who was far away on an uninhabited island in the Indian Ocean, was talking to Alexia in the car.

[Originally, this was supposed to be a mission for me and the Immortal Blade team. Sorry, Alexia, Rita and I can’t rush back immediately at this time. In fact, the nearest branch has been notified now, but no matter how fast we rush, it will still take three hours to reach Changkong City]

The Immortal Blade led by Bianca and Rita is Destiny’s most elite Valkyrie unit. Even among the elite squads, this team is at a super elite level.

More than a month ago, if it weren’t for the fact that Exia was in Changkong City, and Changkong City was under the management of the Far East Branch, the one who would have dealt with the Third Herrscher immediately would have been the Immortal Blade.

With Destiny’s most powerful Valkyrie as the captain and one of the only three S-class members as the vice-captain, this team basically aims at the goal of “resolving any Honkai incident”.

[I’m sorry, Lady Alexia, Lady Bianca and I will meet you as soon as possible]

Rita, who was also on the side, said the same thing.

[But… wouldn’t it be a bit reluctant for you to be alone? Even if you can indeed defeat the Herrscher head-on, Ms. Theresa and Ms. Wuliang Tower failed together – do you need us to notify the Immortal Blade team to assist you in the attack? 】

The Immortal Blade is permanently stationed at the headquarters, and except for Bianca and Rita, everyone is on standby at the Destiny headquarters.

Alexia shook her head: “No, no need. The Far East Branch will assist me. What’s more, if the Immortal Blade follows me out, what if another large-scale collapse event occurs somewhere later? ? You can’t take the Immortal Blade apart.”

【makes sense】

Bianca’s tone was helpless.

[Do Kiana and the others know about this? 】

“No, I just said that I have an urgent mission, and I didn’t say where I was going… Changkong City is not a good memory for the three of them, and it’s not good for them to worry about me.”

[That’s right… I’ll leave it to you before we arrive]

“You said you don’t need to worry about me. I am super strong now. Even the Herrscher of Thunder was defeated by me. Now I am just a new Herrscher who is not as powerful as the Herrscher of Thunder. Maybe I will give you two or three before you come here.” It’s done now.” Alexia comforted with a smile, “right, Miss Aige? Saber?”

“Your Majesty the Prince is right, it is more than enough with us here.”

Sajo Aige and Artoria appeared next to Alexia.

“It doesn’t matter if Miss Bianca and Miss Rita don’t come. I will accept your efforts and thoughts, and then try three times as hard to help the prince. Please don’t worry too much, and stay well in peace.” Let’s go stargazing on Human Island.”

Still the same.

In the past two weeks, because Ixia would contact Bianca and the others from time to time, Shajo Aige had frequent interactions with the two of them. However, every time they communicated, Shajo Aige seemed to be acting normally. She was talking, but if you take a closer look, you can realize that she is competing with Bianca and Rita.

From Rita’s point of view, Sajo Aige had gathered enough energy and was serious about knocking them off the first and second positions, and then taking the position himself.

And unfortunately, Rita also had to admit that as far as the current situation is concerned, Shajo Aige can indeed provide strength to Axia better than them.

[You are really confident, Miss Ai Ge]

“Well, that’s of course, because the prince and I are the strongest together~~~ No, it should be that if the prince is really serious, he will be the strongest.”

[I agree with this]

[Lord Bianca…you don’t have to agree, it will only enhance others’ prestige]

Regarding her boss’s unconscious behavior of collaborating with the enemy, Rita could only sigh tiredly.

[Then we won’t disturb Lord Exia, and wish you all the best]

“Well, thank you, Rita, Bianca. See you later.”


Turning off the personal terminal, Alexia looked forward, and at this moment, Amber in the driver’s seat stepped on the brakes: “Master Alexia, the third airport has arrived, and the special plane is ready.”

“Okay, please send me here, Miss Amber.”

Opening the car door, Ixia picked up the long and narrow box containing the Holy Sword of Soaring and carried it on her back before walking out. She looked up at the ultra-high-speed aircraft not far away that had begun to roar with its engine.

(Another Herrscher…another Honkai…)


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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