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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 184

The hand holding the shoulder strap was slightly firm, and Alexia took a deep breath: “Then, let’s go, Miss Aige, Saber.”

“——To destroy Honkai.”


Meanwhile on the other side.

Changkong City, Qianyu Academy, at the school gate.

“Is this right here?”

A figure dressed a little strangely appeared here quietly, looking at the door number of Qianyu Academy with a bit of doubt in his eyes.

“The writing of this era is really strange… As expected, more than five hundred years have passed, and all kinds of things in the world have changed.”

[Isn’t this something you need to pay attention to? What you should be paying attention to is the person hiding in this academy – she is also a selected person, but she has taken away all the power you deserve]

It seemed as if someone was speaking next to the figure, and the space around it was slightly distorted and floating.

[Hurry up and kill her, so that you can become a complete body]

“…complete body?”

The figure stood at the door for a while, then shook his head.

“I’m not interested in this kind of thing. It’s better to say that I can’t wait to completely cut off your power.”

[Hehehe, can you do it? Besides, aren’t you the one who actively wants to deal with her? Just because she hurt that stinky girl who had a similar taste to ‘that woman’ – after so many years, you still can’t forget her]

“Well, I won’t forget it. I definitely won’t forget it.”

The figure took a step forward,

“That’s why… I can’t forgive the lady hiding here even more – I hurt Karen five hundred years ago, so at least for her reincarnation, let me avenge her once as my Atonement for her.”


A flash of cherry blossom color flashed around the figure’s waist, as if the fragrant wind that would appear when the cherry blossoms bloom in spring was blowing around like an illusion.

The figure – a girl holding a long sword – stepped into the gate of Qianyu Academy.

38. Selfish mantras

More than forty minutes later, Changkong City.

Exia had only visited this city once a month ago. Originally, Exia thought that he would never come here again after the third collapse.

Looking around, the entire Changkong City seemed to have been hit by an earthquake or some violent impact. Most of the buildings had their glass shattered, and the streets were in pieces, full of shattering cracks, and shattered. The other part is like a seesaw, with one end high and the other low, making it almost impossible to walk normally in the city.

And in the direction of the long sky wall in the distance, on the huge wall that bisected the city, a crack that seemed to have been split by something still remained on it.

Similarly, there is a gathering area of ​​buildings in the distance. There should have been a large number of buildings in the area, but now it looks like it has been chopped into pieces by someone with a super-large weapon.

“Is this Changkong City?”

Emerging from Ixia’s body, Sajo Aige looked around at the tragic scene of doomsday that could be reached with his eyes.

“When the Third Collapse occurred, the Prince fought here with the Third Herrscher, right? This look… was it caused by the aftermath of the battle between the two at that time?”

“Roughly the same.”

Alexia said with some embarrassment.

When fighting the Herrscher of Thunder, he basically didn’t pay much attention to the surrounding situation. In addition, it was the first time he faced the Herrscher, and all he wanted to do was go all out, so he inadvertently caused a lot of damage.

“The gap in the long sky wall was made by me. The upper part of the building over there that completely disappeared was cut down by my sword. As for the group of buildings that disappeared, it was me… It was the result of being influenced by Kiana and missed the target.”

“…Actually, I wanted to say it during the Holy Grail War.”

Artoria looked at Exia with some suspicion: “Master, are you… someone who doesn’t care about the surrounding environment once you start fighting?”

“Eh? Of course not-“

Exia subconsciously wanted to deny it. After all, he was very concerned about whether his power would cause Honkai energy pollution to the surroundings. He was definitely not someone who didn’t care about the environment as soon as he started fighting!

But…looking at the masterpieces he left behind in Changkong City, he also thought about what he did during the Holy Grail War. Even if Aixia truly believed that he was someone who cared about environmental issues, the facts were in front of him, and his denial really had little confidence.

“Don’t worry too much, Prince.”

Sajo Aige smiled and leaned against Alexia.

“Compared with such trivial matters, the most urgent priority is to deal with the [Mimetic Herrscher] who appears here, right?”

——The law-like person.

This is the tentative name given by the Far East Branch and Tianming Headquarters to the new Herrscher in Changkong City.

On the way here, Exia had actually contacted the Far East Branch. After all, considering the urgency of time, he did not choose to go to the Far East Branch, but came directly to Changkong City. All the information related to this mission was shared on the aircraft through the Tianming internal network.

According to the Far East Branch, the Honkai Energy in Changkong City is a spontaneous preparation to give birth to a Herrscher, but in fact the total amount of Honkai Energy is far from being able to condense the core of a Herrscher – at least not now.

Therefore, the newly born Herrscher is not a real Herrscher yet, but has a power close to that of a Herrscher, so it is more appropriate to call him “Simultaneous Herrscher”.

As for the extent of the power that the Herrscher Mimetic possesses and where it extends now, the Far East Branch also provided relevant information.

“The Herrscher Herrscher’s ability seems to be to control plants, in the form of vines, thorns and other aggressive plants. Its attacks contain strong toxins. Even Ms. Theresa cannot withstand it, and she is poisoned the moment she is hit. It’s down, and the analysis of the toxin has not yet been completed, so effective treatment cannot be carried out.”

“The location is Senba Academy in Nagakora City. The Herrscher Mimesis was a student there when he was a human. According to Ms. Wuliangta, the opponent was wearing the uniform of Senba Academy. And it seemed that the opponent could not leave Senba Academy. ,unknown reason.”

Shajo Aige repeated the information previously provided by the Far East Branch on the aircraft.

“The amount of information is really small, and it’s basically bad information. Is that okay? Prince-sama.”

“Yeah, no problem.”

Alexia put down the box on her shoulder and took out the Holy Sword of Soaring.



The steel light wings instantly appeared behind Ixia, and sacred golden flames spurted out from each wing. The burning flame light wings immediately sent Ixia high into the sky!

After searching for the location of Qianyu Academy in his memory, Exia turned and looked in its direction: “This little information is enough – let’s get started, Miss Aige, I leave the use of magic to you.”

“Okay~~~ Sir Prince.”

Shajo Aige smiled slightly, then came behind Alexia, stretched out her hands to hug his body, and with her movement, the favor of God on Alexia’s back immediately released a strong There was a burning sensation, and wing-like blue-gold lines appeared on his arms and back!

(Get ready, Prince, please tell me the spell to use.)


In the words of Sajo Aige, this is equivalent to a hint exerted on one’s own spirit, using the power of words to coordinate the effect of the forcible use of magic by the Great Holy Grail.

“I will make a wish to the Great Holy Grail.”

Alexia softly sang the incantation taught by Shajo Aige.

“My goddess, my half body, give me the power to save the world. I swear here that I will never give up as long as you are here.”

(Well… I did hear your wish, Lord Prince – after receiving the fusion object’s wish, execution begins, the entire project is skipped, and the process is ignored)

(Start using inherent magic [It will save the world])


As the Shajo Aige in his mind made such a declaration, Exia immediately felt as if something was being pried inside his body, and then power surged out from deep in his body like a flood. ! In an instant, it filled every corner of his body!


“It’s done, Prince.”

The voice of Shatiao’s love song sounded in reality again, and Alexia moved her hands and feet: “Well, I feel it. I trouble you every time.”

“It’s a piece of cake. The limited usage time is fifteen minutes, so please pay attention to the activity time.”

“I know, then-“

Taking a deep breath, Exia immediately accelerated, turning into a meteor of light and speeding toward Qianyu Academy!


Thousand Feather Academy.

The school square, which was once frozen by Exia and where a large number of infected students died, now presents a scene like a botanical ecological garden.

Large trees with a faint, melancholy light surround the edge of the square like guards, reminiscent of the high walls surrounding the courtyard.

In the surrounded [courtyard], countless vines occupied every part of the courtyard. They were so densely packed that there was almost no place to stay.

And these vines covered with spikes on the surface are like poisonous snakes that choose to bite people, shrouding a young girl in the big net they formed!

Standing on a huge blooming flower, a dark-haired girl with messy hair was looking down at the uninvited guest who had suddenly entered her territory not long ago.

“Isn’t it time to surrender?”

The black-haired girl said with a sneer.

“It’s been nearly an hour. You can last so long under my hand. You are indeed much more powerful than the red-haired aunt and the white-haired dwarf before. But no matter how powerful you are, you can only rely on the broken knife in your hand. It is impossible to defeat the power given to me by the Lord God!”

As if to show off her strength, the black-haired girl seemed to burst out of the ground behind her, and dozens of spiked vines burst out behind her, wrapping around the girl’s arms while dancing wildly.

Raising her arms, as if she were caring for her beloved gift, the girl gently stroked the vines: “I am the person chosen by the gods, so that all the plants in the world can listen to my command. Don’t resist this power.” Now, be my obediently——”

“Are you proud?”

In the prison made of vines, the girl holding the cherry-colored spiritual sword in both hands suddenly spoke, interrupting the proud words of the black-haired girl.

“Did you know that this power is an evil force that should not exist? It is the power of an evil god that will bring disaster to the world and cause many people to lose their precious lives?”

“Do you feel proud to be given such power?”

The spirit knife girl’s voice was not strong, it could be said to be quite gentle, but one could hear that her words contained extremely real feelings – just like a person who had experienced it was educating the younger generation who wanted to make the same mistakes again.

But unfortunately, the girl who is a Herrscher-like girl cannot understand her feelings at all. Instead, she opened her hands proudly and said with a smile: “Well, I am very proud! The feeling of gaining strength makes me really happy.” It’s comfortable, I never knew that being able to do what you want freely can make people feel so happy!”

“As long as I have this power, whether it is my mother who nags me for my little mistakes, or my classmates who bully me in the class…those who hate me, and who I also hate, I You can kill them all easily!”

“I’m the chosen one! It’s not me who’s wrong, I’m not wrong at all!”

Crazy words and ideas.

The spirit knife girl clenched the knife with a solemn expression: “It seems… it’s too late. My heart has been completely dominated by the evil spirit. There is no way to save it.”

This was something that had been noticed during the nearly hour-long battle, and now the spirit sword girl was just making final confirmation.

[You are still so naive. This kind of thing can be seen at a glance. You need to confirm it repeatedly like this. Get rid of her quickly.]

Beside the spirit knife girl, a hidden existence urged in a deep voice.

“I know it will be over soon.”

The blade was raised to eye level, and the spirit sword girl adjusted her breathing – now that it was confirmed that the other party had completely degenerated into a puppet of the evil god, there was no need to say more.

Just kill them, don’t let the evil spirits harm the world.


Like a gust of wind, the figure of the spirit sword girl disappeared from the place in an instant. When she reappeared, she had reached the edge of the vine cage. The spirit sword with cherry-colored flowing light was accompanied by the waving of the girl’s arm——

“Swish, swish, swish, swish!”

In an instant, dozens of sword lights and shadows flashed in the space! The extremely fierce sword energy and the extremely fast combat skills directly smashed all the barriers formed by the vines!

It wasn’t until this moment that the black-haired girl reacted suddenly, and quickly controlled more vines. The vine storm, which could almost be said to be a violent storm, immediately hit the spirit knife girl! The overwhelming vines instantly covered the entire [courtyard] surrounded by big trees!

Her own vines will be chopped into pieces by the opponent – the black-haired girl understood this deeply in the previous battle, but she will not be disappointed. After all, her greatest weapon is not the hardness of the vines themselves. As long as she delays Time will allow her real weapon to take effect, or if a blow touches the body of the spirit sword girl, then it will be her victory!

(Such a large amount, let me see how you hide——)

“Crack, click, click, click, click, click, click, click!”

Before the black-haired girl could finish her thoughts, a sound like something being torn and broken suddenly came from below! Between the gaps of countless dense vines, cherry blossom-colored light appeared faintly in the girl’s eyes, and until the end——


Like opening a hole through the entire barrier formed by the vines, the girl holding the spiritual sword directly chopped all the vines between herself and the black-haired girl to pieces! He came to her by the shortest route!

Not even ten seconds have passed!

(How can this be?!)

The black-haired girl was immediately filled with shock, and at the same time, she subconsciously wanted to distance herself and run back! But compared to the spirit sword girl, her speed is too slow!


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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