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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 185


One hand quickly grabbed the black-haired girl’s shoulder and forced her to stay in place. The spirit knife girl held the spirit knife with one hand, aimed at the fatal heart and stabbed it out!


The blade pierced through the heart, and then spread out diagonally to the side, as if it was performing seppuku on the black-haired girl, and cut her body in half on the spot!

(This is the end.)

The spirit sword girl couldn’t help but have such thoughts in her mind.

However, before she could retract the blade, before the Herrscher-like body began to fall from mid-air, and before the surrounding botanical garden-like scene began to dissipate——


Meteors of light fell from the sky without warning!


A terrifying and violent impact followed closely with roars and earth tremors! The [courtyard] created by the Herrstrator immediately fell apart and shattered under this impact! It was like a castle made of paper being torn apart easily!

Then the storm followed.

The howling and dancing strong winds and the impact ravaged everything around them. The Herrscher Mimetic and the Spirit Sword Girl were all blown away uncontrollably in the impact and storm!

(Um…what’s going on!?)

She kept adjusting her posture in the air, and finally landed on the ground in a rather reluctant posture. The spirit sword girl coughed slightly, and then immediately looked towards the direction of the impact!

Why is there this sudden impact? Was he attacked? Iron artillery team?

“Hmm… It feels like I knocked someone out?”

In the ring of smoke and dust, someone’s voice suddenly sounded, and then——


Waving the Soaring Holy Sword that had transformed back into a Holy Sword in her hand, she swept away the smoke and dust around her. Ixia put the blade on her shoulder and scanned the messy surroundings caused by her superhero landing.

“So, where is the Herrscher? Where is he?”

(Ka, Kallen——?!)

40. Miss Pink Fox

The spirit knife girl couldn’t believe what she saw in front of her.

Amidst the smoke and dust flying in the sky, the familiar figure with white hair and blue eyes fell from the sky in the most conspicuous way and forcibly broke into her sight.


For the first time, the figure of the most important person to her from five hundred years ago appeared in the spirit knife girl’s mind.

But soon, after looking at the figure falling from the sky for a few seconds, the spirit knife girl realized that she might have recognized the wrong person.

(No…that’s not right…)

“He…is not Kallen.”

It may be strange to say this, but the spirit sword girl can smell the unique scent of each person. For example, the little white-haired girl who she thought was the reincarnation of Kallen was precisely because the girl could smell the scent of that person. Only by Kallen’s scent did she think that person was Kallen’s reincarnation.

But the boy in front of him had a similar appearance to Kallen and was somewhat similar to Kallen, but he didn’t smell of Kallen at all.

I got the wrong person.

“Ah you are……”

Just when the spirit sword girl was looking at Alexia, Alexia also noticed the person looking at her, and the moment he saw her, Alexia’s eyes were involuntarily attracted to something. .

According to Alexia’s knowledge, the spirit sword girl’s dress should be a special costume of Japan, called [Miko Costume]. When he first met Raiden Mei and went to Changkong City together, he had Got some knowledge.

However, compared with the miko uniform that Exia knew, the miko uniform of the girl in front of her was very different.

A strapless miko costume, a black bottom, and a rope tied around the waist… These are all fine, but her lower body is a red plaid skirt. This is not what a miko should look like. With the addition of white stockings, it looks like a nondescript role play.

And… what Exia cares more about than this alternative modern witch costume is——


Alexia looked at the [foreign object] on the head of the cherry-haired girl in front of her, with a bit of surprise and amazement in her tone.

In terms of appearance, there is no doubt that they are [ears], a pair of slender pink ears that seem to be like an extended version of fox ears or donkey ears.

Why does she have these ears on her head?

(No, compared to this…)

Suppressing her inner curiosity for the time being, Aixia regained her mission mentality and took two steps towards the long-eared girl: “Who are you? Why are you here? It’s very dangerous here -“


The moment Alexia approached the girl, a familiar feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

Alexia quickly stopped and put down the holy sword and pointed it at the girl: “This feeling…my magic reacted to you? Are you…Honkai? A dead soldier?” “


Seeing Alexia’s sudden hostility towards her, the long-eared girl couldn’t help but darken her expression. The cherry-colored spiritual sword in her hand trembled slightly, and then was put back into the scabbard.


【escape—-! 】

The girl only had time to say one word, and an angry shout full of panic suddenly sounded in the space!

The dark mist appeared beside the girl out of thin air, like a gathering of clouds. In the blink of an eye, it quickly gathered into a dark giant beast with a fox-like appearance! And behind it, several dark tails condensed! Constantly stirring up the chaotic atmosphere around you!


The reaction of sensing the collapse reappeared in Exia’s body again!

Alexia immediately became vigilant: “Is this… some kind of special Honkai Beast? Who are you!”


[Run away, Sakura! This guy is dangerous! 】

The girl’s words were once again interrupted by the giant beast. The giant beast with scarlet eyes, exuding strong ferocity and hostility, seemed to be demonstrating and exposed its sharp fangs towards Ixia!

The spirit sword girl can’t feel it, but it can feel it… No, it can’t be said to be a feeling, it should be said to be [instinct]!

The moment he faced Exia, the giant beast instinctively had an idea.

【I will die】

It was clear that he was facing only a young boy, but the giant beast felt as if he was facing an absolutely incomparable behemoth! Facing a [giant dragon] that he could only crawl to the ground no matter what, a more terrifying [dragon] than what he was about to come!

So scary…so scary…What on earth is going on with this human being? Why does it release such a terrifying aura?

【Run away quickly! 】

The dark giant beast roared at the top of its lungs at the girl it called Sakura.

It doesn’t want to die yet, and it absolutely can’t die here, but it can’t break away from Sakura, so if it wants to escape from Exia, it can only let Sakura do it!

Run away quickly, run away with me quickly!

“Is that so…you want to escape, right?”

However, just before Sakura moved, Exia took action first, and waved her cold right hand towards the surroundings——

“Crack, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click!”

An ice wall dozens of meters high suddenly rose from the ground! Just like the previous Herrscher built a prison with vines, Ixia also directly built a high wall with her own ice, blocking all surrounding escape routes!

Carrying the holy sword and taking two more steps forward, Exia glanced at the Herrscher who had fallen to the ground not far away, with his body cut in half, and then looked back at Sakura and the jet-black tailed beast in front of him. .

“Your name is…Ms. Sakura, right? Judging from your appearance, you seem to have a lot to do with Honkai, right? After all, I have always had the feeling of “encountering Honkai” since just now, and then Plus this black beast over here…”

【Roar—-! 】

Noticing Exia’s gaze towards him, the jet-black tailed beast immediately roared, trying to force Exia back with his roar, but its own actions of taking a few steps back made its behavior even worse. Meaningless.

Withdrawing her gaze, Axia looked at Sakura for the last time: “Can’t you answer? But judging from your situation just now, you should be able to speak, right? That means you don’t want to answer…Okay, I’ll change it to something simpler and more direct. The problem.”

“Are you my enemy (Honkai)? Miss Sakura.”

The moment the last syllable fell, the surrounding air dropped directly to freezing point!

If it was an enemy, then in the next moment, his head would fall to the ground – Sakura understood this deeply.


Feeling the cold air that enveloped her whole body, Sakura gritted her teeth: “I am… Yae Sakura. I don’t want to be anyone’s enemy, I just want to find someone.”

“Looking for someone? Who are you looking for?”

“My most important friend, Karen Kaslana.”

Alexia: “!”

41.Don’t come near me!

Karen Kaslana?

Alexia never thought that she would hear the name of her ancestor in this far east place.

And, [the most important friend]?

Although I don’t know much about the deeds of Saint Karen, I am limited to the content in the historical textbooks and the part that Bishop Otto mentioned to him before. But even so, Ixia didn’t think that Saint Karen would have any friends in this far east place.

You must know that the period when Saint Karen was active was more than five hundred years ago. At that time, it was not as convenient to travel as it is now. In addition, Japan was still an island country… It would probably take at least half a year.

The Karen Saints will spend more than half a year traveling from Europe to the Far East?


(I don’t think so, Prince.)

The voice of Sajo’s love song denied Alexia’s conjecture.

(There was no sign of lying in her demeanor, I could still tell that…unless her acting skills were good enough to fool me.)

(……Is it?)

Without removing her vigilant posture, Exia kept moving at any time to subdue Yae Sakura and knock her down instantly. At the same time, she asked in a deep voice: “Do you… know the ancestor of Kallen?”


The unexpected title made the spirit sword girl who called herself Yae Sakura a little surprised: “You are… By the way, Kallen told me that white hair and blue eyes are the characteristics of her family—— Are you a descendant of Kallen?”

“…I am Alexia Kaslana, and I am indeed a descendant of Kallen Kaslana.”

(Knew it.)

Although it has been confirmed that the person in front of her is not Kallen, in Yae Sakura’s view, Exia and Kallen really have many similarities, and they are worthy of being born in the same family.

“So, can you please tell me Kallen…no, where is Kallen’s reincarnation?” Yae Sakura then asked, “Although I don’t know how long it has been since then, but I think Kallen must have passed away, right? Previously, I saw a little girl with the same smell as Kallen from a distance. I think that should be Kallen’s reincarnation. If you know where she is, please tell me. “

“I…I want to see Karen again no matter what!”

(A little girl with the same smell as Kallen’s ancestor? And she’s from the Far East… Could it be Aunt Theresa?)

When it comes to people in the Far East who have a relationship with Kallen Kaslana, the only one Ixia can think of is Theresa. Although her surname is Apokalis, her various characteristics All of them are in line with Kaslana’s situation, coupled with the white hair and blue eyes appearance that belongs to Kaslana’s family, even if they are not directly related to Kaslana, they are definitely related to Kaslana.

Is the person Yae Sakura is looking for Aunt Theresa?

Alexia frowned, then shook her head and said: “I’m sorry, I can’t take you to see her. Because before that, I still have something to ask you. If you can give me an answer that satisfies me, I will think about it–“

【Roar——–! 】

A beast roar suddenly interrupted Exia!

The dark giant beast floating next to Yae Sakura seemed to have reached its limit of endurance, and its body gradually expanded, as if its hair was exploding!

[Stop talking nonsense to him, Sakura! I can tell you clearly that no matter what you say, this guy will never let you go in the end! All people with his appearance are like this! Listen to me and run away! 】

“Eh? But——”

【Escape quickly! If we don’t escape…]

The dark giant beast seemed to have made a major decision, and the tails behind it suddenly stretched out! Flame-like phosphorescence ignited on each tail one after another, and then condensed into a ball of dark red fox fire!

Yae Sakura suddenly realized its intention: “Wait! Stop, Hitamamaru——”


The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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