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The Paladin on the Infinite Tour — Chapter 186

【Roar—-! 】

Before the words to stop him could be fully uttered, the fox fire burst out with a low roar, turning into countless flying flames and sparks, which rained down on Exia!


Instantly placing her hand on the hilt of the knife at her waist, Yae Sakura immediately wanted to help Alexia withstand the rain of fire!

However, the moment she wanted to leave——


In an instant, accompanied by a wave of extreme cold that passed through her body at a rapid speed, Yae Sakura felt that her five senses had stopped for a moment, and when she came back to her senses from this moment of sluggishness, she was blocked by the high wall of ice. The enclosed [courtyard] has turned into a world covered in ice! The ice blue crystal seals everything inside!

Even the flames that filled the sky were frozen in mid-air!

“Did you convert Honkai energy into flames? Although your compatibility with me is a bit different, the output gap between us is too big.”

With a thin layer of frost and snow covering her body, Exia glanced coldly at the fox-shaped black giant beast that Yae Sakura called [Hitamaru]: “You seem to have some prejudice against me? Or have you ever said that? Have you met any of my ancestors?”

[Bing…as expected…you and him are the same! 】

“Same? Who are you talking about?”

Alexia took a step forward——

【do not come! Don’t come near me! 】

This small movement immediately made Hitamaru roar in fear! The fox tail behind him danced even more violently, and a larger ball of fox fire formed in an instant, aiming at Exia like an arrow!

“Hitamaru, calm down! This is not the time -“

【Don’t come over! 】


The fox fire fell with the roar of Hitamamaru, but this time it seemed to be more about preventing Exia from going further than attacking Exia. The range that the fox fire could cover was only at the very edge, which could affect Ike. place in West Asia.


The erupting sea of ​​fire directly submerged Exia’s figure on the other side. After forcibly separating him and Yae Sakura on both sides of the sea of ​​fire, Hitamaru immediately angrily yelled at Yae Sakura——

[Don’t be stunned, run quickly! If he doesn’t run away, he will definitely…]

“Calm down first, Hitamaru, have you been acting strange since just now?” Yae Sakura looked at the black fox next to her with a puzzled face.

It was obviously an evil beast that once destroyed her life and almost plunged her into despair, but why was it so scared now? It was like meeting a natural enemy.

“Hitamaru, are you afraid of him?”

【none of your business! Hurry up if you want to survive——]


The sound of the sea of ​​fire being frozen forcibly interrupted Hitamamaru’s urging, and he was shattered by a blow the next moment!

Standing among the scattered ice crystals, Exia stared at Hitamamaru and Yae Sakura with cold eyes, and then wordlessly raised the holy sword burning with flames.

Hitamaru trembled several times when he saw this!



【don’t want——–! 】

A mournful roar erupted from Hitamaru’s mouth! Both Exia and Yae Sakura couldn’t help being shocked by this so piercing cry!

And then, I don’t know if it was the effect of the scream——

“Buzz buzz buzz————————————!”

Strong tremors suddenly came from all directions!

“Dong dong dong dong——————————!”

The earth also began to vibrate and roar one after another!

“Hoo ho ho ho——————————!”

The raging wind roared and raged under the sky!

The entire Changkong City seemed to have been activated by Hitamamaru’s scream, and a sudden change occurred that no one had expected!

42. The fourth collapse? Arrival?

Far Eastern Branch, Scientific Department, Headquarters.

“Beep, beep, beep, beep!”

In the past, there should have been only the quiet sound of keyboard typing, but now it is occupied by the sound of alarms that cannot stop, and all the screens display red warning signs!

“Da da da da…”

Accompanied by a burst of hurried footsteps, Valkyrie, who is now the acting commander of the Far East Branch, hurriedly came to the command seat: “What happened? Report!”

“Yes! Just now, a rapid increase in the intensity of Honkai energy was detected in Changkong City!”

“What’s the specific value?!”

“Almost the same as more than a month ago! And a new Herrscher reaction has been confirmed!”

“What did you say?!”

The acting commander’s heart almost stopped.

Originally, the fact that the intensity of Honkai energy in Changkong City had been increasing made the insiders of the entire Far East branch a little uneasy. However, because the speed of improvement was not extremely fast, they were still taking chances.

[The fourth collapse should not occur at this time].

Even if Branch Chief Teresa and Major Wuliangta suffered setbacks in their fight against the Herrscher, now that Alexia Kaslana, the headquarters elite who had defeated the Herrscher, has arrived, the situation in Changkong City should be It can also calm down quickly.

However, now, the sudden emergency has made everyone realize their naivety again!

(Just over a month…how fast?!)

The intensity of Honkai energy is almost the same as that of the third Honkai Impact, and the new Herrscher reaction—the combination of the two means a very clear meaning!

“The fourth…Honcollapse!”

The acting commander’s voice was suppressed to the limit, and the shock and disbelief contained in his words could be heard by everyone present, even if it had been suppressed as much as possible.

But now, in the absence of Theresa and Wuliangta Jizi, as the acting commander, she is the highest person in charge, and should shoulder the responsibility of commanding the overall situation.

But the fourth collapse… She didn’t feel like she could take responsibility for such a big situation!

“Anyway, anyhow! Immediately contact the headquarters and report what happened in Changkong City! Then send a notification to the entire academy, gather the third-year trainees and all the Valkyries who can perform field duties, board the Hyperion and prepare to attack!”


Suppressing the complex emotions in her heart, the acting commander tried her best to give effective instructions, even though she knew that the Far East branch’s attack might be in vain – after all, Teresa and Wuliangta Jizi were still poisoned and comatose, and the rest No matter how many A-level and B-level Valkyries there are, it will definitely be a drop in the bucket when facing the Herrscher.

All we can hope for is…

“Also, confirm the situation of Alexia Kaslana! Can he locate his location through satellite?”

“about this……”

A Valkyrie on the console below turned her head: “Because the intensity of Honkai energy is too high, the positioning system is temporarily unable to perform precise positioning, but it can be confirmed that Alexia Kaslana arrived in the sky four minutes ago. City, and the last coordinates located were near Senba Academy.”

“Senba Academy is the place with the highest Honkai Impact intensity in Chokora City, and it is also the source of this huge increase in Honkai Impact Energy intensity.”

This is equivalent to saying that Alexia Kaslana has come into contact with the Herrscher!

The acting commander couldn’t help clenching his fists on the command seat.

(What is the situation in Changkong City now? Alexia Kaslana… Damn it, I really hope he can solve this situation as soon as possible like he did more than a month ago!)


A few minutes later, Tianming Headquarters.

Inside Otto’s office.

“Bishop, just now we received an urgent contact from the Far East Branch!”

Walking into the office anxiously, Amber handed the terminal in front of Otto.

“In recent times, the peak intensity of Honkai energy in Changkong City has been rising. Now it has increased to almost the same level as the third Honkai Impact in an instant, and it is different from the confirmed Herrscher of Thunder and that Similar to the Herrscher, the Far East Branch has also confirmed the third Herrscher reaction.”

“Now, the Far East Branch speculates that the fourth collapse has occurred in Changkong City, and is applying to the headquarters for support from the Valkyrie Troops.”

“Then… Lord Exia is suspected to have been in contact with the Herrscher.”

“…It’s really unexpected.”

After listening to Amber’s emergency report, Otto tapped his fingers on the desk a few times and frowned at the report in his hand.

His idea of ​​sending Exia to Changkong City was very simple, just so that he could become famous all over the world again. First the Third Herrscher, and then the Mimic Herrscher. With successive victories, he would undoubtedly be able to obtain the title in a short time. Very high reputation.

This is necessary for his future.

However, the Fourth Honkai Impact and the Fourth Herrscher… Even Otto did not expect that the situation would evolve to this point.

Holding his chin with both hands, Otto thought for a while and then said: “There is no need for support at the moment. Since Exia is there, there is no need for extra combat power. I believe he can handle it properly… wait until he After the good news comes from over there, the Valkyrie troops will be sent to deal with the aftermath.”

“I see.”

“In addition, use satellites to confirm the identity of the Herrscher appearing in Changkong City. According to records, the fourth Herrscher should be the Herrscher of Wind – if the identity is confirmed, try to contact Exia and provide him with relevant information. “


“As for Bianca… I remember that she should be leaving for Changkong City soon, right?”

Amber nodded: “According to the schedule, Lord Hollander and Miss Rita will set off in about an hour. Do they need to be recalled to the headquarters temporarily?”

“Hmm… No need, let them go to Changkong City as usual. If Exia doesn’t move so fast, they should still be able to catch up – the Far East branch should stay calm for now.”


After writing down all Otto’s orders, Amber quickly left the office.

Rubbing his temples slightly, Otto sighed: “The fourth Honkai…and it’s Changkong City again. Is that land related to Honkai? However, this is fine for you. Okay, right? Exia.”

“For you who have awakened, killing Honkai is your unavoidable fate – until you can perfectly control yourself, just follow your nature and fight, my dear [Kaslana]. “

43. Light cannon against waves!

Thousand Feather Academy.

In a courtyard surrounded by ice walls.

“Boom boom boom boom————————!”

Like a volcano erupting, pitch-black fox fire was continuously erupting from the black fox, as if it was going to devour Yae Sakura, and attached itself to her one after another!

With the explosion of this fox fire, the surrounding Honkai energy – perhaps the entire Chokora City – seemed to have received a call and pull, rushing in from all directions, forming a formation visible to the naked eye above Senba Academy. A raging [whirlpool]!

The storm roared and raged in the space under the whirlpool, and the extremely violent wind blew on Aixia. The momentum was so strong that he almost became unsteady on his feet.

“Hmm…what’s going on?”

She inserted the holy sword into the ground to stabilize her body, and blocked the strong wind with one hand. Exia looked in the direction of Yae Sakura with half-open eyes.

What caught his sight was the appearance of Yae Sakura, who seemed to have begun to merge with the black fox. Her whole body was covered in a large amount of fox fire, and she could only half-kneeling on the ground holding the spiritual sword.

“Oh … ah … live …… Stop … uh, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah—–“! “

The girl’s pitiful cry made Alexia frown slightly, and her hand held the hilt of the holy sword a little harder.

Although I have no idea what the current situation is, judging from the current situation, I can confirm a few things.

First of all, the relationship between Yae Sakura and the black fox next to her should be similar to that of Exia and Sajo Aige, but for some unknown reason, the black fox went berserk and began to erode Yae Sakura’s body.

Secondly, the black fox seems to know Exia, or knows someone who is also Kaslana and can also use the power of frost. Moreover, the black fox has an extraordinary level of fear of Kaslana, even if he knows Alexia was not that person, and the black fox instinctively felt fear and fear.

at last…….

“Yae Sakura is my enemy now.”

(Are you going to have sex? Master.)

The voice that sounded in my mind was not the voice of Sandjo’s love song, but Artoria’s voice.



The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

The Paladin on the Infinite Tour

Status: Completed Author:


Alexia had always thought that her whole life would be like this. She could not fight against the Honkai like the Valkyrie. She could only work as a data organizer under Bishop Otto, receive her salary every month and wait to die. That's fine, the worst case scenario is letting his childhood sweetheart Bianca raise him.
Until one day——
[Do you desire power? Yes or No? 】
Such a sudden appearance in Exia's field of vision eventually led him to embark on a path of no return as a professional world saver in countless worlds.
"It's really not that I want to save the world, but that I saved the world without knowing it."
Alexia Kaslana said.
(The introduction is difficult, please read the text. The new book is on the way, please give me your advice.)


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